Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 680 - Blueprint And Destination

Chapter 680 - Blueprint And Destination

Chapter 680 - Blueprint And Destination

With the passive attributes of [Astral Form] and [Regeneration], plus the grand master-level healing potion, Chen Rui’s injury quickly recovered.

The buff effect of the Snow Dallet Tree could only be applied to the faith power automatically generated in the Super System [Galaxy Territory]. The conversion of stolen ‘foreign goods’ couldn’t benefit from it. Since the conversion speed of the faith crystal was not very fast, it might take a couple of months to reach the total of 1 million. Fortunately, Isabella’s [Light Annihilation Seal] had 5 months to reach the final moment, so there was still time.

Shura was an avatar. Although it was annihilated by the power of the Hall of Light, he would never be destroyed if the original body did not die. After paying a large amount of aura, the system prompted that the resurrection time was 12 days.

This time, after painstaking planning to sneak into the Holy Light Mountain, he finally succeeded in obtaining the Snow Dallet. The next step was to wait for the faith crystal to convert to the required amount. Compared to the previous scary days, it seemed a bit boring now. Anyway, he couldn’t go back for the time being, so he just strolled around during this period of time to have a look at the human world. josei

Although part of Arthur’s consciousness in his memory had a strong desire to return to the Dragon Bright Empire and the owner of the pair of ‘eyes’, Chen Rui did not intend to do so. This body was deeply involved with too many matters in the Dragon Bright Empire. In addition to the mysterious woman, there were also relatives, status, power, estate… Chen Rui didn’t want to interact with the past ‘Arthur’ anymore just like when he left Yerodisha resolutely at the beginning- Now that he had already missed it, he wouldn’t look back anymore.

As 1 of the places where ‘the Black Death Follower’ appeared, the Garden City’s church became the subject of the Tribunal’s key investigation. The Yang Shao Empire also ordered all the estates and cities in the entire empire to cooperate fully with the church to eliminate the Black Death Follower.

From time to time, the church’s Light Knights and soldiers could be seen patrolling and interrogating. Chen Rui was no longer a rookie who had just returned to the human world. He put on the mercenary badge on his clothes and disguised as a sturdy man with E power. Holding a sword, he walked forward in a magnificent manner.

The mercenary badge had the special fingerprint of ‘Richard’, but the ‘brave deeds’ of ‘Richard’ in the Holy Light Mountain had not been spread to the Garden City so quickly. Furthermore, in the eyes of the pope and others, this person who was probably the Black Death Follower would deliberately erase all his traces after deliberately sneaking into the Holy Light Mountain to destroy the holy trees, so it was impossible for him to be so ‘foolish’ to use the original identity.

No doubt, Chen Rui passed the interrogation smoothly. In this mercenary empire where there were mercenaries everywhere, there were too many ‘small potatoes’ like him, so he wouldn’t be noticeable at all.

The Garden City had recently been discussing 2 major events. The first was that the assassination organization Chen Rui encountered, the Dagger Brotherhood, was suspected to be related to the Black Death Follower and had been uprooted by the Tribunal. Except for the disappearance of a few leaders, all the other members were arrested and were publicly burned in the capital. No one was spared.

Although the Dagger Brotherhood had considerable influence in several empires and acted quite secretively, it still appeared vulnerable to the behemoth church. Whether it was the Dagger Brotherhood or the Black Death Follower, they all actually became the scapegoat on behalf of Shura. In fact, Chen Rui guessed from eavesdropping on the words of Eliza and Paul that the Dagger Brotherhood was probably 1 of the forces that Eliza or even the Holy Lady secretly controlled. The purpose of killing Mana should be for the position of the Yang Shao Capital’s bishop in order to weaken the strength of Pusmeer’s family in the upcoming reshuffle of the church forces. Ironically, Mana thought Eliza was his savior, but she turned into a terrifying killer in the end. However, the Dagger Brotherhood was linked to the Black Death Follower inexplicably this time, so Eliza or Eudora immediately sacrificed the minor parties to save the major ones. The Dagger Brotherhood was completely eliminated. With the means of any of them, they would definitely not leave any future troubles.

Another incident was that Lord Walli reported to the capital that the fatty, City Lord Kraut, had colluded with the Black Death Follower to assassinate Eliza and Mana. As a result, Kraut was immediately dismissed from all duties for investigation. He was locked up in the capital now. The capital would dispatch an envoy as a temporary representative to handle the Garden City’s affairs. The root of this incident should be the political struggle within the Yang Shao Empire. Chen Rui was not certain if the fatty was the Black Death Follower, but he was certain that Lord Walli stabbed him quite terribly. As there was another well-known assassination incident previously, the fatty would have difficulty turning over especially in this sensitive period.

Where there were people, there would be enmity and kindness, it was the same no matter which world you were in.

These things were unrelated to Chen Rui. He was going to the largest pawn shop in the city. The last time he was the tour guide of Eliza in the Garden City, he had been to this consignment shop and remembered that there was a batch of fire element minerals. The fire elements of this batch of minerals were quite high, even higher than the crystals sold by ordinary magic shops, but because the impurities were extremely difficult to deal with, the cost of refining had risen greatly, so they were sold to pawn shops at a low price.

At that time, Chen Rui didn’t need this batch of minerals, but it was different now because there was a big fire energy consumer in the space ring - The phoenix egg.

The phoenix egg was obtained when stealing the fire source power. Initially, the fire source power was enough to provide the power required by the phoenix egg, but Chen Rui kept it in the storage warehouse as he had to save the fire source power for Zola, so it could not be consumed by the phoenix egg. As a result, the ‘hungry’ phoenix egg used strange power to shake the space ring to ask for ‘food’ every day, so Chen Rui had to try to collect fire energy since he grabbed the little baby’s ration.

In fact, it was difficult to bring it back to the Demon Realm even if a phoenix was ??hatched, but Chen Rui didn’t want to leave it to Eudora because Eudora’s purpose was more cruel. After hatching the phoenix, she would use the secret technique to devour it which was to eat the little phoenix.

It’s better to take it 1 step at a time. If it really doesn’t work, I will find a safe place to settle the phoenix.

When he came to the consignment shop, the troublesome batch of fire element minerals had not been sold yet. When Chen Rui asked for these minerals that no one cared about, Old Pabo, the owner of the consignment shop, seemed very happy. The 2 parties quickly reached an agreement on the price. Chen Rui won this batch of minerals at a relatively low price. Anyway, there was the refinery of the Super System. It was only a matter of time before these fire element minerals were refined into the highest purity crystal stone.

The currencies of the human world and the Demon Realm were the same. The difference was that the Demon Realm’s crystal coins generally contained more dark breath which needed to be dealt with accordingly. When Chen Rui disguised as ‘Charles’ back then to carry out the ‘fundraising scandal plan’ on Obsidian, he created similar items, so it was easy to get rid of those dark breath.

After negotiating the price of the fire element minerals, Old Pabo tried his best to recommend more products to Chen Rui, but unfortunately, there was nothing to behold until he caught a glimpse of something in the corner. He was immediately attracted.

This was an old yellow paper with strange lines densely drawn on it.

“Guest, this is said to be a mysterious treasure map which records…”

“Well, I’m not a rookie on the first day as a mercenary. This is obviously a blueprint, and it is incomplete and has no value at all. I’m only interested in its texture. This should be yellow cicada leaf paper. A friend’s white crystal mission happens to need 1. If you plan to sell it to me as a treasure map, then I don’t want the fire element minerals either. I hope you can find a better buyer.”

When Old Pabo heard that it was just a white crystal-level task, he immediately put away the idea of seeing it as ??a rare product. Lest the business of the fire element minerals would fail, he shook his head quickly and said, “Guest, you have misunderstood… This is what happened. This waste blueprint was pawned by the City Lord Fatty Kraut’s butler, Tuco. There were many valuable items at that time. It was the night when the fatty was dismissed as the city lord. He seemed to mention that it was an urgent need for cash in order to bribe — As you know, now that the cultist’s affairs are all over the city, the fatty has been dismissed and investigated… I blame the damn Tuco for lying to me as a treasure map…”

The butler of the City Lord Kraut? Chen Rui slightly revealed a knowing expression.

In fact, this blueprint was not a waste paper. On the contrary, it had immeasurable value. It was the joint research result of the late alchemy grand master, Rick, of the mountain hobbit and the elf tribe alchemy grand master, Finoia. It was also the blueprint stolen during the theft of the Thick Soil Castle in the Black Rock Mountain last time. At that time, there was also a batch of sophisticated armors that were stolen. It turned out that the theft was actually planned by the City Lord Fatty Kraut. The real purpose should be that batch of armors. Chen Rui initially had a trace of sympathy for framing the fatty as the Black Death Follower. Thinking about it now, he deserved what he got now.

“Guest?” Old Pabo asked carefully with a smile on his face.

Chen Rui shrugged, “Well, this batch of minerals is still at the agreed price; I want all of them. Give me the garbage blueprint of the white crystal task too. I hope to get a kiss from that chick. “

Old Pabo knew that he had actually made a fortune with the price of the minerals from the other party. Even if the ‘garbage blueprint’ was given away, it was definitely worth it.

For Chen Rui, money was not a problem, it was the real value to be able to find a valuable blueprint. The Hobbit King Ovge once commissioned him to find this stolen blueprint, then go to the Jade Forest Sea of ??the elf tribe with the green badge to hand over the blueprint to the alchemy grand master, Finoia, of the elf tribe to complete a diplomatic matter.

Chen Rui agreed at that time, not only to win the favor of the mountain hobbit, but he also wanted to meet the alchemy Grand Master Finoia of the elf tribe, hoping to get some teaching or inspiration from the grand master. It was not only for the sake of the improvement of his alchemy skills. More importantly, it was for the life and death battle between Teacher Tetenis and that Saman.

If Chen Rui could become a grand master or bring back the insight of the grand master level to allow Tetenis to break through to the grand master realm, then there might be a possibility of victory in that sure-lose match.

Then, the next trip had a clear goal: The location of the elf tribe, the Jade Forest Sea.

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