Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Even though he had not anticipated this response from the Masters, Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo continued talking. Either he didn’t care whether the others paid attention, or he just didn’t notice in the first place.

“From now on, you’ll belong to a special military unit and be officially considered as second lieutenants. However, since none of you have military experience and knowledge, you’ll have to undergo basic training at the training center.”

Based on the tone and context of his message, it was as if the Masters had already agreed to join the special military unit. After finishing his brief speech, a secretary beside the minister continued.

“From now on, as Korean Masters, you will receive an annual salary of one billion won and various benefits. All facilities will be of the highest quality, and you will work as Grade 5 civil servants.”

For most ordinary people, such an offer would probably be highly tempting. One billion won was an enormous sum, and a majority of people would never see such an amount in their whole life.

However, the individuals in front of the secretary weren’t typical people, so they didn’t bat an eye. They were part of the 200 Masters developed from four billion DIO users.

“That’s not enough. I’m sorry, but I made 200 million won just from filming one advertisement, and a research institute even offered me an annual salary of five billion won. There’s no way one billion won would entice me.”

“Our country no longer operates a conscription system, so why are you forcing us into the military? Furthermore….”

Yongno organized his thoughts. He wanted to avoid provoking the Korean government as much as possible, but their approach was utterly careless, and their offer was underwhelming. Based on the atmosphere, if Yongno didn’t voice his opinion, it seemed the government would press forward without regard.


“Furthermore, I might go abroad.”

“… What?”

Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo’s face hardened into a deep frown. The situation he was most concerned about was unfolding. When he desperately needed a certain group’s cooperation, the minister wouldn’t have dragged and virtually kidnapped them unless he had other concerns. After all, rounding up the Masters was unprecedented in a nation that operated under the rule of law. However, regardless of the minister’s or the Korean government’s concerns, Yongno had no intention of being considerate.

“I was offered naturalization in the United States. They said they would give me an annual salary of 100 billion won and exempt me from all taxes. To be honest, I said I would think about it because I felt they were shortchanging me, but after hearing you offer one billion won, I don’t think I need to consider your proposal any further.”

“Eh? Incredible. As one of the Heaven above the Heavens, you deserve that amount of money, as well as any additional considerations. They only offered me 20 billion won.”

When Hanma came to Yongno’s aid, Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo urgently spoke.

“It seems my secretary’s explanation was too short. One billion is just a basic salary. Depending on the work handled, the payments can increase astronomically.”

“Oh~ It seems you’re saying that, with the pay raises, we’ll be able to exceed a salary of 100 billion won. Are you able to give me a trillion?”

“You’re quite rude. I’m here to negotiate.”

“Which country’s law allows negotiation in good faith after kidnapping the other party? As far as I know, in Korean law, no such allowances are given.”

Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo broke out into a cold sweat. All the Masters before him were young people in their early to late 20s, so he thought he could wield his political power and age to sway them into accepting a particular position and accompanying salary, but he was completely mistaken. Masters were basically modern possessors with a high level of intelligence and tempered minds like steel. In addition, these players spent extensive amounts of time in DIO and constantly led other users. They were not bound by anything or anyone above them, and as such, Masters were essentially free thinkers who were not easily oppressed through coercion.

“Let’s see… Yoon Yongno? I heard you’re the son of the Chief of Staff, Yoon Seokwoo. Yet, while your father is devoted to his country, you seem selfish and self-centered.”

At Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo’s words, Hanma, rather than Yongno, responded in a sarcastic tone.

“Aha. Finally, now you’re dragging our families into it. Are you trying to hold us hostage?”

“… Be careful with your words. I can declare you criminals right now.”

“Ooh, so scary.”

Hanma spoke in a playful voice, but he backed off nonetheless, as he didn’t want to be labeled a criminal. After the exchange, Yongno spoke up.

“Although I’m curious what crime you’d pin on me… I won’t ask. I guess you can fabricate and make up any lie you want. Instead, shall we try the negotiations once more?”

“Oh, then….”

“The basic salary should be 300 billion won and have an add-on fee of five billion won for each executed action. In addition, it would be nice to have immunity from any and all criminal offenses. This was an offer presented by the United States.”

“An annual base salary of 300 billion won? Five billion per executed activity?”

Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo laughed, midway between amazed and exasperated. Even he couldn’t easily access 300 billion won. In addition, five billion won per executed activity was an added amount that the minister couldn’t overlook.

“Are you stating that you can’t do it?”

“This is nonsense! Just because you’re good at a video game doesn’t mean you can extort as much money as you want! Are you trying to wring the state and its citizens for money right now? Are you playing around with the Korean people’s lives?”

“Settle down. If you don’t like the terms, just release us, and that’ll be that. However, remember that if those aliens appear and destroy even a few buildings, the damage will easily reach over one trillion won.”

“I can’t give you that much money! Anyway, we have Second Lieutenant Kim Seyoung. He’s the strongest among you, right? Despite only being one person, I trust he’ll keep us safe from many aliens!”

The minister’s words were right enough, but at the same time, therein lay the problem. If Arthur hadn’t promptly appeared where the Grotesque and the Legion emerged and dealt with them swiftly, the Korean government wouldn’t have taken such a foolhardy approach.

The reality was different for many other countries. Russia was trying to block the attacks with its army, so many of its soldiers were dying, and as for China’s Shandong Province, the Grotesque had already been roaming freely for more than five days, causing unimaginable damage. If there were more than tens of thousands of casualties and dozens of collapsed buildings, the property damage and hit to the economy would go far beyond hundreds of billions of won.

“Then we’ll leave. That’s that.”

“Are you going to leave your country for money? This is an act of betrayal!”

Ohje had been silent until now after hearing the minister yell.

“Then, may I go?”

“… What?”

“I have no intention of going to America. My actions and image don’t fit a traitor or whatever you’re describing. Honestly, if you asked for my help and assistance formally and explained yourselves, I may have contemplated joining… but it’s unpleasant to be forced into a role without being able to offer any input..”

The general mood around the cafeteria table was dark. From the start, the minister had employed a carrot-and-stick tactic. For normal people, after scaring them a little, if they were offered a carrot, they’d jump at the chance to come over. However, creating this sort of coercive atmosphere was in and of itself a failure for the minister.

Phew. Don’t do this. Reconsider. Think about what the state has provided and protected you from so far.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll make up for it by blocking a few attacks. Are you willing to accept that?”

Saying this, Yongno got up from his seat, but before he stood, he heard a clack.

“I really didn’t want to do this,” the minister stated.

“Oh, is that so? Are we living in a dictatorship?”

Hanma grumbled his dissatisfaction, but he didn’t resist, and Yongno didn’t either. Even if he didn’t manifest, he could easily subdue everyone within the cafeteria, but he didn’t feel the need to do so.josei

With cool, sharp eyes, Yongno looked at Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo.

“This decision - you’ll regret making it before you even have a chance of getting up from your seat.”

“You’re so cheeky! Lock everyone in the interrogation room right now! You all need to taste some bitter reality to come to your senses!”

It was a ferocious response from the minister, but Yongno responded without a change in his expression.

“Then, let me tell you in advance. Whatever you ask, I will refuse.”

“Gibberish! Why aren’t you dragging these cheeky bastards away? Away with them!”

At Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo’s order, the men stationed around the cafeteria slammed the Masters’ bodies against the table! The agents were so forceful that an audible thump rang out. Then, the Masters were handcuffed.

Right then, a man ran into the cafeteria from the outside.


“What is it?!”

“The aliens have invaded Incheon! A nearby military unit was mobilized, but it wasn’t enough!”

“Tell Lieutenant Seyoung to stop them!”

The minister seemed to say this naturally as if he had said it many times before. This was because Seyoung, or Arthur, had been blocking all the attacks up till now. Then, why did the man come all the way here if Seyoung could stop the aliens’ attack?

“He said he can no longer manifest because he’s consumed all his gem points!”


Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo’s complexion changed. The pressure was already mounting on the Department of Defense due to the damned aliens tearing down buildings and killing people. While Seyoung’s immediate reactions had minimized casualties and property damage, the terrorist attacks within the nation during peacetime kicked up a media storm and made it raucous and chaotic in the National Assembly.

“Didn’t I say you’d regret your decision before you even got up?”

At Yongno’s words, Minister Oh Hyeon-Jo’s face turned red. It was an expression of wanting to throw all the Masters into the interrogation room, regardless of whatever was happening, but Yongno pushed away the men who were suppressing him and spoke in a calm, almost cruel tone.

“Call the president.”

This was the beginning of a true [negotiation].

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