Chapter 138

Chapter 138

The space split open as a door formed, and soon, a tall woman wearing a fanciful long red dress appeared. There was a middle-aged man present as well, and he was standing before a model of a planet when the woman started approaching him.

“It’s been a long time, Tan.”

“Yes, it has, boss. You seem busy these days.”

“You know, just the same complications here and there.”

Jenica, or ‘boss,’ smiled brightly before taking a seat. Of course, there were no seats or furniture in sight, but once she moved to sit, an elegant designer sofa instantly appeared behind her.

“I heard there’s an uproar in the New World or World of Gods. For whatever reason, a great number of gods proclaimed their own holy lands and left the New World. Coincidentally, most of those gods are mid-tier or below.”

The World, often called the Great Dimension, was comprised of six separate worlds. There was the heavenly world where the celestials lived, the demon world where the demons lived, the spirit world where various spiritual beings such as spirits and ghosts resided, and the underworld where the dead went. The final two were the godly world and the physical world. The godly world was the higher dimension that ultimately orchestrated the way the world ran, while the latter was the largest world and also where most common beings lived.

“Your description of them being mid-tier of below is a bit demeaning. They are, after all, still gods.”

“However, you can’t deny that they’re merely middling figures in the godly world.”

Any being that reached the 9th Class Master or Grand Master level would be considered a [Transcendent], which meant that they became low-tier gods. However, to get to this stage, they needed to understand the laws and rules of the world and surpass them. Though they could obtain the title of gods, any transcendent being could enter this lower tier, so many didn’t consider these lowest tier beings as gods. In other words, it would be more accurate to state that these transcendents were considered demigods or divine beings.

Right above the 9th Class low-tier gods were those at the 10th Class mid-tier, beings who went beyond the concepts of life and death. This mid-tier was comprised of gods that ruled over [Entities], planetary gods that ruled over entire planets, or animal gods of a species.

“What about the upper-tier gods?”

“It seems like something is going on with them as well, but I’m not sure. They’re not exactly easy to read.”

After the 10th Class mid-tier gods were the 11th Class and beyond upper-tier gods. These upper-tier gods were transcendents who reached a certain level, allowing them to rule over [Concepts]. The upper tier was made up of gods such as the [God of Magic], [God of Martial Arts], [God of Time], [God of Death], and so on. To be precise, when someone conjured images and thoughts about gods, they were usually referring to this tier.

“What about that pale guy? Among the upper-tier gods, Darion is one of the few who cares for humans.”

“I haven’t heard anything from that side either. It seems like the gods are hiding some information from us. However, it does seem like they’re contemplating something.”

“Hmm. I guess they see us as insignificant things that don’t even warrant an alliance. Their actions are stating that their concerns won’t be alleviated even if they ally with us.”

“You’re quite the masochist.”

“Well, I’m not wrong. We often refer to this World as the six worlds, but that’s misleading. The godly world stands in a completely different dimension from the rest. They look down from up above.”

Each of the six worlds greatly differed in size and characteristics. The largest world that carried the most diverse range of beings was the physical world. In contrast, the demon and heavenly worlds were only about the size of one or two galaxies combined. In relation to the physical world, the demon and heavenly world were like specks of dust. The spirit world and underworld contained beings that were halfway into the physical world, so their sizes were relatively small. The godly world didn’t exist as a physical concept, so it couldn’t be compared with the others.

Despite the physical world’s vast size and diverse inhabitants, it was always under the threat of attack or needed protection. This was because the physical world was weak.

“We all say six worlds, six worlds… how funny. Even if all the other worlds and dimensions join hands, the godly world could easily wipe everyone out. Did you know? I’m a peak Noblesse amongst the Noblesse, but even I can’t fight a single upper-tier god out of the countless ones in the godly world.”

“That’s not right, Tan. Did you forget that those gods are the pillars that allow the World to exist? Moreover, most of the gods aren’t interested in our lowly affairs. You know quite well that these omnipotent and omniscient beings assimilate into the World, yet you’re complaining like you’re unaware.”

Jenica frowned. Within the Company, the developers and producers of DIO, Tan’s authority was second to only Jenica. She always knew that Tan disapproved of the gods, but she felt weird that they were discussing something so trivial and obvious.

“Hmm, I’m just thinking out loud; don’t mind me. Anyway, you’re probably here because of the users, right?”

Jenica nodded.josei

“I feel like we’re utilizing them too quickly. I thought we were planning on waiting for at least a year.”

“Initially, I thought that as well… Sorry. Similar to how you must look good for the gods, I have close connections with the Coalition. It’s not a big deal, so I decided to conduct a test by having the users participate.”

“Well, it’s your call since the decision is under your jurisdiction. I won’t get in the way; however, it would behoove you to be careful. There are quite a few forces and powers that aren’t too pleased with this system.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Then, I’ll be taking my leave.”

When Jenica got up, her body started shimmering and disappearing. And right before she completely vanished, the necklace that she wore around her neck shone brightly.

‘What was that? That’s a weird mark.’

For a moment, Tan was curious about the mark, but he soon lost interest as Jenica left entirely.

“Melton, are you done with all the preparations?”

“Yes. Luckily, the distribution of levels wasn’t too bad. Of course, there are little to no people at the highest level, but fortunately, it contains an Irregular like Arthur, so it should be okay.”

A young boy named wearing a baseball cap appeared; this was Melton. After he finished speaking, Tan asked, “Ah, what about the other two Irregulars?”

“That’s… a little difficult to explain. Cruze is definitely above the rest of the users, but it’s still hard to tell if she makes the cut. And that one guy… Merlin, was it? That guy is really low. If there’s anything special about him, it’s that he’s an S-Rank swimmer who also entered the New Continent on his own. Because of him, we had to rush the opening of the New Continent.”

All this was something Tan had already read about in his regular briefs, so he simply nodded.

“I see. So the headcase that caused such a problem was that Merlin guy…. Ultimately, we can just include the opening of the New Continent with the currently ongoing event, but it’s a little disappointing to hear that the Irregulars aren’t developing well.”


With a simple finger gesture, Tan brought up all the information related to Merlin and started reviewing the various windows that were floating mid-air.

“Should I challenge him a bit?”

“Hmm, but if he chooses to quit, we don’t have any other options. We can’t force him to continue. From the start, DIO’s system doesn’t have any punishments for when users quit. If he abandons the game, it’ll put us in an awkward predicament.”

Though what Melton was saying was correct, Tan shook his head.

“The lack of any repercussions is exactly why they play without any burdens or motivations. If they’re truly challenged and stressed, they can choose to log off. Furthermore, if he’s someone that’s going to eventually be broken down, there’s no reason why we should nurture him so gently. Here, take this.”

Tan pointed to one section of Merlin’s information, and as he saw this, Melton nodded.

“Alright. You mentioned stress testing and challenging him, so I was a bit concerned, but this shouldn’t be too much.”


Like an eraser removing an image, Melton disappeared. As for Tan….

“I wonder if that’ll be the case.”

With a light chuckle, Tan also vanished.



The space distorted a bit and calmed down after a young man wearing a mage’s robe emerged. The young man was Merlin, and he was wearing typical mage garb: a red robe and a wide-brimmed hat.

“Woah, that was close.”

After escaping his event placement test, Merlin brushed off the dust that had settled onto his robe when the One-Horned Fire Snake moved toward him. If Merlin had been a little late, he would have been crushed. Merlin could easily avoid the snake’s attacks with his abnormal, alien-like movements in the sea, but on land, Merlin didn’t stand a chance against the One-Horned Fire Snake’s superior speed.


Merlin entered the familiar-looking waiting room. This was the same waiting room as the one offered after a user completed their promotion test, the Joint Battle waiting room. Currently, there was only one other user present.


As the user extended his spear, the surrounding air was pushed out and created the noise of a breeze. This stab was memorable and satisfyingly direct. Merlin, staring blankly at the scene, was startled to see the spear wielder’s familiar face.

“Lancelot! Wow, long time no see!”

“What… do you know me?”

“Don’t you remember? We met during the Level 2 promotion test.”


After spending an inordinate amount of time in the initial beginner test with Mari, Merlin met Lancelot. He taught Merlin many of the DIO’s basics, like making an ID. Though their meeting was only in passing and by chance, Merlin had created his ID based on Lancelot’s.

“Anyway, it’s so empty here. There are no other users.”

“It seems not many people reached Stage 6 in the placement battles. Defeating a Level 12 monster also means that the user is at the Master level. However, there are three of us.”

Confused, Merlin tilted his head.

“Three? There’s only the two of us, though.”

“I believe the third is hiding.”

As an aura power user, Lancelot was well versed in recognizing others’ auras. In truth, it would be more appropriate to state that Lancelot could sense the existence of others’ thoughts and consciousness. However, this third user was quite skilled in hiding their aura, so it was virtually impossible for Lancelot to pinpoint their location.

“Hmph! If I know someone is hiding, I can easily find them!”

Merlin’s eyes turned golden as he gave her a wry smile. It didn’t take him long to find the hidden user. The waiting area was relatively sparse, with only some practice dummies, trees, and stone flooring.



When Merlin pointed to a specific area, the hidden user must have been surprised as they briefly released some of their aura. However, the user didn’t reveal themself.

“Hey, since you’ve been discovered, you should show yourself, blondie.”


Regardless of Merlin’s words, the hidden user didn’t reveal herself. Actually, she tried to surreptitiously move to the side. Though she tried to avoid being directly where Merlin pointed, he could clearly see her with his Enhanced Eyesight, so whenever she moved, Merlin’s finger followed. She tried moving to the other side, but unfortunately, she could not escape.

“Oh, man. This lady sure doesn’t want to face reality.”

With a sigh, Merlin started walking up to her. And then….



Along with her sigh, the hidden user stopped her skill, and soon, her shadow appeared. The girl was wearing skintight black martial arts clothing with gloves that had flame motifs on them. Her clothes covered everything up to her eyes, so it was impossible to properly make out her face. However, based on the girl’s eyes and hair, Merlin could tell that she was a blond-haired woman in her early to mid-twenties.

“You have tremendous stealth abilities, but those won’t work on me. Once I see you through Insightful Eyes….”

Not waiting for Merlin to finish gloating, Ilyia, the blonde woman and the third user, started speaking.

“Darkness, Weighted Gate, Release.”


Right when Merlin asked this question, the entire waiting room became darker. This wasn’t caused by a smokescreen or fog; the lights in the waiting room actually became dimmer.


And at that moment, Ilyia disappeared. However, with a somewhat flabbergasted expression, Merlin pointed to a practice dummy.

“Hmm. I can’t see her at all. You’re saying that she’s right there?”

“Yes. Ah, she’s trying to slowly move to the side again!”


Indeed, Ilyia had been creeping to the side to avoid Merlin’s pointed finger, but after failing to evade notice again, she reappeared and made her way to Merlin and Lancelot. Her brow was furrowed, signaling that she was feeling somewhat angry and frustrated.

“You’re pretty skilled. I’ve seen many people using Enhanced Eyesight, but few could locate me.”

“That’s because it’s not an issue of whether a user has the skill but the extent that they can use it.”


Though Merlin wasn’t wrong, Ilyia couldn’t help but feel a flash of anger. Her stealth skill was already at the First Order level. Even when she was outside the game, she could escape someone’s sight, including their peripheral vision. As such, it angered her that Merlin could find her so easily.


Ilyia quickly moved her hands in a hand-skill formation. In addition, she added the depth of ‘Understanding’ to her chakra.

“Body, Darkness, Weighted Gate, Release.”

Ilyia’s body seemed to move backward as her body started to become fuzzy and blurred.

“Incognito Disguise.”

Like a black droplet hitting a clear body of water, Ilyia’s body dispersed into the surroundings, and in no time, she totally disappeared from sight alongside her aura.

“Hmm, this….”

Merlin became serious. Even with Insightful Eyes and Scanning Vision, he couldn’t find Ilyia.

“Such an outstanding stealth ability… to disappear right in front of our eyes….”

Astonished, Lancelot started looking around him; however, he couldn’t find Ilyia. Her ability to evade both Lancelot’s heightened senses and Merlin’s peering eyes meant that her stealth ability was top-notch. However, Merlin didn’t quit. He soon imbued his eyes with inner qi.


Merlin’s eyes seemed to burn with gold-colored flames. The light from his eyes was so bright that it illuminated his surroundings. Soon, he focused on one corner of the room.

“Found you!”

“This doesn’t make any sense!”

With a cry, Ilyia reappeared. And then, a text message appeared in front of them.

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