Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 495 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 62

Chapter 495 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 62

Chapter 495 The Childe in the Tang Family Lives Off A Girl 62

Wuyou sits in the first row, and she turns to look at the girl.

The girl wears a big-brand sportswear suit and has exquisite makeup on her face. At first glance, people will know that she is a rich student. But the expression on her face is not so good, with obvious provocation in her eyes.

“This is the school beauty of our international students, Qiu Xinyue,” Dahe introduces with a smile, “She is not from our college, but her university is not far from us, so we often play together.”

Qiu Xinyue glances at Wuyou, “Yes! Our university is not an elite university but a diploma mill. Will Wuyou not want to play with us?”

“I also paid for going to the college,” Wuyou says lightly, “Your university is very good, and the bread sold at the bakery at the gate is very delicious.”

Qiu Xinyue glances at her unexpectedly, “Have you... Been there?”

“I often go to buy the bread.”

“I have a discount card, and I will tell you the number. You can use mine in the future.” Qiu Xinyue suddenly feels that the straight A student is different from what she thought. Was her attitude not quite good just now?

Thinking of this, she says again, “Do you know that there is someone sells pancake rolled with crisp fritter in front of our university?”

“I know.” Wuyou nods, “Unfortunately, it only sells in the morning. I can’t make it.”

“It’s okay. Let’s add friends on WeChat. I will buy and send it to you. We have no class in the morning!”

“Thank you.” Wuyou takes out her mobile phone.

Chen Ziyue raises his eyebrows. It is different from what he thought. When is this girl so easy-going?

Dahe, too, was worried that Wuyou would not get along well with others. Now he sees that she is easy-going. So he is happy to introduce the remaining students to her.

They are very friendly and say hello to Wuyou, and Wuyou nods back to greet one by one. Only when she is introduced to a male student named Shen Yiran, Chen Ziyue finds her quietly frown.

Their destination today is a suburban farm. They can hunt themselves, pick vegetables and fruits, and then barbecue by themselves. To put it bluntly, this is like the domestic agritainment.

After a two-hour drive, they arrive at the farm. Everyone goes to the room to put their luggage and change clothes first. Dahe discusses the route with the hunter guide on the farm. Their first activity is to hunt at least one pheasant for dinner.

“Do you know Shen Yiran?” Chen Ziyue finds an opportunity to secretly ask Wuyou.

Wuyou is choosing a gun and glances at him, “I don’t. No, you are wrong.”

“...” It is over before they start the topic.

Chen Ziyue shakes his head amusingly, “OK! Forget it.”

How can he know that Wuyou investigated clearly the seven people who come today before coming? Lang Ruoxian once taught her that mastering the other party’s information was the most basic condition, because you would never know if the person close to you was like a tiger or a wolf.

When Wuyou was a child, she could distinguish the good people from bad people. But as she gradually grew up, probably because she completely integrated into the human society, her animal talent disappeared. But it doesn’t matter. As long as you pay, most things can be solved in this world.

Qiu Xinyue’s family is in G province, having a cooperative relationship with Lang Consortium. Qiu Xinyue has a little temper of spoiled darling daughter, but her nature is not bad. As for Shen Yiran...

He and Wuyou are from the same college. He was recommended by a domestic university because of his excellent grades. His home is in rural areas with poor conditions. However, this man is not like other humble family talents. Not only did he not cherish the cultivation of the motherland, he also focused on finding opportunities to break away.

He has decided to stay in Mi Country after graduation and join Mi Country. This will be a great harm to the domestic business institution which supported for his university. Not only that, he also has had a rich girlfriend, but he had a wife in his family, who had married him after graduating from high school.

“Wuyou!” Qiu Xinyue and a short-haired girl run over, “Can you use a gun?”

The girl with short hair named Huang Yingbo is a classmate of Qiu Xinyue. Wuyou remembers her information, whose family is running e-commerce.

“Yes.” Wuyou takes a gun and fires at the stake aside for testing guns.

Seeing her posture be so skillful, Qiu Xinyue glares at her, “Aren’t you busy studying every day? Do you still have time to play these things?”

“I learn everything fast,” Wuyou says with a straight face.

Qiu Xinyue is speechless.

“That’s all right!” Huang Yingbo is very happy, “I don’t know how to shoot. Wuyou, if you are good at the marksmanship, then it is up to you for our dinner today.”

Wuyou nods, “I won’t let you starve.”

They set off for hunting. Half an hour later, Wuyou understands why Huang Yingbo said that. Because except her, the others are simply rookies. Qiu Xinyue can hunt, but she never hits once, and always scares her prey away.

Dahe is like her. Chen Ziyue is the only person who behaves better, but this guy doesn’t kill...

“Are you kidding me?” Qiu Xinyue is depressed after being forbidden to shoot and toasts him, “What kind of killing is this? Won’t you eat the prey when we hunt back?”

Chen Ziyue replies happily, “I just don’t kill, but I will still eat meat.”


Wuyou glances at them, “Don’t be noisy. There is one in front.”

Everyone instantly shuts up. Sure enough, they see a beautiful pheasant in the bush twenty meters away, which is quite big.

“Wuyou... You must definitely aim at it,” Whispers Qiu Xinyue, who has scared away preys several times.

With a bang, the distant pheasant falls on the ground.

“...Hit it?” Dahe looks blankly.

Chen Ziyue runs over first, and the pheasant doesn’t move. He lifts it up, “It is dead!”

When they find the bullet hit the chicken’s head, they are excited again.

“What the hell!” A boy named Xu Yiheng looks at Wuyou, “You... Have you practiced it?”

Wuyou nods, and another student named Yang Zheng tentatively asks, “Paintball?”

“No, target shooting.”

Qiu Xinyue has a face of disbelief, “I also go target practice shooting a lot. Why is my marksmanship still so bad?”

“People are different,” Wuyou says seriously.


They accept it calmly. Having gotten along for a while, everyone knows the character of the straight A student. Her words absolutely don’t mean anything to burst your bubble or look down on you. She just states the facts.

Only the girl named Tai Jingjuan doesn’t look good. She felt uncomfortable when she knew that there would be Wuyou this time. Although she is not from the Ivy College, she can also be regarded as a straight A student in the circle of international students.

Her family’s conditions are average, and she still has to earn a living by working for herself. Fortunately, she is good at learning, and her look is lovable. Many of the rich second generations let her help to do homework or something else, and gradually she has some money.

But now Wuyou is here, she is not the best student. Tai Jingjuan is not balanced in her heart. Anyway, Wuyou is not very pleasing to her eyes.

Of course, Wuyou is aware of her maliciousness, but Tai Jingjuan’s weak fighting capacity can almost be ignored. She checks the gun and then asks everyone else.

“To hit another one?”

Everyone says, “Good!”

In the end, Wuyou hit a total of two pheasants, and a rabbit that was scared out of the hole by the gunfire and bumped into Dahe’s leg. They return happily to the farm. The farm’s chef will help to deal with the ingredients, and they will to go pick fresh fruits and vegetables. josei

“Two pheasants will be enough for eating!” When they are about to leave, Tai Jingjuan suddenly says, “Shall we release the rabbit?”

Everyone else is happy, and is stunned to hear her words.

“Why should we let the meat go?” Yang Zheng says strangely, “That rabbit is fat and must be delicious!”

Qiu Xinyue rolls her eyes, “I say... Don’t pretend to be as kind as the Virgin at this moment. Didn’t you hear what Dahe said? The rabbit’s leg is broken. Even if it is released, it will be caught by others.”

“But... But it’s too pitiful!” Tai Jingjuan bites her lip, “The pheasant was killed, and we can do nothing about it. But the rabbit is still alive...”

Wuyou frowns, but she says nothing before carrying the basket to leave. Chen Ziyue glances at Tai Jingjuan and follows away.

When Tai Jingjuan sees it, her eyes immediately turn red, “I... I just feel it too cruel.”

“Look...” Dahe is a little embarrassed, but he still wants to adjust the atmosphere, “If you release it, it won’t survive. It might as well be eaten by us, right?”

But after he finishes speaking, Tai Jingjuan begins to shed tears, and the atmosphere is even worse.

“Or shall we let Jingjuan take it back?” Xu Yiheng proposes, “Jingjuan, you raise it!”

Tai Jingjuan is stunned, “Can... Can I take it away?”

“OK.” Huang Yingbo also nods, “The farm staff will eat it if you don’t take it back.”

Tai Jingjuan smiles through tears, “That’s great. I’m going to get the rabbit back now.”

“Hurry up,” Dahe shouts, “We’ll wait for you at the vegetable garden.”

After a while, Tai Jingjuan runs over herself, picking eggplants happily. She says embarrassingly when passing by Wuyou.

“Wuyou, won’t you be angry? I saw you leave first then...”

Wuyou looks at her without expression.

“You see how cute the rabbit is!” Tai Jingjuan opens her mobile phone album and shows her the rabbit photos she just took, “It doesn’t matter if we eat less. But it will be a blessing if we can make such a lovely life alive. Right?”

“Don’t you like small animals? In fact, they are so cute. You will know it if you raise one later. You will definitely be close friends. Would you like me to introduce to you...?”

“No.” Wuyou interrupts her, “My relationship with small animals is only I eat them, or they eat me.”

After saying, she turns around and leaves.

Tai Jingjuan is left with a puzzled look. Suddenly a low laugh comes aside. It is unknown where Chen Ziyue comes.

“Chen...” Tai Jingjuan wipes her eyes in a hurry, and looks as if she is about to cry, “I... Did I say something wrong to make her angry...?”

Chen Ziyue glances at her, “You think too much. Wuyou doesn’t have time to get angry with you, and you have nothing to do with her.”

Tai Jingjuan’s eyes widen. She probably didn’t expect him to be so impolite. Chen Ziyue shakes his hair, walks a few steps and turns his head.

“Don’t say that I didn’t remind you. She doesn’t have time to get angry with you, which doesn’t mean that she won’t be angry. When it becomes more serious, you will suffer.”

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