Dictator From Outer Space

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: The One Who Craves Blood

Kairos swung his sword indiscriminately as he rode on Goliath.

All that was left in his wake were pools of blood, debris, and corpses.

He did not even use the power of the Black Dragon, but no one could stop him.

Sometimes, there were mercenary groups or knight orders with great fame that appeared, but they were no different from humans in their fate.

“You bastard! You’re nothing but a murderer! What grudge do you have against us!”

“Grudge… Grudge, you say!”


The sword made of living metal pushed back the steel greatsword.

The knight could not cope with Kairos’s relentless assault and had to retreat continuously.

Why was his weapon the only one that got damaged when they exchanged sword strikes?josei

And with a heavy sound, the knight’s sword finally flew away.

Kairos stabbed his sword into Goliath’s abdomen.

“My name is Kairos. I’m a man who lost everything at the hands of humans.”

“What did… what did we do to you…”

“You killed my family, my friends, everything. I swore as I held their corpses. I will not spare any human on this earth.”

“Do you think this massacre is justified for that reason…”

“Who will judge me! I am Kairos!”

The greatsword pierced through Goliath’s belly.

The knight tried to escape from his seat, but his neck was slowly cut and he died.

Kairos pulled out his sword and looked at it.

There was thick blood on it.

“Blood… My mother’s body was also stained with this blood…”

He had sworn while holding his unconscious mother.

He would kill a hundred humans for every drop of blood.

He looked at the soldiers who were terrified of him.

“Are you afraid already? I haven’t even started yet. You weak humans.”


Goliath stepped on a soldier.

A clear mark was made on the ground where blood flowed like a stream.

The soldiers sobbed and whimpered.

Some of them even knelt down and begged for mercy.

“Please spare us! Spare us…”

Kairos laughed mockingly and joyfully as he jumped around.

Soon, the wide garden was dyed with blood.

“My father must have also begged for his life… But you answered him with a blade to his stomach…”

A foul smell rose from the blood on the floor.

Kairos felt a surge of murderous desire from somewhere in his chest.

It was the soul of the Black Dragon that he had extracted with dark magic.

—More, more, I want more souls.

“I’ll give you what you want. I’ll make you swim in a lake of blood.”

His next destination was naturally decided.

The Zaium Empire, the most populous in the continent.

Kairos headed that way.

At that time, his actions were surprisingly not exposed.

It was because he had destroyed only small kingdoms near the border.

He had sworn to kill a hundred humans for every drop of blood while holding his unconscious mother.

He hated and wanted to kill all humans, but he could not ignore the orders of the Council.

It was also more efficient to kill one royal than hundreds of soldiers.

That’s how Kairos entered the Zaium Empire and raised an army of corpses from the bodies he killed.

“Rise, you soulless dead. Your enemies are over there!”

As the black magic of the Black Dragon spread, a city near the border became a land of death.

One dead rose and made ten humans dead, and one city was swallowed in an instant.

The Zaium army could not stop this.

Kairos diverted their attention and used a horned bird to quickly advance to the imperial capital.

They were too busy to fend off the sudden outbreak of undead to check on a suspicious human.

And something unbelievable was happening in the imperial capital.

A space portal opened out of nowhere and Goliath appeared.

And that was in the busiest street of the capital.

People who were familiar with Goliath thought it was some kind of event, but they were wrong.

As the greatsword swung, dozens of lives were taken at once.


Elegant buildings collapsed and thick blood sprayed in the air.

People only realized their horror and ran away.

Kairos swung his sword at anything that moved.

“I will take a hundred lives for every drop of blood we shed!”

The citizens died without knowing why, and the guards rushed out but met the same fate.

In the midst of the storm of blood, the captain of the guard contacted the imperial army, including the palace, and several Goliaths came out.

They were knights who stayed in the capital, so they were not incompetent, but they were like wooden dolls in front of Kairos.

Their armor plates were cut like cheese by a strike filled with ether, and their thick abdomen was pierced in one breath.

One unlucky Goliath had his waist completely severed and sprinkled his master’s blood on the ground.

This was nothing but a one-sided slaughter.

Even High Knights came out, but the result was the same.

Kairos finally crushed the abdomen of a fallen Goliath with his foot.

“Huff, huff…”

He breathed heavily in the cockpit.

He was an elf after all, even if he had accepted the soul of the Black Dragon.

He had his limits in stamina, and he had been exhausted since he entered Zaium.

But he could not stop.

His thirst for blood and vengeance burned his life force and made him move.

“Die… Die…”

It didn’t matter if his life ended before he destroyed all human kingdoms.

The Council would be satisfied with inflicting a great blow to humans, and he would close his eyes after fulfilling his revenge.

Kairos looked at the palace that rose in the dark with bloodshot eyes.

The emperor and hundreds of royals would be enough to pay for their remaining blood.


Late at night, Count Vandus’s territory.

Leobold heard a thumping sound as he stood in his office.

Captain Granden was knocking on the door as if he would break it down.

He opened it and Granden came in with a panicked face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sir, sir, there’s big trouble! The emperor of Zaium has been assassinated!”

The hard part about lying is that you have to act.

Fortunately, Leobold was an experienced actor who had been through many situations like this for years.

He staggered for a moment and barely regained his balance.

“Assassinated? Assassinated? The emperor of Zaium is dead… How did this happen?”

“I don’t know. Suddenly we got a message from Count Croitz’s territory saying that the emperor was killed and then they hung up.”

“This is no ordinary matter. Declare a state of emergency in our territory. Don’t tell the citizens, just prepare the key officials and soldiers.”


“And have Goliath ready to march at any time. Tell Cain to come to the meeting room as soon as he gives orders.”

“Right away.”

Granden disappeared like a wind and Leobold slowly headed to the meeting room.

In fact, he had been watching this situation from beginning to end.

Even at this moment, Sibiri’s satellite was tracking Kairos and his movements were clearly visible on screen.

Kairos had just infiltrated Rozelon of Bagran at that time.

He was wounded and exhausted from fighting in Zaium, but his movements were still vivid.

Soon Prince Ruad and other royals would die.

‘I have no personal feelings. But you are not needed for new Bagran.’

To be honest, he wanted to spare Prince Ruad if possible.

He was sensible and had a good sense of judgment in everything.

He did not impose excessive taxes on his direct territories and was regarded by the people as a competent ruler who led Bagran normally, if not brilliantly.

These days, being ordinary was enough to earn praise.

But Leobold, who would lead Bagran in the future, did not need the Ether bloodline.

To be precise, there was no place for those who wielded power with the Ether bloodline as their weapon.

‘That’s why they have to die. As the representative of those with the Ether bloodline.’

If he died, the remaining royals would try to lead Bagran, but they would not last long.

The Galisto Kingdom, which was ahead in national power, or the nobles of the west would bring their plates and knives, and their fate was already decided.

Leobold would swallow everything.

‘It wasn’t supposed to be like this…’

According to Arma’s roadmap, Prince Ruad was supposed to lose his power in the war with Galisto and go on a wandering path.

But the plan was slightly distorted when Elvrande threw in a mad killer.

It did not affect the overall roadmap much, but it was an unpleasant fact for Leobold.

‘At least thousands will die and the human side will be divided. So you have to pay a similar price.’

An eye for an eye, blood for blood.

Even if they didn’t know that, it didn’t matter much.

“Arma, pick out a few candidates for bombing. Preferably near the command center.”

「I will select 10 candidates.」

Leobold nodded and entered the conference room.

In that short time, Carson, the administrative officer, Granden, Catina, Elwin, Bultorn, Stephina and other key figures of the territory were gathered.

Elwin, who was in charge of the communication network, opened his heavy mouth.

“It’s hard to believe, but the emperor of the empire has been killed. Yes, his death has been confirmed. The imperial palace is burning and the whole capital is upside down.”

“My goodness…”


Leobold gestured him to continue and Elwin moistened his throat with water and said.

“The identity of the beast has not been confirmed, but it was confirmed that he was riding Zaium’s official Goliath. There are reports that he is behind the undead army that has begun to appear everywhere, but it is not certain.”

It was miraculous that they had found out about the situation of the empire at all. They had obtained a lot of information with just a few communication devices.

Elwin did not know if he knew of such a remarkable gaze or not, but he continued his report in an awkward tone.

“It seems that not only the empire is upside down. Several kingdoms on the border have been engulfed in flames and many have confirmed this. Galisto is probably similar.”

“Imir, what about Imir!”

Bultorn asked anxiously, but Elwin shook his head weakly.

The Imir Republic was not in Easthart region nor had it established friendly relations with any other country, so it was silent.

Leobold opened his mouth.

“If Galisto is hit, we’ll be soon.”

Then Granden jumped up.

“My lord, please evacuate immediately. I don’t know who the beast is, but there is a possibility that he is targeting you.”

“That’s right. We’ll stop him. How about you escape with Miss Arma?”

Stefina also said so, but Leobold shook his head.

“How can I leave my territory when I have a guest? I hear some noise.”

They all thought that this should not happen and that they should stop him.

The lord’s combat power that had captured Lantis County in one go was of course recognized by them.

But he wasn’t stronger than the empire, was he?

What would happen if he confronted the monster that was destroying the eastern part of Astera continent?

Granden and other knights tried to forcibly stop him, but suddenly a big shock spread out.


People staggered.

Something heavy seemed to have landed on the ground.

Leobold shrugged his shoulders and went out and the rest just looked at his back.

Arma opened the door with a creak and greeted them before saying.

“You must have heard all the instructions. If you do your assigned tasks faithfully, nothing big will happen.”

She was not just a subordinate maid but also a close aide of the lord and a noble with a baron title.

They all reluctantly accepted and got up.


Leobold looked ahead on Dingo’s back.

In the dark night, a Goliath covered in blood appeared in front of him.

His condition was very bad.

One arm was missing and his leg joint seemed to be broken as his shoulder was tilted.

Nevertheless, fierce Ether was spreading around him quietly.

It was amazing considering that Goliath’s cockpit itself sealed Ether first.

And Kairos was burning with fierce murderous intent in front of him.

What moved him now was not Kairos’s ego, but something closer to the Black Dragon Grakies.

As evidence, Arma was spreading a black magic warning.

「A wide-area curse is spreading. It is a curse that eats away at human’s mind and breaks their will to resist.」

He chose a rather good strategy, but he made one mistake.

Leobold was a human who was immune to such things.

“It’s the first time I see you, killer. How many people have you killed in the last few days?”

“Do you remember how many breads you’ve eaten in your life?”

“I do. 3,076.”


Kairos, who was about to sneer at the expected silence, was momentarily flustered.

That’s right.

The man in front of him was not an ordinary human.

According to the half-blind half-elf he had captured, he was a monster who surpassed the Elven Knight in power and destroyed the pirate army by himself.

But Kairos now was a monster that surpassed him.

His life flame was fading, but it didn’t matter.

As long as he could kill his last target.

“My name is Kairos. I am the one who has been granted the right to kill humans.”

“Who granted you that right?”

“The blood of my family and friends who died by humans, and all the other people.”

“I have nothing to do with that blood, what do I do?”

Kairos shook his head fiercely even though no one saw it.

“As long as you live and step on this continent, there is no human who has nothing to do with it!”

“Have you heard of the rumor of the hero from another world? That’s my nickname.”

“…You’re making weird excuses because you want to live.”

“It’s true. I have nothing to do with your grace. But I don’t intend to avoid this fight either.”

“You made a good decision.”

Kairos lowered his posture and Leobold spoke to him.

“You accepted the soul of the Black Dragon Grakies.”


Suddenly, Kairos’s Goliath writhed enough to catch his eye.

Fierce Ether spewed out of the joints and a growling sound came out.

“Shut up if you want to die…”

“You can’t bear it with just an elf’s body. Your body is being eroded black.”

“Shut up…”

“Grakies will soon devour your mind as well. You’re living on borrowed time.”

“Shut up!”

Kairos’s Goliath rushed forward and stabbed with his broken sword.

But his attack was blocked by a living metal shield that had opened up.

“Living metal! You were a thief after all!”

“Don’t mistake living metal for an elf’s monopoly.”

Kairos’s Goliath was pushed back by a single shield strike.

He was already broken here and there, and it seemed that his drive system had reached its limit as he heard a bad sound.

Kairos regained his senses after being stunned by the shock.

He activated Ether at full power and entered overdrive mode.

A brilliant Ether blade soared up to pierce the sky and Kairos stared at it blankly.

“Ether blade… Haha, you’re not human.”

“But I am a human.”

The black soul hidden inside him tried to swallow Goliath.

Now Leobold was facing not Kairos and Goliath, but Grakies who had died in the war.

―Let me handle it… Release your true power…

“Can you kill him, can you give me the power to kill him!”

―Of course.

“Then take me!”

When Grakies’s black soul tried to swallow Goliath, Leobold activated his Ether heart to the maximum and entered overdrive mode.

He drew a long line from the sky to the ground with his Ether blade.

Ether exploded in a straight line and tore apart Grakies’s barrier.

Kairos spat out blood from his mouth as he felt a pain that almost made him lose his soul.


Grakies lost consciousness and Kairos’s ego that had sunk deep down was pulled up.

He struggled in pain and tried to back away.

“You’re… strong… But that power… won’t protect your race…”

“No, I’m not here to protect them.”


“I’m here to clean up. You’re not the only one who wants blood.”

“I’m sorry, but you have to be my prey. I just got something good.”

Leobold jumped out of Goliath.

He felt the power in his left arm and Kairos widened his eyes.

“That soul is Cain’s… No!”


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