Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 441 - Matchmaking

Chapter 441 - Matchmaking

Chapter 441: Matchmaking

Nate noticed Chen Rui’s hesitation and nodded secretly. For some matters, it is obviously more suitable to have excellent talents but unsteady will. No matter what the final plan is, I must not miss this talent.

As the top mechanic master of the Demon Realm and the president of the Bloody Empire Mechanic Association, Nate had full confidence. Whether it was fame, future, or personal charisma, Turia couldn’t be compared with him. Judging from “Richard’s” interest just now, he would definitely make the “wisest” choice in the end.

After Chen Rui left the office of the president, he quickly thought about it all the way. Although I had long expected that I may attract Nate’s “attention”, he did not expect that Nate would request me to change teacher so quickly and directly at the first meeting.

Regardless of mechanics, combat effectiveness or even scheming, Chen Rui would not fear Nate. Although my main purpose of coming to the Bloody Empire is for Fertile Yuan Soil, I don’t mind giving this guy who once harmed Fonsaq’s family an unforgettable lesson. Especially since the top master even took the initiative to invite me now.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is better to try to go to the third floor of the Book Collection Hall first. The Book Collection Hall was not comparable to the ancient magic tower. Although the magic circles were intricate and complicated, there was always a trace to follow as all changes would not deviate from its core. According to Chen Rui’s current knowledge of magic circle, if he didn’t have to worry about exposing himself, as long as he was given enough time and conditions, he could completely crack the Book Collection Hall’s magic circles all the way to the third floor by himself. However, because of the limited conditions, he couldn’t really crack it like this. Fortunately, after Master Turia beat Juliet in the last bet, his contribution points soared to 6,000. He promised to bring Chen Rui to the third level in the next few days for more insights.

When Chen Rui went to Master Turia’s laboratory, he saw his “teacher” drinking alcohol alone. This situation had prolonged for more than 2 days. Turia seemed to be full of worries. He seldom concealed especially in front of the most trusted disciples.

“Teacher, President Nate asked me to go to his office just now.”

“En,” Perhaps it was because Turia did not hear it clearly, he burped, and said absently, “I’m not free today. You can check the information by yourself. You can ask Trus and Roger if you don’t understand.”

When Chen Rui saw that Turia was depressed, he couldn’t request to go to the third floor of the Book Collection Hall. He had to leave the laboratory again. He happened to run into “Senior” Roger, a chubby, small-eyed lich at the door.

“Roger, the teacher seems to be depressed these days? Did he encounter something troublesome again?”

Roger nodded, looked inside, and pulled him out.

Walking to a secluded corner, Roger’s fat face showed a mysterious expression, “This is the case. The root of the matter lies in the Master Mavinna whom you have seen. In fact, teacher and Master Mavinna...”

“Have an affair?”

“Hey, don’t talk nonsense... but, something like that. Last time in the Book Collection Hall, our teacher had earned some reputation in front of Master Mavinna because of you, but then something seemed to happen again. After that, our teacher has always been like this.”

The fatty was about to go on when he saw Beluan approaching, “By the way, Beluan should know the most about this. You can ask her. ”

Beluan saw Chen Rui and Roger sitting in a corner with a mysterious look. Just as she was thinking to see what happened, she saw Chen Rui waving to her, “Beluan, come here!”

After a round of gossip, Chen Rui finally understood the ins and outs of the situation.

Turia and Mavinna turned out to be childhood sweethearts and like-minded “old friends.” Both were keen on mechanics. Just because Mavinna’s family was poor, Turia was forced by family pressure to marry another woman who had a compatible background, Beluan’s mother. It was said that Turia had a plan to elope with Mavinna before the big wedding. In the end, the plan was cancelled because of his indecision.

Mavinna was a very strong woman. She swore in front of Turia that she must make him regret it. Then she left angrily. After unimaginable hard work and suffering, she eventually became a mechanic master. In the Mechanic Association, she met Turia once again, who was also a master.

There was no sweet and lovely reunion scene like the cowherd and the weaver girl, only resentment and hatred. Of course, the dominant party was the unyielding character, Mavinna.

This resentment continued until the death of Beluan’s mother. Mavinna unexpectedly accepted the young daughter of his “love rival” as a disciple, and she took care of her meticulously. Turia had proposed the idea of ​​reconciling and reuniting several times, but Mavinna unceremoniously rejected him decisively.

After the victory of Chen Rui at the Book Collection Hall a few days ago, when Turia took advantage of the opportunity to invite Mavinna to have a meal, Mavinna seemed to recount his past misdeeds and used a very mean language to slam the poor “betrayer.” “This was also why Master Turia had been in a sluggish state these days.

“It turned out to be like this!” Chen Rui, the bystander, immediately understood after listening, “Master Mavinna was clearly driving the duck onto a perch!”

The hate in this context was actually love.

“You’re not allowed to say that about my teacher!” Beluan immediately got angry. Although she didn’t understand what that meant (it meant forcing someone to do something he can’t), it was not a compliment after all. Beluan had followed Mavinna since childhood. This teacher, who was harsh to outsiders, treated her like a biological daughter. Mavinna also taught her knowledge without reservation, so they had a close relationship.

Chen Rui scratched his head, “This seems to be very simple, right? Just let your father muster the courage to pursue Master Mavinna, then isn’t it a happy ending?”

The more you love, the more you hate. It was that simple.

If it was just a casual and shallow relationship, then there would be no love nor hatred.

At this time, Roger interjected, “How can it be so simple? Our teacher can talk about everything else easily, but when we mention this, he will immediately become furious. Last time, Trus took advantage to persuade a few words when the teacher was happy, but he was punished by the teacher to go out to practice for 3 months, and he was not allowed to return to the capital.

It turns out that there is more than one duck. Sir “teacher” not only wants the woman, but he also wants his pride. Chen Rui’s eyes rolled, “Actually, this matter is not difficult, it depends on how we do it.”

“Can you really solve the problem between my teacher and father?” Beluan’s eyes lit up suddenly.

Fatty Roger was also interested, “Richard, tell me. What should we do?”

“For the man and woman who have barriers in mental communication, we can consider letting their bodies communicate first...” Chen Rui laughed and whispered his plan.

Before Beluan finished listening, her face was red like an apple. Roger was a little dazed, then he patted his thigh, “Wow, Richard, you can actually come up with such a bold damn idea. Although I became our teacher’s disciple first, I really have to call you a senior in this respect! I will get Trus now!”

Beluan let out a breath. Even the roots of her ears were red, but her eyes looked faintly expectant.

In this way, a plan for “communication” began.

Master Turia received a report from Trus. Master Mavinna invited him to meet in a hut at their “treasure land of first love”. If it were not becauseTrus was usually respectful of his teacher and never lied to others, Master Turia would think that he had hallucinations. He quickly swept away his depression. He deliberately changed into a new robe and hurried over excitedly.

At the same time, Beluan conveyed her father’s invitation to Master Mavinna. After thinking for a moment, Master Mavinna set off for the appointment in the hut.

According to Fatty Roger’s description afterwards, the entire dating process was simply shocking and moving. It was dreamy and gorgeous like a historic poem; it almost shook and moved the entire Demon Realm. In the end, the old dreams of Master Turia and Master Mavinna came true, and the lovers finally reunited.

The truth was that most of the entire dating process was a sex scene under the effect of the aphrodisiac drug. If it weren’t for the magic circle that was set earlier, perhaps the extremely exhilarating “battle situation” would really shake the entire capital.

The fatty naturally did not dare to mention this. Afterwards, Master Turia, who was angry and furious, used a knife to hunt down his 3 disobedient disciples who dared to scheme their teacher, and he almost took their lives. However, the 3 disciples knew it well that the real “life” that could only be caused was Master Mavinna’s belly after mating. This was just the pretense of their sir teacher who wanted both woman and pride.

It could be seen from the fact that Turia was secretly pleased as the two masters were always together and close to each other.

On the surface, Master Turia scolded Chen Rui, the mastermind, with a deeply disgusted and hateful appearance, but in fact he followed the mastermind’s good advice readily. Then he took the advantage to propose to Master Mavinna successfully. The whole association and even the Bloody Empire knew the good news that 2 well-known mechanic masters were about to become a family. Even the Bloody Empire Lord Raizen sent someone to express his congratulations. josei

Juliet was the most jealous one. Not only did he lose all his contribution points and his disciple was badly defeated, he also completely lost the love match, but it was useless to dwell on that now.

The happiest one was Beluan. Her teacher who had always been like a mother had become her mother. Many years after her mother passed away, she had finally reorganized a happy and complete family. She was very grateful for Chen Rui.

Master Turia, who was high-spirited due to the joyous event, was naturally responsive to every request. He brought Chen Rui to the third floor of the Book Collection Hall for 3 consecutive days.

However, Chen Rui’s concern was that although he had obtained a lot of precious experience and information with the [Deep Analysis] on the third floor which could play a very important role in the progress of his mechanics, he still couldn’t find any relevant information about Fertile Yuan Soil.

Could it be that I am fooled by Tiffany?

Judging from Tiffany’s strength and character, this probability should not be high. Maybe the relevant information could only be found on the fourth floor?

The fourth floor of the Book Collection Hall has the top secret of the Bloody Empire Mechanic Association. Even a master cannot access it without President Nate’s permission.

Now that the affairs of Master Turia and Master Mavinna have come to a happy ending, and Turia has no permission to enter the fourth floor, it seems that it is time to “betray” my teacher.

Nate still didn’t know Death was waving at him 👻

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