Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 248

Chapter 248: Dodge the wind and snow.

In this kind of thinking, Su Lin also looked away from his cousin and Hongwei again.

Cousin and Red Tail, like Little Lone Wolf, will officially become Su Lin's most important right-hand man in the wolf pack in the future.

They are too small for mating and reproduction.

We can only wait until they become a new species and awaken their original power.


Su Lin returned to the Wolves Cave again, and began to eat the flesh and blood of the Thunder Sky Eagle again.

Now there are more than ten tons of golden lemming meat, and in the past half a year, only two to three thousand catties have been consumed by eating and rewarding one after another.

Moreover, the evolutionary value obtained by the golden lemming's flesh and blood has also been reduced to a few hundred points.

So Su Lin planned to store the two to three thousand catties of golden lemming meat, and distribute it to the rest of the different species as rewards in the future.

Now the flesh and blood of the Thunder Sky Eagle and the alien killer whales have become the main source of evolution points for Surin.

The bones, sharp claws, and hair of the Thunder Sky Eagle and the Golden Lemming were also randomly thrown in a corner of the cave.

From the returned Inuit population, Su Lin roughly learned that he had paid a high price for Sander's supplies.

So waiting for Sander to return, he suddenly planned to hand over all the materials on the Thunder Skyhawk and the golden lemming to the human tribe under Sander's command for safekeeping.

In the future, it will be convenient to take it to human society at any time in exchange for the supplies needed by the wolves.

Exchange of needs is the most primitive economic exchange, but it is also the most effective economic exchange.

Under this kind of exchange, the strength of both humans and wolves will be improved and increased unprecedentedly.

It's just that Su Lin believes that the strength of the wolves will far exceed that of humans under the mutual exchange of needs.

At this time, under Su Lin's eating, time also passed quietly.


At this time, Sander, who had already stepped into the cold arctic ice field, was leading the troops under his command, heading towards the Land of Adventure at full speed.

Unfortunately, however, a blizzard blew up in the cold arctic sky.

After the great changes in the Arctic world, although the frequency of blizzards has decreased, their power is far greater than before.

Under the howling blizzard, even the various mechanized heavy tanks and armored vehicles specially made by Sander's troops were affected.

The pitch-black night, coupled with the howling snowstorm, made it impossible for the drivers of heavy tanks and various mechanized vehicles to see the road ahead.

Even if the headlights are turned on to the maximum, it will not help.

Now Sander and the others have reached the former territory of the wolves in the Senhan North Pole, and there are still nearly a thousand kilometers away from the Land of Adventures.

This is not a short distance, and there are too many unpredictable risks along the way.

Therefore, Sander could only forcefully suppress the excitement of returning to the wolves, ordered to command the troops under his command, and found a high mountain sheltered from the wind for a short rest.

Although it is also located in the North Pole, it has not yet entered the real ice field, and there are many mountains and land.josei

It's just that the troops under Sander's command numbered more than 18,000 people, and a sheltered area on a high mountain obviously couldn't occupy it.

Therefore, the ice walls, snow slopes, and rocky shelters that stretched for twenty or thirty miles were all occupied by the army led by Sander.

The most terrible thing is that there are more than 200 fighters of various types in the sky, and they were forced to ground in the rear of the army when the blizzard first started.

Breaking away from the cover and detection of air power, the troops led by Sander were a little flustered and unstable.

Because no matter how strict military training is, troops will be afraid of unknown areas.

For the vast majority of human beings, the North Pole is mysterious and unknown.

What's more, some time ago, news came from the North Pole that there were mutated creatures such as terrifying rat swarms, invincible tigers, fast white wolves, and monstrous wolves.

So this made the troops led by Sander quite unstable.

Commanders at all levels also used communication equipment to report to Sander where they were temporarily resting, but the voice was too cold and seemed a bit unclear.

In such a cold Arctic, even the military literacy of the vast majority of soldiers has been greatly disturbed.

The strength of the entire army, which can display 70% of the plain area here, is considered very good.

If it is in this kind of blizzard weather, it is even more impossible to perform even a single part.

After all, without the satellite signal, without the support of fighter planes looking across the sky, it was as if they had lost their eyes and lost their wings.

This is also the reason why most soldiers and commanders at all levels panic.

But Sander wasn't too worried.

Because in his eyes, this is the North Pole.

Most of the alien species in the entire Arctic either died under the conquest of wolves or joined wolves.

Only a small number of alien species are still wandering in the cold arctic and struggling to survive.

Therefore, relatively speaking, the North Pole is a place with fewer mutated creatures than other places.

Moreover, Sander also came here when he was exploring for the first time, and it is impressively where the wolves used to be.

There used to be a terrifying rat swarm here, but the rat swarm no longer existed, and naturally there was no threat in Sander's eyes.

I remember that it was also the pursuit of the terrifying rat wave that made them run around in desperation.

Finally, he fled to the depths of the North Pole and met the wolf king.

Thinking about it now, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Time flies really quickly, and it's been half a year in a blink of an eye.

From a member of the search team, he also became the leader of one of the ten divisions of the wolf pack.

And the arrogant and arrogant rat king and the rat tide that eat everything have long since disappeared.

It has become a piece of unrecorded history in this arctic ice sheet, which is only buried under the ice and snow.

So he couldn't help feeling that something was wrong.


After a brief rest for the troops, Sander also ordered the temporary entourage around him to start communicating with officers at all levels using communication equipment to stabilize the morale of the army.

By the way, several investigative forces in the army were also dispersed to guard.

Sander, who just put down his guard and didn't have any worries, didn't know when the troops temporarily rested to avoid the snowstorm.

The purple lynx behind him, like a ghost in the night, was still quietly following in the snowstorm.

The purple hair all over its body was stained with bits and pieces of ice and snow, and it walked slowly step by step in the snowstorm.

There was not the slightest bit of aura exuding from the not-so-big body.

Only in the pair of deep purple eyes, looking forward to the human beings who paused and started to rest in the leeward area, there was a faint purple light flashing away.

The purple lynx felt the violent blizzard and the cold temperature of the arctic. It knew that it was no wonder that this place would become a place where all species besieged by humans would flee.

Because here, all the technological killers of human beings will be greatly restricted.

There is a violent blizzard here, and even the most sensitive alien hounds raised in captivity can't smell the smell three miles away.

So this is a paradise that belongs exclusively to mutant creatures, but it definitely does not belong to humans.

At this time, the purple lynx looked at the humans who were avoiding the snowstorm. It was a little hungry, and it was going to hunt and kill a few humans as a full blood meal.

In fact, it followed this group of humans to the North Pole, not to ensure sufficient food.

With its strength, it can survive no matter where food is expensive or scarce.

It followed this group of humans just to let them walk its way.

Because it doesn't have any understanding of the Senhan North Pole.

It is different from his elder brother, although it possesses unparalleled strength, murderousness and ferocity enough to stir up the situation, but at the same time it is more stable.

For unknown things, I am used to letting other species walk the road for it.

It's just that it has followed hundreds of miles silently, and there is not even a single species that it can see along the way.

Along the way, its powerful senses are released,

The species that can perceive the strongest is actually an old polar bear lying on a piece of ice lingering on its last breath.

It's still an ordinary polar bear!

This is the so-called mysterious cold forest area?

This is the arctic ice field where many mutated creatures escaped?

The purple lynx feels a little inexplicably lost in such an area where species are scarce and weak.

It even wonders where is its elder brother?

Where are the alien species that fled here from the Siberian plains and the invincible tiger that once made it feel pressured?

They are in such a place where species are rare, there shouldn't be anything that can threaten their survival, right?

But why didn't they even feel the slightest breath of them along the way?

The purple lynx didn't understand, but with its powerful mental strength, it could sense what these human troops were thinking.

These human troops have fear, confusion, fear and panic about death.

And these human beings repeatedly mentioned the white wolf and the wolf pack.

But no human being mentioned its elder brother, and no one mentioned the lynx family.

This made the purple lynx a little inexplicably irritated.

It shouldn't be like this, how could he be unknown with his brother's strength?

Amidst this irritability, the purple lynx couldn't help flashing a cold light in its deep purple eyes, and then moved.

From the rear of this army more than ten miles away, approaching this army at a fast but very silent speed.

Even the most sophisticated radar detection instruments equipped by Sander's troops have never detected the life fluctuations of the purple lynx.

Just like a silent ghost, approaching the troops under his command.


A powerful wave of spiritual and soul power directly shocked the human army under an ice wall.

All the human beings in the special heavy tanks and various military mechanical vehicles, at this moment, their minds seemed to have been suppressed by reducing the dimensionality, and the consciousness in their brains stagnated in an instant.

Even some warriors with astonishing willpower can barely retain the last trace of consciousness, but they can't make any sound at all, and they can't move their bodies.

They could only watch a purple lynx about three meters in size, and step by step, UU Reading walked into their camp as if entering no man's land.

He began to lightly penetrate one heavy tank after another with his sharp claws, and took out the hearts and brains of the humans to eat.

The rest of the flesh and blood will not be eaten.

The purple lynx was eating in the dark night, except for the cold light in the deep purple eyes, almost the whole body was hidden in the night.

In the eyes of these warriors who still had some consciousness, this scene seemed like a ghost Shura who came out of **** and came to the world to eat heart and brains.

And just now, the purple lynx used the joy of killing and eating to cover up and kill the irritability in his heart just now.

The majestic spiritual power is also in awe, asking about everything known to these human beings,

Want to thoroughly understand the situation in the cold Arctic again, and where are the so-called white wolves and wolves, as well as his own brother and those alien species who fled from Siberia?

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