Detective From the Future

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Li Tao.

The recovered head, after confirmation by the medical examiner, corresponded to the other part of the corpse, which proved it was indeed the same corpse. It's just the head of the deceased was heavily corrupted, and it is impossible to identify its appearance at all, and many people did not even dare to look at it directly. The head was sent to the forensic service for an autopsy, and the tire was sent to the technical team to check if there were any other traces and clues.

At 7 a.m. at an office in the Tonga Police Station, the 9.19 task forces held a case analysis meeting. Dai Ming Han presided over the meeting in person, and the first and third teams sat on both sides of the conference table, and after opening his notebook, he said: "Everyone already knows the current situation, and the place where the body was dumped was drowned is from the Tong'an Bridge of the Moon River. As the body of the deceased has been found, there are two directions to follow in this investigation; the first is to discover the identity of the deceased, and the second is to find the suspect who murdered him and dumped his body."

"Zheng Kaixuan, the third team found the place where the body was dumped. Tell us what to do next," Dai Ming Han pointed directly at captain Zheng Kaixuan and also gave a thumbs-up as encouragement for the third team.

"Since it has been determined the Tong'an Bridge is where the corpse was dumped, the suspicion around the car with fake license plates is even greater, and the person who drove the car with fake license plates is more likely to be the murderer who murdered and threw the corpse into the Moon River," Zheng Kaixuan analyzed.

"The analysis is good. If we find the car with fake license plates, we will find the suspect," Dai Ming Han agreed and turned to Li Zhan Kun: "The first team isn't it investigating on the car with fake license plates? Did you find any clues?"

"It's been a long time since the incident. Now, most of the CCTV footage has been erased, and there is no trace of the car with fake license plates. However, we are looking at the footage of Skynet surveillance cameras between Tong'an Bridge and Baichang County, and we might be able to trace the suspect vehicle," Li Zhan Kun said.

"How long will it take to check the surrounding Skynet surveillance recordings?" Dai Ming Han asked.

"One is that there are more Skynet probes around, and another is it's been a long time, it takes us about 20 days to check all the surveillance video. The most critical point is that the suspect vehicle may have been changed his license plates, which will further increase the difficulty of the investigation. I am afraid there will be a lot of investigation time and some police support will be needed," Li Zhan Kun said.

After a moment of silence, Dai Ming Han said: "I told you that the investigation period for the case is ten days. You will recruit your own team. If that's not enough, you can ask the comrades at the police station to help."

"Yes, Captain," Li Zhan Kun said.

"Since the first team is already investigating, you will continue investigating the suspect vehicle; the third team is in charge of investigating the identity of the deceased. Is there a problem?" Dai Ming Han asked.

"No, Captain," Zheng Kaixuan replied.

"So make this arrangement first. If you have any new clues, please let me know in time."

"Yes, Captain," everyone answered.


After the meeting, Zheng Kaixuan took the third team to lunch. Not everyone had an appetite, so they just had a few bites. After the meal, the crowd gathered around the police van to smoke, the doors of the van were open, some people were sitting in the van, and some people were standing outside.

Sun Xing took a puff of a cigarette and complained: "Captain Li spoke really well, and he directly took on the task of investigating the suspicious vehicle when presented with the job and his sentence; As long as the suspect vehicle is found, the suspect is found, and the case is solved, shows that all the credit goes to his team."

"I'm afraid to say that was not the case, and we obviously discovered there was a car with fake number plates. If they don't find such a big clue, they will hand over the case to us," Li Hui said.

"Don't complain, everyone is on the case, and uncovering the suspect's identity is just as important," Zheng Kaixuan flicked the ashtray and continued:

"Our third team found where the body was dumped, and Supreme Director Dai saw it all. He can't do without your credit."

"Captain Zheng is right; all roads lead to Rome if the identity information of the deceased has been found. As long as we know where he was recently and who he contacted, we can also find out the identity of the suspect," Han Bin said.

"But the face of the deceased key is very corrupt, and it is impossible to see what he looks like. The DNA comparison will never succeed, and the fingerprints are blurred. It is uneasy to know the identity of the deceased, and Li Hui spread his hands.

"According to Lu Wen's medical examiner's speculation, the victim's time of death was around 20 days, which is similar to when the suspect's body was dumped, indicating that the murder scene should not be far from where the body was dumped," Han Bin took two puffs of cigarettes and continued: "If I am a suspect. After I kill someone, I will choose to dump the body nearby. First, I know the surrounding situation better. Second, there are fewer monitoring points on the road, and I use a set of fake license plates. If I will go to other places to dump the corpse, I will be exposed to more checkpoints and leave more clues for the police."

Zheng Kaixuan spread out the map, took out a pencil, and drew a circle, connecting Tong'an Bridge to Baichang County. Several villages were surrounded and said: "Do you think the deceased maybe someone from a nearby village."

"If the murder is near these villages, the murderer can take the county road near Tong'an Bridge across the village road, which matches the paths of the suspect vehicle," Han Bin said.

"The first team checked a whole list of missing people in nearby villages, and none of them matched the identity of the deceased," Wei Zi Mo said.

"There is a misunderstanding here. The victim has been dead for about 20 days and may not have been missing. There are many people in the countryside who go to work elsewhere. If the deceased is killed, the suspect will use his cell phone and send a message to report his security, will say he went to work in another place, and it may not be found out in a short time," Han Bin explained.

Li Hui touched his chin and said: "Yes, there is such a possibility."

"Let's investigate several neighboring villages, not only the missing people but also those who left the village around August 30," Han Bin suggested.

Zheng Kaixuan put out his cigarette butt and agreed: "This idea is good, we can try it."


You can check for missing people directly in the public security system, but to check for people going to work outside of their village, you will need to check on every person who has gone to work elsewhere.


After surveying several villages, they found there were almost a thousand people who left to work elsewhere in each village, and they alone cannot carry out this survey. That's why Zheng Kaixuan asked to transfer another person to the third team from the first team, but the first team also had a case to deal with, and there was no way to get more people out of the third team, not to mention the first team of their offices. So, Zheng Kaixuan asked for help from the local police station.

A total of ten people started patrolling nearby villages.

On the first day in Bei Zhai Village, they found two people who went to work around August 30. However, the two have been in contact with their families and have had video calls, and have ruled out the possibility of them being killed.

The next day, Sun Xing and Wei Zi Mo went again to Bei Zhai Village and found a person who went to work on August 30. This person is Li Tao, 41 years old this year, the same age as the victim, and only sent one message after leaving home stating that he had gone to work with his friends and he had neither spent no phone calls nor video calls since that day.

At Sun Xing's request, Li Tao's mother called her son and discovered that Li Tao's cell phone was turned off.


At the Qingdao Third Criminal Investigation Team Branch Office, the information of the alleged victim is displayed on the projector.

Name: Li Tao

Gender: male

Age: 41 years old

Address: Nadu Village, Qingdao City

Time of disappearance: the morning of August 30

There is also a photo of Li Tao in the upper left corner.

After reading the information, Dai Ming Han asked: "Did the family of the deceased identify the body?"

"The deceased was already very corrupt and difficult to identify from the outside. Considering the mother of the deceased was not young and her health was not very good and for fear that she was too emotional. Nobody asked him to identify the corpse, so we asked to do a DNA comparison, and there is no result yet," Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Does Li Tao have any other relatives, friends, or relatives?" Dai Ming Han asked.

"We visited some people. Li Tao only likes to eat, is lazy, and takes advantage of others. His reputation in the village is not very good. His mother also contacted close relatives, such as his cousin and sister. They had no recent news about him, and I couldn't contact him," Zheng Kaixuan said.

"Are there any traces of his going to other places?"

"I checked the air and rail system, but there is no information about purchasing a ticket in his name," Han Bin said.

"Supreme Director Dai, this Li Tao has had no direct contact with other people since August 30. I think he should be the deceased," Wei Zi Mo said firmly.

Dai Ming Han nodded and continued to ask: "Is there any progress in this investigation of Li Tao?"

"Before August 30, Li Tao had two numbers that were frequently contacted. After August 30, the two sides no longer contacted each other," Han Bin said, putting the owners' information in the spotlight.

Name: Zhang Hai Yan

Gender: Female

Age: 36

Mobile number: 13438XXXXXX

Address: Bei Zhai Village, Qingdao City

Name: Sun Shao Qiang

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Mobile number: 15738xxxxx

Address: Guang'an City,

Deputy Branch Director Dai Ming Han finished reading the information, recorded it in his diary, and asked: "Have you ever had contact with these two people?"

"They were the last people to contact Li Tao, and Li Tao's disappearance is likely to be related to them, so I didn't make a hasty phone call because I was afraid of making a fool of myself," said Han Bin said.

Dai Ming Han thought for a moment: "This way, you can first visit Zhang Hai Yan to see if she is suspicious; Guang'an City is far from us, so I will contact the local police and ask them to help with the investigation."

"Yes, Captain," everyone answered.

Dai Ming Han said in a harsh tone: "Act immediately."


Bei Zhai Village was no stranger to Captain Zheng Kaixuan. He had come here to investigate before. He went directly to the village committee to inquire about Zhang Hai Yan's situation.

Zhang Hai Yan opened a small canteen in Bei Zhai Village. The family consists of three people; her husband and a five-year-old daughter, the situation at home is uncomplicated. Zhang Hai Yan's canteen was located at the eastern entrance to Bei Zhai Village. Zheng Kaixuan led people to control her. Han Bin and Li Hui pretended to be customers to enter the canteen to buy things and inquire about the situation inside. The door to the canteen was open, and a girl was crouching at the door playing behind the wheel. Li Hui showed a smile and said: "Little sister, you are so cute, how old are you this year?"

The little girl glanced at Li Hui, got up, and walked straight into the canteen. Li Hui stood in place, looking awkward. Han Bin pouted and strode into the canteen. The canteen was 100 square meters and there were several shelves. The room was filled to the brim. A middle-aged man stood behind the counter, glanced at Han Bin and Li Hui, and asked:

"What do you two want?"

Han Bin and Li Hui did not answer and looked around, and Zhang Hai Yan was not in the canteen. They pretended to look at the items on the shelves but were actually stalling, wanting to see if Zhang Hai Yan would appear.

After a while, there was still no movement from Zhang Hai Yan. Han Bin and Li Hui exchanged a wink and the two walked towards the counter. Han Bin asked: "Boss, what's your name?"

"My family name is Cao, just call me Old Cao. If you want something, I'll help you take it," the middle-aged man looked at Han Bin with some doubt in his eyes.

Han Bin showed his police badge: "We are police."

"Police!" Old Cao seemed to be surprised: "Is there something wrong?"

"Is Zhang Hai Yan there? We want to know more about her," Han Bin said.

"My wife cooks in the back."

"We want to talk about something with her, would you like to take us."

"The house garden is a bit messy, you two are waiting here, I'll call her."

After Old Cao finished talking, he turned around and ran to the back of the canteen. Han Bin and Li Hui didn't foolishly wait in the canteen and followed Old Cao. There was a yard behind the canteen, with cilantro and shallots planted on the left and a pile of ashes on the right, and as soon as they entered the yard, Old Cao asked a woman in her 30s to leave the house, and when she came out she was wearing a red apron tied around her waist. Han Bin saw her before in the photo and recognized her identity at a glance, but he still asked: "Are you, Zhang Hai Yan?"

"Yes," Zhang Hai Yan wiped her hands on her apron and asked: "Mr. Police officer, what are you looking for? What do you want from me?"

"We suspect you are related to a missing person case and would like to ask you to help us with the investigation," Han Bin said.


(DNA comparison result is not out yet)


"How could I be linked to a missing person case, are you wrong?" Zhang Hai Yan lowered her head and stroked the hair near her ear.

When the other party looked up, Han Bin looked at the other party's cheek and asked: "Li Tao, do you know him?"

Zhang Hai Yan showed a frightened look: "No... I don't know him."josei

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