Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 1268

Chapter 1268: The Subverted Truth

Chapter 1268: The Subverted Truth

Quilliana finally broke free from the restraint of ‘Deceive’, but it was too late to stop Chen Rui who rushed toward the 3 statues. Strangely, she didn’t look panicked at all, but she revealed an intriguing smile.

Chen Rui, who was burning his strongest power, charged toward the statues that were still projecting light beams. However, the moment he rushed into the 3 statues, he was surprised to find that his speed slowed down as if he had fallen into a swampy sea.

Everything, including the burning soul and life, had ‘slowed down’. This was not a simple change in time, but an irresistible power that combined various rules such as time, space, destruction, and creation.

After the vision distorted for a while, the scene in front of him changed. The statues and buildings disappeared; it was an endless space.

A huge rhombus could be faintly seen above him. The edges were boundless blood-colored stars, extending and dispersing infinitely. In the center of the rhombus were 2 huge clusters of flames, emitting the breath of destruction and creation. They were the source of all the shining. The stars condensed into 3 constellation-like images, faintly resembling human faces. There was quite a distance between each of the 3 faces.

These 3 ‘human faces’ seemed to be far away, but they also seemed to be close at hand, exuding a strange breath. Chen Rui’s mind was shaken. The feeling of ‘falling’ in his mind became more and more intense. Meanwhile, the path d ahead seemed endless with no destination. His soul, body, and power were constantly disintegrating and dissipating. His consciousness began to gradually blur too.

Chen Rui woke up suddenly. His hands were shining brightly, and countless whirlwind-like purple stardust fluttered around him. Bursts of violent storms radiated in all directions. This was the [Pole Star Storm] that combined the power of Lalaria’s ‘Sky’, a powerful aoe attack.

But the overwhelming stardust storm still ‘sank’ in. It seemed to be just a gust of wind blowing in this vast space, which dissipated without a trace in a moment.

This scene shook Chen Rui’s mind. With a loud shout, 3 scorching dragons imbued with rainbow light were launched toward the 3 huge human face constellations. However, the rainbow scorching dragons still seemed sluggish. The rainbow scorching dragons flew further and further away, but they were still unable to hit the target. They gradually dissipated along the way.

In the constellation directly in front, Quilliana appeared. She smiled, and the huge ‘faces’ of the 3 constellations also showed a corresponding ‘smile’.

“Finally can’t help it?” Quilliana licked a trace of blood on her long nails, and she smiled even more wickedly, “I thought you would wait a while before attacking the throne. For you, being completely reduced to flying ash in this universe transformed by the Abyss Will is quite an ideal destination.”

“This is a universe? It’s just a small galaxy at most.” Chen Rui sneered, sensing a bad omen. In this space that was originally a vast starry sky, the constellations could not exert their power. His soul and power were dying at an accelerated rate. If he did not try to change anything, even if Quilliana did not act, he would eventually burn up and be completely annihilated sooner or later.

Quilliana didn’t give him too much time to adapt. The bloody light of the 3 constellations flourished, and the speed of power loss suddenly accelerated 10 times. Chen Rui looked up at the Book of Destruction and the Book of Creation, which were like the sun and the moon. He secretly clenched his fists and charged the last bit of power. Bright flames burned all over his body. The rule power in the nearby space seemed to have been rearranged from uncontrollable weirdness to ‘orderly’. The pressure immediately lightened, and his spirit was greatly lifted.

This was the power of Delia’s ‘Order’. Unfortunately, this power of order was limited after all. It could not spread in this powerful galaxy to change the rules of the entire power, nor could it last for too long. Chen Rui’s purpose was not to use the rule power to change the entire space but to protect himself and complete the final and biggest blow. The target was the Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction above him!

Destruction and creation were originally 2 completely opposite origin forces. Currently, the Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction were the core forces of the entire world’s changes because the power of the Abyss Will maintained an ingenious balance. What he wanted to do was to use his own creation origin and destruction origin as a traction to break that ‘balance’. This would induce the collision of the Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction as Python did last time to produce extremely powerful destructive power, completely the destroying Abyss Will.

Quilliana snorted when she discovered Chen Rui’s intention. The oppressive power of the nearby space doubled, but she still couldn’t break through the protection of ‘Order’. She frowned and pointed her finger again. Countless blood-red meteors whistled toward Chen Rui and caught up with Chen Rui at a faster speed.

As Chen Rui was about to be hit by the blood-red meteor shower, his figure flickered. A wave of purple starlight spread out, turning into a huge phantasm and ‘attacking’ the meteor shower frantically… more precisely, ‘bitting’ it. This meteor shower was swallowed up in the blink of an eye. Under Quilliana’s strange gaze, the phantasm rushed straight into the huge ‘rhombus’.

At this moment, both the Book of Creation and the Book of Destruction disappeared. He only felt that the power of origin of creation and destruction was filled everywhere. The 2 origin powers in his body not only did not break the balance, but they were sucked out of his body and got assimilated. At the same time, Chen Rui felt an ancient and mammoth breath blowing toward his face. Various thoughts such as eternity, eternal life, immortality, etc emerged in his mind involuntarily.

This feeling… is somewhat familiar.

Chen Rui’s mind moved. I remember where I sensed this breath— The end of Mysterious Land, which is also the Chaos Realm that Python and others call the ‘forbidden land’! josei

There is actually the breath of the Chaos Realm here? The next second, Chen Rui’s pupils contracted suddenly, because a huge ‘corpse’ appeared in front of him!

The ‘corpse’ exuded an indescribable breath, but after taking a closer look, it was a dim and huge solar system. Chen Rui was shocked. It is really…

There were more ‘corpses’ in the distance.

Chen Rui clearly sensed that the ‘corpses’ seemed to be absorbing the power of creation and destruction origin in the surroundings, then he suddenly remembered the changes he saw in the human world. All of a sudden, it dawned on him. Previously, it was the overlapped space of the Ghastly Floating Land, then now it is the Chaos Realm!

The first battle of the Gods, the Supreme curse, the Godhood of Darkness.

The second battle of the Gods, Twilight of the Gods, the Gods fell.

So, the ultimate purpose of the Abyss Will…

Chen Rui was shocked. The gloomy and dead solar system began to shine with dots of light. A terrifying coercion spread out. This momentum was thousands of times stronger than Quilliana’s power. Chen Rui just felt that his soul had been oppressed like never before. All his strength was restrained, almost completely collapsed.

At this moment, his vision distorted again, and he returned to the blood-colored star space. The sky above was still the huge rhombus, whereas the ‘pupils’ Book of Creation and Destruction that disappeared just now were within.

Chen Rui knew very well that it was definitely not an illusion just now. His current body still retained that terrifying force of coercion. His soul and body were in an extremely weak state, and he couldn’t channel his power for a while. Even with many ‘pseudo-authority power’ skills, facing this absolute strength, he still couldn’t resist. This was the ‘quality’ gap.

Quilliana’s figure appeared in the blood-red constellation in front. Her body began to merge into the constellation behind her a little bit while the other 2 constellations were also undergoing some changes. The stars on the edge gradually merged together, forming a huge circle.

“Your judgment and choice are very accurate, your strategy is equally successful, and your courage is sufficient, but you lack a most important factor, which is strength. There is indeed the core of the entire world. If you can defeat it, you can completely defeat me and the entire Abyss Will to save your world. But there is a prerequisite, and that is having the strength surpassing it!”

“You… want to resurrect ‘them’?” Chen Rui recalled what happened just now, and he seemed to understand now, “No, this is not resurrection. You cursed Godhoods of Darkness are trying to use the power of Book of Destruction and Book of Creation to possess the bodies of the Gods and gain new life!”

“Possess? You have gotten 1 most important point wrong,” Quilliana laughed as if hearing the funniest thing. Her laughter was full of undisguised sarcasm, “‘They’ are just going back to their bodies!”

“You mean…” Chen Rui understood what Quilliana meant, and he showed an expression of disbelief.

Quilliana sneered, “Pitiful guy, let me tell you the biggest truth. The so-called ‘Godhood of Darkness’ and the so-called ‘Abyss Will’ that you are talking about are actually ‘they’ themselves!”

Chen Rui was shocked. Michael risked his life to tell about the battle of the Gods, and his life and soul were thus annihilated under the taboo. Now Quilliana actually told the completely opposite truth!

He didn’t make a sound, but he was waiting for Quilliana to further unravel this horrific truth. At the same time, he was waiting for more time to break free from this terrifying coercion force.

“After Lucifer activated the supreme key to cause the Twilight of the Gods, ‘they’ should have fallen. It stands to reason that the Godhood of Darkness should also be annihilated. However, relying on some kind of supreme power of the supreme curse, ‘their’ will had been revived again, but… in a different way of existence.”

“The Abyss!” Chen Rui finally came to his senses. It turned out that after the fall of the Gods, they survived in the form of the Abyss Will by relying on the curse power of the Supreme God!

In other words, the will of the Abyss is the will of the Gods!

The real culprit who wants to destroy all life is actually the Gods who are worshiped and revered by the life in this world!

This was an astonishing truth that completely subverted his cognition.

TL: Who is telling the truth? Why Quilliana isn’t subjected to the taboo for telling it?

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