Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029: Might

Chapter 1029: Might

The galaxy spread out as if it was connected with the space of the Tower of Glory. It looked endless; the [Galaxy Territory] in the Super System also extended.

It was originally a whole [Galaxy Territory]. Now it had countless ‘small clusters’.

Solar system.

If the original [Galaxy Territory] was a large solar system, then the current [Galaxy Territory] was a real ‘territory’.

Just like the vast Milky Way contained hundreds of billions of suns, this [Galaxy Territory] also created a large number of suns. Not every sun would form a solar system, but the sun was the most basic core of the solar system.

Countless solar systems had begun to appear, and life had also been created along with it. Although many were only the most basic life entities, as time goes by, the evolution would be completed step by step.

Not only creation but also destruction.

If there was survival, there would be death. Survival of the fittest was also a universal law.

Some of the dead suns exploded, producing gorgeous nebulas, and some formed white dwarfs or black holes in the strong solar wind.

These should have been hundreds of thousands, billions, or even longer of creation and destruction processes, formed in an instant.

Forever was only a moment.

Destruction and creation gradually formed a delicate balance. The speed of creation and death began to slow down as the ever-expanding gigantic galaxy territory stabilized.

This galaxy territory change was not only manifested in the Super System, but it also manifested in the nebula beside Chen Rui. During this evolution, the shape of a tree faintly appeared in Chen Rui’s eyes. Very quickly, the tree scattered, turned into countless bright stars, and integrated with the entire nebula into 1.

The tree in the nebula was getting bigger and bigger. At a closer look, it was actually made up of stardust.

The only thing that wasn’t stardust was a female body ‘inlaid’ in a tree. Her body was tightly bound by a chain-like object. Part of her body had sunken into the ‘trunk’. More and more parts were being assimilated by the ‘trunk’ – it’s Python.

To be precise, it was the core of her soul.

Python’s mood at this time could be described as terrifying. She had been brewing this plan for a long time. Today, she launched it, not only to kill Chen Rui, but more importantly, to capture the complete creation origin.

What she was most afraid of was Chen Rui’s special ability similar to ‘Kingdom of God’. She suffered a huge loss from this ability last time. So, Python first sacrificed a part of her own power to integrate the core of her soul and Chen Rui in a special way, then she used a soul imprint to control and activate the power of the Tower of Glory (she thought so), isolating the entire space.

In this way, not only was the ‘Kingdom of God’ unable to exert its power, but Chen Rui’s killing move ‘space door’ and the Wind Badge would also fail to function.

Python believed that this preparation was foolproof. She didn’t expect that under this premise, a peak stage Pseudo-God like her still couldn’t kill a mere Demi-God.

Who knew she still miscalculated.

Even in this situation, she was still unbelievably turned over!

Looking at the changes in this ‘universe’ and feeling the immense breath of the period, the horror in her mind was indescribable in words.

Although she didn’t know what happened, the most important thing now was no longer how to kill the opponent and seize the creation origin but how to escape.

Unfortunately, even this could not be done.

The ‘core’ of Python’s soul was firmly imprisoned by the chains of the Tree of Nature. The self-destruction soul power that she desperately emitted was absorbed and contained by the mysterious power of the entire galaxy territory when it was formed.

The entire nebula spread out and instead wrapped the entire soul entity of Python in it. Under the action of this vast and wonderful force similar to universe creation, the soul’s might that originally surrounded Chen Rui’s body in an attempt to devour was largely split, disintegrated, and devoured.

Python screamed unwillingly. She even burned her soul to continuously activate various means, but she couldn’t break free from the shackles of the Tree of Nature. She could only watch her soul collapse bit by bit.

Finally, the entire galaxy territory was formed, and in the nebula of the Tower of Glory, countless star particles condensed into a human shape. The dazzling light gradually faded, returning to the appearance of Chen Rui. He was surrounded by dots of crystal stardust.

Chen Rui’s breath was completely restrained now. There was no special change in the appearance, but his was deeper than before or rather unfathomable.

On the Tree of Nature, Python’s entire body was integrated into the Tree of Nature, leaving only her head. Her external soul power had been completely annihilated. If even the last core of the soul was also integrated, then her entire soul would be completely annihilated, turning into nutrients for the Tree of Nature. Consequently, Python, the peak stage Pseudo-God that once kept pace with Michael and Satan, would no longer exist.

“Who are you…” Python’s voice was already weak, “Why do you have the tree of life of the elf tribe?”

“I only know it’s called ‘the Tree of Nature’.” Chen Rui floated in front of the Tree of Nature and looked at Python lightly, “In fact, it is not only the Tree of Nature that really binds you, but also the ‘Seal of Fire and Wind’, a gift from that lovely Sir Raphael to me long ago. I can now use it fully like… the Tower of Glory. You don’t have to worry about us being exposed now because they can’t even notice what’s going on here from the outside.”

This was almost the original words of Python, so now it sounded mocking, “Are you elf? Demon? Human? Or something else?”

“These are not important. you’re already on the verge of death. If you choose to surrender, I can let you survive.”

“Hahaha…” Python burst out laughing with pride in her laughter, “Lowly pretentious person, you are just relying on a few foreign objects! Even Michael doesn’t have this qualification, let alone you?”

“I’ll give you 10 minutes to think about it.”

“You want to use these 10 minutes to get acquainted with the new power you just acquired right.” Python said coldly, “Judging from the big change, I thought you were very powerful, but you only advanced to a small realm. A mere Demi-God wants me to surrender? In your dream!”

In Python’s consciousness, Chen Rui should be the Demi-God level strength shown in the battle with Michael. This time, he just advanced to the peak stage of the Demi-God, but after all, he was still a Demi-God.

Python’s words made Chen Rui laugh. That’s right, his current level of strength was indeed the peak stage of the Demi-God — A peak stage of the Demi-God without any skills activated.

Python’s voice sounded, and there was an unfathomable power in the tone.

“Everything in the world has gains and losses. No matter how profound the possession is, there is a time when it will be deprived and lost.”

“The real cruelty is human nature!”

“The real poison is the human heart!”


Obviously, Python was unwilling to succumb. She burned the remaining soul power in a desperate attempt.

Even if there was only the last bit of soul power, she was still a peak stage Pseudo-God after all. The crystal stardust lingering around Chen Rui was constantly changing. Sometimes being stripped and dissipated, and sometimes decaying and withering.

Chen Rui didn’t avoid it. He closed his eyes and let Python do what she did. He had become 1 with the entire huge galaxy territory. Although part of the power had been eroded and destroyed, it would soon be refilled. It was incessant and inexhaustible.

With Python’s current strength, plus the protection of the Tree of Nature, she couldn’t hurt him at all.

“So… this is might.” Chen Rui slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils had turned purple. At the same time, a strong purple light instantly flashed from his entire body.

The purple light shone extremely brightly, and it had covered the might that Python activated in the blink of an eye.

This kind of power made the soul of Python tremble involuntarily,

“No! Impossible!” Python’s voice was full of unbelievable horror. It was definitely not Demi-God who could cause such oppression to her soul, even it was the last trace!

“Pseudo-God!” Python trembled. She was more than astonished because she could clearly sense that this level of power was simply not what a newly-advanced Pseudo-God could achieve!

‘Might’ should be a combination of kingdom faith and life force. It had a powerful effect of ‘word’ and ‘thought’. It could be understood by ‘the order would be enforced’… In the bright purple light, that faintly appeared figure with 6 pairs of wings said indifferently, “Then… [Swift As Wind]!”

The figure instantly turned into countless rays of light and interwoven into a net.

Python only felt that her soul’s sensing power was blurred for a while, and she immediately realized that this was super-high-speed movement! She actually couldn’t determine the trajectory of that movement!

Although her soul was very weak now and she could not sense fully, even so, it was enough to surprise Python.

‘Speed’ might!

In terms of speed, light had already approached or even reached the level of peak stage Pseudo-God!

Countless purple rays of light overlapped into the dazzling figure again. Perhaps because there was no super-high-speed movement, Python felt slow in contrast, as if everything had slowed down.

She immediately realized it – No! It’s really ‘slow’!

At this moment, the voice with special might sounded in her ear. Under the influence of some kind of power, the words seemed heavy and slow.

“[Slow As Forest].”

Python’s heart fluttered. It’s ‘slow’… No! It’s ‘time’!

The might that contains time law!

In her impression, the most powerful [Time Control] person was Satan, her biggest old rival in Demon Realm. The power of time activated by this figure did not seem to be under Satan!

Perhaps due to trying the newly comprehended might power, the time change only lasted for a moment before returning to normal.

However, Python suddenly felt vigilant because the figure in her vision had accumulated a power that made her feel extremely dangerous in an instant. This blow must contain a shocking destructive power!

Python was all too familiar with this kind of law – Destruction origin!

However, she never thought that Chen Rui actually could use the ‘destruction’ origin to buff the attack power to such an extent! This was a level that she had not achieved herself!

To be precise, this is a special buffing way. I seem to sense it somewhere before. Right, it should be the comprehension obtained from that kind of ‘Cosmos Annihilation’ structure, which can buff the power in unimaginable multiples. It is extremely terrifying!

Python knew that it was a matter of life and death. If this blow was real, she would be completely dissipated without any suspense. Without waiting for Chen Rui to attack, she immediately used her last strength to send out her might. josei

“Lose everything! Deprive!”

Just when the power of deprivation was about to approach Chen Rui, Chen Rui immediately continued with a [Invade Like Fire].

“[Unshakable Like Mountain]!”

As soon as this voice sounded, the space around him seemed to freeze. The might that could deprive Michael’s abilities was unable to penetrate the barriers of this space.

“Space Barrier! This is the space power that incorporates the Tower of Glory!” Python almost screamed out in. Her voice was full of despair.

Speed, time, destruction, space.

Any 1 of these 4 mights is enough to look down on those on the same realm. This enemy actually possesses all of them, and this is only the new advancement that has not been fully mastered!

Python was definitely not a person who gave up easily. This was proven when she would rather give up her body to grab the silver box. However, she had no hope now because she had run out of luck.

TL: 4 mights just like the 4 seasons territory… Will Python submit?

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