Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 547 In Need Of The Baroness Help

Chapter 547 In Need Of The Baroness Help


While Lenny confronted Duncan, yet another bold confrontation occurred some place else in secrecy.

In the depths of the deepness of dark , where shadows clung like living things, there existed a secret chamber, hidden from the prying eyes of both mortal and supernatural beings. The air in this room was thick with the acrid scent of brimstone and the faint echoes of distant screams.

 Sinister runes, etched into the very walls, glowed with an eerie crimson light, casting twisted, dancing shadows across the obsidian floor.

In the heart of this malevolent sanctum, adorned with intricate runes that seemed to pulse with ancient power, stood a device unlike any mortal artifact—a mirror, its surface warped and marred by centuries of dark rituals. Within this gruesome setting, the mirror stood as a portal to dark intentions, its glass marred by streaks of dried gore. 

Twisted faces seemed to writhe in agony within the mirror's depths, their silent screams etched into the very fabric of the glass. The room resonated with the anguished cries of lost souls, their tormented voices reverberating through the chamber, a reminder of the demonic alliance's gruesome past and the atrocities yet to come.

 Yet, within the fractured glass, images flickered and twisted, revealing the demonic Baroness Everbee, her form shrouded in a cloak of shadows, her eyes gleaming with a malevolent intelligence.

On the other side of the mirror, a demonic entity known as Mr. Augustus gazed back, his human guise marred by the presence of immense, curling horns that sprouted from his skull like the gnarled branches of a cursed tree. 

His eyes, crimson orbs glinting with dark ambition, met Everbee's with a silent understanding of the treacherous plot they were about to weave.

Everbee's voice, soft as silk but laden with the weight of ancient malice and seductiveness, echoed through the chamber. "What brings you to this clandestine meeting, Augustus boy, with such a proposal that warrants such secrecy?"

The chamber pulsed with a malevolent energy that seemed to seep into every crack and crevice. The walls, adorned with sinewy runes that glowed like freshly spilled blood, oozed with an unsettling darkness. Crimson ichor dripped from the ceiling in thick, viscous droplets, creating a macabre pattern on the floor below. The very atmosphere seemed to hum with the echoes of past horrors, and the stench of decay clung to the air like a suffocating shroud.

Augustus, a bit angry that she had called him 'Boy', swallowed his anger, his voice like the rumble of distant thunder, responded, "Everbee!"

She immediately stopped him with a harsh tone, "That's Baroness Everbee to you boy! just because I did not seek vengeance after your boy killed my Octopus hunting pet, allowing this meeting does not mean that I have forgotten the grievance. Besides, because I grace this world with My presence does not mean that we are of the same status and..." her tone deepened, "...Power!" 

Mr Augustus eyes showed his defiance, but he could not help it, he needed her blessings for the plan he wanted to propose. Selectively, he dodged the issue about the Hunting pet as he made his request known.

 "Baroness Everbee, you and I both know the potential power that lies within the land of Milk and Honey. Its guardian, the Primordial Beast, is a source of unparalleled strength. If we were to devour it, our power would be immeasurable."

Everbee's lips curled into a sinister smile. "We!? do you think that Fish trash will suffice to satiate my palate. I'm a picky eater you know. And I don't like Sea food. I can see that you little Great demons have a lot of things about this Baroness very twisted." 

She suddenly rolled her eyes as if to say that she was stressed by the request, "Nevertheless, such a feat requires planning and resources. What, dear Augustus, do you propose as payment for my support in this endeavor?"I think you should take a look at

Augustus' eyes glinted with cunning. "I'll offer you not just any demon, but another of the Great Demon rank, a feast fit for a Baroness such as yourself. Their essence would enhance your power but since the Great demon dwells in this realm, you will finally be able to leave your Wandering city and touch the Eighth earth."

Everbee went a silent a bit, giving the illusion that she was considering the proposition, her mind weaving intricate webs of schemes and ambitions. The room seemed to grow darker, shadows deepening as if in anticipation of the sinister alliance being forged.

The mirror between them trembled, its glass quivering with the potency of their dark intentions. Everbee, her voice dripping with venomous desire, finally spoke, "Very well, Augustus. I shall support your plan to claim Milk and Honey as your own. But remember, should you fail to deliver what you promise, the consequences will be dire."

Augustus bowed his horned head in acknowledgment. "Rest assured, Baroness Everbee, my word is as binding as the chains of the underworld."

Everbee's laughter, like the echo of a thousand dying souls, filled the chamber, intertwining with the tortured screams that hung in the air, "In that case, I am listening, What machinations have you planned to please this Barroness?"

Augustus' eyes gleamed with sadistic delight, "Oh, a lot. A lot..."

As they discussed, Mr Augustus spat out his nefarious plan, the shadows seemed to writhe in delight, their tendrils caressing the skin of the two demons like the cold fingers of death. 

The mirror itself seemed to drink in the darkness, the glass absorbing the sinister aura of the room, reflecting back the twisted forms of the demons as they plotted.

"Not bad, Augustus! I see you have affiliated yourself with another Royal family! I hope their desires does not contradict with my Royal Asmodeus Family!" 

Mr Augustus shook his head, "If It did, we won't be having this conversation right now."

Everbee nodded, "So this plan of yours, it is on the condition that your son wins the Alpha selection Tournament right?"

Mr Augustus chuckled sarcastically, his confidence was deep, "Riff has something that even I, his father am envious of. The Alpha Selection tournament is a piece of cake for him." 

Everbee nodded, however, her mind could not help but think of an interesting fellow also participating in the said tournament.

As their conversation concluded, the mirror dimmed, returning to a cold, reflective surface. The shadows in the room seemed to sigh in anticipation, whispering secrets only they could understand. The alliance between Everbee and Augustus, forged in the deepest recesses of the darkness, would...

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