Chapter 61

Chapter 61

61 Chapter 61: Adding a new member to the family

Jason dwelt in the thought for a while before snapping out of it. His eyes refined focus and he shot Silver a mean glance before speaking.

“This has nothing to do with the main topic... I want to know why you are here and when you are leaving” Jason said coldly and Silver frowned. How dare a poor savage as Jason speaks to him that way.

“I am here to tell you that you will join us and you will agree with any testimony Alex cooks up... Of course, his testimony won’t bring harm to you in any way... You will have the backing of the government and the big four” Silver said coldly.

Hearing this Jason laughs uncontrollably falling off the chair and rolling on the ground. His eyes revealed a hint of disgust and hatred as he spat on the floor before speaking.

“And why would I join you? A healing type deviant of my caliber is very rare and without living a finger, I can live a peaceful and prosperous life! If I expose your little secrets I may even get bonus points for loyalty! By the way, on the official record, Alex shouldn’t even be a deviant... Having two abilities is no longer a secret but an act of treason... Now I ask again, why are you here, and when you are leaving?” Jason said with a cruel smile.

He believed after making this point, Silver will tremble and lose composure but Silver didn’t say anything. He calmly pulled out a syringe with a Silver liquid and injected it into his body. Jason saw silver veins emerge all over his body and his eyes revealed a threatening silver light as his boy convulsed.

Silver gritted his teeth and his hands pierce the sofa, going deep. Jason took steps back as Silver struggled and after an entire minute he calmed down.


Silver exhaled and revealed a sinister smile that sent shivers down Jason’s spine. At this point, he was completely terrified of Silver and unwilling to meet his gaze.


<> Jason kept screaming in his head.

“You have a point though... You have all the advantages... You have all the advantages! You have a rare ability and the government wants to keep you... Alex has two deviant abilities hidden... That may be treason but he will be considered a national asset and with his background, no one can touch him... You on the other hand attempted to kill a national asset and a member of the Brigg family, one of the big four... Now tell me, will the country pick a man with no background over Alex Briggs, a youth with a gold tier martial arts technique and not one but two deviant abilities?” Silver said with a cruel smile on his face.

Jason heard his words and his face turned paler by the second as he heard more. In the end, his legs had lost their strength and he fell to his knees, not knowing how to speak or breathe. josei

“What do you want?” Jason mustered a lot of energy before he could squeeze those words out.

Hearing this, Silver smiled sheepishly and leaned forward.

“You will work for me... You will become a part of my new family!” Silver said coldly.


Alex slept through the day and the next morning he felt slightly better. He had gone through the contents of the scroll before setting it on fire but he didn’t dare practice now. The first stage of the demon-kin secret technique revolves around utilizing the energy within to push the body to its limit and beyond. It grants the user unparalleled speed and strength, making them invincible amongst their peers but that’s just it.

Any slip up will lead to serious injuries and since the internal energy is being used recklessly, a person will end up losing a lot of stamina, making them unable to fight for long. It’s just like creating the ultimate weapon that can only fire once.

The second stage focuses on teaching the users how to harness the power around them. It is a method of creating an ultimate weapon that can keep fighting forever no matter what. The details are a bit more complex and Alex knew it would be strenuous.

Reading about the technique he noticed that this second stage requires the user to constantly gather every form of energy around to form a perfect body while gaining unlimited stamina. Only after a person reaches a certain level will they gain the right to learn the third stage of the demon-kin technique.

Alex realized that Wilder gained such a powerful body through this second stage. For someone over seventy, he must have practiced this for more than fifty years, that’s why Alex got hurt when attacking him.

Upon making this discovery, Alex realized how bad his situation is. He doesn’t have fifty years to wait before creating his own family. To match Wilder he will need to rely on his two deviant abilities and beast gears. Going against him using the demon-kin technique is suicide and Alex knew that.

“Life in the future will be really difficult” Alex muttered as he took some painkillers.

He took his bathe and wore a black robe before heading down for breakfast. For someone who hasn’t taken anything solid in three months, Alex felt extremely hungry.

He wished he could just eat and practice his martial technique but he knew it was Impossible. Practicing this martial art right now in a weak body is not from a death wish.

Alex walked down the stairs only to see the dining table filled with assorted dishes. His eyes narrowed as he took bold steps forward and leaned forward. Moving his fingers, bone-cracking sounds could be heard and each step sounded heavier than the last.

“Why the hell is he here” Alex growled as he shot a cold gaze at Jason who was comfortably seated.

“Alex..” Tracy tried to speak but she was cut off by Alex who revealed a cruel grin.

“Nice nice, I understand now... If I kill him here and now, he won’t have the opportunity to testify” Alex laughed.

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