Chapter 331

Chapter 331

331 Intimidating an emperor

“If my husband will be represented, he should be represented by his successor and heir, Creed!” Sharyn’s cold voice rang from behind causing Silver to frown.

Did this lady really think he wouldn’t kill her because of Alex?

“I think you have better things to worry about. Well, I don’t know... something like not getting killed by your husband!” Silver hissed.


Sharyn hissed as she watched Silver ignore her and leave with Little Alex. Right now the power struggle between her and Silver has never been fiercer but what worries her is that when the time comes Alex won’t stand by her side. Instead, he would stand by the person who is more useful to him, Silver.

“You have to grow up soon and get stronger fast so that you can protect your mother. I’m almost at my limits already” Sharyn said with a sad smile while playing with his hair.


“I’m strong enough already, they just don’t know. Don’t worry you won’t have to wait for too long” Creed responded with a cold look on his face.




Alex jumped off the rails and dashed into the distance with a cold look on his face. His body was like a shadow phasing in and out of existence as he raced forward.

Meanwhile, Silver dressed in a long silver robe, stood with Little Alex by his side and a handful of the nameless core members. They all stood and gazed at the spacecraft entering earth’s atmosphere with cold looks on their faces.

The Danite happened to come with an entire fleet but only three carrier ships were allowed to make contact according to the rules laid out for them by Silver.

While one may complain saying three carrier ships are already enough to carry tens of thousands of soldiers, Silver brushed aside their requests to reconsider.

This was a show of strength!

This was his way of telling the Danite Emperor that they are not scared to fight!



The doors to the spacecraft opened but only three figures emerged from the mighty aircraft all of them possessed a tremendous aura that would make anyone shiver.

Silver’s calm eyes shifted to the figure on the right and he instantly recognized him. After doing his research he was more knowledgeable about the Danite race and their royal family than most.

“Khal’k, the second prince of the Danite race and the first person to make contact with the invaders yet he survived. It is suspected that the strength of the first and second Danite princes should be roughly near ours” Silver said to Little Alex who frowned In response.

If the strength of the princes of the Danite race is equivalent to theirs then how strong is the Danite race Emperor?

“At the right is Cal`id, the first prince of the Danite race. Crown prince and heir to the throne and at the center is Dàn-T?? Emperor or so. That’s what they are called since they forgo their old names” Silver explained.

“How strong is the Dàn-T?? Emperor?” Little Alex asked and Silver frowned as if he was considering a lot of things the moment he was asked the question.

“We suspect he should be on par with Alex or slightly stronger but the gap shouldn’t be far off” Silver responded honestly leaving Little Alex stunned.

“Did you just openly admit to being weaker than my father?” Little Alex asked excitedly and Silver simply rolled his eyes.

“Only a fool will say we are equal. But Alex can’t kill me without paying a heavy price. Also, he is the muscle and I’m the brain. In reality, I do most of the work” Silver quickly tried to defend himself but the smile on Little Alex’s face widened even more and more.

“I didn’t think the child who took the life of my little brother will dare show his face here!” A hoarse voice could be heard approaching at a rapid speed!

Silver and Little Alex frowned slightly as both turned to the source and realized the three Danites were not too far from them. Their cold gaze was pinned on Little Alex.

“Heh!” Silver revealed a cruel smile as his eyes let out a silver light.

“This is my domain, he is free to roam my world as he sees fit!” Silver retorted sending shivers down the spine of everyone present, including Sharyn.

They all believed peace was the only thing on Silver’s mind when he agreed to speak to these people personally, they never thought he would dare speak to them like this but unknown to them this was part of the plan. Precisely the reason why he brought little Alex along.

He didn’t come here to beg for peace, he came to demand for it, and to do that he needs to show strength.

Cowering away now will only leave a dent in his image!

“Your brother and I fought in a free and fair battle and I won. I suggest you deal with it or I will consider sending you off to meet him real soon!” Little Alex snorted disdainfully as his eyes clashed with that of Khal’k and even then he showed no signs of retreating.

“What the hell?”

Everyone was confused by the tense atmosphere but no one dared speak as the strongest experts present exchanged words.

“Your nephew does not know how to kneel to an emperor. Heis quite rude, so would you prefer to discipline him yourself or shall I do it?” Dàn-T?? Emperor asked with a calm look on his face. His eyes dilated as a strange and subtle power exploded from his eyes racing towards Little Alex.


Silver stepped forward, blocking Little Alex’s figure with his body as a bright blue aura exploded from his body!


“How dare a mere emperor request the son of God to bow? Do you think our leader won’t dare kill you here and now?” Silver asked with cruel eyes.


His words seemed to revive a hidden fear deep within the Danites as they instinctively began looking around as if they were searching for something.josei

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