Detective Ghost Empress

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

50 A dog josei

” Now lets this party get started,” said Li Gang as he rubbed his hands and looked at the food that was placed in front of him, he turned his head and looked at Liu Hui Ying with shining eyes like a dog that was waiting for its master to throw a juicy bone to him.

He wasn’t the only one even Jia Li and Grandma Lan Fen looked excited as they both stared at the meal that was steaming hot on the table.

Seeing them like this, Liu Hui Ying was stunned speechless. ” Why are you acting like this? You all are behaving like I haven’t given you any food or anything for years... did I not cook for you when we were in our world? What is with this attitude of yours?”

” Yeah, you have cooked for us but the thing that you have cooked for us can hardly compare to this,” said Li Gang with a roll of his eyes. ” You used to cook us ramen with some fried bacon or either toast with omelette and the most decent meal that you served us was on New Years’ when you cooked a bunch of fried food.”

” I am not complaining but he is right about that, Hui Ying,” said Jia Li as she looked at the irritable Liu Hui Ying and quickly amended her words, ” I mean to say that your cooking is very delicious as well but you have never really cooked for us this extravagantly.”

” Of course, I haven’t,” said Liu Hui Ying sounding annoyed as she placed her hands on the table. ” I have to run around all over the city, where do you think I will get the chance to cook a sumptuous meal for you three and why are you even complaining about the food? Strictly speaking, you three are dead ... in a perfect sense why do you need food?”

” So that we can save ourselves for your selfishness,” muttered Li Gang causing Liu Hui Ying to narrow her eyes as she said, ” Have I ever told you? I really do not like you in the least.”

” Aww, I love you too!”

” I think we should start with our dinner,” said Grandma Lan Fen desperately, sensing that another quarrel was going to start soon enough. ” We all are tired and we need some rest, so why not finish eating the meal and be done with it before going to bed?”


” Fine,” said Liu Hui Ying as she turned her gaze away from Li Gang sounding a bit severe. ” I will let you off just because I am tired, if not I would have punished you nicely by starving you of spiritual energy !”

” I solemnly apologise!”

Liu Hui Ying scoffed before she turned her attention to the meal that was sitting in front of her and closed her eyes and when she opened them, the mysterious blacks were replaced with complete whites. If someone was to see her like this, they would have been scared stiff, fortunately, no one was there to witness the sight as Liu Hui Ying’s body turned extraordinarily pale and the temperature of the entire room fell to freezing degrees.

She blew out a breath causing mist to raise in front of her lips before she leaned down and muttered a spell under her breath. Then she inhaled deeply and then blew a glittering mist over the dishes and bowls that were sitting on the table, once the glittering mist settled over the bowls of food, she closed her eyes and those pearly whites returned to their natural state.

” Eat your meal,” said Liu Hui Ying as she picked up the chopsticks as she snapped her fingers. ” Make sure to eat as much as you can because if I see even a single grain of leftover rice in the bowl, then I will surely make sure to have you three write the importance of grains. If you don’t want to be punished like a bratty kid then you better finish the meal properly.”

” You don’t have to worry about it ..” said Li Gang as he picked up the bowls and chopsticks that were offered to him and took a big bite of the spiritually enriched rice. ” I am not even going to leave a single grain of rice behind forget about leftovers.”

” That is right,” Jia Li took a bite of the lamb chops and then sighed in contentment. ” These are so good to be left behind as leftovers.”

Though Grandma Lan Fen didn’t say anything, her speed of eating told that she was just as impressed by the meal.

Liu Hui Ying saw the three ghosts who were eating like they have never eaten anything good and were slightly sullen. What was so good about this meal? Was her cooking that bad? They were simply exaggerating.

But as she took a bite of the carefully tenderised chicken, she had to admit that the cooking of the chef of this palace was indeed rather good.

” I hope that the chef is old,” She suddenly said causing everyone to look up at him in surprise.

” Why?” asked Li Gang in between the big bites that he was taking.

” So that if he dies then I will be able to take him with me,” replied Liu Hui Ying with an ‘ isn’t that simple’ expression causing Li Gang and the others to choke in surprise.

There was silence as she finished speaking before the three ghosts looked at each and then buried their faces in their bowls, there was nothing they could say about this, at most they could feel sympathetic towards the chef while hoping that he was as young as possible or else he will become the slave of a tyrant and crazy woman like her!

With the silence taking over, the meal finished without any problems.

Liu Hui Ying stared at the clean bowls and was a bit speechless, she did tell them to finish the food without leaving any leftovers but she never asked them to lick them all clean until nothing was left!

If anyone was to see these cleaned bowls, they would think that she was a dog!


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