Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 360 This Chick Is Crazy

Chapter 360 This Chick Is Crazy

"I still don't understand. Why Ciri? What's so special about her bloodline?"

Ella immediately raised her head toward Lenny.

"Everything, everything is special! You see, in only a few years, I turned Ciri from an acolyte to a senior witch and then to an elder witch. I did it so I could get my hands on them."

Lenny could suddenly guess what she meant.

"You wanted the invitation stone?" He asked.

Ella nodded. "Once more, you are catching up. But you got one thing wrong. It is not a need for the invitation stone, but a need for the invitation STONES.

Lenny Tales, You cannot even begin to imagine the kind of power that the invitation stones possess. I needed them.

But of course, creating them had to happen.

For the centuries of my life span, I have orchestrated one vile stage or the other—wars, diseases, you know, anything that could quicken their creation."

On hearing this, Lenny frowned. "You killed millions of people just for the invitation stones?"

Ella raised a brow at him, "No! Billions!" As she talked, she slowly released her killing intent.

Instantly, Lenny felt as if the blood in his veins had frozen over. It was not just that; his breath had seized, and even his soul felt the deep chill.

Ella's killing intent was so primal that Lenny could swear that he could taste the blood in the air and how sour it was.

He could even hear the cries of millions of souls in the air all around her.

It was so profound that he could see the hill where they stood cracking and trying to break apart.

It was like an earthquake was happening, and Lenny could clearly see that she was not done releasing all of it.

However, with a wave of the hand, it disappeared.

It was totally gone, like it was never there in the first place.

At this moment, Lenny, for a few seconds, even forgot to breathe. It was not that he did not want to, but his lungs had forgotten how to take in air, and it took conscious effort on his memory of breathing to take in air again. josei

However, his breath was very heavy.

Ella noticed this.

"Impressive!" Ella complimented, "You see now, I told you your killing intent was nothing."

Lenny took sharp breaths as cold sweat ran down his spine.

He raised his head to her, "The Invitation Stones. What is it to you? So you aided in their creation behind the scenes, and when the Apocalypse came, you just hid in your domain. That's the true reason your domain is inside Ciri's, isn't it?"

Ella walked up to him and grabbed him by the jaw. "They are things in this world you can't even comprehend, boy. But you are right; I needed to stay hidden. At least until the demons had done significant damage to the earth. That way, when they come, there will be a reason for him to ..." Her voice trailed off a little. "Let us go back to heaven."

Those words went like a bomb into Lenny's head.

He was not a fool. Knowing the kind of person Ella was. That is, her origins—he instantly understood what she was saying.

Ella helped with the creation of the invitation stones so that the demons could first come to the earth, and then after their arrival, she could later use the stone to summon her own people.

"You want to summon angels?"

"Fallen... angels," she corrected him as she frowned deeply, "don't you dare judge. If only you had seen what heaven looked like, you'd kill anything to get there as well. The invitation Stones will simply let us return by finding favor in his sight."

"By killing millions?" Lenny asked through gritted teeth. Hearing what she had just said, his anger was already as vast as the ocean.

"Those lives are just a small sacrifice for the greater good. The invitation stones would all bring the fallen from their prison in purgatory. We will bring Armageddon closer, and once we have vanquished the forces of evil, he will let us back into our home!" She had a zealous look on her face as she spoke.

"We!? You are a Nephilim; you don't even know what heaven fucking looks like, and you killed millions for..."

Lenny's words froze in his mouth as he realized something very important.

Thinking of it now, it makes sense. After all, he could see that crazy look on her face.

This was the look he had seen with religious zealots many, many times.

"This chick is crazy!" Lenny muttered as he shook his head.

"Crazy!? No! I am a visionary. Then again, aren't you too? You use Holy Power. I know how Holy Power works. Either you were born with it or a fallen angel gifted it to you. None of those pride-filled Wing flappers will ever come so low to bless you. That means that you are also one of us. Join me, Lenny Tales. Join me, and let's return to where we truly belong. Let's ditch this fucked up world and the Vermin humans that roam it's dust."

The more she talked, the crazier her eyes became. Lenny could see her deep passion as the veins on her body bulged out of her forehead, ruining her beauty.

"So what do you say?" She paused, breathing heavily.

"Hmmm," Lenny nodded. "I see, so let me get this straight. Regardless of being half human, you aided the deaths of millions of people just so that you could fake fallen angels coming to the earth to save humanity. So that Heaven would be moved and take you back?"

Ella nodded.

"So if I might ask before I... *cough* join your crusade, Why one? Where are the other seven?"

"No need to worry about that. All invitation stones are connected. Once we merge the two halves together, we can locate the others.

So what do you say? Will you join me?

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