Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 782 Will And Desire

Chapter 782 Will And Desire

The air rippled with ancient power as Victor unleashed the *Howl of the Alpha*, summoning forth a legion of ethereal werewolves. These spectral beasts, each the size of buses, materialized with a ferocity that sent shockwaves through the battlefield.

Their forms, while translucent, pulsed with a menacing energy, their fur shimmering in shades of midnight blue and ghostly silver, mirroring the moonlit nights under which their kind had once roamed freely.

Each werewolf bore the distinctive features of their legendary lineage; their eyes, glowing with a fierce yellow light, pierced through the dim, casting about for their prey with a hunger born of the wild. Their snouts were drawn back in snarls, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that seemed capable of tearing through the very fabric of reality.

Their howls, a haunting chorus that intertwined with the fabric of the air, resonated with the call of the wild, a sound so primal and pure that it struck a chord in the heart of even Coco the devil, imbuing them with renewed vigor and a primal rage.

As they charged forward, the ground seemed to tremble beneath their spectral paws. Their movements were fluid, a haunting dance of shadows and light, each leap and bound carrying them closer to their quarry with a grace that belied their immense size.

The air around them crackled with cosmic energy, trailing in their wake like the northern lights, a display of their untamed power and their bond to the celestial forces.

Despite their ghostly appearance, the impact of their presence was undeniable. Each werewolf exuded an aura of dominance and ancient wisdom, a reminder of a time when they ruled the night, sovereigns of the shadowed world. In their charge, there was a promise of retribution, a vow to reclaim the glory and freedom of their kin from the clutches of those who dared to desecrate the natural order.

Together, they formed a majestic and terrifying spectacle, a force of nature unleashed, ready to defend their alpha and the legacy of their bloodline with a ferocity that would echo through the ages.

As the Wolves charged towards the baroness she actually paused in her attack of Coco and turned to face Victor, "an ordinary lab rat dares to challenge me!?"

She raised a leg, stamping it hard on the ground. Instantly, the earth rumbled as it broke open to swallow the incoming werewolves, but Victor gave a side smile.

"That will not be enough to stop my technique. These wolves are the representation of Will, molded for two hundred years for the day to give you pay back." he was right.

The wolves did not fall, but instead charged at demon with a raw ferocity. Victor smiled. Once the wolves reached the baroness, the fight would be over.

Or so he thought. however, he soon realized that he had also underestimated this woman too much

The baroness, with a flick of her wrist, conjured a swirling vortex of dark energy that engulfed the charging wolves. Her power was immense, stretching beyond the natural laws that governed cosmic energies, tapping into something far more ancient and malevolent. The vortex twisted and screamed with the howls of a thousand winds, a tempest that sought to erase the very essence of the werewolves summoned by Victor.

Yet, as the maelstrom threatened to consume them, the ethereal wolves, embodiments of will and determination, pushed against the dark force.

lightsΝοvel Their spectral forms shimmered with a more intense light, battling the pull of the vortex with every ounce of their being. It was a clash of wills, a testament to the strength that Victor had imbued in his creations through centuries of pain, loss, and the undying hope for retribution.

The baroness watched, her interest piqued by the resilience of these spectral beasts. "Interesting," she mused, her voice a blend of amusement and a hint of curiosity.lightsnovel

The ground around her crackled with her unleashed power, but she stood unmovable, a dark deity in her own right, commanding forces that would terrify the stoutest of hearts.

Victor, on the other hand, stood his ground, his confidence unwavering. He knew the wolves were more than mere projections; they were the culmination of his lineage's strength, a call to arms for all those who had suffered under the tyranny of darkness.

"They are more than just wolves; they are the embodiment of our fight, a piece of Will form sons and daughters that have died in Imperilment." he declared, his voice carrying the weight of his conviction.

As the battle raged on, the air thick with the clash of cosmic and Darkline magic, it became clear that this was more than a physical confrontation.

It was a battle of ideologies, a fight for the future of all those who stood against the encroaching shadows. Victor and the baroness, two powerful beings from opposite ends of the cosmic spectrum, were locked in a struggle that would determine the fate of many.

The wolves, relentless in their assault, began to break through the vortex, their forms glowing brighter with each step. It was a sight to behold, a demonstration of the unbreakable spirit of those who fight for freedom against the chains of oppression. Victor's smile broadened, a signal of his belief in the strength of will over the raw power of darkness.

The Baroness now, unable to hold back any more chuckled loudly, "oh my, such an aggressive little boy. That is just how I like them.

The Werewolves rushed against her body, to bite and destroy her.

However, just when the first one reached, her eyes glowed even brighter in a pink hue.josei

*Blooded Lust!*

She released her technique and an unbelievable scene happened before Victor's eyes.

All of a sudden, the Wolves that were raging for battle all stopped right in front of her. All of a sudden, they became docile, waggling their tails as a few of them even licked her to show their submission.

This was an unbelievable scene for Victor.

"Did she just seduce my technique?" he thought to himself.

What he did not know was that this was easy for the Baroness. After all, he had said it by himself that his technique had Will.

If it had Will, then it had desires, and if it had desires, then it was subject to fall for the Baroness's touch.

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