Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 764

Chapter 764: The Mysterious Cult

Chapter 764: The Mysterious Cult

Light as feather.

No gravity; just floating in the void.

This was how Chen Rui felt now after he woke up.

He himself couldn’t tell what kind of state it was, as if his soul was out of the body, drifting in the universe.

No body, no need to breathe, but it felt very relaxed and peaceful.

That’s right, the surrounding scene was just the space of the universe, not the solar system in the Super System. There was also no sense of faith. It seemed to be a real universe.

This is… the feeling of being dead?

Chen Rui remembered that he had seen the feelings about death on the Internet. These were not obtained from the real dead people, but summarized by the information that the experts told about the dying and the suicide attempters. He vaguely remembered that there was extreme peace and calm as well as… unity with the universe?

Now this feeling of peace, coupled with ‘traveling’ in the universe. Am I really dead?

(I haven’t tasted with the madam empress and another madam empress. I also haven’t had more sexual experiences with other wives… I actually died before I attain my ambition?)

(What about the protagonist’s halo? Where’s the crystal harem’s halo?)

While thinking about it, the drifting continued.

The speed of drifting felt very slow, but the process of universe time was completely opposite. For example, just now, Chen Rui witnessed the process of a sun turning from ‘young’ to ‘twilight’. The violent explosion of death made Chen Rui think about Shura’s [Supernova Explosion]. The electromagnetic radiation illuminated the entire solar system, forming a splendid and dazzling nebula. Many planets close by were devoured, and some of them were turned into debris.

Another planet turned into debris and universe dust after being struck by another comet. This was also a kind of destruction.

In the face of time, destruction was so simple.

Destruction was the end of everything. There was no immortality from the beginning, including the eternal god in the legend.

The flow of time and destruction had accelerated while the explosion or annihilation in the vision had gradually become a feeling. This feeling was not fear, but a kind of faint affection as if it was some kind of innate law. Perhaps as a saying goes, life starts from creation and is the process of pursuing destruction.

Chen Rui closed his eyes’ to feel the origin power of destruction from his heart. He only felt that his soul was pulsing synchronously as if he was nurturing some corresponding law.

The law of destruction was in his life, in his hands.

Chen Rui opened his eyes and looked at his hands as if he grasped some key.

Although it was still impossible to fully understand for a while, the seeds had been successfully planted, and it was only a matter of time before he could comprehend.

Hands? Chen Rui suddenly realized something. The surrounding scenes changed. It was no longer in the space of the universe, but in another large room with darker lighting. It had a strange layout and atmosphere. There were also many people wearing a black cloak and a metal mask around him.

He was looking at his own hands. On these palms, a strange mark was drawn on each. This mark revealed the ancient and vicissitudes breath which was somewhat similar to the ancient runes, but it was not the same. It should represent a certain kind of serious meaning.

“Now, concentrate and put your hands on top of this crystal ball.” The person in the cloak who spoke up in front of him looked like a leader whose voice was a bit hoarse; she was a woman. The color of the mask on her face was different from the normal bronze color, showing a faint golden color.

Crystal ball? Chen Rui fixed his gaze on the translucent crystal ball in front which was about the size of a football. It exuded a strange vibe. Not only that, Chen Rui also felt the hostility and even killing intent of the people in the cloaks around him. They seemed to be ready to kill him at any time. By the way, what about the [Analytical Eyes]? The Super System? It seems that these are gone?

Chen Rui was puzzled. He had already walked up as if he was not under his own control, then he subconsciously stretched his hands toward the crystal ball. The original colorless crystal ball gradually brightened, emitting a pale red light.

The killing intent of the people in cloaks around seemed to fade a lot as the light became stronger and stronger before it finally turned into a rich blood color. Chen Rui clearly sensed that his hands deliberately suppressed a certain kind of breath. So much so it had already surprised the people in the cloak around him.

Chen Rui didn’t smile, but he felt a smile on his face. He had already faintly understood- This is not my body!

(Oh no, my soul crossover again?)

(Where is my Demon Realm? What about my crustal harem? Is it because I didn’t apply for the temporary residence permit in the Space-Time Administration at the time, so I was deported?)

(Does this count as another joke of god?)

(Why use ‘another’…)

“It’s amazing, you actually have this level of faith.” The woman leader in a cloak said, “May Destruction God bless you. Starting today, you will be an official Black Death Follower.”

Black Death Follower! These 3 words shocked Chen Rui, and everything around him gradually disappeared before changing into another scene.

Although it was late at night with low visibility, Chen Rui still felt familiar with the buildings in front. It turned out to be the Holy Church. In terms of scale, it was similar to the church in the Yang Shao Empire’s Town Gudam where Chen Rui once stayed. It should be a church in a small town.

Several men in the black cloaks flocked to the church like black smoke, and the body that Chen Rui ‘possessed’ was also among them. Not long after, the church personnel were all massacred.

The men in cloaks drew strange symbols on the ground with the blood of the church personnel while Chen Rui went all the way into the prayer hall, pretending to fight with a few Light Knights, but an intangible strange force came out of his body silently, attaching to the Light God god statue in the main hall, and the blurred face of the Light God statue gradually changed, becoming a look familiar to Chen Rui.josei

This face was his otaku face on earth!

Chen Rui finally knew whose body was it – Shura!

No, this is not soul possession, it should be… Shura’s memory. I am like a bystander now, viewing Shura’s memory!

The avatar was actually equivalent to a ‘robot’ that would completely obey and accept the command of the original body. It was very intelligent which was similar to the God-Eating Mask’s puppet. In the case of ‘custodial’, it would use independent judgment and adapt to complete the mission given by the original body. Such as the battle with Midnight Sun, whether it was combat awareness or the ability to grasp the timing, it was no less than a real powerhouse.

Chen Rui’s original mission to Shura was to steal faith power, but he did not expect that Shura actually would join a secret church regarded as a deadly enemy by the Holy Church and become the Black Death Follower!

After the face of the prayer hall’s Light God statue changed, the faith power began to rush into Shura’s body frantically. This method was almost a quick success which was the complete opposite of Chen Rui’s slow and steady in the human world. However, Chen Rui was trying to hide his identity back then, so he was stealing quietly. Now Shura as the Black Death Follower was blatantly plundering, naturally there was no need to worry about exposure.

The sacred breath of the Light God statue was rapidly weakening, and the god statue cracked as a result. Shura had already killed a few Light Knights. When he noticed that someone came in, he punched the Light God statue to pieces.

It was the female leader who came in. When she saw Shura smashing the Light God statue, she praised, “Good job!”

When Shura walked out of the main hall, the Black Death Followers quickly evacuated the Holy Church. The strange patterns drawn with blood began to burn, and soon the entire church turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At this time, the scene changed again; Chen Rui was in a hall.

At the forefront was an altar building full of hot breath. On the wall behind the altar was a 3-layered bizarre relief sculpture.

These relief sculptures were the ‘god’ that the mysterious cult enshrined and worshiped. They seemed to be hidden by a strange strength. With Shura’s eyesight, he actually couldn’t see through it.

“Richard, your performance and credit for this period of time are quite outstanding. Now you are promoted to a level 3 deacon and rewarded with a petal of Dark Flower.” It was the woman in the cloak with a hoarse voice. She was one of the bishops of the mysterious cult and also the leader of this branch.

Shura stepped forward and took the silver mask and a box representing the identity of the deacon. The female bishop rewarded the rest of the Black Death Followers. About 20 followers received the reward of ‘Dark Flower’ petal. Many Black Death Followers below showed an expression of envy. It seemed to be something extraordinary.

Shura opened the box and saw that there was a blood-red petal inside which was like a clear crystal, but it was not a carved dead object. Instead, it had real vitality which looked coquettish and beautiful.

Chen Rui’s consciousness also saw this petal. When he felt the strange breath, he suddenly remembered something terrifying.

“Dark Flower is a sacred object bestowed by the god which can enable ordinary people to have extraordinary strength close to god. Now, you can start to absorb the strength of the petal.” The female bishop’s voice sounded, “Put the petal in the palm of your hand and relax your mind. Let go of all the power of resistance so that you can feel the gift of god wholeheartedly. If there is any special change, don’t be surprised or afraid. This will be the beginning of your detachment from mortals… Only the most faithful believers in destruction can use it. If it is a cultist with impure faith or ulterior motives, then his body will be annihilated under the god’s strength.”

The most faithful believers in destruction? Shura showed a secretive smile, sat down, took out the petal in his palm without thinking, and closed his eyes. The petal gradually turned into a red mist, enveloping Shura’s body.

Chen Rui could clearly feel that the destructive breath in the petal was easily absorbed by Shura’s body, but a special mark was deliberately retained.

“You absorbed the strength of the holy item so quickly?” The female bishop looked at Shura with wide eyes as she nodded appreciatively, “No doubt, you are the most faithful believer of Destruction God.”

Shura smiled and did not answer. He just nodded. The others who got the Dark Flower did not wake up. Many people showed excruciating expressions on their faces. 2 others actually turned into ashes perhaps because they didn’t have enough faith or physique to bear it.

Chen Rui glanced at the relief sculpture accidentally, and he suddenly found that the fuzzy relief sculpture had changed. In the bottom layer, a statue became clear.

A short and thin monster with sharp claws, a fairly large mouth that occupied half of the face, and 2 rows of violent fangs appeared very hideous.

This image rang a bell to Chen Rui who had the heritage of the ancient alchemy civilization. With the Dark Flower, he finally understood what ‘god’ was enshrined in the mysterious cult.

TL: The Abyss Family also exists in the human world?

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