Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 584 The Trap 4

Chapter 584 The Trap 4

Chapter 584 The Trap 4

The night wrapped everything in a dark cloak, but the moon, a shiny queen in the sky, made the ground of the wasteland glow with a soft silver light. The sand reflected the moon's beauty like a secret mirror.

Duncan stood on the city walls as he watched the battlefield.

Far off in the distance, Duncan's eyes fixed on Clawed, his lover, as he battled against unseen foes.

The sounds of fighting reached Duncan's ears, and he felt a sadness settle in his chest. It was like a heavy cloud hanging over his heart. His eyes, like windows to his feelings, held a mix of worry and love.

The moon painted Clawed's figure with a ghostly light, making him look like a hero in a tale.

Duncan couldn't help but hum a sad poem under his breath, the melody carrying the weight of his emotions. The words of the poem were like whispers of a lonely wind, reaching out into the vast expanse of the night.

The wasteland, usually a harsh and unforgiving place, now seemed to soften under the moon's gentle touch. The sand, once a desolate sea, now shimmered like a magical carpet. Duncan's gaze traveled from the moon-kissed ground to the silhouette of Clawed, a lone warrior in the moonlit theater of battle.

The city walls, ancient guardians standing witness to countless stories, felt Duncan's presence as he leaned against them. His fingers traced the cool surface of the stone, grounding him in the reality of the moment.

The air was a blend of sand and night, carrying the bittersweet scent of memories yet to be made.

Clawed's movements were swift, like a dance of shadows and steel. Each swing of his weapon was a note in the silent melody of the night. Duncan's hum matched the rhythm, a tribute to the bravery and sacrifice happening below.

The reason for Duncan's melancholy mood was not known. After all, Clawed was winning and he was displaying his overwhelming advantage of superior strength on the battlefield.

He waved his blade made from cosmic energy at the undead army. Every swipe of it cut through hundreds of the undead army.

He was a force to be reckoned with, and he dealt incredible damage to the undead army.

Even the undead commander was no longer smiling.

Regardless of the undead magi summoning the host of abominations that they did, he still cut and sliced them into pieces. Their efforts against him nothing against his blade.

However, they did not stop. Again and again, they summoned more nether creatures from the Nether realm.

Clawed could not figure out why the undead could summon nether creatures, but he did not have the privilege to dwell on the thought.

All he could do was wave his blade through their gathering, as he maneuvered through their ranks.

By now, he no longer stood on the sand of the wastelands but the corpses of the nether creatures.

Their black icy blood stained his flesh, and bathed the earth, filling the air with a strong putrid smell. Regardless, he did not stop.

The undead mage's kept on swallowing more magic stones, again and again, and the summoning did not stop.

Clawed could tell that it was never going to stop. At least not until he killed off the source of it all. He had to either kill the Undead commander or he had to kill off the Magi summoning the nether creatures. josei

However, he could barely keep his advance. After all, the nether creatures would not let him.

He had no choice but to continue his advance, the ever-slow grinding method as he pushed forward.

"Do you think I will give up just because of these ants? Bring them all! Even if you open the entire fucking nether, I will still stand the victor."

He suddenly yelled to the sky as a blast of Darkline magic crackled from his skin and then with a Force on the ground, he smashed it in.


The entire battlefield was suddenly enveloped by the mass of darkline magic mixed with cosmic energy. Together, it was a combined mix of cataclysmic boom that suddenly made the battlefield go silent.

Even the Undead commander was blasted a distance away.

More than half the magi were turned to dust and ash, blowing to nothingness against the wind.

Clawed raised his head to look at his surroundings. He could not help but chuckle a bit.

The blast of his magic and cosmic energy had caused destruction that stretched far off into the horizon.

The wasteland was usually a place with high and low domes of sandy soil. However, he had flattened a large surface area of it.

It was over. He had won. Now all that remained was to kill the Undead commander and then he could once more return to the city of Milk and honey and to the embrace of his lover abound.

However, the moment he took a step forward, he staggard a bit. The technique he had used was quite draining, and it would be a while before he could move properly. After all, he had to gather the Darkline energy that he had dispelled from his body.

He waved his hand, summoning some cosmic energy, which he used like a stick to stand up.

As he did, he suddenly heard a low hum.

Instinctively, he turned behind.

It was Duncan.

"My love!" Clawed called to him, "You came to help?"

However, Duncan did not say a word. However, as he approached hot tears fell down his eyes, staining his cheeks and the earth below.

Clawed frowned at this. He could tell that something was wrong.

"Did someone hurt you?" He asked.

However, Duncan did not say a word. Instead, he reached Clawed, Leaned into him, and placed a kiss on one of his heads.

His touch was one of deep affection, "Always remember that I love you..."


A deep stabbing sound was heard.


Yet again, another sound was heard.

Slowly, Clawed looked below and there it was. A knife had carved into his chest and his heart was now in Duncan's hand.


Blood poured from his mouth.

"Why...!?" Clawed asked.

"Well my love, it's all because of..."

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