Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 203 The Feast Starts

Chapter 203 The Feast Starts

Chapter 203 The Feast Starts

On the morning of the 6th day of the first lunar month, Yan Hua’s custom dress is delivered to her, along with Lulu, a popular stylist in Yanjing.

“My God! When I know you’re back, my career is shining again!” Lulu raises the orchid fingers, saying softly.

Lulu’s long hair to the waist is loosely tied in the back of head. In the cold winter, Lulu just wears the silk clothes with long sleeve and a wool pant-skirt. Lulu also wears a furry faux fur coat outside when Lulu comes in.

Lang Ruoxian is speechless. He decided to monitor his wife’s stylist before. But now he gives up. Because Lulu is a man.

Yan Hua has checked out Lulu. It is said that he comes from the south, but he has a patron. So he always does what he wants to do and chooses which one he likes to serve. Even if you spend much money, you can’t invite him easily. He also has a venomous tongue and often teases some noble women who dress like shit or something... josei

But no one knows why he likes Tang Duo. All rich ladies know Tang Duo is made up by Lulu whichever party she participates. It’s useless that they feel jealous because he never cares about them.

“Honey!” Lulu calls Yan Hua and hugs her first, then stares at her face for a long time. He says exaggeratedly, “Oh! Let me see... Fortunately, you are not old at all without any wrinkles. It seems that you are more beautiful. Is love really so important to women?”

Yan Hua smiles beautifully, “Yes. You will know if you find a man to have a try.”

“Alas! I want to. But I’ve not got a suitable one.”

That’s true! Lulu is a homosexuality. He likes men and thinks that he is a woman.

“Let me see your dress tonight.” Lulu takes her upstairs and looks for a few seconds as he passes by Lang Ruoxian. Then Lulu covers his mouth and chuckles, “I know why you get married now. This man looks better than you!”

Yan Hua also chuckles, “Yes. I haven’t seen a man who looks better than my husband.”

“Does he have any brothers?” Lulu asks her directly when they go upstairs.

Yan Hua turns around and waves her hand to Lang Ruoxian. Then she whispers to Lulu, “He has a younger cousin which is his uncle’s son.”

“Do you have his WeChat number? I want to add...”

Lang Ruoxian sits down on the sofa with a straight face. Chang Pei’e smiles and pats him, “Don’t mind it. Lulu has no malice. He just likes Hua very much. They are good sisters.”

“Grandma, I don’t mind.” Lang Ruoxian’s eyes are soften down and he says, “Don’t worry. I know which one is good for Hua.”

Chang Pei’e nods and talks a lot again.

“You know we spoil Hua. But you don’t know how cute she was when she was a child.”

“When she was in primary school, she had a good relationship with her classmates. On her 12th birthday, her grandfather gave her a birthday party in the hotel. As a result, none of the children came. She dressed beautifully that day and waited at the door for three hours by herself.”

“The next day when she went to school, she heard her close friends’ words. They said in the toilet that they hated Hua so much because she was good-looking and teased the male classmates.”

“That day, she avoided the driver who picked her up and ran away alone. Her grandpa found her in the heavy rain. Then he was sick and went to hospital that night. Hua cried sadly, kneeling in front of the sickbed and refusing to leave.”

“When her grandpa was well, he often told her that people should treat themselves well during their lives and they shouldn’t hurt others and commit crimes. As for what other people said, it was someone else’s business. He always said that his granddaughter was so beautiful and smart. These kids were jealous of her.”

“And then, Hua’s character becomes what it is now.” Chang Pei’e seems to recall her memory. Then she suddenly finds that Lang Ruoxian listens to her carefully. Chang Pei’e can’t help laughing. “Thank you, Ruoxian.” She says, “I used to worry that although we spoiled her, who would continue to spoil her when we left...”

Lang Ruoxian takes a cup of tea and puts it in Chang Pei’e’s hand. He says, “Grandma, I’ll be there later. I should thank you. Thank you for letting Hua grow up without worry. I’m glad to know that she has been so happy since childhood.”

“You are a good and smart boy.” Chang Pei’e’s eyes become sharp. She says, “Don’t worry. I can still live for several years. No one in Yanjing dares to aim at you with me.”

Today’s dinner is held at Tang Family’s hotel. Although it’s not the best hotel in Yanjing, they can rest assured in their own hotel.

Chen Xiaopang asks, “When will our sister come?” Tang Cao was sent by Bai Susu to the hotel in the afternoon to keep watch on the banquet. Chen Xiaopang came back from abroad yesterday. He also comes here with Tang Cao.

Chen Xiaopang asks him every five minutes. Tang Cao is tired to answer him.

“Do you see the waitress over there?” Tang Cao points at the waitress.

Chen Xiaopang has a look at her and says, “What’s wrong?”

“She is a girl! Go to talk with her!”

Chen Xiaopang puts his arms around his chest and sneers, “Tang Cao, I didn’t expect you to be such a person. What day is it today? It’s a great day for our elder sister. Can I tease any girl on such a day? Do you think I’m like you? You have such a low level of thoughts. Do you forget what the Party and people teach you?”

“Damn. How dare you talk about the Party? The Party wants to kill you and you hurt so many people. You...”

“Tong Yue is coming!” Chen Xiaopang interrupts him and whispers, “He didn’t go home in the New Year but went to his mother’s hometown in Gannan.”

Tang Cao sneers, “If I were him, I would go home every day and not give that position to that mistress and illegitimate son.”

When Tong Yue comes over, he immediately asks, “Have your brother-in-law come?”

“No...” Tang Cao is stunned, then he says, “Do you want to talk about it with him today?”

Tong Yue adjusts his glasses and says, “Do you know how many people outside stare at your brother-in-law’s projects that worth 500 million?”

“We wouldn’t lose anything if they stare at us.” Tang Cao says indifferently.

Chen Xiaopang nods, “Anyway, we are on the same side. Brother Ruoxian wouldn’t refuse us.”

Tong Yue rubs between his eyebrows. He doesn’t want to explain more to these idiots.

“Hey!” Tang Cao feels uncomfortable. He says, “How do you look at us?”

“I just see two idiots.” Tong Yue says gloomily, “Listen, if you dare not talk to your brother-in-law, you should find a chance to let me meet him alone. Otherwise...”

Tang Cao swallows, “Do... Do you want to beat me? I... I will tell your mom!”

“Have you ever seen I fight?”

Tang Cao and Chen Xiaopang shake their heads together.

“Why do you think I will beat you?” Tong Yue loosens his tie and says, “I will order a room to have a rest. Remember what I’ve told you.”

When he leaves, Chen Xiaopang drags Tang Cao’s sleeve and says, “You can’t forget his words, otherwise he will make you in trouble.”

Tang Cao has a look at him and says, “Damn, I forget that guy always makes people in trouble by using his intelligence. He never pays for what he does.”

At 8 o’clock in the evening, many luxury cars gather at the gate of hotel. Tonight, the hotel becomes a private place and only people with invitation could come in. All the Tang Family comes here besides Tang Ming whose identity is not suitable to come.

“Ziyan!” Several ladies wave their hands to Tang Ziyan when they see her coming in.

Tang Ziyan wears a white yarn dress tonight. The overlapping voile looks so beautiful as she walks, which makes her like a fairy.

Someone asks her, “Have you seen Tang Duo?”

Tang Ziyan makes her lips tight and says, “Yes. We are cousins. I of course saw her when she just came back.”

“Does she...” Another girl touches her face and says, “Does she look older?”

“You think too much.” Tang Ziyan sneers, “She won’t get old even if you are old.”

All people is shocked, “She has given birth to a kid. Doesn’t she become a little ugly?”

“You will know when she comes here.” Tang Ziyan doesn’t want to talk about Tang Duo at all.

But a young lady says, “I think it’s great that Tang Duo comes back. At least she is better than the hypocritical woman of Dong Family.”

“Yes!” Another two ladies agree with her. “If I have to choose one to envy, I would rather choose Tang Duo.”

“She is coming! The hypocritical woman comes here.”

There is a commotion outside the door, and the girl in the red dress comes in. The upper part of the dress tightly wraps her plump chest. And its boat neck shows her sexy clavicles. Her dress becomes full under her waist, like a blooming red rose.

“It’s Dong Nianshuang!” Someone calls her name.

“She comes with Bai Jingzhu!” A girl around Tang Ziyan whispers.

Tang Ziyan has a look at her and says, “Why do you feel shocked? Her elder sister is Bai Jingzhu’s sister-in-law. They are always close to each other.”

“Let me tell you! Dong Nianshuang said Bai Jingzhu was an idiot behind her. She said Bai Jingzhu knew nothing but liked to talk too much.” A short hair lady sneers, “But Bai Jingzhu is so stupid that she always closes to Dong Nianshuang.”

Bai Family also comes here. When Dong Nianqiu sees her younger sister, she says few words to her mother-in-law and then comes to pull Dong Nianshuang into the corner.

Dong Nianqiu blames her, “Why do you wear a red dress?”

Dong Nianshuang smiles, “Nianqiu, why can’t I wear red dress?”

“Do you forget that Tang Duo likes red? She must wear a red dress in today’s occasion. You...”

“What’s the matter?” Dong Nianshuang interrupts her, “I used to be too young to compare with her. Now she is old and it’s my time. I must dress the same as her to let people know who is the most beautiful woman in Yanjing.”

“She is only 27 years old. How could she become old?”

Dong Nianshuang looks at her elder sister and says, “Do you forget what you said after you gave birth to the first child at the age of 27?”

Dong Nianqiu is speechless. She said that she was old at that time. And she spent much money to deal with the lines around her eyes and her spots. She is not a girl anymore and has to go to the beauty parlor twice a week now.

“I mean why you want to win her. She has been married and gave birth to a kid.”

“I remember that she was always arrogant and the center in every activity.” Dong Nianshuang’s eyes become glassy. She says, “At that time, I’ve told myself that I must make all people pay attention to me one day.”

Dong Nianqiu doesn’t know why her younger sister cares about it so much. She shakes her head and says, “Don’t forget that you are her aunt according to the family hierarchy.”

“Hah, come on. I only have an elder sister who is you. She is just a bastard’s daughter. How could I...”

“Shut up!” Dong Nianqiu covers her mouth directly and scolds, “How could you say that here? Be clear now.”

Dong Nianshuang pushes her hands away and says, “I didn’t say loudly. You hurt me.”

“You are a public figure. I don’t need to tell you what you should do.” Dong Nianqiu warns her, “I don’t care if you want compare with Tang Duo. But don’t embarrass Bai Susu on such occasions. She is not only Bai Susu, but also Mrs. Tang.”

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