Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 464 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 31

Chapter 464 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 31

Chapter 464 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 31

Wuyou knows the relationship between Professor Merlin and Uriel by Laura.

“Merlin is the mistress of Uriel’s father!”

Uriel’s father is a member of the school board. So she can be arrogant in the school. Different from domestic universities, famous foreign universities are almost private. As a result, there are many piece of news that entrepreneurs or rich businessmen study in some famous colleges.

Are they excellent enough to pass an entrance examination? Of course not. They are able to come in because of their sponsorship.

“Uriel’s parents have already been divorced. Her father has many mistresses!”

Merlin is just one of the mistresses. The reason why she treats Uriel well is that she wants to marry Uriel’s father.

“Now you know why Merlin aims at you, right?” Laura stretches out her hands and swallows.

When she speaks, Wuyou quickly makes noodles and fries minced pork.

“So she may continue to aim at me?” Wuyou puts minced pork on noodles and then serves Laura a bowl of noodles first.

Laura shows her respect to the Oriental food and then picks up the chopsticks hard. She says, “It said that Professor Merlin and Uriel’s elder brother also had...”

Laura gestures, “An adulterous relationship!”

Wuyou thinks of Professor Merlin who always wears a fitted black suit. The first three buttons of her shirt are never buttoned, revealing her round busts faintly.

“Uriel’s elder brother is more shameless.” Laura finally wraps noodles around the chopsticks and is excited after eating them, “Delicious! Wuyou, it’s delicious. It’s totally different from what I eat in Hua Country’s restaurants.”

Wuyou gives her a fork, “Eat slowly.”

Then she says, “I seldom cook, too.”

Laura says oh. Then she swallows her words as she finds herself on the point of saying ‘let’s live together’.

“Are you worried?” After a while, Laura thinks of Uriel again and asks, “Your family is rich in Hua Country, isn’t it? You shouldn’t be afraid of Uriel.”

Wuyou has noodles slowly and says in a serious tone, “I can deal with her by myself.”

“No! Wuyou.” Laura says hurriedly, “I haven’t told you that Uriel’s elder brother has a bad reputation. He has dallied with many girls in the school.”

Then Laura says how this rich second generation plays with many girls’ affections. Wuyou feels nothing. Almost all the rich second generation have the same characters wherever they come from. Some of them are like dressed-up beasts or even crueler than beasts.

Laura eats minced noodles happily and asks seriously before leaving, “Shall I keep secrets that you are rich from others?”


“Don’t worry, I will... What? No?” Laura asks uncertainly.

Wuyou shakes her head and says, “There is nothing to keep secret.”

She won’t tell her identity publicly or hide anything deliberately.

“Okay!” Laura waves her hand, “See you next week at school. I’ll bring you my mom’s dessert!”

Knowing Wuyou has no class this afternoon, Gungun sends her a video call on his way to school. His main topic is to laugh at Shirla.

“You don’t know how stupid she is. Except English, she fails in all subjects in the monthly exam.” Gungun sneers, “She either sleeps or plays games next to me in class.”

Looking at the muttering face in the video, Wuyou smiles, “Do both of you sleep in class? The teacher must be very angry.”

“This is the most annoying thing.” Gungun pulls his hair irritably, “I haven’t slept in class recently.”

Because he thinks it’s so stupid to sleep at the desk with Shirla, which will destroy his image.

“She sent me a message yesterday that you dated with a girl.” Wuyou thinks of a message with a photo from Shirla in WeChat last night.

Shirla takes the photo in a far place of Gungun and a girl called Zhuang Qin.

“Wuyou...” Gungun is immediately aggrieved after hearing that, “How can you believe her words?”

The boy’s beautiful face is still adorable in the mobile screen. Wuyou feels her heart so soft that her voice becomes gentler.

“I won’t tell you that if I believe her!”Updates by vi p novel

Gungun raises his eyebrows. Wuyou seldom talks with him in such a cute tone. It makes his blood speed up. He feels so hot, which shows a young man’s desire and is the sign of maturity.

So Gungun dreams of Wuyou this night. It’s not the first time to dream of Wuyou. But he first dreams that Wuyou sits in his arms with a slip dress that she worn in her childhood.

Wuyou’s body seems to shrink in his dream and she hugs his neck cutely. Gungun feels her white skin is as fine and smooth as cream when he touches. Then he presses and eats the little cream little by little.

After he wakes up, he lies there blankly for a few minutes.

Then he goes to the bathroom for a shower and drowns his sheet in the washbasin. Before washing his underpants, he looks at the marks on it and seems to think of something. He feels hot again.


When Gungun goes downstairs, it has been very lively in the sitting room. Fang Diandian takes Baobao to come here to play. Two kids are playing with cats with a cat teaser.

“Why do you come so late today?” Tang Duo looks at her son and asks.

Although it’s the weekend, Gungun is used to following Wuyou’s schedule and seldom gets up late. But now it’s almost 11 o’clock.

“Did you just take a bath?” Seeing his wet hair, Tang Duo frowns, “Why did you bath in the morning without drying your hair?”

Gungun greets his aunt, Fang Diandian. She smiles at him, “I’m talking with your mother that the square near our house will hold a celebration on the National Day. We can take kids to play at that time!”

“Why do you tell him?” Tang Duo sneers, “He must go to Mi Country on the National Day.”

Fang Diandian says in shock, “But Wuyou has no holidays. She will still go to school when you go there!”

“I’ll cook for her!” Gungun tells a bare-faced lie.

Tang Duo’s eyes flashes. She says, “Well, in this way, you will have a week to learn how to cook before the holiday.”

She glances at her son, “Look! Wuyou can’t eat hometown’s food in a foreign country. If you learn and cook her favorite dishes for her, she will be touched.”

“Will she be touched?” Gungun doesn’t think so.Access v ip novel

It seems that Wuyou will never be touched by anything.

“You don’t know it!” Tang Duo says confidently, “Every girl likes the boy who cooks for her, whatever the girl’s character is.” She looks at Gungun unsatisfactorily, “Doesn’t your father cook for me? If you can’t cook, you will fail to chase a girl.”

“Wuyou has already been my fiancée!” Gungun shouts but feels a little uncertain in his heart.

It seems that men who can cook are more popular now.

“Wuyou hasn’t married you!” Tang Duo knocks his confidence, “She is abroad now and many handsome rich men are around her. If she...”

“Mom...” Gungun looks at her gloomily, “Are you free now? Teach me how to cook.”

Gungun stays at kitchen all day. In the evening, Tang Cao comes to give him a big envelope.

“Well! Here is all the personal information of the little girl.”

“Have you read it?” Gungun takes it.

Tang Cao takes a tin of coke from the refrigerator and says, “No. Why do I read a girl’s information?”

After a few minutes, he finds that there is something wrong with Gungun’s look. He walks close to Gungun and asks, “What’s the matter? Does she really have a problem?”

“Read for yourself.” Gungun throws several pieces of paper into his arms.

At the beginning, Tang Cao reads ten lines at one glance. Then he starts to read carefully.

“She had a traffic accident 2 years ago and stayed in the hospital for several months. Then she went back to school.”

That’s interesting! Tang Cao sneers, “She seems to become another person!”

According to the material, Zhuang Qin’s mother used to be her father’s student. When her father’s first wife was sick, her mother caught the opportunity to be his lover. When the first wife died, the first wife’s son was only 3 years old. Then Zhuang Qin’s mother became the new Mrs. Zhuang and gave birth to Zhuang Qin.

Zhuang Qin and her elder brother have the same father but different mothers. Her elder brother is hostile to Zhuang Qin’s mother and treats Zhuang Qin badly from childhood, As Zhuang Qin grows up gradually, and she knows what her mother did and becomes very timid and self-abased slowly.

“She was not popular in the primary school of Caesar. Then she suddenly changed after the traffic accident when she was in junior high school.” Tang Cao takes two photos in his hand, “She looks so different in these two pictures.”

“One picture is taken before the car accident. The girl in it has blank eyes. It’s uncomfortable to see her facial features that are shrank together. But in the other recent picture of her, she is white and good-looking with bright eyes, like a real beauty.”

“Uncle, do you think this is the true Zhuang Qin?” Gungun says with his hair standing on end.

Tang Cao rolls his eyes heavenward to him and asks, “Don’t you read the words attached in the end?”

It shows that Zhuang Qin’s blood type and fingerprints haven’t changed. So no one pretends to be her.

“People’s temperament is determined by their moods. If the mood changes, the appearance will also look different.” Tang Cao says as if he knows that, “Anyway, it may be possible that the little girl suddenly becomes strong after the fatal accident. So she seems to be another person now.”

I don’t believe your nonsense, Gungun thinks.

Gungun squints at him, “Can the change of mood affect the intelligence? She used to get average grades. But now she is the first in her class.”

“Do you think what should we do?” Tang Cao stretches out his hands, “Can we catch her and question her? She is still young. Maybe she will tell everything if we just throw a scare into her.” josei

Gungun quickly runs to the sitting room and shouts, “I’ll tell Mom and Aunt that you are so cruel to kidnap a junior high school girl!”

“Gosh! Stop. I’ll break off kinship with you!”

Gungun finally refuses Tang Cao’s suggestion.

He doesn’t think it’s proper to kidnap a little girl to scare her. What if the girl is innocent but is terribly frightened by them?

But he is almost sure that there is something wrong with Zhuang Qin.

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