Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 333 The Thing Is Settled

Chapter 333 The Thing Is Settled

Chapter 333 The Thing Is Settled

Fei Ying doesn’t overreact to the mice-like babies like Tang Duo. She even says that her son, Fei Ran, also looked like that when he was born. By the way, Fei Ran’s nickname is Xiaoshiliu...

“Sister Chen and her husband want to come. But her test tube baby finally succeeds. Now she lies on the bed every day and dare not move, for fear that she will abortion.” Fei Ying says excitedly, “Xiaojiu has gone to the Europe to take part in her school’s exchange activity, otherwise she will come.”

Tang Duo listens quietly. Fei Ying often looks at her when saying. Then Tang Duo will smiles at her. Finally, Fei Ying can’t help bursting into tears again. josei

“When will you regain memory? What if you can’t remember me all the time?”

Lang Ruoxian stands behind them and sneers. It doesn’t matter that she forgets you, he thinks. She just needs to remember him.

“No. I mean that I hope you can quickly restore your memory. Otherwise, Lang Ruoxian will be so pitiful!” Fei Ying explains quickly when she feels Lang Ruoxian’s cold eyes, “I want you to remember it earlier because it’s our memories!”

However, Fei Ying feels the air becomes colder.

This time, Fei Ying plans to stay for more days to wait Fei Shan who is filming in the next province. They will go back to G City together. Fei Shan knows Tang Duo’s condition and wants to ask for leave from the cast to visit her. But he thinks it might be inconvenient for Tang Duo because she just has twins. Fei Ying told him that she would come. So when Fei Ying arrives at Yanjing, Fei Shan also comes the next day.

“Hello...” Tang Duo says. She and Fei Shan has looked at each other for a long time. Finally she can’t stand it and breaks the silence.

Fei Shan looks at her in a complex expression. Suddenly, he says, “It’ll be good if you can recover your initial memory earlier and forget us, then I can chase you.”

“Ha, ha...” Lang Ruoxian suddenly shows up like a spirit behind them and says, “No matter how many times you try, you won’t be able to success. Hua will always be mine.”

Fei Shan is scared by him. He heaves a deep sigh and says, “Don’t be so confident. Who knows the result if everything starts again?”

Lang Ruoxian says, “Last month, the heroine of your film knocked on your door in the middle of the night. She was wearing few clothes and you let her in.”

“... How do you know?” Fei Shan stares at him and asks, “Are you watching me?”

“I have no time to watch you.” Lang Ruoxian hisses, “If you don’t want people to know it, the best way is not to do it.”

Fei Shan shouts, “What are you talking about? That’s because the director was in my room. He opened the door and then they left together. That woman wanted to seduce the director.”

“Hua, look at this kind of man. If the director is not in the room, that woman will sleep with him.” Lang Ruoxian talks in a serious way, “The men in the entertainment circle are not reliable. You don’t need to care about him.”

Fei Shan is enraged. He sneers, “Ha, ha. Mr. Lang, I haven’t seen you for half a year. You become more shameless now. It turns out that you chase Yan... Tang Duo with your shameless spirit.”

“You don’t even have the chance to chase her.”


Tang Duo raises her hand and waves in the air, “Shut up!” She shouts.

The room becomes quiet.

“You are Fei Shan, right? Thank you for coming to see me.” Tang Duo smiles at Fei Shan.

But Fei Shan shakes his head and says, “Don’t be so polite to me. It’s true that Lang Ruoxian is more important than me in your heart, even if you lose your memory.”

“You’d better know it.” Lang Ruoxian says again.

Finally, Fei Yi takes Fei Shan away. Otherwise Lang Ruoxian and Fei Shan will fight.

“Why are you so hostile to him?” Tang Duo asks when only she and Lang Ruoxian are in the room.

Lang Ruoxian closes his mouth tightly and answers, “I have no hostility to him.”

“I don’t believe...” Tang Duo squints at him.

Lang Ruoxian definitely won’t admit that he is afraid that Tang Duo likes Fei Shan’s handsome face...

Tang Duo stops asking as he refuses to answer. Fei Ying and her family stay at Yanjing for a week and give Tang Duo two sets of gold plates and bowls when they leave. That’s the coastal custom that the elders should send them to the newborn baby.

“Alas... The room becomes so quiet after she leaves. I’m not used to it.” Tang Duo sighs. She is well now. But she still has to stay at the Postpartum Care Center during the confinement period. When Fei Ying was here, she could talk with Tang Duo every day. But after Fei Ying left, Tang Duo feels bored.

“I can talk with you.” Lang Ruoxian puts down his computer and says. Now he is dealing with the company’s documents here and has video conference sometimes.

Tang Duo looks unsatisfied. She refuses, “You don’t understand the topic of women.”

“Let’s give the twins a nickname.” Lang Ruoxian asks, “What do you want to call them?”

This is a good topic. Tang Duo is interested in, “Well... Their birth is so dangerous. I hope they will be safe in the future.” She says.

“We can call them Pingping and An’an.”

“No, it’s too tacky. Let’s call them An’an and Lele. It means peace and joy!”

Tang Cao is coming at that time. After hearing their conversation, he becomes speechless.

“Is there any difference between them?” He comes in and says, “They are all very tacky.”

Tang Duo complains Tang Cao’s ignorance. She says, “Babies’ nicknames should be common, which is good for them. We can let our parents to give them names. Besides, An’an and Lele are good names!”

“Good names.” Lang Ruoxian nods.

Tang Cao shows the whites of his eyes and says, “It’s up to you. Well! I just met the doctor and he said that we can move baby’s incubator to this room!”

“Really?” Tang Duo almost jumps off the bed. She says, “Let’s move it quickly!”

“I’m thinking where we should put it!” Tang Cao looks around the room.

Lang Ruoxian moves the table beside the French window and says, “Put it here. It’s summer now. The natural wind here won’t make babies sick.”

Then Tang Duo goes to bring her babies back happily. In the evening, when Bai Susu comes here with Gungun and Wuyou, she finds babies are in the room.

“Are the babies allowed to move here?”

“Yes. The doctor has agreed.” Tang Duo touches Gungun’s head and says, “Go to see your younger siblings!”

Gungun now has accepted the fact that his mother loses memory. Anyway, his mother treats him as usual. But he is a little worried that his mother will leave father if she can’t regain memory all the time...

Gungun turns to look at Lang Ruoxian and sighs silently.

Lang Ruoxian narrows his eyes. He always feels his son looks at him in a strange way these days...

“Mom.” Wuyou runs to talk with Tang Duo after seeing the twins, “I think younger siblings become a little better.”

“A little better?” After analyzing Wuyou’s words, Tang Duo asks, “Wuyou, do you mean that they are healthier?”

Wuyou nods, “They are strong.”

“I also feel they are bigger!” Gungun agrees. Then he says with a pity, “But Lulu can’t come here. It really miss Mom, younger brother and younger sister.”

Tang Duo looks at Lang Ruoxian. Then he says with a smile in his eyes, “I’ll try to bring it here.”

“Hah, hah, hah!” Tang Duo smiles covering her face.

Just now this man seduced her again with his handsome face. How annoying!

Bai Susu doesn’t oppose the nicknames of her two little grandchildren when she hears that. She just says that she should begin to think about their names and finds a fortuneteller.

“Mom, help me out! I don’t want to go to jail. I don’t want to!” When Bai Jingzhu is taken to jail, her family come to see her off. Bai Jingzhu still can’t accept it now. She cries and shouts, hoping they can save her.

Mrs. Bai is also crying, but she knows the reality. If Bai Jingzhu doesn’t go to jail, the Tang Family won’t let her go.

“Jingzhu, listen to me.” Bai Yuanqi lowers his voice and says, “You know you made a big mistake this time. If you go out now, the Tang Family won’t let you go. Lang Ruoxian has made trouble to our company. Do you want yourself and your family to fight with Tang Family?”

Bai Jingzhu looks blankly. Bai Yuanfei hisses, “Eldest brother, it’s useless to tell her that. You just need to tell her that if she doesn’t stay in the jail for two years, our family will go bankrupt and she will be poor. She will lose her expensive bags, clothes, famous brands, and even have no place to live.”

“No...” Bai Jingzhu shakes her head. She obviously understands it.

Mrs. Bai wipes her tears and comforts her, “Listen to us. We have asked someone in the prison to take care of you. It’s fast to spend two years. You should listen to us to stay there!”

“I... I know...” Bai Jingzhu is still weeping, but she doesn’t resist again.

She realizes that it’s useless to resist and she has to go to jail. It’s all Dong Nianshuang’s fault!

“Where is Dong Nianshuang?” Bai Jingzhu grits her teeth, “Will she live in the same jail with me?”

“You are in the same place, but not in the same room.” Mrs. Bai’s expression becomes cold. She says, “Don’t worry. Your brother has arranged everything. Dong Nianshuang won’t have a good life in prison. She dares to harm you. I will make her life miserable.”

Bai Jingzhu feels relieved. Then she gets on the police car and goes to the prison where she will live in the next two years. Seeing the car go away gradually, Mrs. Bai can’t help weeping.

“If I knew she would do that, I should have been stricter with her.”

Bai Jiancheng gives his wife a hand and says, “We just need to remember this lesson. It’s not bad to lose two years of her freedom for her future.”

“Mom, Dad is right!” Bai Yuanfei says, “You can’t see her frequently. Once a month is enough.”

Mrs. Bai says surprisingly, “I planned to see her once a week. Is it too long to see her a month later?”

“Mom, why do you forget again?” Bai Yuanfei complains, “She goes to jail for changing her character. If you always see her, she might be the same as before when she is released from prison.”


Someone sends Dong Nianshuang’s picture of wearing handcuffs and prison clothes to the Internet. People finally believe that the popular star goes to jail. At that time, many young stars in the entertainment circle are educated not to break the law. The TV station also holds various activities to anti violence and wipe out pornography, which makes many programs be canceled or be cut down.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Bai. She doesn’t want to see you.” This is the third time for Dong Nianqiu to visit Dong Nianshuang in jail. But Dong Nianshuang still refuses to see her.

Dong Nianqiu stands up with a wry smile and says, “Please give these to her.”

She knows that Bai Family has found someone to bully Dong Nianshuang in prison, but she doesn’t dare to help her sister now. Maybe she can take care of her secretly after Bai Jingzhu comes out. She hopes Dong Nianshuang is well at that time...

The autumn comes. Before the National Day, the twins finally get out from the incubator. It has been two months since they were born. The whole family is around the bed looking at the two little babies. The twins may feel that. So they open their eyes for the first time.

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