Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 470 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 37

Chapter 470 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 37

Chapter 470 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 37

Being called “Aunt” makes the woman’s face green.

She is only thirty years old, but is called “Aunt” by the teenager? But she’s embarrassed to let the boy call her sister. The woman is very agitated, but her daughter is still crying.

“Don’t cry. Hurry off!” The woman pushes the child rudely.

The little girl nearly falls and becomes more troublesome, sitting down on the ground and crying louder. More and more people gather around, all coming to see the fun.

The woman’s face turns pale. She feels ashamed at the moment, and her attitude is even worse.

“If you keep crying, I will hit you. Bad girl, quickly stand up!” She raises her hand to frighten the child.

Gungun says again, “Aunt, if you want to hit her, go back to your house to hit in private. This is a public place and everyone is looking at you!”

“Mind your own business.” The woman says angrily, “I discipline my own daughter. Why did you interrupt?”

“Then why didn’t you discipline her just now?” Wuyou says, “She just pushed my sister and deliberately stepped on my sister’s doll to make it dirty. Why didn’t you discipline her?”

The woman’s eyes flicker. She stares at Wuyou and shouts, “How... How didn’t I discipline her? And... By the way, your brother pushed my daughter down! How didn’t you discipline him?”

“Aunt, if you say this, we have to have a good chat.” Gungun pats Wuyou’s hand and says with a smile, “You have no idea why my brother pushed your daughter?”

“Wasn’t she jealous that my brother and sister had clipped the dolls? She kept changing the machines but still couldn’t get one. I won’t criticize that your daughter is addicted to jealousy at an early age, whose mind is dirty.”

“I’ll just criticize that how Aunt you taught her as a mother. But it’s not surprising. When the above behave wrongly the below will do the same. Your conduct is not good and the child you taught will be like that naturally.”

The woman is stunned at first, but finally shivers with anger, pointing at Gungun’s nose and scolding, “What did you say? If I didn’t teach children well, are you good at it? My daughter is only 8 years old. How shameful you are to fuss about an 8-year-old girl!”

“An’an, go to beat the girl!” Gungun’s smile fades.

An’an quickly goes over and beats the girl. He beats lightly, but he says, “If you cry again, I will beat you again!”

“You... How dare you!” The girl doesn’t believe it.

Then An’an beats her again. josei

“Ah!” The woman rushes over and wants to hit An’an. Of course, Wuyou won’t let her succeed.

She grabs her hair and pulls her back, and the woman falls down and sits down on the ground.

“Aunt, your daughter is 8 years old, and my brother is 7 years old. You are an adult, but bully a 7-year-old child...” Gungun’s voice becomes cold, “Aren’t you ashamed?”

The little girl doesn’t cry anymore. An’an stares at her fiercely, raising his hand as soon as she opens her mouth.

“Child, did you just do it on purpose just now?” Gungun asks her, “Now please apologize to my sister, or you and your mother can’t leave today.”

The little girl looks at her mother in panic. The woman drags her up to her back and shouts to the people around her, “Everyone hears it! He just threatened my daughter. I want to call the police!”

“Okay!” Gungun shrugs, “Call the police.”

A mom next to her says, “Ah, if you call the police because of the incident like this, the police will criticize you for you will waste police strength. Your child was wrong. You just apologize and it’s done.”

“That’s right!” Another young mother says angrily, “I’ve been watching by the side! This teenager is right. The moral quality of your child was low. She couldn’t clip the dolls but kept those two children changing the machines.”

The woman blushes, and tries to defend herself, but more and more people around criticize her. She simply stares at Gungun and drags her daughter away.

After walking a few steps, she gives the child several sharp blows. The little girl cries, but maybe she is afraid of being beaten, she stops crying soon.

“She is more annoying than Xing Ailin!” Sweet Orange pouts and says.

An’an rarely echoes her words, “Really annoying.”

“Okay, do you two still want to play?” Gungun asks.

Sweet Orange immediately says, “Play!”Access v ip novel

Then she gives Wuyou the dolls in her arms and drags An’an to run to play again. They play a long time this time. Finally Gungun thinks that they should have played enough, and brings the two back. They go to the top floor to choose a Japanese restaurant to have dinner. After eating, Sweet Orange sees the new cartoon is on in the cinema next door, whose time is proper.

“Then you two go to watch the cartoon. Wuyou and I will be waiting for you outside.” Gungun points at the water bar opposite the cinema, “That’s right there.”

An’an glances at him. Gungun raises an eyebrow and says, “Don’t say that you don’t want to see it. We can’t let Sweet Orange go alone.”

“...” An’an pulls Sweet Orange to go in silently.

After watching the movie, the four return home.

“An’an performed well today!” Tang Duo praises him.

It’s really hard for this son to behave like a child. Tang Duo knows that An’an doesn’t like this kind of activity, or he doesn’t need it. But she still thinks that a child should be like a child, otherwise he will not even have a childhood in the future.

But after seeing the dozens of dolls, she is very pleased. At least An’an had some fun.

“This is for Grandma. This is for Aunt. And this is for Baobao...” Sweet Orange distributes the dolls and everyone has one.

She also specially gives An’an the biggest one, in order to thank the little expert at clipping the dolls.

On Christmas Eve, Gungun takes Wuyou to the school for a ball. Tang Duo pays much attention to it and calls a styling designer to come home in the afternoon, who does hair and makeup for Wuyou to get her dressed up.

“You are beautiful today!” Gungun’s eyes never leave Wuyou.

Wuyou wears the dress he chose today. It is a simple black long dress with a big bow around the waist, which makes the dress a little more cute and lovely. The long hair is still tied up in a ponytail, but it is permed in small curls, which waggles with her walking.

The skirt is a round neck, which has a wide-open neckline. This is the only thing Gungun is not satisfied with. Wuyou is very white, and the skin exposed outside is more white and translucent under the contrast of the black dress.

“You should wear a necklace...” Gungun regrets, sitting in the car.

Originally, Tang Duo prepared a pearl necklace. Gungun felt that everyone would look more at that place, so he didn’t agree. But now he looks at Wuyou’s snow-white swan neck and thinks that she’d better wear it!

“Don’t be too far away from me tonight.” Gungun anxiously tells Wuyou when entering the auditorium.

Wuyou smiles and says, “I will always follow you.”

The girl smiles under the lights, which is beautiful. Gungun covers his chest.

“Wuyou! Wuyou!” Zhang Li has been anticipating their arrival. When she sees Wuyou come in, she hurries to run over, “Wuyou, you are finally back. I miss you very much!”

She wants to hug Wuyou, but is pushed back by Gungun’s cold smile.

Zhang Li has a lot of things to tell Wuyou, and finally pulls Wuyou away under Childe Lang’s terrible eyes. When the ball starts, Gungun immediately takes Wuyou away from Zhang Li.

“Don’t you have a dancing partner?” He doesn’t forget to mock Zhang Li, “Didn’t Zhao Shen and Yuan Yiming say that you could choose either of them?”

Zhang Li glares at him and says, “I’ve said that I have one! I have a dancing partner!” After saying so, she strides towards a boy, who seems to be a senior in the university department.

Gungun also sees Zhao Shen and Yuan Yiming staying not far away. There are two girls beside them, but Yuan Yiming is staring at Zhang Li’s direction and saying something.

“Okay, leave them alone!” Gungun makes a gesture to invite Wuyou, “Uh! Let’s go to dance?”

Wuyou puts her hand on his hand, and the two slide to the dance floor. The opening dance is a waltz, Gungun hugs Wuyou to dance and suddenly laughs.

“...” Wuyou asks him with her eyes.

Gungun gets close to her ear and says, “It’s okay. I just remember that I had to dance on our birthday when we were kids, and your feet got swollen because of my stepping.”

Of course Wuyou remembers. That was when they celebrated their twelfth birthday, Tang Family made a banquet in the hotel. The two little guys pretended to have an opening dance. At that time, they hadn’t learned to dance yet. They were taught by Tang Cao temporarily.

She learned, but Gungun always made mistakes.

“Later, you learned for a long time and said that you would never step on me when dancing later.”

Gungun smiles proudly, “Look! I don’t step on you now!”

At the end of the song, they return to the rest area and Zhao Shen runs over.

“Childe Lang, hurry to go over. The invitation dance will begin soon!”

Invitation dance is a kind of ballroom dance in which boys are in a row and girls are in another row, and then they change partners with the rhythm.

“You just don’t change your dancing partner then!” Zhao Shen says.

Gungun also thinks so. He tells Wuyou and goes to the boys.

He just leaves, and Shirla comes.

“You didn’t call me, Wuyou!” She complains angrily, “I have been waiting for you in the dormitory.”Updates by vi p novel

Wuyou hands her a glass of juice, “Is the wound cured?”

“Yes!” Shirla takes it with no tantrum, “If I knew it, I would come secretly, and I could drink a few sips of wine. How long can you stay?”

“I will leave on Friday.” Wuyou and she clinks glasses, “Where will you spend the New Year?”

“Go back to Mi Country! By the way, you should be in Mi Country during the New Year, for there will be no holiday there.” Shirla thinks of something and says excitedly, “I will go to find you to play then.”

Wuyou glances at her, “Gungun will be there.”


“Lang Wuyou.” Someone calls her behind Wuyou.

Wuyou turns around. There is a tall senior.

“Wow! Handsome guy.” Shirla says unabashedly.

The other party smiles at her, “Thank you. You are also beautiful.”

Then he looks at Wuyou again, “I am Chen Ziyue in Grade Three of high school. Nice to meet you!”

“Nice to meet you.” Wuyou greets lightly.

Chen Ziyue seems to know what her personality is, and doesn’t mind. Then he says, “I will go to the Ivy League College after the new year. For the sake of being alumni, will you take care of me then?

“Yo! You are a few years older than Wuyou, but you let her take care of you?” Shirla smiles meaningfully, “Senior, you are so humorous!”

Chen Ziyue smiles, “Although I am older than Wuyou, she has been there for a few months. She must know better about the school than I do.”

He looks at Wuyou and asks, “Do you mind adding me as your WeChat friend? I’ll contact you when I am there next year.”

“OK.” Wuyou takes his mobile phone and adds him as her WeChat friend.

When she returns the mobile phone, she sees Gungun stand behind her.

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