Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 171 Come to the Appointment

Chapter 171 Come to the Appointment

Chapter 171 Come to the Appointment

Last time Huang Rong went to Haiti, she drugged He Zheng. Otherwise the man wouldn’t have touched her.

“You really...” After hearing what she said, Yan Hua doesn’t know what expression she should have.

However, Fei Ying looks excited. “Is he willing to be responsible?”

“Of course!” Huang Rong has a self-satisfied look. “He liked me originally, but he kept refusing me because he had always been afraid of getting me into trouble.”

“Has he known that you are pregnant?”

The smile on Huang Rong’s face fades away. “I don’t want to tell him.”

“Why? He likes you, doesn’t he? Isn’t he willing to take responsibility?”

Huang Rong scratches her fingernails. “We have agreed that I will wait for him for another three years, and he will retire in three years. Then he will come to G City and we can get married. But... if I tell him now that I am pregnant, he will certainly come back in advance.”

“That’s just right!” Fei Ying doesn’t know why she is sad.

Huang Rong shakes her head. “You don’t understand. If he has to choose between the country and me, He Zheng will definitely choose the country. He has the blood of a soldier and is ready to sacrifice at any time.”

“I understand him.” Yan Hua admires soldiers very much.

“He said that if it weren’t for me, he would have been at the forefront all his life. When he can’t serve anymore and the country doesn’t need him anymore, he will retire from the army.”

Fei Ying cries “Gee!” for several times. “But it is inappropriate for you not to tell him. After all, he is the father of the child. Besides, if you don’t tell him that, do you want to have the baby alone? What will you tell your parents?”

“So I come to ask you to help me figure this out!” Huang Rong scratches her head. “The child is only two months old, which is not evident. But I won’t be able to hide it in another few months.”

Her eyes flash, and Yan Hua frowns. “Is there anything else you haven’t said?”

“Oh... it’s not important!”

“Look at you. There must be something important!” Fei Ying bangs the table, “Tell us quickly!”

Huang Rong stammers. “I just said that... he didn’t want to touch me or admit to like me. I deliberately got drunk and forced him to have sex with me...”

“You are really an iron lady!” Fei Ying gives her a thumb up.

“I must be brave once for love in my life!” Huang Rong clenches her fists and then goes on to say, “He told me afterwards that he did like me but he was afraid of delaying me. Since we had done that, we must be together in the future. Later... later when we made love, he wore the condom.”

Yan Hua blinks. “You punctured the condom.”

She uses an affirmative sentence.

“So... Pregnancy was planned by you. Are you going to use this to negotiate with your family?”

Fei Ying gives her two thumbs up. “Heroine!”

Huang Rong says embarrassedly, “Well... I had no other choices.”

“Your problem now is not He Zheng, but your family.” Yan Hua says, “He Zheng won’t be angry because you are pregnant. As you said, at most he will retire in advance. And this is not necessary. If you two can negotiate well, he can continue to stay in the army.”

“Hua is right!” Fei Ying agrees, “I don’t think your family will agree just because you are pregnant. Maybe they will let you have an abortion secretly and force you to ally with another powerful family by marriage right away.”

Huang Rong looks sorrowful. “I can’t help it either. It’s better for me to have a child as a bargaining chip than to say it by myself.”

At least she thinks she will have more courage for the sake of the child in her belly.

“I don’t think we can help with this.” Yan Hua sees Huang Rong disappointedly look at her and then says, “I shall ask Lang Ruoxian when I go back.”

Huang Rong’s eyes light up in an instant. “Is that okay? Is it inconvenient?”

“He Zheng’s people helped him a lot when he was kidnapped. He should return the favor.” Yan Hua smiles. “However, I don’t know whether he can help until I ask him, and he may not have a solution.” josei

After all, it is one of Huang Rong’s family matters.

Huang Rong is very relieved. Her family that is an upstart is especially willing to build a relationship with the kind of rich and powerful family such as Lang Consortium. As long as Lang Ruoxian is willing to help, she estimates that her father can really agree.

“He Zheng?” Lang Ruoxian searches this person in his mind.

When he was kidnapped, He Zheng provided manpower and material resources. Military vehicles were more convenient than any other transportation tools in a place like that. After the event, he personally called He Zheng. But He Zheng didn’t want money or anything in return. He only said one sentence.

“It is my bounden duty to protect the safety of the people.”

“He is a born soldier. He is full of patriotic feeling for the country.” Lang Ruoxian comments on He Zheng. “If he is allowed to choose, the national interest is above all else.”

Yan Hua nods. Soldiers are not ordinary people. In the barracks, after a lot of trainings, even the extremely disqualified civilians will be forged into the highly qualified soldiers. No matter how undisciplined and carefree your nature is, you must obey military orders to be ready to sacrifice and fight at any time.

“If I were him, I would not have done it.” Lang Ruoxian kisses Yan Hua’s mouth corner. “I can’t leave you behind and I don’t have that great love.”

“I can’t do it, either...” Yan Hua sighs, “What you mean is that he won’t be demobilized?”

Lang Ruoxian picks up his mobile phone. “I don’t know, but he will definitely be responsible. I shall contact him first.”

Yan Hua also knows that He Zheng will certainly be responsible. Not to mention that he is a soldier, even Lang Ruoxian won’t be half-loath and half-consenting to have sex with a woman just because she has drunk.

If He Zheng didn’t like Huang Rong, he wouldn’t have had sex with her at all.

“I can’t find him.” Two days later, Lang Ruoxian says, “He must be on some kind of mission.”

Yan Hua contacts Huang Rong, but even Huang Rong cannot find He Zheng.

“You tell her that I will sign a business cooperation agreement with Huang Consortium and let her use this to negotiate with her family.”

“Is it appropriate?” Yan Hua wants to help Huang Rong, but she also does not want to influence Lang Ruoxian’s decision.

Lang Ruoxian hugs her. “Lang Hongyue was in charge of some business before. Although the company has taken back her authority, the partners are all her people. I am planning to change our partners. The company of Huang Rong’s family has originally been under consideration.”

“Really?” Yan Hua smiles with curved eyes. “That’s great!”

Lang Ruoxian can’t help kissing her. After they finish kissing, he touches Yan Hua’s red lips. “You just tell Huang Rong so. She is smart and will know what to do.”

Huang Rong is almost mad with joy when she hears it. She runs to Yan Hua’s house on the same day.

“What did you buy?” Yan Hua opens the door and sees her carrying several handbags.

“Gifts for you!” When Huang Rong comes in, she takes out handbags.

Two of them are quarterly limited editions, and Yan Hua has other colors of them.

“Don’t tell me you have this. You can’t have one with this color.” Huang Rong says pleasantly, “This is the only one in the entire Asia-Pacific region. I have entrusted a lot of people to buy it.”

Yan Hua brings her a cup of red jujube tea. “Why are you so polite? Try it, which is made by myself. It is suitable for pregnant women.”

“This is not being polite, but being grateful!” Huang Rong postures like praying, “I must have saved the galaxy in my last life, so I am lucky to know you. You say, how many times have you saved me?”

Yan Hua is amused by her. “You should have a good consideration. These handbags can’t be bought anymore.”

“Oh, I’m going to have a baby soon, so I won’t have many chances to use them this year.” Huang Rong says with a self-satisfied look.

Yan Hua looks at her belly. “You’ve just been pregnant, and there are still seven months to go!”

“Yes! Yes! The doctor said that the expected date of delivery was estimated to coincide with the Chinese New Year. How wonderful! I hope he will be born on the first day of the new year, which is lucky!” Huang Rong is particularly excited, “I will have something common with you and can talk about babies in various ways.”

“Where is the baby?” After taking a nap, Gungun runs downstairs.

Huang Rong enviously looks at him. “I wish I could give birth to a baby as good-looking as Gungun.”

“Aunt, do you have a baby in your belly?” Gungun surprisingly asks. He also walks around the sofa. Finally he squats down to the front of Huang Rong, “Where is it?”

“Does he know?” Huang Rong thought Gungun didn’t understand these.

Yan Hua hands cool boiled water to Gungun. “There is a child in their kindergarten whose mother is pregnant with a second child. He has seen her, but the mother’s belly has already been very big. He doesn’t see you have a big belly, so he asks where the baby is.”

“Because the baby is still small, you can’t see it. After a few months, aunt’s belly will be big!” Huang Rong explains seriously to Gungun, and Gungun also seriously nods his small head.

“Well! When the baby is born, I’ll take him to play.” Then he throws himself into Yan Hua’s arms and kisses her on the face. “Mom, can I have some snacks?”

Yan Hua points to the small parlor. “There, go!”

She has counted the time and takes the pudding out of the refrigerator to put there in advance.

Gungun happily runs to eat pudding. Yan Hua continues her question. “Haven’t you found a way to contact He Zheng?”

“I dare not.” Huang Rong’s expression becomes a little worried. “He left me a number to contact for emergency before, but I’m afraid that he may be on a mission. In case he goes undercover... I’d better not contact him now.”

“Then you don’t have to worry too much. The task now is to get your family’s approval and then take good care of the fetus.” Yan Hua pats her hand. “Come to me whenever you have any questions.”

Huang Rong doesn’t leave until evening. At dinner time, Fei Ying hears that Huang Rong is here, she also runs over to eat together. Then a few days later, Yan Hua hears Lang Ruoxian say that Huang Rong has overcome her family and is renovating a new house. It is estimated that she plans to live in it after getting married in the future.

In mid-July, it is muggy. Xiaojiu goes to the film crew to take shooting every day. Mingxi is not here, either. So Gungun plays at home by himself. When Mingxi left, he left the dog to Gungun to look after, who is very serious and walks the dog every day without variation.

“Yan Hua, this is Qiang Di.”

Yan Hua is not surprised when she receives the call, or she has been waiting for Qiang Di to call her.

“Come out and have a chat?” Qiang Di smiles over the phone.

“Okay, where?”

“We will just go to your clubhouse, or it’s not convenient for you to take Gungun with you.”

Yan Hua naturally agrees. The two women have had an appointment and Qiang Di says when they hang up the phone.

“You’d better not tell Ruoxian. I don’t want him to come and stare at us before we have said a few words.”

Yan Hua smiles quietly. “Well, I won’t tell him.”

When Fei Ying knows that Yan Hua is going to meet Qiang Di, she insists on going with Yan Hua. It happens that Xiaojiu has no filming on that day, so they take the two little children to the Clubhouse together. When they arrive there, Qiang Di has already been there, and several young girls gather around her to ask her to sign her name.

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