Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 652 - Female Assassin

Chapter 652 - Female Assassin

Chapter 652: Female Assassin

The assassin’s reaction was quick. Right after the shock, the light stream in his hand swept toward the figure swiftly.

This strike did not have the astonishing momentum of the previous sneak attack on Eliza, but it was more concise and effective, and its power was not inferior.

The mysterious figure did not move. Just as he was about to be pierced by the blow, the light stream suddenly came to a standstill like a viper whose vital part was caught.

It turned out it was an awl with a white blade and a strange texture faintly visible on the handle. The tip of the awl was easily held by a hand. No matter how hard the assassin tried, he couldn’t move at the slightest.

When the assassin’s full blow was easily taken by the opponent, he promptly gave up his weapon. At the same time, a ball of flame burst open. Then, under the cover of the flame, his body quickly retreated like light smoke. She was already far away with a few moves. josei

In fact, this fleeing smoky figure was just a phantom, the assassin’s real body had silently sneaked in the other direction. He quickly put on a cloak while sneaking away.

The cloaked person swaggered for a few blocks and came to an alley where he finally had no sense of danger. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he felt that there was something in his hand. An awl. The tip of the awl was held casually by 1 hand, and he couldn’t move no matter how hard she exerted force.

Was it just... an illusion? The assassin had goosebumps. Knowing that the strength of this mysterious enemy was unfathomable, the tip of his tongue quickly chanted an inaudible spell without bothering hiding herself. The sharp awl suddenly shot out a dazzling light, “[Light Extinction]!”

With the sharp awl as the center, the burst of light spread out. It was like a small sun bursting out with strong destruction of light and heat.

To the assassin’s horror, everything within the range of the ‘sun rays’ did not burn and evaporate as expected. The surrounding space was full of a strange power. The [Extinction Light] seemed to plunge into a quagmire and was quickly devoured.

The assassin felt his power gushing out to the opponent through the awl in his hand uncontrollably. His body was trembling constantly. Finally, the other party stopped devouring his power and let go of his hand.

The assassin staggered back a few steps while holding the awl, but he didn’t escape- The power gap between this mysterious enemy and I is too huge. It’s unrealistic to escape or fight back. As a last resort, at least there is the possibility of ending my life.

“Who are you?” The assassin finally said. It was a woman’s voice which was a bit hoarse, it was unknown whether it was her original voice.

“This sentence should be my question.” The other party seemed to smile. Although his face couldn’t be seen, she could feel the meaning of that smile. [Light Extinction] is the top light element magic, right? When you attacked that girl just now, you seemed to deliberately hide your most commonly used attack methods and power characteristics?”

The female assassin was silent for a while, then she asked again, “Are you not under her?”

“She? That girl? I don’t know her.” The man said with interest, “It’s just that as a diner, I am interested in what just happened, especially the series of killing plots you laid out. First, the failure of the group of assassins was used to attract everyone’s attention. However, when everyone relaxed their vigilance, you suddenly used the killing move. I will be caught off guard too.”

The female assassin clutched her injured shoulder and shook her head, “If I face a real Saint powerhouse, I can’t achieve my goal even if it’s a sneak attack. Moreover, the so-called killing plot was set by herself, I just had a spontaneous idea to play a small role in the plot.”

Although the face of the female assassin was concealed by a layer of strange power, the man’s red gaze seemed to penetrate the concealment to look directly at her true face and even her heart. The woman felt naked. She was secretly shocked: This mysterious man must be a real Saint powerhouse, and he even reached the peak of Saint. In the human world, this kind of powerhouse is already the peak stage existence that everyone needs to look up to. Unless it is those closest to god on the legendary peak stage such as...

“It turns out to be a plot within a plot.” The man seemed to have realized, and he nodded, “If... I said that you can use the truth behind this whole matter in exchange for the opportunity to leave, how would you choose?”

The female assassin replied decisively, “I would rather die.”

“I can see your determination from the look in your eyes, so...” The man thought for a while holding his chin, “Okay, you can go now.”

The female assassin was a little astonished, then she showed an expression of suspicion. He let me go so easily? Is he really just a passerby who is asking out of curiosity?

“By the way, you still have to pay a little...”

The figure of the man appeared in front of her instantly. The female assassin was about to make a move, but she felt that her body was completely out of control. Then, a strong male breath approached. Before she could react, her mouth was already covered by the man’s lips. She shuddered and seemed to fall into a dream.

After waking up, the man and the strange magic power disappeared without a trace as if it was really just a dream just now.

The female assassin subconsciously touched her wet lips. She gritted her teeth, held her shoulder, and disappeared into the night.

At the same time, Chen Rui at the Mansion of Light also touched his lips showing a dumbfounded look- The clone could have a relatively independent consciousness under his permission and could act alone as another person. This kind of consciousness had some prohibited behavior, but it had some of Shura’s original personality characteristics such as... the behavior just now.

The feeling of intimacy was transmitted to the subject through some wonderful connection, leaving Chen Rui quite speechless.

In the Mansion of Light, Paul had arrived after hearing the news and took Eliza into the room for emergency treatment. Outside, Wesley and other Light Knights were guarding tightly. Even Solanton was not allowed to get near them.

This assassination was very strange. At the moment, they were surrounded by the [Dark Sky], Chen Rui clearly felt that Eliza’s spirit power was peeping at him. Chen Rui didn’t know where his flaws were exposed. At that moment, Eliza wasn’t most concerned about the assassin but him. It might also be due to the assassin’s strength not being enough to make Eliza cautious.

When Chen Rui discovered that one of the assassin’s targets was Fatty Pastor Mana, he had a few thoughts in his mind, but he didn’t make a move in the end. Mana’s goal was to be the bishop of the Yang Shao Capital. In the past 2 days, Chen Rui successfully got the ‘appreciation’ of Eliza which made Mana’s mind more active. While feeling ecstatic, he was also afraid that his partner would be uncontrollable after this appreciation, so he asked Chen Rui to go to the Yang Shao Capital church as a Light Knight. There was even a faint hint of using the contract as a threat.

How could Chen Rui have the time to accompany the fatty into the power game of the church? As for the threat, it was even more of a joke. Since Eliza was peeping at him, he simply stood by and watched.

He didn’t foresee the second assassination, but the strength of the assassin’s peak stage of the Demon Emperor couldn’t hide from his senses. After realizing that the assassin’s target was Eliza, Chen Rui decisively issued a reminder this time.

Eliza had a special identity. Once she died here, everyone present could not steer clear of the incident. This would definitely affect his plan to sneak into the White Cliff, so he made a resolute decision. As a result, Eliza and the assassin were both injured, and she survived in the end.

The information given by Shura made Chen Rui a little puzzled. Judging from the mental fluctuation of the female assassin, she should not be lying. This time it is not a series of killings. It was a plot within a plot, that is to say, the first assassination was controlled by Eliza herself. The female assassin only cleverly mixed into Eliza’s layout and took the opportunity to launch a killing blow.

So the real murderer who killed Mana was Eliza? Mana has been eagerly pleasing Eliza now, let alone offending her. Besides, if Eliza really wants to kill Mana, with her strength, she can just use her fingers. What is the purpose of using the name of the ‘Dagger Brotherhood’ to make a move?

Also, who planned the Dagger Brotherhood attack on the way to Garden City?

With all kinds of doubts, Chen Rui set his eyes on the VIP building guarded by several Light Knights in the distance. With a thought, his body suddenly became transparent as he blended with the night and disappeared.

In Paul’s room, there was a bright light.

The 2 figures were sitting cross-legged 1 behind the other. Paul’s left hand glowed with mist-bearing golden light which went into Eliza’s naked back. There was a terrifying wound on that back. This process was slow and cautious. Sweat dripped from Paul’s forehead while Eliza’s skin began to appear strangely distorted as if there was a snake inside. Eliza gritted her teeth to endure the pain as much as she could. She secreted cold sweat all over her body. The speed of the wiggling became more and more rapid as it moved toward an opening cut from the right wrist, then a yellow liquid gushed out.

When the liquid fell on the ground, those specially made hard wooden boards were corroded in an instant. The yellow liquid gradually turned red, and it finally turned into blood. Paul breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew the golden light. A soft white light appeared in his right hand. Eliza’s wound on the back gradually healed. In the end, even the scar was gone.

There was no doubt that light element magic had magical effects that water element magic couldn’t match, but the healing magic was not omnipotent and there was a time limit. Continuous use would not only greatly reduce the effect, but it would also destroy the body’s self-healing ability and cause hidden wounds unless the person had a special physique like the [Body of Light Blessing].

Eliza was severely injured this time. Although Paul’s help removed the power that hindered her, the light element magic could only heal her external wounds; the internal wounds needed a long period of recuperation to heal.

“Okay... thank you.” Eliza’s tight body softened, “Help me get dressed, I’m running out of strength.”

Paul stood up, put a robe on her, and stepped back.

“Am I so terrifying?” Eliza’s voice was a little weak, “Help me wipe off my sweat. I really don’t know how you are a man; not likable by women at all.”

Paul took the towel and wiped the sweat from her face. As he set his gaze on the tall peaks, he looked away slightly.

Eliza was a little dissatisfied with his disregard. Just as she was about to speak, Paul had already spoken, “What is going on with this assassination? Such a terrifying red scorpion power. Is it the Saint-level assassin of Rogue Union?”

“Hmph!” Speaking of this, Eliza’s eyes flashed a cold light, “It’s not Rogue Union! Although she can hide from others by deliberately using the attack method and power attribute that she is not good at, she can’t hide it from me!”

Paul’s expression trembled slightly as if he thought of something, but he didn’t speak in the end.

TL: Was that Joanna? Shouldn’t be right?

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