Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 557 Morgana's Kiss

Chapter 557 Morgana's Kiss

The portal opened up and some Werewolves came forth from it and carried Jungle Mama and Chucky away. 

Chucky was charred black, and smoke still oozed from his body, but he was not dead. Jungle Mama was also in a terrible condition. Form kept on pouring from her mouth as she muttered words no one could understand or even bother to listen to. Her gaze had also become unfocused.

Lenny and Victor stepped into the Portal back into the Arena. 

The moment they arrived, the crowd cheered for them. It was a blanket of applause and praise. 

Lenny and Victor smiled, waving to the crowd. There were many in the audience that already screamed their love for Victor. After all, he had done something that had not happened since the beginning of the Alpha Selection Tournament.

This was the first battle since the beginning of the Alpha Selection tournament that did not end up in bloodshed. 

Most people were more than willing to kill off their competition. however, Victor had shown that he was more interested in winning but at the same time, Preserving life. 

There were also some others that called him a Hero and some already pledged their loyalty to him. 

After all, in this world of power, it was not so difficult to see one that ruled with absolute strength and power, but it was rare to find one that had both power and compassion. 

This was a trait many like Curtin failed to comprehend. 

Lenny did not mind this. in fact, he welcomed it. He looked at Victor with fond eyes. Such a level of maturity was beautiful. 

As far as Lenny was concerned Victor was going to be a good Alpha. 

It was leaders like this that he could stand by. Although Lenny knew that he himself was not such a person, he did not mind showing his support.

After all, in his former life, he was one such a person to punish wicked leaders. 

His goals in this new world were simple. 

Firstly, get rid of the Demons and Devils and Avenge lucifer Morningstar. Secondly, it was to create such a world where humans could live in peace and rule the right way without the need for bloodshed. A kind of utopia for the Human race. 

As far as he was concerned, it was all not too much to ask for. the only problem was that to create a world without Bloodshed, Blood must be shed. 

As Lenny and Victor went back to their comfortable room, the next line of matches was called. 

For the next few matches, it was practically the same thing. 

Killing and more killing. besides, their power levels or technique in battle was nothing that impressed Lenny. He was totally not interested in it all. 

he was already feeling sleepy when an interesting contender took the stage. 

The moment he saw this person, he sat upright in his Seat. It was none other than Morgana. 

Lenny remembered the first time he had seen this person back at the first stage of the Alpha Selection Ceremony. 

this person had somehow come out with the same result as Riff after touching the Crystal ball, and had naturally pulled Lenny's attention. 

This was especially true because every time he had seen Morgana, he had felt that this person's eyes had always lingered on him. 

It was as if their eyes was not on the happenings around them, like they had not come to win but had come for him. 

This feeling, Lenny felt it instinctively. it was developed long ago as an Assassin. I think you should take a look at

It was like a target was on his back, and no matter the way he tried to dodge it, it would not shift, locked on him with no chance or opportunity for him to dodge. 

Even now, as he watched through the screen before him, he could still feel Morgana's eyes piecing through the veil to reach him. 

Morgana held the hand of a little girl. 

She was only about the age of eight or nine. 

In fact, most of the time, she seemed to be hiding behind Morgana, sticking tight to Morgana's long blouse, like a child scared of losing hold of its mother.

This little girl was the youngest contender for the position of Alpha. All the others that were of her age group had given up competition for the position a long time ago. 

After all, she did not even have supporters or the like. It was only natural for everyone to look down at her because of her age and inexperience. 

She was so young that she had never even transformed once. 

She was truly in no position to be competing for the position of Alpha. 

However, that was the thing with this tournament. All that did not matter. The only thing that mattered was the strength of your support. 

And if one's support was strong enough, then reaching the top was a possibility. 

It was for this reason that the kind of fighter picked was of relevance. 

Morgana, covered in black from head to toe, except the eyes, deep pinkish red stroked the little girl's hair gently.

As she did, the little girl smiled back at her a trusting smile. 

Together, the both of them advanced unto the stage. 

Their opponent was an eighteen-year-old boy. 

He looked heroic with a disposition that screamed his capability. 

He was young, but his shirtless body was filled with muscles. from his calf, all the way to his neck screamed pure masculinity.

In fact, even right now, he was pumping iron, a dumbbell in one hand and his thick broad sword in another. 

This was Kelvin. Although he was a Werewolf, he preferred to use a blade for his battles rather than use his claws. 

Standing by his side, was an Orc. This was a creature not from earth but the Underworld. it was 12 feet tall, and stood at an impressive 6 feet wide. josei

The Orc, with skin like that of a pig was filled with muscles. 

It carried a Huge hammer on its shoulder. 

On Seeing its opponents, Both Kelvin and the Orc burst into sudden laughter. 

it was loud and echoed off all the trees around. 

However, in the midst of their laughter, Morgana suddenly stepped forward...

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