Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1052

Chapter 1052: Journey

Chapter 1052: Journey

The success of Zola’s 2-star enhancement and becoming the Goddess who was in charge of the ‘Knowledge’ of the Super System’s galaxy was an important breakthrough.

She would definitely not be the only ‘God’ because Ms. Fairy Dragon was not the only one who accepted the 2-star enhancement but all the relatives and friends. It was impossible for such a vast source of faith to produce only 1 ‘Goddess of Knowledge’.

At that time, the more gods were integrated into the super-level system, the stronger the Purple Pole Star Emperor’s power would be.

At this level, it was not only through training and hard work that one could advance or even make breakthroughs. Constantly growing and refining faith power was the real foundation for quantitative and even qualitative changes. This kind of basic quantitative change problem could not be solved by him alone. It required the common comprehension and efforts of all those who received the enhancement.

After practicing for an entire afternoon and an in-depth discussion with the Fallen Angel Empire’s Royal Majesty Empress on the academic research of how to ‘produce’ the throne inheritor, Chen Rui activated the Tower of Glory in high spirits with a group of the lamp spirits. He rushed to the City of Stars in the Blue Lake Mountain Range overnight. The lamp spirits such as Manlace had entered the culture tank to perform the experiment of super evolution, which required rule energy.

Since there were only 3 law fragments left in Chen Rui’s hand, he gave away the 2 Demi-God level law crystal balls originally reserved for Zola. Although the quality of the ‘rule energy’ contained in these 2 crystal balls was far more than the law fragment at the Kingdom level, at present Zola still needed a lot of time to comprehend the special faith power and Purple Star Transformation Star Armor. The safety of Shea, Catherine and Tiffany was the top priority.

Moreover, law fragments and law crystal balls were not ‘limited edition’. There was a place to obtain them endlessly.

After leaving the lamp spirits in the City of Stars, Chen Rui used the Tower of Glory to bring 2 super-level titans and 2 giant crystal beasts back to the Fallen Angel Capital palace. With the protection of the existing runes magic circles, he took 2 days to re-establish a protective magic circle. Even Demi-God would not be able to easily break into the current formation. Just in case, a special instant teleportation rune had been set up for Shea. In case of an unavoidable danger, she could be teleported out of the capital instantly when it was too late for rescue.

Chen Rui didn’t dare to take it lightly at all because his opponent was Satan. The strategy of buying time could not last for too long. The next batch of ‘envoys’ would probably come to the Fallen Angel Capital again soon.

After arranging all this, Chen Rui took Tiffany to a carriage driven by the lamp spirits to the Bloody Empire.

In fact, the Tower of Glory also had the ability of [Space Compression] to travel quickly, but Chen Rui spent a lot of effort in setting up defenses in the past 2 days, so he planned to take a day off. This carriage was a magic carriage with a small space like a house with 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms. It did not feel bumpy at all, so it was suitable for rest.

Tiffany was sitting on the sofa in the hall while looking down at the coffee table. She had been silent for the whole morning. Except for eating, she hardly made any sound.

“Tiffany.” Chen Rui, who was at the opposite, saw that she seemed to have a tendency to fall into self-isolation again, so he finally couldn’t help but ask.

“En.” Tiffany replied softly.

“What are you thinking about?”


“…” Chen Rui was speechless for a while. With such disinterest, he couldn’t find a topic at all.

After a long time.

“Chen Rui.” Tiffany took the initiative to speak.

“En?” Chen Rui was refreshed.

“Nothing.” She lowered her head again.


Chen Rui speechlessly covered his forehead. Alright, you won.

However, just now he keenly caught a trace of Tiffany’s mental fluctuations, so he asked tentatively, “Are you feeling nervous thinking of going back to the Bloody Empire?”

“A little.”

“So… do you hate me a little?”

Tiffany looked up in surprise and shook her head, “Why would I? You saved me.”

“If there is no upcoming political marriage,” Chen Rui sighed, “we could at least be friends.”

“Aren’t… we now?”

“Of course.” Chen Rui smiled slightly, “If you don’t mind being friends with the guy who pushed you back into the fire pit.”

Tiffany looked at Chen Rui and shook her head, “No, you’re a good guy.”


Alright, I’m a good guy.

Chen Rui, who had been receiving good praises since high school in his previous life, rubbed his nose vigorously – This is another world. Not only am I being given good praise by a sissy, this girl… should be my fiancee… shouldn’t her next sentence be something like ‘I already have someone I like’, right?

“Did I say something wrong?” Tiffany gave him a surprised look.

She’s really a sensitive girl. Chen Rui shook his head and smiled, “Actually, I really want to say that I’m not a good person.”

“Maybe I can’t tell what’s good or bad.” Tiffany’s eyes dimmed, “I just feel that you are trustworthy.”

When Chen Rui heard the sentence “I can’t tell the difference between good and bad”, he knew that she was reminded of the past again, “So, can I say a few sincere words as friends? Even if it’s a bit too direct?”

“En.” josei

“Then I’ll say it directly. After that incident, do you feel that your whole life has collapsed and life has lost its meaning? Even now, you are just reluctantly giving yourself an unclear goal and living on?”

Chen Rui said several more words one after another, all of which were mercilessly revealing the scars.

Tiffany listened, didn’t speak, and just lowered her head.

Chen Rui could see clearly. A tear fell on the ground, 1 drop, 2 drops… Soon, the low sobbing sounded, and then, the uncontrollable cry again. It seemed that the emotions accumulated for many days burst out all at once. It was the first time she cried out in front of people, and the tears on the ground kept spreading.

When the crying finally subsided, Chen Rui spoke again with a very cold tone, “You’re so foolish for doing this!”

Tiffany nodded silently.

“You haven’t understood what I mean by ‘foolish’. You should have seen more people and more things in that world. Maybe this has become the strength to support your efforts to get up, but it is not enough because the responsibility you bear is far heavier than the average person. If you can’t really stand up, walk out of the trauma, and really find the way ahead, sooner or later, you will collapse again in confusion and pain.”

“Everyone’s life can’t be smooth sailing. You’re not the only one who has experienced pain. You should have a deep impression of Isabella, right? Although she is cynical about you, she actually wants to stimulate you to stand up again.”

Tiffany nodded indistinctly. With her talent, she could naturally sense Isabella’s kindness.

“But do you know that the pain that Isabella has experienced is no less than your own. Not only her own happiness, but her entire family has almost been annihilated because of this. It can be said that life is better than death for 100 years. And it was the woman who caused you pain who caused all this!”

Tiffany was shocked, and she finally looked up.

Isabella actually…

“Kia was born after her mother was raped. The ruthless man did not treat them as family after seeing that the girl who was born was of the succubus family. Instead, he let his wife and concubine use [Soul Shackles] to control her and her mother. She had been bullied and enslaved since she was a child. In order to save her mother’s life, she was forced to go undercover in the Dark Moon and nearly lost her life several times. In the end, her mother failed to…”

Chen Rui’s voice also softened, “These 2 are just examples around me. There are countless people who have experienced countless sorrows and hardships, and you are definitely not the only one who has been desperate in this world. Even Veronica also has an unimaginable pain in the past. You may feel that this painful experience is as long as hundreds of thousands of years, but even hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, are only a moment in the entire solar system. This experience is just a small episode in your whole life, and it can represent the meaning of the whole life. Therefore, you have not lost anything. In fact, you have gained more things that allow you to see farther and be stronger on the road ahead.”

Tiffany’s red eyes moved. Her hands were a little tight and trembling slightly. After a while, she said 2 words while sobbing, “I’m sorry.”

“I’m the one who should say I’m sorry. What I said just now was really too direct. I’ll try my best to help you, if you’re willing to trust me. But you have to stand up first, and you must stand up by yourself. No matter what’s ahead, at least take the first step.”

Tiffany nodded. Chen Rui didn’t remember how many times she nodded. He let out a long breath, “Okay, I can see that you haven’t slept well these days. Now go back to your room and have a good night’s sleep. When you wake up, it’s a new day.”

Tiffany stood up, hesitated for a moment, and asked timidly, “Can I sleep here?”

Chen Rui couldn’t help but be stunned when he saw that what she was looking at was actually the sofa he was sitting on.

“En… fine.”

Tiffany took out the blanket from the room, walked over, and slept on the sofa next to him. The sofa was very long and had the style of modern fabric sofas on earth that Chen Rui remembered, making it easy to sleep.

Chen Rui looked at Tiffany, who seemed to be curled up like a kitten under the blanket. He sighed and sat nearer, putting his legs against her head. After thinking for a while, he reached out his hand and gently stroked the long pale blue hair.

This was his fiancee. There was no need to be too detached. The most important thing was that this would make her feel at ease.

Tiffany shivered slightly at first, then she seemed to enjoy the warmth. Her tense body gradually relaxed completely, and the breathing began to become long and even as she fell into a dream.

4 days later, with the assistance of the Tower of Glory, the carriage reached the capital of the Bloody Empire.

It was an extremely grand welcome ceremony to greet the 2. It created a commotion in the entire capital.

The reason being was that before that, Raizen had already announced 3 shocking news in person through the 3 empires’ joint television station and the Bloody Empire’s first television station.

First, the royal family’s noble Ms. Tiffany. Mammon is actually Raizen’s biological daughter. This princess would become the first princess, that is, the empire inheritor.

Second, Raizen will pass the throne to Princess Tiffany within a month.

Third, after Princess Tiffany becomes the empress, she will marry the Fallen Angel Empire’s Prince Consort ‘Aguile’!

TL: Will Raizen not be ‘Raizen’ but a true father before that?

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