Chapter 192

Chapter 192


Adol’s body turned into a mist of golden smoke and scattered into the air. When they weren’t on Dynamic Island, users would bleed and have their bones revealed when they were injured, but if they were to receive a fatal blow, their bodies and equipment would become golden smoke.

“And you as well!”

After taking care of Adol, Sirius shifted his attention to Lancelot. Sirius spoke [Words] before attacking, but Lancelot couldn’t hear them. Sirius and Lancelot were experiencing time entirely differently, so Lancelot had no chance of noticing Sirius’ words.josei


However, Lancelot’s subconscious had him move reflexively in one motion, something he had practiced millions of times before.

There was a limit to Lancelot’s senses. Only in his wildest dreams could Lancelot hope to accelerate his thought processes like Arthur or Merlin. Hence, Lancelot had trained his entire body to ingrain a single move, one attack.

Of course, a person’s body couldn’t remember every motion. If a ten-part motion were ingrained into the body, the first few steps would inevitably be forgotten or made vague from the various aspects of the action. However, Lancelot had practiced his attack hundreds of thousands of times. He had made sure that this motion was fixed in his body and as natural as breathing.


Moreover, Lancelot lacked creativity, so he couldn’t come up with a complex, skilled move or use a creative ability.

This was why Lancelot copied others.

Lancelot picked up others’ moves and trained them until he could make those skills his own. It took him countless hours to do this, but once he set himself on something, Lancelot never gave up until he obtained what he wanted.

“Huh? This….”

Sirius’ eyebrows twitched when he saw Lancelot counter his punch with a short spear. Unlike Lancelot, Sirius was a powerful being who could process time at many hundredths of seconds. Hence, Sirius twisted his body and avoided Lancelot’s attack. Then, after barely evading, Sirius dug toward Lancelot's chest region.


However, at that moment, Lancelot’s attack slightly shifted. His body had chosen an attack from the 1,205,000 pathways that Lancelot had ingrained in his muscles, bones, and mind. All of this was involuntary and based on instinct.

Lancelot constantly recalled images of his movements in his mind, making it possible to engrave them into his body so they could naturally appear when needed. The result was the crystallization of Lancelot’s obsession, which he achieved after struggling to reproduce the move that the Orc Hero Sungmuk had used in the past.

/Pseudo. Dividing Clear Mirror Water!/


With the sound of rushing air, Lancelot’s short spear went straight toward Sirius’ approaching punch. Sirius tried to dodge, but Lancelot’s attack changed course again. Sirius had already reached a point where he couldn’t escape.

Crack! Bang!


Lancelot flew back tens of meters and broke through a few buildings before crumpling onto the ground. Since he’d held on to his short spear until the end, both of Lancelot’s shoulders were ravaged and rendered useless. He could no longer properly wield his spear.

However, Lancelot smiled. It was a joyful and satisfied smile. On the other hand, Sirius, the one who put Lancelot in such a sorry state, frowned deeply.

“You… insignificant being!”

Blood was flowing out from Sirius’ fist. Out of his eight fingers on one hand, only five remained. His middle finger, as well as the two on either side of it, were now lying on the ground.


Sirius had fallen into a frenzied state, and he lunged at Lancelot. It didn’t matter that Arthur had cut off his wings or that Cruze was constantly bombarding him with ranged attacks. Though they were capable of fighting him, Sirius could predict all their attacks. However, in Lancelot’s case, even though Sirius observed everything the player did, the situation was different. Failing to defend himself from such a lower-leveled being made Sirius feel a deep sense of disgrace.

“Hey, even so, you shouldn’t be ignoring us, no?”

“You’re dead, idiot.”


A single ray of light cut through the space. The beam of light was thin and wide, like a camera flash, and ordinary people couldn’t distinguish it from a regular ray of light.


Sirius groaned as he caught the shells that Cruze shot, and there was a diagonal carved sword strike on his body.

“Ugh. Even in that situation, you blocked my attack.”

Cruze grunted and focused her aura power once more as she was planning to release her next attack, but before that, Sirius’ body shifted, and his form blurred.


The space behind Sirius seemed as though it was cut in an oblique line as it wobbled. Surprisingly, since Arthur’s sword strike exceeded the speed of light, a type of material collapse occurred in an instant.

“Bursting Sword Light, Five Principles, One Burst. It’s the strongest ability I can use right now.”

While training in the Bursting Sword Light technique, in an effort to launch an even faster strike, Arthur had advanced from Thousand Light, Hundred Thunder, Ten Deaths to One Burst. To put it one way, as he progressed in the technique and produced a more powerful move, the number of times he swung his sword decreased. Like this, Arthur reached an ultimate one-shot sword strike, the true blow of Bursting Sword Light.

“Hahaha. I never asked for an explanation….”

“I spoke in case you were wondering. You need to know what you’re dying from, right?”

Arthur smiled in a relaxed manner, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of bitterness. In fact, to be honest, he wanted to fight Sirius one-on-one, even if he would eventually lose.

‘I should stop having such stupid thoughts.’

However, for users who fought monsters for the sake of profit, his bitterness was irrational. Besides, there was no guarantee that his colleagues would agree with his desire.

“Ugh. I’m dying, master. I’m going to return.”

“Oh, sorry.”

With that, the sword in Arthur’s hand slid from his grasp and flew into the air. His sword, which looked like it was made from combining scales together, opened its eyes and stretched out as if this motion was all too natural. This was Arthur’s summoned beast, the sword dragon Dustin.


Once Dustin disappeared somewhere beyond this space, Scorpion, having hidden until now, raised his dark shield as he revealed himself. Undoubtedly, the shield wouldn’t have protected him from even one of Sirius’ punches, but even so, Scorpion felt safer with some form of defense.

“Is it over?”

“We aren’t finished yet, so be careful. We’ll be done soon.”

Arthur changed his gear and took out his +9 Invariant Sword, which he had purchased from Merlin. It was a reinforced weapon with a fixation spell imbued on it, and unlike other reinforced gear with powerful magic, his enchantment only strengthened the sword itself. To average users, the +9 Invariant Sword could only continuously become more durable, making it essentially useless to them. However, for Arthur, these effects were vital.

‘I must apologize to Dustin. No matter how urgent my situation, I shouldn’t have used One Burst with him.’

One Burst, which could be referred to as the final principle within the Burst Sword Light technique, surpassed the speed of light for an instant, so the impact on the sword was beyond imagination. Of course, Arthur deployed dozens of means to protect himself and his sword, but that didn’t lighten the overall burden. As such, after sustaining the brunt of One Burst’s effects, Dustin was inevitably wounded and had to return to his world.

Boom! Crackle!

While he rested for a while due to the aftereffects of One Burst, Cruze fired a large-caliber sniper rifle, slashing Sirius’ forehead; as this occurred, Arthur’s pet Toothless sent down lightning bolts, singeing Sirius’s skin. Though their opponent was on the verge of death, Arthur and Cruze were not the types to lower their guard. A dangerous enemy like Sirius could do anything if they didn’t kill him quickly.

However, despite constantly falling to the ground and writhing in pain, Sirius did not die.

“Oh, my god. How tough is this guy? He can’t protect himself, but he won’t die?”

Even when more than half of Sirius’ body was torn apart by Arthur’s sword, and the Numbered and was fully exposed to all of Cruze’s ranged attacks, Sirius’ body remained intact. Cruze couldn’t hide her dismay. She realized that if it weren’t for Arthur, she would’ve been killed after Sirius toyed around and played with her.

‘What the hell… when did the gap grow so large?’

Cruze knew that Arthur was stronger than her, but she groaned, as she hadn’t expected the gap to be so large. When she imagined a virtual confrontation with Arthur, she knew that if Arthur were sincere and fought all out, she’d be slaughtered within ten seconds.

“So annoying.”


Cruze raised her aura power and began to form something in her hands. Although Sirius couldn’t resist, she decided to finish him off quickly. At that moment….

“Receive your great calling! You are the master of Armageddon!”

A powerful spiritual word descended and dominated their surroundings. Arthur and Cruze scattered the effects relatively easily with their resistances, but the much-weaker Scorpion instantly crumpled to the ground. As for Lancelot, he’d already been severely injured, and he almost died.

“Log out.”

Lancelot muttered, near death. If he logged out right now, he wouldn’t receive any rewards for the mission, as the system would recognize him as dropping out of the mission, but Lancelot wasn’t concerned about this.

/Log out in progress. You cannot move for 11 seconds. You may be attacked by the enemy during this time, so if your surroundings are unsafe, cancel the log-out process and take appropriate action. Eleven seconds. Ten seconds. Nine seconds…./

Fortunately, he wasn’t attacked during this time, so Lancelot safely escaped the battlefield. However, the situation was a little different for Scorpion. He summoned a specter after chanting a spell. Scorpion hadn’t sustained any major injuries, and although his power was not sufficient to contend against Sirius, he thought he would be able to receive the mission reward if he persevered and succeeded in staying until the end of the mission.


However, a huge force concentrated on Sirius’ body, which had been torn apart and rendered useless on the ground. Then, he was forcefully raised and began to recover as if time was being turned back. Instant recovery was a fairly common ability, but considering that divine magic didn’t work on injuries taken from sword qi attacks, it should have been impossible for Sirius to recover so quickly after being hit by Arthur’s successive sword qi strikes.

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