Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080: [All Star Gods View]

Chapter 1080: [All Star Gods View]

After Python left with Veronica, Chen Rui went straight to the training ground. In the final battle with Dillosro, when his soul was on the verge of life and death, he was driven by instinct and activated a big move that had never been successful before.

The previous method had caused a considerable effect on Dillosro. He devoured too many faiths and lives and almost overloaded. Furthermore, Satan was attacking at the same time outside, which was suffering damage internally and externally This blow carried irresistible power, completely defeating Dillosro’s soul, so the power was evident.

This was based on [Pole Star Kingdom]. The 2 ‘Goddess’ constellations were the core, and the buff structure of ‘Cosmos Annihilation’ was used as a reference. The refined and compressed Star Power, spirit power, soul power, faith power, life force and other powers were all condensed into 1, resulting in the ultimate move.

Chen Rui named it [All Star Gods View], which was actually very ‘ambitious’, because the real power of this move was definitely not the current level, but the future.

The current ‘Star Gods’ were only Zola and Catherine. In the future, as the rest of the people comprehend the 2-star evolution, more and more people would be star-conferred. For each additional person, the power should be doubled. If everyone who accepted the 2-star evolution could become the ‘Star Gods’ of the Super System, then the power of this move would rise to an unbelievable level.

But the premise was that Chen Rui could really control this power and activate it as he wanted.

As his soul was almost completely shattered previously, many memories were blurred. The [Deep Analysis] function that had been turned on before had copied most of the feelings of the [All Star Gods View] into his memory. Of course, this kind of move that contained life force was also a kind of ‘life’, so he couldn’t apply a certain pattern rigidly. Instead, he should capture the ‘instinct’ of life and death and understand the mystery in order to really grasp this move.

After Chen Rui’s soul was inexplicably restored and greatly enhanced, not only his strength was enhanced, but he also felt that his control in all aspects had also been improved by a certain qualitative change. If he was an ordinary trainer, he might have found a breakthrough to advance to the next realm. Unfortunately, his training path was different from that of ordinary people. Now, the Purple Pole Star Emperor of the Super System seemed to have a basic strength limited to the Demi-God level.

With the further comprehension of faith power and life force, including the magical feeling of conferring star and conferring ‘God’, Chen Rui vaguely felt the mystery of the Purple Pole Star Emperor: ‘Control’.

Controlling everything: from himself to the entire ‘universe’. The peak stage of the Demi-God was just a foundation accumulation and comprehension whereas the [Pole Star Transformation] was the real mode to truly exert this comprehension.

From [Blue Pole Star Transformation] to [Red Pole Star Transformation] to today’s ‘Purple’ was step by step for him to grasp and comprehend ‘control’. Chen Rui had a hunch that this was the greatest mystery of the 6-star evolution.

[Pole Star Transformation] was equivalent to a ‘preview’ or a ‘trailer’, as if ‘galaxy’ was just a drop in the ocean of the whole universe. If one day, he could see the whole ocean through this drop, then this was the time for a real qualitative change, and it would also be the time to grasp the ultimate power.

With this kind of joy and insight of ‘seeing the Tao (Way)’, Chen Rui entered the training ground with 1,000 times the time law and began to practice [All Star Gods View].

When Chen Rui’s consciousness left the Super System, another day and night had passed in the outside world.

After this training, he had basically mastered the secrets of the [All Star Gods View]. At the same time, he had adapted to the greatly improved soul power.

Chen Rui got up from the bed and walked out the door.

The house he was in was Adeline’s residence, located in a small secluded valley on the Thunder Snake Island and surrounded by colorful flowers that exuded a refreshing fragrance.

It could be seen that the flowers and plants here were well taken care of. It was likely that Adeline’s closest sister, Strena, did it. Chen Rui thought about it, set up a star point, and then came to the Miro Sea Area through the [Star Gate]. He found the island where the Star Ship was located.

After the disappearance of Crimson Double Teeth Sea Area (Despair Main Altar), the Miro Sea Area at this time no longer had the previous maze-like strange power. He could reach the little iceland where the Water Elemental King was located. Just in case, Chen Rui left a Kingdom level titan and some alchemy creatures to guard the frozen Lambost.

Then, he returned to the Star Ship, marked the coordinates of the Thunder Snake Archipelago on the chart, and launched a space warp.

Due to the extraordinary power of the Dead Sea, the space jump encountered some troubles this time, but with the calculation and adjustment of Crystal Phoenix, the difficulties were finally overcome. After about 3 hours, the Star Ship finally appeared near the Thunder Snake Island.

When Chen Rui returned to the hut, there was already a purple moon in the sky. He happened to see Olypheus, Lalaria, and Adeline there with anxious expressions on their faces. They obviously thought that he was missing.

Seeing Chen Rui appearing in the vision, Adeline was obviously relieved while Ms. Black Dragon flew over, crying and shouting, “Boss!”

“Sorry for worrying everyone. I just went out to do something…” Before he could finish speaking, Ms. Black Dragon plunged into his arms and burst into tears.

“I mean, Olypheus, don’t be so exaggerated.” Chen Rui was taken aback. To be honest, Ms. Black Dragon was a true beauty. Although her breasts were unremarkable, she was tall and had slender legs. Coupled with a pair of stockings and a short skirt, she would attract many eyeballs when walking on the streets of the Dark Moon.

However, Chen Rui really only had brother and sister feelings for this chick with the title of ‘fiancée’ (Isabella: Hey, isn’t she older than you?) The chick was also an ignorant person, and she didn’t seem to regard Chen Rui as a fiance at all. Instead, she regarded him as her boss and relative.

“Okay, stop crying, ain’t I fine?” Chen Rui stroked Ms. Black Dragon’s hair.

“No, boss, I almost died this time! I almost couldn’t see you and sister!”

“Uh… well, aren’t you all right now?”

“I almost can’t receive allowances and year-end bonuses!”

“I almost can’t get the cold protection fee!”

“I almost can’t get pension insurance!” josei

“I almost can’t get the housing provident fund!”

Chen Rui was speechless, “…”

Listening to Ms. Black Dragon’s sobbing cry, Chen Rui waved his hand, “Okay, Olypheus, in order to soothe your shock, I will give you those subsidies in advance when I go back. The year-end bonus is doubled!”

“Boss, you are so kind!”

No doubt this move worked. Ms. Black Dragon immediately burst into laughter and excitedly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

This action made Chen Rui stunned for a moment. Olypheus herself felt a little awkward, and she scratched her head embarrassedly as she let go of his arms. Nonetheless, before leaving, the little chick conveniently wiped her tears and snot on Chen Rui.

The virtue of dragons: The clothes of others do not matter.

Chen Rui, “…”

Lalaria came over, looking a little stammering, “That… Chen Rui, I, that… owe you 1 life. No, 2, Vesilna also counts as I owe you! I am the one who took out the treasure map this time. It originally recorded the treasure of an ancient sea creature tribe, but I didn’t expect it to be such a terrifying existence. Vesilna… I caused her death. Also, Olypheus and the others almost died, it’s all my fault.”

“Forget it, things are over now. Vesilna is a pity, but fortunately, everyone else is safe.”

“No, I’ve always had a clear distinction between kindness and grievance. When I say I owe you, I owe you!”

“If that’s true, you seem to owe me a lot.” Chen Rui shook his head. The flat-chested loli was the loser in the Bloody Empire’s martial battle competition last time.

“That’s right, Lalaria still owes me money, and the IOU is still buried in the mound next to the toilet. Mommy said that as a good dragon, even sisters have to settle the accounts.”

Ms. Black Dragon interjected, causing Lalaria to be dumbfounded. She pretended not to hear and raised her eyebrows provocatively at Chen Rui, “Hmph Hmph, the debt has accumulated to this extent. I don’t have money but I am here. As a last resort, I will pay the debt with my body… as long as you have the guts to ask for it.”

Paying off gambling debts with your body. Chen Rui was also dumbfounded. This flat-chested loli was very aware of the combat power and conflicts of his harem. The reason she said this was that she was sure that he had no guts. (and interest) – No doubt she is shameless, worthy of being an inheritor taught by the Dragon Island’s old father-in-law.

The flat-chested loli was actually a good person and a loyal member of the ‘Duoduo Opera Troupe’. As a friend, Chen Rui naturally didn’t want to make it difficult for her, “Last time I took your most precious… beard, in fact, I have already called it even. This time, um, I don’t like your ‘master’ title. If you can change it, we will not owe each other.”

“Hmph! Master… Well, okay, I won’t use ‘master’ in the future, so as not to be confused with Paglio and Roman. Let’s do this! Master… I can’t make you suffer loss like this. I will also give you a thank you kiss, but this thank you kiss will be passed on to your woman. I am so smart! Let me think about it. Should I choose my beauty Yini? Or beauty Kia? Oh Hohoho…”

Can’t there be a normal partner by my side? Chen Rui wiped his sweat and set his eyes on the most normal naga girl.

For some reason, the well-behaved Adeline’s gaze was a little unusual, seeming to be dodging his gaze.

“Adeline, what happened?”

“No… nothing.” The naga girl lowered her head.

Chen Rui did not ask more when he noticed that she refused to speak, “I have been in the Dead Sea for a while. Zola and the others are still training in a dangerous place. If there is nothing else, let’s go back. Adeline, do you want to stay or come with me?”

“Sister has already gone for closed-door training.” Adeline hesitated before answering, “I… I’d better go back with you.”

Chen Rui nodded and asked casually, “En, what about Helen?”

“Helen…” Adeline bit her lip and finally mustered her courage to say, “You better go to the Soul Song Sea Area to meet her.”

“Go meet her? What’s wrong?” Chen Rui noticed that something was wrong with Adeline.

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