Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 231

Chapter 231: The value of the material.

In fact, when Sander came, he did not expect that human beings had already set up so many checkpoints on the Arctic border.

There are millions of troops displayed here.

So when Sander was dealing with the inspection, he had already changed his mind when he came out this time.

Since everything has to appear in the high-level vision of human beings, it's better to play something exciting.

After all, if he didn't play something exciting, he was afraid that most of the materials he brought out from the wolves would be taken away by these blood-sucking high-level humans.

These are all materials given by the wolf king, and they are more important than his life in Sander's eyes.

So it is impossible for him to distribute any supplies.

This is the only major thing that the wolf king sent him to do. Sander, as one of the ten leaders of the wolf pack,

If he really couldn't complete even one purchase task, he was afraid that he would disappoint the trust given by the wolf king.

One must know that he, Sander, was originally a new human being at the bottom of human society. He hadn't even eaten a gram of foreign flesh and blood before, but among the wolves he enjoyed a delicacy that he could never enjoy in his life.

So he has long been following the wolf king in his heart!

In addition, during this period of time, Sander and Shanxing were together, and they had a deeper understanding of the spiritual power possessed by Shanxing.

Flashing Star is an arctic silver fox, and it is not for nothing that this family can get very generous treatment from the wolf king among the wolves.

The awakened spiritual power of this family is very strong.

Through the comparison of mental power with Tiffany these days, it is found that Flashing Star is dozens of times stronger than Tiffany's mental power at level 10.

This is an exaggerated gap.

With such a gap, Tiffany couldn't even resist Flashing Star at all.

But Tiffany's spiritual power can be regarded as a strong one among human beings.

When he was among the wolves, Sander also competed with Tiffany. Even now, it is difficult for him to win, which is enough to show the strength of Tiffany's mental strength.

With Tiffany as a comparison, Sander knew how strong Shanxing's mental power was.

And during the conversations between Flashing Star and himself with spiritual power these days, Sander also learned about one of Flashing Star's talents.


The spiritual control talent of the Arctic Silver Fox family can be divided into long-term control or temporary control.

Like a red-tailed wolf controlling an invincible tiger, that is long-term control.

Almost half of the mental power was turned into a seed, which was implanted in the brain of the invincible tiger.

In this way, all the independent will of the invincible tiger can be completely suppressed, and it can completely become a big thug of the wolf pack.

But due to the amazing willpower of the Invincible Tiger, Sander hadn't been fully tamed when he left the wolves.

In the territory of the wolves, the roar and roar of the invincible tiger can still be heard from time to time.

But Molde is different from the Invincible Tiger. Molde's strength is nothing more than the first-class strength of the new human powerhouse.

As a human being, in these tens of thousands of years, the functions and qualities of all aspects of the body have degraded a lot.

In terms of evolution speed, it is far less fast than mutated creatures.

So Sander felt that with the powerful mental power of the flashing star, he could use the flashing star to directly deter and control the supreme commander of the Siberian military, Molde.

At that time, as Molde, he will dominate the entire Siberian military,

This will mean that the defense of all arctic borders will not only not be a hindrance to the wolf pack, but will even be the vanguard of the wolf pack in the future.

As soon as the idea came out, Sander couldn't let it go.

Even if he really loses, Flashing Star will be able to return to the North Pole by virtue of his tyrannical mental power and another talent that can be invisible.

After returning to the North Pole, I believe that the wolf king will know everything, and the human troops on the entire Arctic border will face a very heavy blow.

The batch of supplies that the wolf king gave him will be spit out as the commanders of the defense force eat it.

But if you win, the win will be beyond imagination.

So at this time, Sander forcibly suppressed his excitement, silently waiting for Molde's arrival.

As for the materials he packed in the heavy tank, they have also undergone the most rigorous inspection by the defense forces during these days.

It's just that after the materials in Sander's heavy tank were completely inspected, many commanders of the defense force not only had greed in their eyes, but also awe.

Because the defense force has instruments specially used to detect pure energy, and Sander's materials have been tested, and some of the materials have reached a standard beyond the imagination of many commanders.

You must know that in today's human society, there are many grades for items and medicines rich in pure energy.

Grades from F grade to SSS grade respectively.

Among them, the flesh and blood of ordinary mutated creatures can only be regarded as the lowest level F.

Starting from level F, and so on.

Among the millions of defensive troops, the highest-grade items and medicines are only S-grade.

But when testing the flesh and blood carried by the Sander heavy tank, the commanders of the defense forces never expected to detect a rating value as high as SS or even infinitely close to SS.

On the day of the test, the red light from the instrument shone across most of the test room.

Infinitely approaching the grade value of sss, it also stunned everyone.

Because these people who have been in the testing room all year round know what it means to infinitely approach the sss grade value.

This means that part of the flesh and blood Sander brought has reached the pure energy contained in the king-level mutant organisms, and even infinitely approached the pure energy of high-level king-level mutant creatures.

King level mutant creature!

In the eyes of the defense forces, this kind of creature is a terrifying existence!josei

What is the king class?

Only those who can destroy mountains and shake mountains by themselves are called kings!

Mutant creatures of this level have already surpassed the level that human technology can compete with.

Even if it is encircled and suppressed with countless technological killers, and countless elite human soldiers put their lives to fill and consume them, they may not be able to kill the king-level mutant creatures.

Because king-level creatures not only have strong defense and extremely tenacious vitality, but also have a speed that can disdain human beings.

Most of the king-level mutated creatures move so fast that they can be chased and intercepted by heavy tanks, heavy artillery, multi-barreled rapid-fire vehicles, and drone swarms.

Even the bulkiest and slowest mutated brown bear that was suppressed in the Siberian plains had a speed of two to three hundred meters per second, and could gallop three to four thousand miles.

Therefore, in the face of such mutated creatures, only the fifth and sixth generation invincible fighters, which are looking down at the sky, can track them down.

It is also because of this that human beings have to pay an unprecedented price if they want to completely exterminate these terrifying king-level mutant creatures.

The last time I killed the bloodthirsty brown bear that could reach the level of an ordinary king-level mutant creature, I don't know how many field groups died in battle. It wasn't until the blood stained the area that the heavy tank brown bear was completely ground to death.

But the heavy tank brown bear flesh and blood obtained after paying a heavy price in the siege, its numerical rating displayed on the testing instrument is not as good as the flesh and blood brought out by Sander!

From this we can imagine the astonishing value of this batch of materials.

In addition, what Sander brought out were dozens of wings stained with blood, and the hardness of these wings exceeded the skull and carbon blocks of the bloodthirsty brown bear.

As a king-level mutant creature, the bloodthirsty brown bear needs no mention of how hard its skull is.

And carbyne is the toughest material recognized by all major human forces in the world, not one of them.

Carbon block is a chain formed by the aggregation of carbon atoms. It is more than 200 times stronger than steel and 40 times stronger than diamond.

It's just that now, with the increasingly fierce battles with mutant creatures, the mechas made of carbon block materials can no longer withstand this fierce collision.

Just like Felix and other new human powerhouses, in the duel with the Invincible Tiger and Sulin, the so-called solid mechs were instantly shattered in the collision.

Therefore, the entire science alliance and the major human societies are purchasing and searching for stronger materials at high prices all over the world.

It's just that there are too few materials stronger than carbon blocks. Except for the skulls, breastbones, scales, and tree trunks of some king-level mutant creatures, there is no other material that can surpass them.

When the bloodthirsty python was encircled and suppressed for the fifth time in India, human beings caused trauma to the bloodthirsty python while the bloodthirsty python was at its weakest.

It was also at that time that a group of new humans also risked their lives to steal the faded snake skin and picked up several scales from the bloodthirsty python's lair.

In the end, the snake skin and scales were sold at sky-high prices in human society.

I don't know how many forces have to spend an astonishing amount of money to buy it.

There are even many new human powerhouses teaming up to assassinate and **** the snake skin and scales.

Now the batch of wing scales that Sander brought out also exceeded the hardness of the carbon block, even more than twice the hardness, close to 500 times the hardness of steel.

Such a hard wing scale, even if it is not worth as much as the scale of the bloodthirsty python, it will at least sell for an unimaginable number.

So after seeing these wing scales, all the defense commanders on the Siberian border had endless greed and desire for these items. UU reading

But behind greed and desire, there is also awe.

Because no one knows what Sander, whose strength has skyrocketed, encountered in order to obtain these supplies that can cause an uproar!

I don't even know how far Sander's ultimate strength has reached now?

You must know that the remnants of several heavily armored brigades who escaped from the North Pole last time mentioned that Felix had grown to twenty or thirty meters in size in a short time, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

They were also afraid that the Sander in front of them also had such heaven-defying means and strength.

So these days, many commanders have not made any moves, and are also quietly waiting for the arrival of the supreme commander of the Siberian military.

If Supreme Commander Molde thinks that Sander and this group of Inuit are controllable, then this batch of crazy and greedy supplies will become a feast for everyone to carve up


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