Detective From the Future

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Person Of Interest.

The operation to arrest more than 30 people lasted almost twenty minutes. These people were handcuffed and locked in three rooms, two rooms for men and one room for women.

"Silence," shouted a policeman in one of the detention rooms.

The detention room immediately became quiet and no one dared to make any noise.

"From where are you? What are you doing in the courtyard of the police station? Aren't you stingy when you walked into the detention room? Some of our police officers have very advanced means of educating you.

Yan Dong Qi wandered around the detention room and glanced at the villagers in the detention room, but no one dared to look at him. The behavior of these villagers was completely different from the arrogant and overbearing attitude they had before.

Yan Dong Qi said a few words to the guard police and called Han Bin to accompany him out of the detention room and went out together to the courtyard of the police station. The two stood in the yard, and Yan Dong Qi handed Han Bin a cigarette.

"Team Leader Han, I have to thank you for what happened today. If you hadn't won Tian Xin Jun, things might not end well."

"You're welcome, that's what I have to do."

Han Bin took out the lighter and lit the other party's cigarette first.

"I made a report to the leaders of the county office and explained the situation on our side. In a moment, people from the propaganda department of the county office came to understand the situation and wanted to intervene and as we have controlled in advance the direction of public opinion has become aware of what happened just now. You also know the Internet is relatively developed now and some things are still uncontrolled, then we must take our precautions before acting so that nothing bad happens," Yan Dong Qi said.

"I understand that people from the publicity department are here, and I will definitely cooperate with them," Han Bin replied.

"The young man has a future. No wonder he became a criminal police team leader at a very young age. If I have a daughter, I will take you as my son-in-law no matter what." Yan Dong Qi patted Han Bin on the shoulder. And as we know the two were from different police departments. It is very important the different departments communicate well in advance.

"The Quan Lai Yan Institute alumni are serious. If it weren't for you to control the situation, there might have been chaos," Han Bin laughed.

"Ha ha..." Yan Dong Qi laughed, and everyone carried the bearer chair.

"Team leader Han, the most important thing right now is to write down the confessions first, especially the two organizers, Tian Xin Jun and Tian Cui'e, so that they don't backfire. And do not reply," Yan Dong Qi has a wealth of experience. He was careful, and meticulous in handling this case. Cases like that should be handled carefully.

"Tian Xin Jun's mouth supply is not a big deal. Tian Cui'e, a woman who is messing around, maybe so uncooperative," Han Bin said.

"It's okay, I'm responsible for Tian Cui'e's confession and I will do her job." Yan Dong Qi was able to become the director of the police station, and naturally, he had his own means.

"Do you need members of our group to take notes for the other villagers who have gathered to cause trouble?" Han Bin asked.

"This insignificant matter can be given to the police at the police station. Team leader Han can focus on handling the case. If you have any requirements, just ask and tell us the truth. If the case of poisoned cows is unresolved, I won't be comfortable," Yan Dong Qi said and added in a severe tone: "They will think that Qian Jin Feng's cattle have been poisoned to death, and therefore, the police did not catch the one who poisoned the cattle. Instead, the police arrested Qian Jin Feng and those who were unhappy with the police action."

"I will do my best to solve the case of the poisoned cattle," Han Bin said sternly.

"It was originally my responsibility, and now I have to ask you, team leader Han. Once the matter is resolved, I will definitely celebrate your team's merits," Yan Dong Qi held the hand of Han Bin with two hands.

These two discussed a few more words before Han Bin returned to the temporary office.

"Dear Bin, what did Director Yan tell you?" Li Hui asked curiously.

"Director Yan, on behalf of the Beixi Zhang Village Police Station, thanked our second team for their help and also said that this arrest was due to our team," Han Bin said.

"Hey, if we hadn't won Tian Xin Jun, we would have still talked about what happened today," Li Hui smiled.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing," Sun Xiao Peng was a little scared.

"It's enough for this old man Tian Xin Jun to drink a pot this time. The crime of gathering a crowd to disrupt social order is not light," Zhao Ming opened his mouth.

"It's all that Tian Cui'e's fault. She not only caused us trouble but also offended the police station." Tian Li hummed.

"Pap pap."

Han Bin clapped his hands: "Don't say such things, and the top priority is to solve the poisoned cattle case. The impact of this case is far greater than we imagined."

"What happened has delayed the progress of the investigation a lot," Li Hui spread his hands.

"I will arrange the task," Han Bin said sternly: "Tian Li and Zhao Ming, you go to the grocery store to question Zhang Lei."

"Li Hui and Xiao Peng, you will collect the shoe prints of the villagers who gathered to create trouble. I will study them later."

"Dear Bin, you suspect that the suspected cattle poisoning man may be hiding in these villagers." Li Hui said in surprise.

"We guessed an acquaintance had committed the crime before. Those people who gathered to create trouble meet this condition. Also, there is some connection between the two cases. It's always fair to check," Han Bin spoke thoughtfully.

"Tsk tsk, Brother Bin is still amazing, that idea didn't occur to me," Zhao Ming gave a thumbs up.

"Stop flattering and leave," Han Bin scolded with a smile.


After Li Hui and Sun Xiao Peng had left the office, Sun Xiao Peng scratched his head: "Brother Hui, how do we collect these shoe prints? I've never done this before."

"It's quite simple, collect all the troublemakers' shoes and take them to Han Bin for inspection," Li Hui smiled.

"It's true. It will save us trouble," Sun Xiao Peng nodded.

"Good fart, I can't choke you," Li Hui was somewhat taken aback. He just casually said that sentence, he never thought the other side would take it seriously.


Half an hour later, Li Hui printed the pictures of the shoe prints of the villagers who gathered to create trouble and placed them in front of Han Bin. There were more than ten pieces of paper in total, and the rest were either female or didn't match Han Bin's judgment of the suspect. The names were also marked in the lower right corner of the paper. Han Bin picked up the documents printed on the table and compared them one by one with the suspect's shoe print.

When he saw the fourth shoe print, Han Bin tapped the document with his right index finger, "Dear Hui, go get this man named Tian Wen Cheng."

Li Hui was puzzled for a moment and asked with a trace of joy: "Do the shoe prints match?"

"No," Han Bin shook his head: "From Tian Wen Cheng's shoe prints, I was able to find the characteristics of the suspect's shoes, and both prints were from the same shoe model."

"Then why do you ask for him?"

"It's not the person's fingerprint, but the two fingerprints have the same texture," Han Bin explained.

"That is to say, they wear the same type of shoes," Li Hui said.

"Yes, I compared the suspect's shoe prints on the internet yesterday, hoping to find the type of the suspect's shoes, but I couldn't find them. Now that the suspect's shoes are the same style as Tian Wen Cheng, we can use the shoes to find that person," Han Bin said.

"Are you going to accuse Tian Wen Cheng?" Li Hui said.


After a while, Tian Wen Cheng was taken to the office. He looked to be in his forties, dark-skinned, hunched over, and looked around in fear.

"Stand up straight and lift your head, where is the unrepentant energy from earlier in the courtyard of the police station?" Li Hui growled.

"Officers, I was wrong. I was deceived. I was deceived by Tian Xin Jun. I will cooperate with the investigation and strive to show mercy," Tian Wen Cheng nodded vigorously.

Han Bin looked at the other side: "As long as you cooperate with the investigation and answer my questions well, you will naturally have the opportunity to have contributions."

"Mr. Police officer, I told you, I will cooperate."

"Where did you buy these shoes?" asked Han Bin.

"I bought it at our village market. It costs 35 Yuan a pair. If you like it, let my wife buy you a pair and send it," Tian Wen Cheng flattered.

"Crack!" Li Hui gave the other party a straight head: "What a waste, look what you were asked, and what you answer!

"Yes," Tian Wen Cheng nodded hastily.

Han Bin pinched his forehead. No wonder he couldn't find the shoe style on the internet. It turned out to be a small shoe brand. Few people buy them online or in urban areas.

"Take off your shoes and show them to me," Han Bin said.


Although he wondered about Han Bin's special hobby, Tian Wen Cheng complied.

Han Bin put the shoes on the table and watched them carefully: "I think I saw this shoe."

Li Hui glanced at it: "I don't have a feeling."

Sun Xiao Peng also came to take a look and shook his head.

Han Bin's power of observation was far beyond ordinary people. What he saw will leave an impression in his mind, and he will remember it better than others.

"I remember Qian Guang Yue was wearing these shoes the day he was arrested!"

"You mean Qian Guang Yue might be the suspect in the poison cow case?" Li Hui was a little surprised.

"Qian Guang Yue is also from Beixi Zhang Village, and he can also buy shoes at the village market," Han Bin guessed.

"Xiao Peng, send Lu Wen the fingerprints of the suspect in the poisoned cow case and ask him to compare the fingerprints of the suspect with those of Qian Guang Yue."

"Yes." Sun Xiao Peng replied and scratched his head again, and said: "Team leader, there is something I can't understand."

"You say so."

"Due to food poisoning, Qian Guang Yue was arrested by us, and his fingerprints and DNA were also entered into the police database, and director Zhao said that the suspect's fingerprints who poisoned the cows have been checked against the database. The comparison has been made since there was no match, it means that Qian Guang Yue has been ruled out as a suspicious person," Sun Xiao Peng said.

"That appears to be the case." Li Hui frowned.

"It's a misunderstanding. According to the characteristics of the suspect that I analyzed through fingerprint identification, Qian Guang Yue's age and height are relatively consistent, but not everyone thought of him. the first time just thought he had been arrested, and his fingerprints weren't registered in the database yet."

Han Bin stopped, took out some paper and a pen, and wrote down some dates: "The poisoned cattle case happened on October 14, and the beef was sold to Wells Restaurant on the 16th and 17th. There's jet lag here. When the fingerprints of the suspect in the poisoned cattle case are checked against the database, his fingerprints may not have been registered in the database.

"That's what happened," Li Hui said looking back.josei

Sun Xiao Peng felt a little scared and swallowed: "That is to say, Qian Guang Yue is behind the poisoned cattle case and the food poisoning case. Why did he do that?"

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