Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Biologist Frans.

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With plenty of food,

The life of the wolves began to look very leisurely.

The wolves of Surin now,

The rule in this area has gradually stabilized.


It was another ten days in a flash.

Xiao Hui among the wolves hasn't broken through to level 5 yet.

It was Little Lone Wolf who broke through to level 4 first.

Race: arctic wolf (exotic).

Level: Level 4.

Vitality: 523.

Stamina: 52.

Strength: 51.

Defense: 49.

Speed: 53.

The strength of the little lone wolf,


It is not inferior to the normal level 5 arctic wolf,

If it is about real combat power,

I am afraid that the little lone wolf is far above the level 5 arctic wolf.

Even Xiao Hui,

Almost no longer the little lone wolf's opponent.

At present, the strength of the little lone wolf can be regarded as truly matching its status in the pack of wolves.

this period of time,

Su Lin also went around the ice layer again.

At present, there are many more creatures on the ice layer than under the polar night.

With his speed, he hunted down a sea lion.

These days, eating sea lions,

It also provided Su Lin with more than one hundred evolutionary points.

He has already accumulated more than 500 evolutionary points,

One step closer to level 8.


Su Lin in the cave let out a low howl, stretched his waist,

He looked out at the snow-capped arctic ice fields,

Start to greet Xiaohui and go out to hunt.

Today's wolf pack territory has two female wolves patrolling.

There is also a little lone wolf who visits from time to time.

It's quite comfortable.

On the territory, some new species have also migrated,

There are seven or eight moose herds, and a small reindeer herd with only five reindeer.

Surin has eaten these prey,

The evolution value has already been reduced to the lower limit of 0.1.

So there is no desire to hunt.

after coming out,

Su Lin took Xiaohui and went to the ice layer again.

ice layer,

It is the largest in the North Pole.

The products are rich and the species are also diverse.

There is the prey that I want to hunt.

Su Lin and Xiao Hui are very fast,

in a short time,

On to the ice.

The aurora on the ice has disappeared.

Without the magnificent aurora,

But in the sunlight,

The species in the ice layer also multiplied.

Seals, sea lions, walruses, arctic ducks, and some flying birds,

It makes the ice layer a scene full of vitality.

Surin looked at the prey,

They are all a little greedy.

However, these prey are not easy to hunt, and they will jump into the water when they are in danger.

Last time I hunted sea lions,

There is also a trace of luck.

This time, Su Lin focused on a small walrus.

This little walrus is only about two meters in size.

but fat,

The weight must be eight or nine hundred catties.

The walrus is the elephant of the sea,

It has a huge body with two long tusks.

It is the largest animal in the ocean except for cetaceans

But walruses are bulky and have weak eyesight.

Out of the sea, it will look cumbersome and lacks means of attack.

Therefore, the walrus was chosen by Surin as the first hunting target.

The blood and vitality of adult walruses are too large,

Thick skin and fat,

With Su Lin's current lethality, even if he turned on the hunting talent, it would be difficult to cause huge damage to the walrus in a short time.

So he chose the little walrus.

This little walrus only has level 8 attributes.

(This chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

To provide you with the fastest update of the most absurd **** "Evolution of Devouring: I was Reborn as an Arctic Wolf"!

Chapter 74 Biologist Frans. Read for free: https://,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Race: Walrus.

Level: Level 8.

Qi and blood: 1523.

Stamina: 73.

Strength: 69.

Defense: 63.

Speed: 21.

Su Lin glanced at the attribute value of the little walrus,

In addition to the large enough blood,

The rest of the numbers didn't even reach the average.

This made Su Lin's light blue wolf eyes reveal a fierce hunter's light.

And the little walrus resting on the ice layer clumsily moved its dark red skin,

He was still enjoying the soft sunshine comfortably, and didn't feel the danger coming at all.


But at this time,

The city of Norilsk in Russia.

In an institution of higher learning,

The pure and beautiful Tiffany is publishing her academic papers on the high platform.

The topic of this academic paper is "Wonderful Creatures of the Arctic Ice Field".

Due to the in-depth documentary, coupled with various shooting and recording short films, the thesis has attracted wide attention in the college.

Today is Tiffany's official speech in front of the whole school.

And the pure and pretty Divina is also sitting under the stage,

Take the lead in applauding from time to time, cheering for my friend Tiffany.

at this time,

Amidst the loud applause from the audience,

Suddenly, a slender, gentle figure walked towards her,

This is Frans, who is also an alumnus of the school,

"Hello, classmate Divina, do you have time to come out and chat?"

Frans came to Divina's side and said with a friendly face.

On his handsome face, there was a pair of golden brown eyes, which looked very piercing.

Coupled with a strong affinity,

This made Frans very popular with the opposite **** in the academy.

"Find me?"

This made Divina a little curious.

For Frans of Academy Fame.

She still understands.

Frans is also a biological research scholar in the college,

And in the field of genetic research, academics have always been among the best.

His father is also a director of a well-known biological company, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a lot of money.

It can be said that Frans' conditions are perfect in every respect.

Usually, Divina and Frans have never met each other,

So I'm curious, why Frans came to her.

"Yes, Miss Divina, I have something to ask you."

There was still a friendly smile on the handsome Frans face.

"All right."

Divina didn't refuse either.

She followed Frans out of the auditorium into the quiet hallway of the college.

at this time,

Frans smiled and said, "Miss Divina, I heard that you recently went to the Arctic ice with Tiffany to take pictures? You also recorded the life trajectories of many creatures."

The pretty and beautiful Divina blinked her big beautiful eyes and said, "Yes, what's the matter? Are you also interested in creatures in the Arctic ice?"

Frans smiled and nodded and said: "That's right, so I sincerely invite you and Miss Tiffany to go to the North Pole to shoot with us again, don't you know if I have this honor?

Of course, UU Reading www.uukanshu. I will settle all the expenses on com this time. "

Hearing what Frans said, it was a lie for Divina to say that she was not moved.

But I heard that a lynx recently injured several people in Siberia,

Now it has fled to the North Pole.

So even if you are very excited,

She still shook her head and said, "I won't go, I heard that the Arctic ice is not safe recently."

This made Frans, with a sigh of regret,

But he still took out a stack of thick banknotes wrapped in envelopes from the briefcase he carried with him and said, "Okay, Miss Divina, that's really a pity,

But this is three hundred thousand rubles, and I want to buy something from you and Miss Tiffany. "

To provide you with the fastest update of the most absurd **** "Evolution of Devouring: I was Reborn as an Arctic Wolf"!

Chapter 74 Biologist Frans. Read for free: https://,!


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