Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 950

Chapter 950: Being Popular

Chapter 950: Being Popular

When Chen Rui returned to the estate, night had fallen, but an unexpected visitor was waiting for him in the mansion, Cardinal Birmingham of the Holy Church.

The Holy Church had 3 cardinals, but these 3 cardinals belonged to 3 factions, which represented the 3 archangels of the light.

The first Roger whom Chen Rui met belonged to the Pope Vantis Faction, that was, the Michael Faction; Gralin belonged to the archbishop, Holy Lady Eudora Faction, that was, the Raphael Faction; Birmingham in front of him was another Archbishop Pusmeer Faction, that was, the Gabriel Family.

When Chen Rui followed Python to the Holy Light Mountain last time, he sensed Tiffany’s presence, but due to the urgency of the situation, it was too late to investigate. He was not sure whether Tiffany was at the Holy Blessing Summit of Holy Lady Eudora or the Star Summit of Archbishop Pusmeer.

In fact, he left a star spot before in the Light Divinity Temple at that time. Later, he used [Sneak] to venture there once, but the temple that was originally close at hand could no longer be seen. Instead, there were extremely powerful ancient runes everywhere that sealed the entire space. If it weren’t for Chen Rui’s extremely keen response to ancient runes, he would have returned to the same path and gotten lost before even touching the runes.

This was also the reason why Chen Rui was close to Gralin. Now that Birmingham was visiting, he must have received news about the ‘Crown of Thorns’ and come to win over the ‘Holy Child’.

Birmingham was a poignant man who looked younger than Gralin. His gaze was sharp, but when facing Chen Rui, he still showed a very polite attitude.

“Your Highness Arthur, it’s the first time we met. Please forgive me for taking the liberty of coming here.”

Chen Rui said in his mind. This is not the first time we have met. When we were at the Snowy Summit Stage of the Snow Dallet Tree, I let you taste [Star Explosion], but now I can only pretend, “Don’t’ mention it. I have long admired Sir Birmingham’s reputation. It’s an honor for my entire Golden Estate that you are here. Please take a seat.”

“Your Highness Arthur is too polite.” Birmingham sat down, “Your Highness Arthur is the third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire, the lord of Golden Estate, and 1 of the 3 mechanic grand masters of human, even the most senior of the elf tribe, Grand master Master Finoia, is full of praise for Your Highness’ alchemy skills. In just 2 months, the Golden Estate has grown to an astonishing level. The yellow dragon wine is even famous all over the world. To be able to meet Your Highness Arthur is my honor.”

“I just got the inheritance of the ancient civilization by chance. I copied the achievements of my predecessors; how can I deserve the praise of Sir Birmingham.” Chen Rui smiled slightly, ‘Arthur’ having the inheritance of the ancient civilization was already an open secret to those in the circle. This was the most ‘reasonable’ explanation for why he had grand master-level mechanical skills.

“No one can deny that luck is also a kind of strength, such as… the Crown of Thorns.” Birmingham changed his tone and finally introduced the topic.

“The Crown of Thorns is indeed luck and an accident.” Chen Rui frowned and shrugged, “There are many accidents in this world, such as my disappearance for 7 years, and my sudden achievement as a grand master. Oh, yes, getting to know Sir Birmingham is also an accident, a pleasant accident.”

Chen Rui said a few words, but he changed the topic without hesitation. Birmingham frowned secretly while chatting with him. No doubt, this third prince is not simple. He is so young, yet so calm.

“Your Highness, you are a sensible person, so I won’t make a fool of myself.” Birmingham smiled, “Actually, You Highness should have guessed my intention. I wonder if Your Highness intends to be the blessed 1 of the Light God?”

“I have been recognized by the Crown of Thorns, so naturally I cannot ignore my relationship with the Holy Church.” Chen Rui said indifferently, “However, I’m the third prince of the Dragon Bright Empire, and I’m also a strong contender for the future throne. Sir should not deny this, right?”

“There is no conflict of being the ruler of the empire and the blessing of Light God… and even the leader of the entire church. If possible, there will be the first double ruler in human history who will have control of the Holy Empire and the church at the same time. Not only unprecedented but also very likely there is nothing like this in the future! His Holiness Pusmeer and all the forces of the Star Hall will fully support Your Highness to leave such a mark in the annals of history that countless future generations will look up to.”

Chen Rui looked at Birmingham’s smile and said lightly, “The same thing was said by another cardinal of your religion, Sir Gralin, but the difference is that my supporter has been replaced by Her Holiness Holy Lady Eudora and the Holy Blessing Hall. I’m curious, should I pay attention to this distinction between believers of the Light God?”

“About this…” Birmingham’s expression was stagnant, but he quickly reacted, “Just like the Dragon Emperor has the difference between the second prince, the third prince and the fourth prince, the Holy Light Mountain also has some corresponding differences. The difference is that the distinction between the Holy Light Mountain will not end as time passed. Therefore, Your Highness need not pay too much attention to this distinction, but it cannot be completely ignored. In essence, we are all Light God’s believers.”

Chen Rui revealed a playful expression, “Sir Birmingham means that me affirming the support of His Holiness Pusmeer and the Star Hall, is no different from me affirming the support of Her Holiness Holy Lady and the Holy Blessing Hall?”

Birmingham’s eyes flashed, “Yes.”

“Since there is no difference, why should I choose the Star Hall?” Chen Rui’s smile became more and more implicit. “I knew Sir Gralin first. Pardon me, but my friendship with Sir Birmingham is not as good as Sir Gralin’s.”

Birmingham instead calmed down, “Friendship is a bargaining chip. As long as there are enough chips, we can trade. Your Highness has managed the Golden Estate to such a point in such a short period of time, so you should know this better than me.”

“Chips?” Chen Rui smiled, “Any chip?”

Birmingham nodded, “Anything within my power.”

“What if… Holy Light Robe and Holy Grail?” Chen Rui looked into Birmingham’s eyes, “I’ve got the Crown of Thorns, Sir Birmingham should know what I want.”

“It seems that Gralin has already told Your Highness about the 3 Holy Artifacts…” Birmingham nodded slowly, but he shook his head again, “These are extraordinary times, and the Church is joining forces with the 2 Holy Empires to deal with the Black Death Follower. It’s not realistic to directly ask the 2 empires’ Holy Light Robe and Holy Grail, but for Your Highness, these 2 items are not difficult to obtain. Holy Light Robe is almost in Your Highness’ bag. As for Holy Grail…I heard the engagement news announced by the Blue Glory Empire. With that Princess Pearl there, Your Highness can win back both beauty and holy relic. Of course, no matter the former or the latter, I think Your Highness should be clear that it is inseparable from the support of the church.”

These words were actually similar to what Gralin said last time. Chen Rui nodded, and he already understood. It seems that the way to directly obtain the holy relics from the 2 Holy Empires through the church is indeed not feasible. At least, it cannot be done with the identity of ‘Arthur’ now .

“What if I only want 1 of them?” Chen Rui thought to himself, “Or the woman I want is someone else?”

“Surprising choice.” Birmingham was slightly surprised. He recalled some intel about the Royal Highness ‘Arthur’ past, and he nodded, “Is Your Highness mentally prepared to have a bad relationship with the Blue Glory Empire? If ‘His Holiness Holy Child’ serves the Light God wholeheartedly… it can be justified. The church should be able to solve it without any problem.”

“Really?” Chen Rui’s smile became more determined, “Then, I would like to know some introductions about the Star Hall, including His Holiness Pusmeer and the members. It is best to be more detailed.”

Birmingham’s eyes brightened. While the 2 were talking, Samuel came to report, “The Holy Church Cardinal Sir Roger has arrived in the Golden Eagle Land, and he is currently staying at the Red Eagle Inn. He sent an envoy to send a gift, saying that he will come to visit tomorrow morning. Your Highness.”

“Understood, Samuel. Go to the Red Eagle Inn to thank Sir Roger on my behalf and tell him that I’ll be waiting for Sir Roger at the mansion tomorrow morning.”


Birmingham’s facial expression was a bit unsightly, “Hmph, how arrogant of Sir Cardinal Roger.”

“Compared to another Sir Cardinal who waited all day in the mansion, it is indeed a little different. I feel more sorry for Sir Birmingham.”

“Your Highness is being courteous.” Birmingham smiled, “Actually, I didn’t wait here all day. During the day, I went to the estate of Your Highness. The Golden Estate is indeed the most prosperous estate in the Dragon Bright Empire. Especially after this trade fair, the yellow dragon wine will become the most famous fine wine in the world. But… Pardon my bluntness, due to the short time of Your Highness’ return, plus the previous His Highness Garfield, the Golden Estate has left many problems In terms of manpower, material resources, control and other aspects… If Your Highness wants to absolutely control the estate, the road ahead is not smooth. His Holiness Pusmeer once explained that he will do everything he can to help Your Highness, I don’t know if Your Highness will accept this kindness? Also, as a mechanical grand master, Your Highness definitely needs a variety of materials, the Star Hall just happens to be in charge of a large number of related resources, Your Highness can ask for anything.”

No doubt, when there is a competitor, there is motivation. Birmingham, who was still hiding in the tuck, immediately revealed all the chips in his hand when he heard Roger’s arrival.

In the same way, Roger and Gralin will also become one of the ‘bidders’, but these guys don’t know what kind of ‘surprise’ that the ‘His Holiness Holy Child’ whom they ‘bid’ for will bring to the Holy Light Mountain.

Chen Rui’s mind suddenly flashed, and his eyes shone with incomparably bright light. josei

“Sir Birmingham’s kindness is really hard to refuse,” Chen Rui nodded. “For the sake of this ‘friendship’, Sir Birmingham, let me give you a hint. I like money, I like it very much, because no matter the location, the benefits of money are always beyond imagination.”

Birmingham was a little surprised, “How much does Your Highness want?”

“I think you got it wrong, Sir Birmingham. I don’t want hard money, but liquid money, which is an avenue to make money like the yellow dragon wine. According to my insider information, the Dragon Valley recently successfully researched a kind of training magic game, but unfortunately, those stubborn dragons are unwilling to…”

As Chen Rui said, he habitually squinted his eyes slightly. Anyone who knew him well knew that this was the rhythm of scamming someone.

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