Chapter 245

Chapter 245

*** Question ***

“No matter how strong he is, he’s still just a common criminal! We represent the country and the people’s will!”

“Isn’t it too harsh to say he’s a murderer? He was a national hero who saved countless lives, prided by Korea as the strongest user.”

“Then he went on and slaughtered thousands. Are you so shameless that you would defend such a murderer?”

“I beg your pardon? Shameless?”

As always, the members of the Korean National Assembly were divided into several groups and were engaged in fierce discussions and arguments.

Arthur Pendragon, or Seyoung, was famous for being the strongest Master and the people’s ‘knight of justice.’ He had amassed considerable popularity for his loyalty to his home country and selfless service to its citizens.

However, Arthur was never well-versed or interested in politics, and he especially disliked associating with politicians who wanted to use him for their benefit; hence, Arthur didn’t actively participate in Korea’s political arena.

“Stop it! How long are we going to sit behind our desks, arguing in this assembly hall!”

“You’re right! Most importantly, we must not forget that only one individual defeated Japan - Kim Seyoung. If he becomes hostile towards Korea, do we have the power to stop him?”


This was an issue that everyone present was thinking about. Thus, many lawmakers nodded in agreement, but some also opposed this.

“Right! Yet, he’s also manifested many times now! He won’t be able to run wild much longer! If he’s concerned for his well-being, he’ll have to stop at some point!”



Representative Kim Hyun-Dong frowned and looked at Representative Lee Myung-Hak, who insistently led the charge against Seyoung and sought to suppress him. Furthermore, several members of the ruling party vehemently agreed with Lee’s words.

On the surface, this cohort claimed they wouldn’t be able to control the other Masters if they ignored Seyoung’s senseless and unlawful killings… but since when were they ever interested in such universal humanitarian issues?

‘Did the Japanese politicians lobby them?’

This conjecture was quite possible, but it also presented many questions. Japan, which had been dealt a horrible defeat after mobilizing not only their Japanese Masters but also their Self-Defense Forces, was not so politically naïve to take such open and shallow actions.

Even though Representative Kim Hyun-Dong had this thought, he did not bother to refute or intervene in the ongoing debate.

While he could have stated his concerns and turned the tide, he would only lose face if he got entangled with such an enraged and emotionally-appealing opponent. Moreover, it wasn’t his style to move without knowing his opposition’s goals and the situation they faced.

“We will never compromise with a murderer!”

“Right! This is a disgrace to the good name of the Republic of Korea!”

“… That’s good.”

And, at that moment, a new voice rang out.

“I don’t want to compromise with trash like you all, either.”


Arthur, or Seyoung, appeared within the assembly hall.

He didn’t enter through a door but showed up in a burst of light, almost like magic.

“He’s here! The massacre you conducted won’t be condoned-”


A shouting council member seated next to Representative Lee Myung-Hak rose into the air.

Based on Seyoung’s will, his sword qi of light could be heated or chilled to extreme temperatures. Like this, it was capable of burning the surface of one’s skin and creating a wound with no blood splatter.



The beheading happened in an instant. And since it occurred so naturally, as if it was an act that had to be done, none of the gathered representatives could react immediately.

The pieces of the council member’s corpse seemed unrealistic and appeared to belong to a mannequin more than a human. These various body parts broke apart as they rolled around.

“What is this… what….”

Just as Representative Lee Myung-Hak was about to attack Seyoung with the other surrounding lawmakers, his complexion turned grey.

Of course, the planned attack was of a political, verbal nature, not a physical one.

“What are you doing!”

“What am I doing? Didn’t I already answer that when I was in Japan? I will punish everyone involved in my mother’s death.”


Lee Myung-Hak stiffened.

Regardless of the representative’s response, Seyoung continued.

“You tricked my mother by telling her she was going to Japan to see me. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?”

In truth, that was correct - those were Lee Myung-Hak’s exact thoughts.

Though it sounded absurd now, at that time, Lee Myung-Hak truly believed Seyoung wouldn’t learn of his actions.

Of course, the representative knew Seyoung was basing his current claim on circumstantial evidence. Lee Myung-Hak and his people had already removed all the hard evidence of his participation in the matter, and he’d synced his story with his two secretaries, with whom he had planned out and executed the plot. In the worst case, his secretaries would take the fall. They would say that greed had motivated them to move on their own without the representative’s knowledge.

“Don’t force lies and falsehoods on me! You’re going around and killing people without any evidence! You’re just a murderer!”

This was the way things had always been for the representative. He always used this line of argument to successfully defend against his opponent’s attacks.

Even if Seyoung suspected the representative, that was all, just an accusation based on circumstantial evidence. Representative Lee Myung Hak’s enemies could cut off his tail, but they’d never be able to touch his torso.

“Evidence? Don’t joke around with me.”


However, Seyoung blew off another councilor’s head, this time someone behind Representative Lee Myung-Hak.


Seyoung acted without a moment of hesitation. Only then did Representative Lee Myung-Hak finally realize he had never faced someone like Seyoung before.

Seyoung laughed.

“My confidence and conviction are enough for me to take your head.”

The Republic of Korea couldn’t afford to be hostile towards a [knight of vengeance] for the life of [just] one member of the Korean National Assembly. Arthur had already subjugated Japan alone, as he was a transcendent who had descended into modern times.

Though he wasn’t a full-fledged transcendent… no one on Earth could stop him.

“Hey, you, young man! Do you know who I am-”


The sound of Arthur’s swinging sword of light was like the high notes of a stringed instrument being clearly plucked.

If someone heard such a sound without knowing its origin, they would feel that the sound was impressive. It would make anyone stop and listen, no matter what they were doing.

Even though the noise was close to a celestial melodic sound, if heads rolled on the ground every time one heard it, they wouldn’t help but feel fear and terror.

“And you….”

“Why, w-why are you….”

Seyoung laughed after seeing Representative Kim Hyun-Dong visibly trembling. The representative tried to put up a resistance, but he easily succumbed to the dazzling lights that shone in front of his eyes.

“I see. You’re the strongest here.”


Obviously, Seyoung wasn’t referring to physical strength.

In the first place, such power was useless in the political arena.

Representative Kim Hyun-Dong often joked about being the most physically imposing figure in the Korean National Assembly, but fighting would only ruin his public image, so he never leveraged his physique to gain a political advantage. In truth, his real [strength] was of a different kind.

Outwardly, it seemed that Representative Kim Hyun-Dong was just another member of the Korean National Assembly. Yet, in truth, his wealth and personal connections were so widespread and expansive that even the Korean president was wary of him. However, this wasn’t the scariest part about him. The representative put all his effort into hiding his true power, so it was impossible to grasp just how influential he was without conducting a thorough, exhausting investigation of his background. At first glance, Seyoung was able to recognize Representative Kim Dong-Hyun’s [social power] just by looking at him.

“I took care of the higher-ups associated with my mom’s death, but there are many others, especially those who carried out all the dirty work. The guys who convinced and transported my mother, those who fanned the flame and made these dead guys act, and all other related dregs… find and punish them to my satisfaction.”

“W-what… what... isn’t it already enough that you’ve taken these representatives’ lives? As for the legal grounds for why you disposed of them-”

“Make it happen.”

A beam of light exploded out from Seyoung’s eyes.

“Isn’t that what you and your kind do best?”



When he saw everyone in the Korean National Assembly building stiffen after being suppressed by his overwhelming presence, Seyoung outstretched his right hand.josei

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