Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

In the first round of the game, one Fang Xiu was looking for a coffin with his name on it outside, and then the other one found himself inside a coffin.josei

The second time was pretty much the same.

Every time he went into the graveyard, there were two of him: one outside and one inside a coffin. Both had the same memories.

But this time, when he died, the memories of both Fang Xius merged. The first time, the Fang Xiu outside died and only remembered what happened outside after resetting. The second time, the Fang Xiu inside the coffin died, and after resetting, he remembered being in the coffin.

The third time, both Fang Xius died at the same time, and after resetting, he had both sets of memories.

Fang Xiu suddenly thought of the gravestone in the graveyard.

It said, "Forbidden for the Dead, Open to the Living."

There were two of him, and if either died, it would trigger a reset.

He guessed that maybe, when you enter the graveyard, you're in a state between life and death, split into two people. If one died, death would be upon both of them.

So, if any Fang Xiu died, it triggered a reset.

But if both lived, he'd stayed alive.

This meant he was wrong from the start.

The key wasn't to kill his double to leave the graveyard, but to leave together with his double.

No wonder he couldn't leave by killing before.

"Xiu, why aren't you moving? Is there something wrong with this graveyard?" Zhao Hao asked worriedly.

Fang Xiu turned back calmly and looked at everyone. "What I'm about to say is important, and I want everyone to listen carefully."

As Fang Xiu spoke, they all became very attentive.

"This graveyard is special. It's a unique space. Everyone who enters is in a state between life and death, split into two. You can only leave alive if both of you survive. But if one of you dies, you'll also be dead in a way and be trapped here forever. That's what the gravestone means by 'Forbidden for the Dead, Open to the Living.'"

After hearing Fang Xiu's explanation, everyone felt confused and didn't really understand. They were puzzled by the concepts of a state between life and death and splitting into two selves.

If it weren't for Fang Xiu's previous impressive actions, they might have thought he was talking nonsense.

"Can you explain it in simpler terms? We didn't quite get it," they asked.

Fang Xiu understood that they were confused because they hadn't experienced the graveyard like he had. "You don't need to understand everything. Just follow my orders, and you'll be able to leave the graveyard alive. If someone doesn't follow and causes trouble, they'll be left behind, and I won't save them."

His words were harsh, but in the Specter Zone, they brought a sense of security.

Only those who were ruthless can survive here, after all.

"Understood!" The psychics weren't new to Specter events, and they found Fang Xiu's instructions reasonable. He had pointed out a way to survive; all they had to do was obey. If they couldn't even do that, they deserved whatever came their way.

"Remember, after you enter, your other self will be locked in a coffin. Don't panic, wait for rescue, and don't show any aggression. Don't try to kill your double. If either of you dies, you'll never leave the graveyard," Fang Xiu instructed before leading them to the graveyard.

Since both the original and the duplicate had the same memories, Fang Xiu's instructions would be remembered by both. Upon re-entering the graveyard, Fang Xiu ordered, "Everyone find the grave with your name, open the coffin, and let your other self out."

"Yes, Fang Xiu!"

"Okay, Xiu!" they responded.

Minutes later, coffins were opened, and people were surprised to see their other selves emerge.

Unlike before, no one attacked; they all understood that the person before them was also themselves.

Fang Xiu opened his own coffin and found his calm duplicate lying there. They stood side by side, silently observing the others.

"Group up," both Fang Xiu commanded together.

Everyone gathered with their doubles, their expressions a mix of curiosity and unease.

It was unsettling to face an exact replica of oneself. Normally, people might feel threatened by a duplicate, fearing replacement.

Under Fang Xiu's guidance, everyone managed to coexist peacefully for the time being.

"Everyone, follow me," both Fang Xiu said at the same time, creating a surreal scene. Without waiting for a response, they led the way to the graveyard's exit.

As both Fang Xiu stepped out of the graveyard, something incredible happened. They both glowed and slowly merged into one, becoming a single Fang Xiu.

Then he left the graveyard.

Before him lay a steep stairway leading straight to the mountaintop, where there was a large red-painted gate.

The paint was peeling in many places, making the gate resemble a monstrous creature with a gaping mouth, and the stone stairs appeared like its long tongue stretching down to the foot of the mountain.

Soon, Zhao Hao and the others emerged from the graveyard one by one. But Fang Xiu noticed that Cheng Xinyuan was missing. The others also realized this and exclaimed in surprise, "Where's Cheng Xinyuan? Why hasn't he come out?"

Looking back at the graveyard, they saw two Cheng Xinyuans fighting each other.

"Why are you attacking me suddenly? Don't you want to leave?" one of them asked.

"Leave? You're the one leaving, not me," the other retorted.

"What do you mean? Aren't we supposed to leave together?"

"I am you, and you are me. I know what you're thinking, so don't pretend. You're the Cheng Xinyuan from outside, and I'm from the coffin. According to Fang Xiu, you're in the state of the living, and I'm in the state of the dead. Once we leave, only the living state remains, and I'll disappear forever. I was born from the graveyard, and leaving it means death for me."

The living Cheng Xinyuan panicked, "What nonsense are you talking about? We are one and the same. Don't you realize that by doing this, neither of us will be able to leave?"

The dead Cheng Xinyuan sneered, "If we can't leave, so be it. At least I'll still be alive. Once we leave, I'll be completely dead. Why should you live while I die?"

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