Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 150 Gungun’s Wish (I)

Chapter 150 Gungun’s Wish (I)

Chapter 150 Gungun’s Wish (I)

Gungun is six years old, and begins to go to the senior class of the kindergarten.

Today is the first day of school, so Yan Hua tells him that he can wear his favorite clothes and not have to take school uniforms.

“Can I wear whatever I like?” Gungun asks.

Yan Hua glances at her son. As his thoughts are always strange, she adds. “It’s summer, take T-shirt and shorts of course.”

Gungun runs downstairs in ten minutes. “Mommy!”

Pooh! Yan Hua almost spits the milk out of her mouth, then she calms down and asks. “Gungun, where did you get these clothes?

“Sister Xiaojiu gave it to me!” Gungun turns around. “Isn’t it lovely?”

Gungun recedes the baby fat these two years and grows delicate and pretty. Yan Hua doesn’t know how many advertiser offers and guest appearance invitations she has to turn down each month. She can see that her son will fail many girls in the future.

But! What the hell do you mean by dressing up as a little girl?

“Gungun...” Seeing her son dancing in a small pink shirt, Yan Hua rubs between her eyebrows. “Do you know you are a boy?”

Gungun bites his fingers. “But I want to be a girl!”

“You can’t be a girl. You can only be a boy all your life.” Yan Hua looks at him seriously. “Didn’t you say you were a man to protect Mommy in future? If you were not a boy, who would protect Mommy?”

Gungun squints at her. “Daddy says he will protect you...”

“So Gungun doesn’t love Mommy anymore, and isn’t going to protect mum, is it?” Yan Hua covers her face and pretends to be sobbing. “Ooh... Ooh...”

Gungun hugs her quickly: “Mommy, I love you the most! More love than Daddy!”

“Is Gungun going to protect Mommy?” Yan Hua takes the change to ask.

“Yes, sure!” Seeing her son answers firmly, Yan Hua is just ready to relief while hears him say. “Mommy, you rest assured. I will find a strong little brother to protect our family and you!”

Yan Hua is speechless.

Children speak without restraint, but sometimes his words turn out to be a prophecy. During the National Day holiday, Lang Ruoxian takes the family to take a vocation in Yunnan Province, of which over 80 percent is forested with plenty of wildlife.

“It comes again! It comes again!” They stay in the cabin at the red panda forest base this night.

It’s the only reserve in China where wild red pandas are kept on a large scale. The reproduction base is located in the forest park, with over ten cabins for visitors to live. It takes a long time to book due to the limited reception.

“What’s the matter?” Yan Hua stops a waiter at the door.

The waiter says hurriedly. “A wolf! The wolf is stealing food recently.” He runs away with a thick stick in hand.

Lang Ruoxian pulls Yan Hua back. “Do not join in. There’s nothing to see about wolves!”

“I wanna see!” Feeling his trousers yanked, Lang Ruoxian looks down to see Gungun’s bright eyes. “Daddy, I wanna see the wolf!”

On hearing his words, Yan Hua quickly closes the window. “None of us will see it. Go back!”

Gungun considers that Daddy will certainly doesn’t let him to see if Mommy says no, so he is disappointed on the window. Lang Ruoxian and Yan Hua talk to each other and leave him alone in the living room. At about 9 o’clock in the evening, Lang Ruoxian carries Gungun upstairs to bed and tucks him in.

“Time to sleep! We’re going to see the red panda early tomorrow morning.”

However, Gungun jumps out of the quilt. “Daddy! There’s a monster in bed!”

..”.” Lang Ruoxian almost misses him and takes him to his arms. “How many times I told you it’s dangerous to...”

He is suddenly silent, for the quilt just moved.

“It moves! Moves!” Gungun screams and puts his arms around Lang Ruoxian’s neck.

Lang Ruoxian lifts the quilt, and both father and son stare.

“Daddy... Is it a monster?” Gungun whispers at Lang Ruoxian’s ear.

Lang Ruoxian glances at him. “No. It’s a child.”

The child under the quilt seems to be the same age as Gungun, about six or seven years old. But he’s dirty in long hair that covers his face.

Before Lang Ruoxian realizes it, the kid jumps out of bed and retreats into the corner with a muffled sound.

“Daddy...” Gungun is afraid. How can this kid behave so differently from other children?

Lang Ruoxian frowns and takes Gungun to the door. “Good boy, go to Mommy.”

Gungun looks at him, then at the strange child on the floor making a loud noise, and he runs away fast.

“What the hell are you?” Lang Ruoxian asks, rolling up his sleeves.

Confronting each other, the strange boy and Lang Ruoxian walk slowly around the room. Lang Ruoxian closes the distance quietly, and with a sudden thrust of his hand he is about to seize the neck of the kid, but the boy quickly evades him. Lang Ruoxian feels a sharp pain on his wrist.

“Ow-ow-ow...” The strange child jumps onto the wardrobe and cries out the window. Soon the same cry comes from outside.

Lang Ruoxian frowns deeply at these three cats on his wrist.

“The werewolf...” After hearing it for a while, he affirms that the child’s cry is exactly the same as the wolf’s, which seems to echo him from a distance.

He shuts the windows and doors, and the kid on the wardrobe keeps whistling. Lang Ruoxian texts, and his bodyguards live next to him rushes over in a few minutes.

“Catch him.” Lang Ruoxian looks at the agitated child. “Be careful. He is probably raised by wolves.”

As soon as they hear his words, the bodyguards take out the ropes. They certainly can’t use knife and gun, as the boss just say of is to catch him, not to kill him...

Lang Ruoxian closes the door and hears the shouts and fights from inside. He shakes his wrist and opens the next door to see Yan Hua standing in the doorway.

“What’s happened? What the hell is it? Yan Hua asks nervously, noticing his wrist hurt. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s alright. Scratched by a wild child.” Lang Ruoxian kisses her and turns his head to see that his son is asleep in a ball.

Yan Hua treats his wound and is surprised and worried to hear that it may be a wolf child. “Good. We go back tomorrow to get you vaccinated.”

“No...” Lang Ruoxian wants to say no, but he can’t when he looks into her eyes. “Okay. Go back tomorrow and I take the injection.”

He thinks half an hour will be enough to catch the child, but it takes two hours for the bodyguards to knock on the door.

“First Young Master...” One of the bodyguard’s arms is hanging down, obviously broken.

Lang Ruoxian squints. “Where’s it?” josei

“In a cage.”

The cage is secretly taken from the administration center. Lang Ruoxian goes to the living room to see a dark thing lying in big cage two meter wide.

“The boy is very tough and not afraid to die.” The arm broken bodyguard says angrily. “We are all wounded by him. One of us even has a puncture in the thigh.”

Lang Ruoxian’s face cools. “You all go to the hospital. Call Xiaokai and have him fly in tomorrow.”

“Young Master, everyone in the neighborhood knows the child who often steals poultry on the sly.” When Xiaokai arrives, it costs him only a morning to find out.

The child was an abandoned baby whose families died in the earthquake a few years ago. His uncle adopted him at first, but neighbors found out later that the uncle molested him and called the police, who decided to send the kid to a welfare home.

“Who knows his uncle was crazy and threw him one night into the mountains where the wolves haunt frequently.” Xiaokai’s baby face is disdainful. “The man’s worse than an animal!”

The police searched later for him for several days without any results. All thought that the child was eaten by the wolf.

“So he was saved by the wolf, and then he ran back to steal the villagers.” Yan Hua shakes her head. “Poor boy! Fortunately he was not injured yesterday.”

Lang Ruoxian smiles. “The boy is raised by wolves. The bodyguards can’t grasp him, and they finally have to use tranquilizer gun.”

“He shall be awake soon.” The baby face looks at the direction of the living room. “Young Master, what’s your plan to deal with him?”

Seeing Yan Hua staring at him, Lang Ruoxian can’t help rubbing her head. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt him.”

“If I could...” Yan Hua thinks about it and says. “Could we bring him back to human society, as he’s a man after all!”

“Sure.” Lang Ruoxian listens to his wife.

As everyone avoids it intentionally, Gungun doesn’t see the strange child again until the evening they leave Yunnan Province.

“Mommy, where’s the child yesterday?” Gungun finally asks as the plane takes off.

Yan Hua smiles. “Why are you asking now?”

“I...” Gungun lowers his head in embarrassment. “I’m afraid! Did Daddy catch him? Was he given to the police?”

“He is the same kid as you. How can we send him to the police?” Yan Hua touches her son’s head. “Ask Daddy. He promised to take good care of him.”

Gungun looks at Lang Ruoxian, who is sitting next to Yan Hua. And Lang Ruoxian asks. “Shall I take him home for your company?”

“No!” Gungun says with eyes widened. “I don’t wanna play with a monster kid!”

Yan Hua looks at him gravely. “He is not a monster kid. He has no parents and can only live alone in mountains.”

“So... So I can find him mom and dad.” Gungun says sadly. “I don’t wanna him to live in our house.”

Yan Hua smiles. “Nice wish! Daddy is teasing you!”

However, Yan Hua is surprised to see Lang Ruoxian bring back one month later a little... girl.

“You say she is that... that...” She covers her mouth to lower the voice. “Is she that wolf child?”

Lang Ruoxian puts his arms around her. “Yes. We made a mistake. She is a girl.”

The little girl is thin and comely with the hair even to her ears, and she is well groomed in a pink tracksuit this time. Yan Hua considers that she will be quite a charming child if well cared for.

“Hello!” Yan Hua greets her gently.

But the little girl’s face turns ferocious abruptly and is about to bite her. Lang Ruoxian kicks her out with his foot, and the girl hits the wall and falls onto the ground squealing.

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