Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 285

Chapter 285: Kun Sen follows!

Remember [New] in a second! Since the small folk forces couldn't mobilize the resources for satellite shooting, they sent some new human powerhouses to follow up and shoot.

There are also some new human beings who have not joined any forces. Under the temptation of huge benefits, they also ventured alone to shoot.

After all, many news newspapers and major media companies need information about this event.

Although I know from the official sources that I and the wolves have reached an alliance,

But the wolves are alien races after all, and many people still have no idea whether they will slaughter humans.

So many new humans who went to shoot this time risked their lives.

During the follow-up shooting, the whole Internet's enthusiasm was also concentrated on the big self.

All human beings, as well as those in power of all major forces, are also paying attention.

Because they all want to see if this plan to drive away wolves and tigers will succeed? Will it catch fire again?

At the same time, they are also evaluating the strength of the Arctic Wolf King and the Speedy Jinyu, two world-destroying beasts who are all teaming up with humans!

However, none of the other major forces wanted to form an alliance with mutated creatures.

Because looking at all the mutated creatures in the world, the only ones who can join hands with humans are the Speedy Jinyu and the Arctic Wolf King!

As for other mutant creatures, almost all regard human beings as blood food that can be raised in captivity and enjoyed at any time!

Just like humans raise pigs, horses, cattle and sheep in captivity today!

Such a fate and contrast are unacceptable and unacceptable to all human forces.

Therefore, human beings and these mutated creatures have always ended in endless death!

Even if some human forces would submit to Jerusalem and the Theological Alliance, they would never submit to mutant creatures!

At this time, in the eyes of the whole people, any news about the Arctic wolf king and the wolves on the Internet can cause a lot of enthusiasm.

[Evening News: According to the statistics of Siberia, the number of arctic wolves is about 60,000 to 70,000. Their power is so powerful that they can sweep away all mutant creatures. Alliance with me will open a new era for me! 】

[Arctic wolves marched into the Siberian plains, and the wolves were broken into pieces. At present, they have been divided into hundreds of small forces, and **** hunting is starting in all parts of the Siberian plains! 】

[Heavy news, all residents of the Siberian Plain are requested not to go out unless necessary for three months, because I heard that a strong spiritual person found out from the mental fluctuations of a different species of bird among the wolves that this time the wolves will kill them with blood. In March, we will kill mutated creatures to the extent of mountains of corpses and seas of blood. This is the blessing of our humanity. In the future, we will no longer be harassed by mutated creatures in our territory! 】

【Shock! This arctic wolf group not only has wolves, but also birds, bears, arctic foxes, Siberian tigers, prairie bison, etc., and is still expanding in the Siberian plain. Did the official expect this ending? Aliens are unbelievable! Waiting for the wolves to grow several times or even dozens of times, can we still suppress it? How about ordering now, we still have a chance to kill the wolves! 】


Under each message and news, there are many replies from netizens.

Among them, there are comments on the self and the wolf pack alliance, which are wise decisions made by high-level officials.

Of course, there are also those who want to promote people who are not my race, and their hearts must be different.

Most of the people who promote the race that is not our own, and their hearts must be different, are extremely murderous new human teams.

They have insisted on one point of view from the beginning to the end, that is, all mutant creatures should be exterminated!

Not only because they have been at the forefront of **** battles with these mutated creatures, but on the other hand, they have long known that they need the energy essence of these mutated creatures to advance.

Only by beheading mutant creatures one after another can one obtain enough energy essence to upgrade.

But every argument can't affect the highest official decision!

Because even if the government wants to encircle and suppress this pack of wolves now, they have to consider whether the whole self can bear it once the treaty is torn up and the pack of wolves retaliates!

Even the big self still has the ultimate killer like the hand of God.

But once these killers are turned on, not only the wolves will be destroyed, but also the entire human being!

Human life and endurance are too fragile compared to beasts.

Light radiation and nuclear radiation alone are enough to exterminate more than 95% of the human beings in the Great Self.

And even if all the tens of thousands of nuclear weapons and thousands of super ion ballistic missiles in the Hand of God system are fired, it may not be possible to completely wipe out the wolves!

After all, the strength of the Arctic Wolf King has gone beyond the scope of nuclear weapons and super ion ballistic missiles.

Extermination level!

Such a terrifying beast, the major forces and the Science Alliance have not been able to find a way to really kill it.

At this time, as the popularity of online attention continues to rise, more and more new humans are going to follow up, shoot and explore.

There are more and more videos and details about the hunting and killing of wolves on the Internet.

Especially Kun Sen, who was once the number one powerhouse in Siberia, after learning that the Arctic Wolf King had gone to the southern mountains,

He also drove the perfect armor and individual ion cannons to track down the arctic wolf king!

Because Kun Sen wanted to truly witness the heaven-shaking and earth-shattering combat power of the Arctic Wolf King, and see if it inspired his breakthrough.

He is currently seven or eight meters tall, and he can be called a giant in human society.

Kun Sen is also a group of people with the best talent, the strongest potential, and the most hopeful breakthrough of new species among human beings.

Only when he breaks through and transforms into a new species can he be worthy of the title of new human being.

And in this pursuit, Kunsen is also a little selfish.

That is to see if he can pick up some scattered pure energy after following the Arctic Wolf King?

After all, the last time the arctic wolf king and the mysterious Gu king had a horrifying duel, a lot of blood and minced meat were scattered along the way.

Even if it is only a little blood and minced meat, the pure energy contained in the world-killing level and the ultimate king level is unimaginable.

With these pure energies, his road to breakthrough in the future will be smoother.

Kun Sen didn't have a strong background. He almost broke his fortune in order to break through, to buy perfect armor and individual ion cannons.

So for truly high-level pure energy, his desire is no less than the beast's desire for blood!

Now Kunsen is following the trail of the arctic wolf king. Although he has endless fear in his heart, he has grown to his current strength and status only by fighting mutant creatures step by step.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance!josei

Kun Sen forcibly suppressed the fear in his eyes, and headed towards the southern mountains.


And at this time, the southern border of Siberia!

As Su Lin had just set foot in this area, looking at the endless forests and mountains in front of him, he felt that this was the best paradise for mutated creatures!

No matter the environment, temperature, humidity and other aspects here are very suitable for reproduction.

And after the great changes in the world, the topography of the forests and mountains has also undergone considerable changes, becoming more precipitous.

It is difficult for human heavy tanks and multiple rapid-fire guns to set foot in this area.

Even human fighter planes and mecha fighters, after coming here, are still subject to many continuous mountains, making them unable to fly fast,

Otherwise, it is very likely that it will crash into a towering mountain somewhere, and the armor will be destroyed from then on!

Therefore, for this area, humans used to implement more blockade strategies!

Using the trump card army, put the mutated creatures inside to death in the southern mountains, and let them kill each other, and the human beings will reap the benefits of the fisherman!

It's just that since a purple lynx of the ultimate king level was killed in this policy of raising Gu a few months ago,

These ace troops in the southern border were secretly afraid in their hearts and did not dare to continue to implement the strategy of raising Gu.

However, the terrain in the southern mountain range is too steep, and they have been encircled and suppressed several times, but the gains are not too great!

Today's Su Lin looked at the boundless mountains and forests, and his sensitive senses could sense the aura of countless mutated creatures in the mountains and forests.

Whether it's exotic beasts, exotic flowers, exotic grasses, etc., there are breaths.

There are even several auras in it that are comparable to the invincible tiger, and these auras have obviously sensed the existence of Su Lin, and they have separated their auras to lock him!

New species!

The breath comparable to the invincible tiger is definitely a new species that has already completed its transformation and born the original power!

Every new species can provide Su Lin with a huge amount of evolutionary value, making him go faster and farther on the evolutionary road!

Therefore, feeling the breath of several new species, Su Lin's pair of light blue wolf eyes became more murderous!

These are the best blood food for him to break through the genetic barrier and climb to the top!

But from the looks of it, there are several tyrannical auras that also regard him as prey!

This made Su Lin very interested, but he didn't let out his breath rashly.

Because he came here to see how many tyrannical species are there in the southern mountains of Siberia?

Once the breath is released, I'm afraid it will startle the snake!

So Su Lin, who restrained his breath, let several strands of his breath be locked in, and entered the Siberia's continuous and unfeeling mountains without any hassle.

Many of the towering giant trees in these mountains are 50 to 60 meters tall, much taller than the shoulders of Su Lin,

Even after Su Lin, who was a giant beast, walked into the mountains, his figure was quickly covered by the dense forest!

After entering, I feel more deeply about the mountains in the southern border of Siberia.

In the dense forest, the pure energy of UU Reading is very strong.

Because among the countless towering trees, there are scattered strange trees in every section, and these pure energy are overflowed from the strange trees.

This made Su Lin very envious!

No wonder those mutated species in the tropical rainforest, in India, and in the deep sea are promoted like rockets!

Because in an area with a lot of species, not only are there many exotic animals, but there are also too many of the largest and most pure exotic flowers, exotic grasses, and giant trees!

With such a large amount of pure energy, coupled with the growth potential of a monstrous evildoer, he will naturally rise to the top!

Su Lin intends to place the third wolf pack territory in the southern mountain range.

Although humans have only ceded to the wolves the plain of more than 800 miles south from the Arctic border, they have not yet reached the southern mountains!

But the plain of eight hundred miles is not enough to fill the appetite of the wolves.

With the coming of the Dark Era, not only the Siberian Plain, but also every inch of land and every resource in the world will be home to the capable!

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