Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 290

Chapter 290: Then cut the king level.

Remember [New] in a second! The mountains in the southern border were once a forbidden area for the big self!

Because there are many mutated creatures here, it is the place with the most mutated creatures, not one of them!

I put the most elite hundreds of thousands of trump cards here to guard, which has already explained everything.

But even if the most elite ace troops were placed here, they still hadn't completely suppressed the mutated creatures in the southern mountains.

The invincible tiger, the mysterious Gu king, etc., who were killed from the mountains in the southern border, were the most famous and powerful in the beginning!

Only the two ghost cat demons near the capital of our country can compare.

But now the Arctic Wolf King not only set foot in this forbidden area, but also killed nearly two hundred monster-level mutant creatures in one go!

Such a record has already caused the entire Internet to erupt.

Except for Kunsen, many desperate new humans started to frantically drive mechas and fighters to film the messy battlefield after they arrived.

There are even many new human beings who are eager to make money, and directly want to take advantage of the absence of the Arctic Wolf King to steal some of these flesh and blood rich in a large amount of pure energy.

After all, people die for money, and birds die for food!

Many new humans looked at the alien flesh and blood exuding pure energy, especially the flesh and blood of the three king-level alien beasts, their eyes were almost red!

The flesh and blood of a king-level alien beast!

It is priceless, if you steal some casually, the pure energy contained in them is enough to make their strengths have an earth-shaking improvement.

Therefore, many people have already left their panic and fear behind, and rushed towards this **** battlefield in their mechs and fighters.

But as soon as he got close, he was killed by the spiritual imprint left behind!

The spiritual imprint is invisible and invisible, and there is no technological killer that can defend against mental attacks.

Moreover, these spiritual imprints can directly suppress and kill mutant creatures of more than 20 levels, and the strength of the new humans present can't resist it at all.


The tyrannical mental imprint fluctuated, directly shattering the heads of many new humans. The skulls, brains, and blood instantly exploded in the air like fireworks.

This **** and tragic scene shocked many new humans who wanted to move forward!

"Oh my god! What's going on here? Are there other mutated creatures nearby?" A new human who was driving a mecha and made an emergency stop said Surviving Life.

He was only ten meters away from the group of people whose heads had been crushed just now!

"No, it's the mental fluctuations, the mental fluctuations left by the Arctic wolf king!" A new human who also possessed spiritual power felt the mental fluctuations that were too strong to resist.

"The Science Alliance has already described in detail the strength of the Arctic Wolf King. The Arctic Wolf King not only possesses tyrannical physical strength, but also has unparalleled spiritual and soul power. World-class alien beasts, the prey they hunt, you dare to make up your minds, you really don't know how to live or die!"

There is a mature and prudent new human powerhouse who also snorted coldly.

But no one took his words seriously!

After all, if so many people hadn't been killed by the town just now, no one would be able to calm down facing so many prey hunted by the Arctic wolf king.

At this time, after countless new humans piloting mechas and fighter planes were killed by spiritual imprints, many people silently bypassed this messy battlefield,

Death and gore frightened everyone, no matter how greedy they were, they did not dare to take a step forward, making the battlefield automatically form a isolation zone.

Only Kun Sen, who saw the spiritual marks left by the Arctic Wolf King with his own eyes, was quietly avoiding these spiritual marks, collecting some scattered pure flesh and blood from the edge.

Although there were not many scattered flesh and blood ejected from these spatters, Kun Sen had collected a full two to three hundred catties.

It also contained thirty to forty catties of king beast flesh and blood, which was quite a fortune.

"Hey, the Arctic wolf king eats meat, so it would be nice if I could have some soup along with it."

At this time, Kun Sen looked at his harvest today and grinned.

He put the collected flesh and blood in the storage on the back of the mecha, and then continued to manipulate the perfect mecha and continued to follow the trail of the wolf king deep in the southern mountain range.

As for the new humans coming behind him, Kun Sen didn't care.

Maybe there are too many people, and it will be difficult for him to collect some scattered pieces of meat.

But relatively speaking, his risk is dispersed.

After all, following the Arctic Wolf King alone, the fear in my heart is very deep.

Even if the distance is far away, even if there is a perfect mecha covering the breath, with the powerful senses of the Arctic Wolf King, as long as he focuses on the investigation, he can still be easily found.

Now that there are such a group of desperate people rushing, let them rush!

Kun Sen didn't care!josei

It can be regarded as letting these new humans explore the way for themselves, and see how far they are from the Arctic wolf king, which is a safe range.

Kun Sen used the perfect level mecha to move forward with concealed breath, and the flight was not fast.

A group of other new human beings, who were spreading their breath and voice unscrupulously, soon arrived in front of him, flying to the depths of the southern mountain range.

In the past in the mountains of the southern border, anyone who dared to fly so recklessly became a wisp of dead souls in the mountains!

It's just that now due to the strong invasion of the Arctic wolf king, all mutant creatures are intimidated, and they don't dare to shoot at will, so these humans are allowed to fly unscrupulously!





Flying at full speed, many humans quickly tracked down the arctic wolf king.

There were still more than ten kilometers away, and a shocking roar from the center of the battlefield was heard.

This roar, even if the sonic talent has not been used, the vibration caused by each roar is enough to crack mountains and rocks, and the sound can be transmitted for thousands of meters!

This shocking neighing sound undoubtedly represented the unparalleled strength at the center of the battlefield!

And some new humans who wanted to obtain the first-line battle report stopped only when they were within three or four kilometers.

After all, not everyone has a drone that can detect hundreds of miles away. Many people's miniature detection drones carried on their mechs can only explore within a few dozen miles.

As soon as he approached, he saw the mutant creature fighting fiercely in the center of the battlefield!

It's just very unfortunate that when they just released the miniature detection drone, the center of the battlefield ushered in the first extreme collision of sonic talents!



An extremely sharp howl and the sound wave of howling wolves collided violently in the mountains of the southern border!


An indescribably shocking sound resounded in the mountains and forests!

The rolling sound wave was like a nuclear explosion cloud, soaring into the sky in an instant, and then spread to the surroundings!

All the new humans approaching, even if they opened the protection of the mecha in an instant, they were still torn to pieces like thin paper!

Countless people didn't even utter any misery or wailing, but they were shaken into blood mist by the sound wave cloud that swept away in mid-air!

These new humans who regard wealth as their life and want to make a pot of gold by taking advantage of the frontline battle of the Arctic Wolf King never thought that they would lose their lives here without even looking at it a few times!

There are even no bones left!

Even if some were sent by powerful forces, even if they wanted to collect the corpses after the war, they couldn't do it.

Because the corpses were all turned into bone dregs and blood mist in this sound wave cloud!

The rain of blood, the sound wave cloud like a nuclear explosion, and the violent air wave fluctuations around made all the new humans who were still on the way stop in place urgently!

Staring blankly at the center of the battlefield, his expression was shocked.

This level of shock is far greater than that of the group of people who just witnessed being suppressed and killed by the spiritual imprint left by the Arctic wolf king!

The cloud of sound waves soaring into the sky made everyone feel as if the nuclear weapon with the largest tonnage of human beings was exploding.

In fact, this group of new humans who came to follow and shoot were all because they witnessed the killing and conquest of many members of the wolf pack in the past two days.

After confirming that this pack of wolves that came out from the depths of the Arctic really did not harm humans, they came to take pictures so boldly!

Otherwise, even if people die for money and birds die for food, no one will be so stupid as to come to shoot knowing that it is a desperate situation that must die!

It's just that the soaring cloud of sound waves and the deaths of the fastest-flying first-class mecha fighters in front of them have made everyone realize that even if it's just tracking and shooting, there is a great risk of falling down!

Therefore, after the shock, many new human beings' expressions changed from excitement at the beginning to fear and entanglement.

I don't know if this tracking shooting should continue!

But at this time, only Kun Sen just swept away a group of these frightened humans indifferently, and continued to fly towards the direction where the sound wave cloud exploded without any emotional fluctuations.

At the same time, he also looked at the sound wave cloud, secretly estimating the range that the aftermath of the energy aftermath of the **** fight between the Arctic wolf king and the other king beasts could reach.

Kun Sen has the protection and concealment of a perfect mecha, and can withstand some energy aftermath.

Therefore, what he can photograph and see is not comparable to these new human beings who come here desperately with their blood and interests.

In his eyes, these brainless new humans deserve to die!

That is to say, when Kunsen was approaching, the Yinlang duel in the center of the battlefield had just come to an end!

Amidst the sky full of broken rocks and fallen leaves splashing, Su Lin's huge wolf body stood majestically on the middle of the mountain! ,

Although there was still no tyrannical aura from the wolf's body, the original power of silver was fully revealed!

The nine silver moons behind the wolf's body were exuding dazzling light, and the original force of forty or fifty meters burst out abruptly.

With a pair of wolf eyes with a cold fierce light and killing intent, he looked at the several new species that were fighting against him!

The opponents Su Lin faced this time far surpassed the king-level mutant creatures such as the black poisonous scorpion and the silver-ringed giant pig!

It can also be regarded as the first batch of opponents he encountered that were truly worthy of attention when he entered the southern mountain range!

With the addition of the original power just now, the sound wave of Sirius Xiaoyue was extremely tyrannical!

Thousands of tons of powerful sound waves swept across the forest wantonly!

But such a tyrannical wolf howling sound wave, although it caused some trauma to several new species on the opposite side, it didn't hurt the root.

Most of the power of the wolf's howling sound wave was offset by the talent sound wave on the opposite side.

The one who just had the ultimate sonic duel with Su Lin was the huge white long-tailed falcon with wings covering the sky and the sun on the opposite side, with a size of hundreds of meters!

This is the largest falcon in my body. After evolving into a new species, each wing has a length of fifty or sixty meters. Spreading its wings in mid-air can be called a real giant beast in the sky.

I don't know how many times bigger than the arctic tern and nighthawk!

Body shape often represents strength in nature!

It is self-evident how powerful a long-tailed falcon with such a body has!

This white long-tailed eagle falcon spread its huge wings again, shaking all the broken stones flying towards it!

At this time, its eyes looking at Su Lin were full of extremely fierce light. Apart from the unmatched killing intent and ferocity rising all over its body, there was also a white fluorescent light that was twenty or thirty meters away!

This white fluorescence and Su Lin's silver fluorescence complement each other, covering up the bright brilliance from the sun!

There are three king-level creatures under the white long-tailed falcon!

One is a Siberian tiger with a body size of about 20 meters!

This Siberian tiger is only one line weaker than the invincible tiger, and the whole body is also emitting orange-yellow fluorescence. A pair of tiger eyes are staring fiercely at this huge white wolf!

The other end is a flying squirrel with a body size of seventeen or eighteen meters. This flying squirrel is roughly the same shape as the lemming that Su Lin encountered on the Arctic ice sheet.

But the difference is that there is a layer of flesh at the junction of its limbs and body.

This flesh is filled with purple fluorescence, which can allow it to have short-term air supremacy once it opens its limbs!

Flying Squirrel's small eyes looked at the gigantic Su Lin, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is also full of cold light.

The other one is a snow monkey with a huge body. This snow monkey can no longer be called a snow monkey. Standing upright, it is 24 to 5 meters long, and it can be called a towering giant ape!

This giant ape stood upright with a tall and burly body, and its wild and ferocious eyes were also confronting Su Lin in the flying gravel and fallen leaves!

Each of these four mutated creatures has a blazing source of power rising from them, and this source of power is extremely tyrannical!

It means that they have already transformed for a long time, and they are considered strong among the new species!

Even if these new species were weaker than the invincible tigers among the wolves, they were not much weaker.

In terms of the ratings of mutant creatures set by humans, these four have reached at least the level of high-level kings!

Especially the giant white falcon with a body that can block the sky and the sun, and its body is full of monstrous flames, which needs to be improved to a higher level!

Now these four powerful king-level mutant creatures are confronting Su Lin in the forest of the southern mountain range!

The killing intent between the two sides is colliding and agitating wantonly!

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