Chapter 195

Chapter 195


“Oh, n-no. I should be the one apologizing. If you’re not interested in being a singer, then you shouldn’t do it. The CEO said that if you aren’t interested, I shouldn’t push you. However, I find his words a bit weird; he’s not the type to easily let someone go.”

As Leaf stated, Kim Sunghyun, SH Entertainment’s CEO, typically wouldn’t let someone with great potential in the industry walk away. Of course, he wouldn’t exploit someone’s weakness to coerce them into doing what he wanted. If the person in question weren’t interested, regardless of the amount of urging, they would fail. Sunghyun was the type of person who’d mobilize himself, research everything to the extreme, and try to amaze and emotionally appeal to the other party through personal marketing. This was Sunghyun’s personality.

However, in Yongno’s case, Sunghyun was willing to give up. This was primarily because, through his own research and background check of Yongno, Sunghyun realized that Yongno wasn’t someone that could easily be swayed or approached. As the representative of a famous entertainment company protected by all kinds of influential people and national organizations, Sunghyun knew where he stood with Yongno.

“Ah, uhm… I’m performing in a concert tonight… would you like to come? I received a ticket from the company.”


“Yeah. The concert will be comprised of SH Entertainment performers. Many popular people will be there.”


Leaf presented a ticket, which was in such high demand that countless fake tickets were in circulation, but Yongno seemed hesitant.

“I don’t really like to be around crowds of people.”

“Oh, y-yeah? I guess it can’t be helped. Then, let’s just add each other as friends on DIO.”

“That’s not difficult.”

Leaf and Yongno exchanged DIO IDs. Since Yongno and Leaf were both popular figures in DIO, they blocked any friend requests and whisper messages. So, to become friends, both needed to send their friend requests at the same time.

Tap. Tap.


As he felt something tapping his side, Yongno turned his head. With clear eyes, Eunhye stared at Yongno.

“Let’s go.”


“The concert.”


Yongno groaned, a troubled expression clearly evident. Recently, Yongno had been living like a disabled person, spending half his day in his underground lab and the other half in DIO. Nonetheless, he was still one of the users considered the heaven above the heavens, one of the Outer Gods, or a named user. Any item with Merlin’s name on it cost hundreds of millions or even billions of gold. His creations were all valuable items that any DIO user wanted, and as a high-ranking mage second to none in DIO, he was powerful enough to overwhelm any player.

Though he wasn’t exactly a public celebrity in real life, it was only natural that people recognized him in Korea, where more than 90 percent of the populace played DIO.

Eunhye looked at Yongno with longing eyes, like an elementary school student starting at a doll she earnestly desired.

“We can’t?”

“That… phew. I guess we can. We’ve been cooped up in this house for a while….”

“… Thanks.”

“No biggie.”

As he saw Eunhye being happy, Yongno reached out and gently patted her hair. That was when Leaf saw the always-expression Eunhye….


Eunhye smiled brightly.


Of course, it wasn’t a groundbreaking change; all Eunhye did was slightly raise the corners of her mouth. However, Leaf balled her fists.

‘W-why… why am I getting angry?!’

Despite her rising emotions, Leaf maintained her composure and soon offered a smile, as it didn’t seem right to express her true feelings in such a situation.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you’d bring someone else… I only have one ticket….”

“Let’s go to another concert.”

“… but I think I can manage to get a second.”

When Leaf heard Eunhye’s cold response, Leaf couldn’t help but change her response mid-sentence. Leaf had totally lost against Eunhye.

“Oh, you don’t have to go through so much trouble….”

“It’s fine. I’m the headlining idol in the company, so that’s the least they could do for me. A-anyway, I’ll scrounge up a ticket somehow, so don’t be late! Then…!”

After almost screaming the last few words, Leaf stood and ran out of the house. When she saw this, Eunhye murmured.

“She’s cute.”

“Right? I can understand why she’s popular. She sings well, too.”

Currently, Leaf was the premier idol and singer who was beloved by all. She was as cute as a fairy yet also truthful, honest, and straightforward. She also sang well. Leaf embodied all the qualities necessary to become a top star in the industry and a leading idol.

“You wrote some songs?”

“I occasionally jot down some stuff when I’m bored. I also owed her.”

Just as Yongno felt that he owed Leaf, the latter felt the same toward Yongno. When he jumped to save Leaf from the no-good high schoolers, he unexpectedly awakened his hidden talents and started to sense the existence of mana in the real world. If Yongno hadn’t had that awakening, he wouldn’t have been able to save Eunhye and, ultimately, would have never been able to live a peaceful life as he did now.

“Alright. Should we get ready to head out? We haven’t gone on a date in a while.”

“… Okay.”

With a frozen face, Eunhye nodded her head. Yongno knew that Eunhye’s expression meant that she felt slightly embarrassed; however, Eunhye soon controlled herself once more and started to speak.

“Will it be… okay?”


“That flat-chested singer, it seems like she likes you.”

“What? Hahaha. It’s not like that.”

Yongno laughed and shook his head as if there was nothing to their relationship. It wasn’t like before when he couldn’t read between the lines and understand the other side’s emotions. Ever since Yongno combined with Merlin, he had a perfect grasp over how someone else was feeling as if he could read their thoughts.

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Yeah. She definitely thinks highly of me, but there are no feelings involved. I’m sure we both think of each other as friends.”

However, Yongno didn’t know that, although he could normally read others well, there were cases where he’d be totally off. As he expected, Leaf wasn’t in love with him, but emotions were a funny thing; they never really fell into a neat category.

If Yongno had read many romance novels or watched a bunch of dramas, he wouldn’t have misread Leaf’s emotions as poorly as he did, but alas, Yongno lived his life shunning sappy content like that. In truth, Yongno was a relatively uncultured person who didn’t watch movies or other mainstream content often.

“Then I’ll get ready.”

“Alright, me too….”


At that moment, a loud, explosive sound rang out, and the floor started shaking. It was from his underground lab.


Yongno was about to teleport to his underground lab, but before he did so, black smoke started rising from the floor.

“Hahaha! No man’s land. This is no man’s land! To be summoned to a place full of weaklings!”

A spiritual body, about the size of two or three sturdy young men, gave off dark energy as it laughed sinisterly. It was an evil spirit that didn’t exist on Earth, a place firmly bound by the laws of physics. In addition, based on the spirit’s spiritual pressure and the way it spoke with intellect, Yongno could infer that the evil spirit was of a relatively high level.

“Ugh. What is this….”


Yongno gritted his teeth and released his magic powers, but then, a black aura instantly covered Eunhye’s body. It happened so fast that Eunhye had no time or opportunity to resist. However, even in such an emergency, a confident smile bloomed on her usually expressionless face.

“Hmm. You have a rather peculiar aura; it must have been you who summoned me. Still, I never thought that a kid would dare open the [door] and summon a great demon like me without a safety system in place.”

“You’re one to call yourself a great demon when you somehow wormed your way through the incomplete summoning ring. I don’t need a guy like you, so why don’t you go back?”

Although Yongno spewed out warnings with an assured attitude while circulating his internal energy, Yongno couldn’t let go of the thought that he was in trouble. This was because the magic power he felt from the evil spirit was so enormous that it was difficult to handle. According to DIO’s standards, the evil spirit was a monster that stood at Level 15. If it were released into the world and allowed to run rampant, it could kill tens of thousands of people.

‘This is a tough situation. If I were in DIO, I’d be laughing while slaughtering him.’

However, the gap between himself in DIO and reality was like the distance between Earth and the Andromeda galaxy. Compared to the formidable magic capabilities and bountiful internal energy that he had in DIO, his ability to wield magic power was vastly inferior, and the internal energy he possessed was akin to the size of a chestnut.

“Fufufu, you’re a cute and admirable guy who made a hole for me to squeeze through and survive, but I can’t just stand still while you spew such condescending words at a godly demon.”

Eunhye sat on a nearby desk and gently crossed her slender legs, emanating dazzlingly alluring energy. The evil spirit seemed to be assimilating into Eunhye’s body, so even her tone of voice was gradually changing to become more feminine. Yongno recognized that this was a dangerous sign.

“Shut up and get out. That is, you want to taste the bitterness of defeat.”

Eunhye’s eyebrows rose.

“Hahaha. I guess we need to sort out who has the upper hand.”

Then, Eunhye raised her right hand and pointed at Yongno.

“Speaking in the name of the Dark Heavenly Demon….”

“Obey me!”

A spiritual voice, filled with tremendous power, rang out.


With a ‘So what?’ expression on his face, Yongno looked at Eunhye.

Eunhye, or to be specific, the evil demonic spirit that occupied her body, was taken aback. This was because nothing happened even though the evil spirit had deployed a relatively powerful attack.

“Ah… I roughly expected it. I momentarily suffered a loss because I was unnecessarily cautious.”

Yongno had lowered his posture and wrapped his internal energy around his body when he grumbled and headed for the kitchen. He picked out a glass and brought it back to the living room.

“What… is that?”

The evil spirit paused and looked at the item in Yongno’s hand with a bewildered expression. After a while, the evil spirit realized that something was wrong with the body he inhabited. No, not just Eunhye’s body; there was something wrong with this entire ownerless world.

“Hey, what is this? All animate and inanimate objects don’t have spiritual pathways?!”

According to the evil spirit’s common sense, all things in the world had spiritual pathways. This was because spiritual pathways existed not only in living things but also in objects, small stones, and the air itself to facilitate the flow of spiritual power. Yet, there was a complete absence of spiritual pathways in not only Eunhye’s body but in everything on Earth.

It was ‘one of those worlds’ that operated purely on physical laws. And in such a world, a spiritual being like him was literally powerless.


“Now, would you like to come here?”

“W-wait. What are you trying to do… huh?!”

At that moment, the glass in Yongno’s hand began to emit a spiritual wave as it glowed bright red. On the surface, Yongno had written [I cannot go out once I go in] with a permanent marker. The magic runes, which were made from Yongno’s magic power and imbued into the permanent marker, began to absorb the evil spirit as the magic circuit started to take effect.

“Huh? Hey, this is nonsense! With such pitiful magic power-!”

“It’s not much… but it’s still magic power. Didn’t you know that the magic power you possess can’t produce any effect or phenomenon here?”

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