Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 267

Chapter 267: Affected by the cold snap, public opinion revived.

Remember [New] in a second! In this way of thinking, Su Lin also saw his promoted attribute panel in front of him? Name: Su Lin? Species: New Howling Moon Silver Wolf? Gene level: ii? Level? Level 5. (Upgrading requires 2000 evolutionary essences.)

Vitality? 6560? Stamina? 730

Power? 790

Defense? 750

Speed? 600

Extra attribute points? 90? Evolution Essence? Dao? Talent: Concealment (level B) Judgment (level S) Hunting (level S) Healing (level S) Sirius Roaring Moon (level S) Light Shelter (level S+)? Secret Technique: Surprise the gap? After being promoted to two ranks, Su Lin's strength has undoubtedly been greatly improved? In terms of numerical attributes alone, it is almost two-thirds of that of the king squid back then? As for the speed, it even surpassed it. Do you know how many times? The extra attribute value obtained by this upgrade, Surin still added to the speed as expected? Specialization is one of specialization,

If they are dispersed, it is very likely that they will no longer be able to fight and walk. The biggest advantage of this invincible place? After adding the extra attribute value to the speed, the speed value will break through? 890 points? Such a speed, Even if Su Lin does not activate the hunting talent, even if he does not mobilize the original power, he will reach 1,200 to 300 meters per second? With such a speed bonus, even the attack power will get a considerable bonus? Movement The faster the speed, the more power buffs he will naturally get? After reading the numerical attributes, Su Lin once again focused on his talent? The six talents are close to him, making his combat power terrifying to the peak? The last time he and In the purple lynx battle, only three talents were used? Sirius Xiaoyue, Hunting, Healing? When you use it, you will enter the stealth state? Facing high-level opponents, the stealth talent often has unexpected miraculous effects? Next, after reading it, Su Lin looked away? He suppressed the joy of the rapid increase in strength in his heart, and looked again Have you noticed all the alien species in the wolf pack cave? During this period of time, the growth rate of the alien species in the wolf pack is limited, except for the little lone wolf, jackal, and arctic tern with great growth potential? But over time, Or have many members of the wolf clan been promoted to become different species one after another? Adding up the male and female wolves in the wolf clan, there are hundreds of wolves that have been promoted to become different species? Two new polar bears of different species have been added to the bear clan, and Sulin has given Code-named Crazy Bear and Blood-patterned Bear? These two polar bears also have the numerical attributes of the 16th-level peak, coupled with the tenacious vitality of the alien species and the talent they have acquired, they are also considered to be good combat power among the wolves? The arctic foxes also have A new arctic silver fox has appeared, but it is still a female arctic fox? Surin discovered that among the arctic foxes that can grow into arctic silver foxes, all of them are female? The fox family, in retrospect, are all female? It can be seen that maybe it is destined in the genes, only the female arctic fox has the hope to evolve into the arctic silver fox? This arctic silver fox has a very strong potential and has just awakened to become the arctic fox The silver fox, through the flesh and blood of the Thunder Sky Eagle given by the red tail, has grown to level 10 in just a few days? Even if it is different? There are only jackals in the group, maybe it can be compared to one or two in terms of growth rate? In addition, the awakened talent of this arctic silver fox is also a spiritual talent that is different from other arctic silver foxes? Charm talent? This talent can make itself change into various This extremely charming image can charm thousands of species? After several rounds of internal tests by the wolves, Su Lin found that the success rate of this charm talent is not linked to the opponent's strength!

Instead, it is linked to the will and willpower!

Even Xiaohui, Xiaobai, Yinyuexiong, and even the rock thunderbirds of more than 20 levels lost their minds for a short time under this charm talent, and became puppets at their mercy? But little lone wolf, nighthawk, etc. However, none of the murderous and ferocious alien species was disturbed? Even wolves and mutilated ears were never disturbed? It can be seen that this charm talent can only interfere with weak-minded alien species? But But it is still a very heaven-defying talent. If it is used in the right place in the future, it may be comparable to thousands of troops? After all, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty? And this charming talent is only a C-level talent, and there is still a lot of room for growth? In view of this heaven-defying talent, Su Lin named the newly born arctic silver fox Meihu!

Meihu became the fourth arctic silver fox in the wolf pack, and was stronger than Flashing Star and Moon Fox in terms of growth potential and talent!

For Meihu, Su Lin generously rewarded five hundred catties of Kuang Lei Tianying's flesh and blood for his rapid improvement? He has never been stingy with potential alien species? As for the invincible tiger, although its potential is also among wolves The first gear is not inferior to Little Lone Wolf, Moon Fox, Charm Fox and even Arctic Tern, but Su Lin was very displeased when he made a rash move last time? During this period, all food sources for the Invincible Tiger were cut off. Grind the temper of this invincible tiger? In addition, for the rest of the aliens who went out to look for Su Lin, Su Lin generously rewarded them with two hundred to five hundred catties of Thunder Sky Eagle flesh and blood? This is not just a reward for their loyalty , but also to allow them to further enhance their strength? After all, as the mysterious power between heaven and earth becomes thinner, the competition faced by the wolves in the future is bound to become more and more cruel? In the future, Su Lin will not only make up his mind to lead the wolves The migration of the large army is to enter the Siberian plain? What's more, there is a mysterious iceberg at the extreme, such a thunder that may explode at any time? Therefore, the strength of the top alien species of the wolves must be promoted quickly!

Su Lin bestowed the most rewards on the Arctic tern, with more than 1,000 catties of the Flesh and Flesh of the Thundering Skyhawk and a 60-centimeter-square piece of black square seal? This is because the Arctic tern is already in the critical period of being promoted to a new species. If the promotion is successful, there will be another new species in the wolf pack after Sulin and the invincible tiger? During this period of time, all the alien species that came back under the violent snowstorm were also rewarded by Sulin. Meditation Are they improving their respective strengths in the cave? Little Lone Wolf, Jackal, Arctic Tern, Charm Fox, Red Tail, etc., are all steadily improving in strength? At this time, after Sulin glanced at the cave of wolves for a while, I found the wolf girl who was doing nothing, or some cubs were clinging to the wolf mother, chirping me? This made Su Lin howl lowly, indicating that the wolf girl took a group of female wolves to go out to patrol the prey? After all, today's wolves Mom is about to give birth, and a new batch of wolf brothers and sisters are about to be born? He doesn't want to look at the wolf mother and waste his energy on the wolf sister who already has a body size of six or seven meters? And the wolf mother and the wolf father The potentials are pretty good, and Su Lin also really wants to see how much growth potential his new born wolf brothers and sisters will reach.josei

Although the wolf girl was a bit reluctant, she couldn't resist in the face of brother wolf's signal. After dawdling for a while, she took the two second wolves, the snow-printed wolf and the rabbit-eared wolf, and a group of heterogeneous female wolves to go out. Watching? After the wolf sisters went out to inspect, Su Lin also came to lie down on the boulder at the entrance of the cave again, watching this unique snowstorm scene in the polar region? During the viewing, Sander, Wen Sen, Tiffany, etc. are also using a batch of exotic reindeer flesh, adding a lot of seasonings and ingredients, and are making a pot of delicious stew for Surin? They who returned these days not only use human wisdom and Buildings, built igloos for the wolves to shelter from the severe cold? They also used the cooking skills of humans to make delicious food to please and please the wolf king? Soon the incomparably delicious aroma of stew spread throughout the cave? This group of humans made it for the wolf king. None of them dared to make up their minds. They just glanced eagerly and then looked away? But they couldn't help but closed their eyes, wriggled their noses, and fantasized about what was in the pot. The taste of food? Food, especially food, is a fatal temptation in any ethnic group? At this time, time is quietly passing in the aroma of stewed venison?  …

Time flies, half a month is passing by in a blink of an eye? The blizzard that has been raging for more than a month in the North Pole has gradually begun to come to an end, and the wind of the blizzard has decreased a lot? But the terrifying cold current from the North Pole has also affected Many places? The millions of troops stationed on the Siberian border retreated about 300 miles along the border? After entering a nuclear power plant along the way to heat the backing, they stopped retreating? The remaining 300 miles of residents They have also migrated to the warmer inland, UU Reading But this cold current has not stopped, and it is still raging everywhere? Even with electric heating, many cities still cannot hold on to this cold current Yes, there have been reports of skyrocketing electricity prices and people freezing to death everywhere? Many buildings and defensive positions have also been affected by this terrifying cold current, and they are so frozen that they malfunction frequently? After all, in Great Russia, this cold current has already reached sub-zero Seventy to eighty degrees? This temperature can freeze steel very brittle? Under this terrifying cold current, the major human forces are even more unstable, as if they have returned to the scene when the world changed a few years ago. Dominated by the fear of cold weather and natural disasters? Many people are preparing to flee to Jerusalem in groups. After all, it is the holy place in the hearts of religious people, the head altar of the theological alliance, and the place where belief exists in people’s hearts? This makes the major The forces are more turbulent? Online news about cold snaps and natural disasters has once again appeared on the homepages of major apps and browsers? "The latest news is that this cold snap that has lasted for more than a month has affected normal life in many cities. Some people froze to death at home one after another in northern Canada, Iceland and other regions!? "There was also a terrifying cold current near Antarctica again, but it was thousands of nautical miles away, and it never spread to the Kangaroo Country! ? "Shocking news. After testing by professionals, this cold snap is much weaker than the cold snap a few years ago. It's only moderately red. Don't panic too much!" Will the nearby urban residents relocate? Please pay attention to Minsheng Channel, and professionals will answer for you. "The cold snap reappears, is this another natural disaster coming? The official reply from the Science Alliance is not sure yet, and investigation is underway. ? …

Big news spreads wantonly on the Internet

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