Devil's Son-in-Law

Chapter 994

Chapter 994: Abyss Soul Variant

Chapter 994: Abyss Soul Variant

The Black Death Followers walked all the way forward, unaware that the last 3 companions had disappeared silently before they silently reappeared.

Chen Rui and others had of course replaced them. Chen Rui had the [Camouflage] technique that could disguise himself arbitrarily, and Zola was even more proficient at transformation. She added a transformation technique to Paglio, so he didn’t even need to put on a cloak. As for Dodo, transformation was Master Truly Handsome’s innate ability, so it was not a problem to him. However, the fear of death was also an attribute of Master Truly Handsome, so Dodo did not become the fourth ‘Black Death Follower’. Instead, it turned into a sword and appeared in madam’s hand – The slime clearly felt that after the advancement, staying beside madam strength seemed to be safer than the master’s side.

The 3 of them followed the team and walked forward. There were corpse-like roads along the way, and the Black Death Followers seemed to be used to it. Based on Chen Rui’s knowledge of the mysterious cult, these Black Death Followers should be the most loyal and fanatical core members. Their hands were full of blood.

After walking through a few depressing corpse passages, the space ahead suddenly opened up. This was an incomparably enormous place like a huge palace. It was as big as several track and field fields. Because the space was too large, the light was not particularly strong. They could vaguely see the cave-style buildings on the mountain wall in the distance which were like murals. There were also some elevators and other equipment. josei

This should be the magnificent underground world dug by the cave hobbits, which was the real Golden Bright Underground Palace.

However, the current Golden Bright Underground Palace had become a veritable hell on earth.

The corpse passage extended to the front, but it was no longer flat, but it was piled up into strangely shaped bone towers. These bone towers were arranged according to a special sequence, exuding an intense death and destructive breath.

The arrangement should be some kind of magic circle which could greatly enhance the death energy and destructive breath. The further they went, the stronger the breath. It seemed that there were still some bone towers that had not been completed. Many of the Black Death Followers were casting and building with a special tool. The material was naturally a large number of corpses. Many of the corpses had obviously not died for too long.

Chen Rui also found a space device similar to a teleportation array. It seemed that the Black Death Followers traveled to and from the main altar through the space door and transported the bodies.

The central position of the breath where the bone tower group condensed was a huge building that was about 3 stories high, or more precisely, a magnificent altar.

There was no special corpse or blood in the range of the altar, but the evil breath was even more terrifying. Even Chen Rui and the others were secretly frightened, especially the ‘sword’ in Zola’s hand was trembling slightly.

The team stopped. The Black Death Followers led by the golden mask walked to a bone tower closest to the altar and bowed to a black-robed man, “Sir Chi, we didn’t find an intruder.”

This Sir Chi wore a dark golden mask and a robe inlaid with golden threads. On the stairs of the altar in the distance, there were 2 people with dark golden masks in the same costume. This mask and robe were the highest level ‘Destruction Messenger’ among the mysterious cult guardians.

The guardian of the mysterious cult was equivalent to the hitmans of the Holy Church Tribunal. The ranks from the top to the bottom were Chief Destruction Messenger, Destruction Messenger, Chief Guardian, Lead Guardian, and guardian. When Shura was at the peak stage of the Demon Overlord, he was named Chief Guardian, so it could be seen that the Destruction Messenger that was 1 rank higher should be a super powerhouse.

In Chen Rui’s [Analytical Eyes], the relevant information about this ‘Sir Chi’ had already appeared. His race was human, and there was a note behind it, soul variant. The Comprehensive Strength Assessment had reached SS, which was the intermediate stage of Kingdom level strength. In the attribute of [Analysis], it was no doubt the expected ‘Blood Sacrifice Soul’. He seemed to be a human super powerhouse that had been eroded by the Abyss power.

“Didn’t find anything?” Sir Chi was slightly startled, “My sensing talent has been integrated with the protection of the entire main altar. It is impossible to go wrong. Could it be that this time the intruder is very strong and has been quietly hiding?”

“You’re wrong, Chi.” A low voice came from the top of the altar, and a figure appeared in the vision. This was a man in a red robe with a blood-red mask on his face.

The red mask could only be worn by ‘civilians’ above the chief bishop. The figure’s blood-red mask had a golden diamond-shaped crystal on the forehead, which represented a very high identity – second only to the archbishop of the pope!

“Your Holiness Thomas!” Chi respectfully bowed.

Thomas’ eyes looked at the position of Chen Rui and others, “The enemy did not hide, but they mixed in with our people!”

As soon as these words were uttered, one after another Black Death Followers surrounded them. The light of the altar flickered, and the bodies of the Black Death Followers who came in suddenly had a faint circle of blood, except for Chen Rui and the others.

The identity was immediately exposed. Chen Rui and the others no longer hid themselves. They immediately recovered their original appearance. The surrounding Black Death Followers rushed toward them.

Chen Rui stomped his feet, and the huge power contained in the peak stage of the Kingdom level spread out with the 3 at the center. The Black Death Followers within a range of dozens of meters were annihilated. These people were all sinners who deserved to be dead, so Chen Rui had no scruples.

Chen Rui noticed that although his stomped with kingdom power eliminated the Black Death Follower with ordinary strength, the power spread was weaker than expected, and the ground didn’t even shake. The nearby bone towers were also not affected at all.

It seemed that the altar and those bone towers were strange. The entire underground palace seemed to be a solid entity which ordinary power could not shake at all.

Even so, the peak stage of the Kingdom level breath exuded from this blow was enough to make Chi feel vigilant. He immediately summoned the other 2 Destruction Messengers, “Blood Eagle! Flying Dragon!”

The Black Death Followers generally would not use real names, mostly pseudonyms or code names, including the mysterious Archbishop ’Thomas’.

The 3 Destruction Messengers instantly surrounded Chen Rui and the rest in a triangle. A soft light appeared on Zola’s fingertips. It condensed into a small light ball and burst open.

At the same time, the bodies of the 3 Destruction Messengers exploded and scattered on the ground. This scene surprised Thomas on the altar. 3 Kingdom level Destruction Messengers were killed in seconds!

That woman… is at least at the Demi-God level!

Thomas didn’t dare to neglect, and he quickly recited the language of the Abyss. The bodies of the Black Death Followers in the underground palace exploded, and the blood was absorbed by the nearby bone towers as soon as it fell to the ground. The bone towers exuded a strange mist, faintly tinged with blood. Chen Rui and others felt a special depression at the same time. It seemed that something had fallen heavily in their minds. The channeling of power became more and more difficult; even breathing seemed a little difficult.

When Zola waved at Thomas, there were translucent cracks around the altar as if some kind of special protective wall had been damaged.

Zola immediately increased the power output. The crack spread rapidly, and it was about to collapse. At this moment, a pillar was raised at the altar. The top of the pillar was a translucent dome. There was an object glowing yellow in the dome. As soon as the pillar appeared, the protective power was stabilized immediately. No matter how Zola increased her power, she couldn’t destroy the altar’s defense.

“Earth element origin…” Zola stared at the object in the dome and began to examine the structure of this defensive force, “Earth origin fragment!”

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. That is the origin fragment that Earth Elemental King Moore needs most!

“No matter who you are, since you dare to break into this place, you will only end up dead!” Although Thomas was amazed at Zola’s strength and knowledge, he did not hesitate or fear at all. He began to recite the Abyss incantation again. The bloody mist of the bone towers were even stronger. The whole main altar shone with blood red brilliance, and the sense of depression in everyone’s mind became stronger.

Under Dodo’s terrified gaze, the bodies of the 3 Destruction Messengers killed by Zola just now began to be assembled and restored automatically.

Chen Rui instinctively had an ominous omen, and his hands immediately turned into a blade shape. Hundreds of [Aura Blade] sharp qi flew toward the 3 destructors in an instant, but this sharp qi, which was enough to cut metal, actually disappeared without a trace when touching the Destruction Messengers’ corpses. It seemed to fly to another dimension, as did the poison attack of Paglio.

Immediately afterward, the blood-red flames burned around Destruction Envoys’ bodies, and the flames converged into a strange flower shape, which then absorbed into the corpse.

The corpses began to swell as the cloaks and masks burst apart. The muscle texture showed terrifying distortions, bone spurs protruded, and the palms were mutated into sharp claws. Soon, 3 tall and hideous scarlet monsters appeared in front of Chen Rui and others.

Race: Abyss soul variant (2:59 hours remaining)

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: SSS

Physique: SSS, Strength: SSS+, Spirit: SSS-, Speed: SSS-.

[Analysis]: lord will, strength, self-healing, and damage increased.

Danger level: Extremely dangerous!

Demi-God level! And the power has reached the peak stage of the Demi-God! Although this kind of transformation has a time limit, and it will probably completely dissipate once the time is up, the time is 3 hours! If our strength is weak, we will be torn apart in 3 seconds.

Chen Rui was secretly shocked. He didn’t expect the main altar to create such a terrifying monster!

After the monster was formed, the bloody light of the main altar disappeared, and the bloody mist of the bone towers became much thinner. Everyone felt a little less depressed. It seemed that most of their charged power had been emptied. It turned out that this kind of mutation was not for nothing. It would consume a considerable amount of ‘energy’ of the entire altar.

Chen Rui’s mind turned quickly – The battle environment here is very unfavorable to my side. It is difficult to exert the strongest combat power, and the consumption of power will be doubled. If we want to defeat these 3 monsters with the lord will, I’m afraid there is a considerable difficulty. The most troublesome thing is that the power of the main altar is extremely strange. With Archbishop Thomas there, who knows he will create more monsters.

Destroying the main altar directly and grabbing the earth origin fragment is the most important thing.

“I have a way to unlock the protection of this earth element origin! But it takes time! And those bone towers are the key! Destroy them first!” Zola, who had been testing the protection of the altar ahead, spoke up.

“Okay! Let me deal with the 3 monsters! Paglio, go destroy those bone towers! Dodo and Zola think of ways to destroy the main altar!”

Chen Rui only had time to say this sentence, and the 3 monsters had already rushed over with a terrifying roar.

The next second, a crimson starlight enveloped the 3 terrifying Abyss soul variants.

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