Chapter 124

Chapter 124

124 Chapter 124: Generous?

Watching Alex and Tracy walk around the military base made people jealous, even third years wanted to rip their hair off their scalp. Why the hell would a mature lady like Tracy choose to settle down with someone at least 4 years younger than her?

If she was with Damian Briggs it would be more understanding!

By now the news of the duo dating had spread and surprisingly, none of the Big four families involved had made a statement or made any move against the relationship. They all acted as it has always been this way, which even made Tracy restless.

Her grandfather keeps acting like nothing ever happened whenever she works with them. It’s one thing to accept or reject the relationship but it’s something else to ignore it!

Either way, Alex didn’t care as long as he has his way, he doesn’t care about the Big Four of the Briggs.

Alex walked into General firestorm’s office with little beast standing proudly on his head while Tracy followed him closely, holding his hands firmly.

“Aaah! Youngsters in love... back in my days every lady wanted to be with me. You are nearly as good as I was back then Alex. But don’t worry, you still have a lot of room to grow” General firestorm laughed.

Alex simply rolled his eyes and sat down while Tracy sat beside him. He could see the general’s eyes shift from him to Little beast who stood on his head.

“I’m pretty sure you didn’t see this beast on the mutant database... Either way, I’m not giving up on this little guy... Unless you feel confident you can take him from me” Alex said coldly.


He didn’t need to be told how things work. When a strange mutant beast appears, people always seek to know more about the beast. Numerous people with a weak background who have struggled and forged a good relationship with strange mutant beasts have had their partners taken away and experimented on...

While Alex felt no pity for them. He knew it was because they lacked the power to resist the government. While Alex has the backing of the Briggs. They definitely cannot be reckless with him.

Sighs! josei

“You do know giving up the beast will be considered a strong show of loyalty to the country? You are doing the country a great service if you choose to let us experiment on it and know its full potential.” General firestorm said calmly.

It was obvious he was trying to persuade Alex.

“Unfortunately I have never been the patriotic type... I have to apologize in advance for not meeting up to your expectations” Alex Siad coldly.

The general remained silent for a while with a small frown on his face.

“What if I decide to take it Forcefully?” General firestorm while learning forward fearlessly.

“Even if it’s you, I will say it now... you will not be able to take it” Alex declared coldly stunning General firestorm.

The general felt Alex was either bluffing or he had someone with him, strong enough to stop him from hiding somewhere. Right now he didn’t know how to act next. Even if he took it with force when the Briggs and the Ainsworth families come for him, how will he calm them down.

Meanwhile, even if he tried to take it now, how sure is he that he can take it? He still remembered the image he saw. Countless buildings piled up, uprooted from their original spot, and moved to somewhere else.

He didn’t know what Alex’s secret is but it was something that gives him absolute confidence so the old man felt a bit wary. Strangely he felt of Alex didn’t fight back to hold the beast off while Mr. White and the rest ran, he could have come back unscathed.


“It is okay... I owe you one for saving my grandson so consider it paid. As long as I’m around no one will dare make a move on your pet....” General firestorm said with a loud sigh.

Only then did Alex’s hostile gaze relax.

“So why are you here? I’m sure it has nothing to do with the little beast?” General firestorm asked.

“I am joining the war as a hired sword...” Alex said stunning both Tracy and the general.

are They didn’t expect Alex to jump from one problem to another.

The general’s eyes knitted together as he considered something but he didn’t speak up. Although he was the one that made the offer he seemed reluctant to let Alex join now.

“Did something happen?” Alex was stunned and couldn’t help but ask. He failed to understand what could have happened in the past few days to change these old man’s mind.

“The third project we talked about that day... it happened... We lost a lot of men last night and currently, we are pulling back slowly... the war will be won by them soon” General firestorm said calmly.

What the hell?

“We are pulling out of Virginia?” Alex asked with a raised eyebrow. He knew the general is not the type to give up easily.

“All teams and recruits have been recalled... All those at the D grade and below will be recalled while the rest will stay and fight... We have been tasked with taking the country, that’s what we will do!” The general said coldly.

Hearing this Alex frowned, since he didn’t like the two implications of the old general’s words.

The first meant that everyone in the C grade and above have no choice but to get involved in this war. These people just entered the C ratings for God’s sake, their combat experience is lacking severely, how the hell do you expect them to perform well in a large-scale war? Many will end up dead surely.

The second is somehow related to the first. It meant that his supposed rewards for joining the war are no longer there. Since the battle is inevitable and he is mandated to join, why reward him?

“Calm down lad, I may be loyal to the country but I’m no beast. I already told you that” The general seemed to be able to tell what was going through Alex’s head.

“Firstly, all recruits will be used as our reserve forces.... During that time they will be educated on how it works in large-scale battles like this.... Also, as for your reward. Normally you will join the reserves but if you are willing to go to the front lines, I don’t mind doubling the original reward” General firestorm said with a seductive smile.

“No!” Tracy said before turning to Alex.

“You are not going to the front lines! The chances of you dying is extremely high! Even A-rated guardians die at the front lines!” She argued while looking into Alex’s eyes.

Seeing the strange smile felt weird but Alex didn’t speak about it. His eyes were heavy as he considered something before asking.

“What type of reward are you speaking of?” Alex asked.

“Your very first territory” General firestorm said, leaving Alex stunned and speechless.

While other rewards will be nice, gaining territory is in a league of its own! Alex didn’t even consider the possibility of owning a Territory. Just like Florida owned by the Briggs, other powerful groups in the country own territories.

“The territory is the same as Virginia, a brown Territory... filled with wolf level and tiger threat mutant beasts.... I will also offer protection to this territory once you claim it until you are strong enough to handle yourself” General Firestorm said with a strange look on his face. The thought of it alone made Alex frown.

Protecting the territory is possible if General Firestorm decides to. With his position in the country, even the Briggs family can’t do anything to him unless he directly antagonizes them and makes them suffer some loss.

If they go after him, they are practically going against the country.

By the way, an S-rated deviant like Alex is not someone that can be defeated even if he is going against an SS-rated deviant. They would rather try to avoid confrontation. By the way, the general has a battalion under his command, who would dare go against him?

“Why are you doing all this? I refuse to believe you are just trying to be generous” Alex said coldly.

“Why do you talk like this little Alex, we have always been on good terms. I have been nice to you, isn’t it possible I’m just trying to be nice now?” General Firestorm asked with a raised eyebrow.

Alex shot this old man a cold glance and frowned. He hated things like this, he would prefer if a person is straightforward.

Each time a person acts this way, he remembers Silver almost instantly.

“I believe honesty is the best way to start a relationship truthfully... don’t you think so too?” Alex asked with a slight frown

The general is not someone he can afford to annoy too.

The general gazed at Alex with an amused look ok his face. No matter how much he tried to hide it, it was obvious he had an ulterior motive

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