Chapter 291

Chapter 291

“I’m a genius, Boram. You know that, right?’

“Uh, yeah, of course. But… a test subject for a biological experiment?”

“Do you think I’m lying? Look at Taewoong’s face. Go back to Father and ask him yourself. When I was young… Father drugged me- no, wait, was it Mother? Anyway, ask them if they know what happened after I was drugged and dragged away. They ripped open my skull with scalpels and pierced my brain with needles. No matter how much I cried out in pain, no one offered help or comfort. They referred to me as an inhuman mutant - Subject Number 21. They conducted all sorts of experiments on me. I also saw countless other children die after undergoing similar tests.”

Yongno’s deep-seated anger and hatred, which he had suppressed by keeping himself busy throughout the day, burst out like a rushing flood.

Boram’s face turned white, and Taewoong couldn’t keep a straight face either.

As they were from a relatively powerful and affluent family, Boram and Taewoong had already obtained Level 3 artificial spiritual pathways. Yet, even so, they still couldn’t put up a fight if Yongno decided to kill them. After all, Yongno’s real body was essentially in the middle levels of the Master realm.

Finally, Taewoong spoke up.

“I’m… sorry.”

“What? You’re sorry? You’re saying that you’re sorry? Hahaha! Hahaha!”

Yongno burst into laughter when he heard Taewoong’s apology, which seemed like a quiet sigh.

Words of apology or remorse were of no use to Yongno anymore. Through no fault of his own, his own trusted family members had thrown him into the depths of hell.

Recalling that time was so horrifying and agonizing that Yongno had to have his memory sealed to preserve his sanity. Right now, he could accept and process that experience because he had trained as a high-ranking mage and martial artist, but if he were an ordinary person with a reasonable mind, it wouldn’t have been strange if he went mad or bat-shit crazy.

However, Taewoong continued.

“I was… I was scared… so scared….”

Irregulars were usually born in a world where the stage of civilization was far below their level. In these circumstances, it was normal for others to accuse an Irregular of being a devil or an alien. This was why nearly all Irregulars suffered horrible deaths at the hands of the people from their world. Talented individuals were precious, but it must also be understood that humans, and most other species for that matter, had an instinctive fear toward those who acted or thought differently.

Unless they were born in a transcendent species that evolved to the highest order, like the dragons, Irregulars, with their innate genius and talent, wouldn’t be seen in the same light as their peers. So, of course, Yongno was considered an abnormal existence since childhood.

If Taewoong had been around the same age as Yongno, or even younger, he wouldn’t have felt that Yongno was so unnatural.

In fact, Boram had met Yongno a few times when he was young, and she didn’t particularly remember him as exceptionally weird or talented. She always just chalked Yongno off as [a younger brother who was outstanding for someone his age].

However, Taewoong was six years older than Yongno. Both Taewoong and their parents had no choice but to live with the knowledge that Yongno was utterly different from them.

Yongno began copying other people’s words just three hours after his birth, and in three days, he developed language skills sufficient enough to carry a conversation.

Physically, he grew so quickly that he could run before he was three weeks old. It was unbelievable for anyone to think that he was a normal kid.

“At the time, Father was a lieutenant general in the army, and he had many connections, but he couldn’t even make the time to throw my first birthday party. Instead, he was concerned that outsiders would consider it weird for a one-year-old to be the same size as a kindergartener, with a vocabulary that would impress even adults as well.”

At that time, Yongno greedily learned everything he could and ate more than a fully grown adult.

He showed a regular growth rate once he reached the size of an elementary schooler, but that was only because his development was centered around his mind from that point forward.

Even though Earth didn’t possess any spiritual pathways, Yongno showed early signs of being a life force user.

“And the older you got, the more you… despised me and everyone around you. It was impossible to slap your head or tell you to quit acting like such a know-it-all. It sounds ridiculous, but when you were a child, you were strong enough to overpower five or six older kids without even breaking a sweat,” Taewoong said.

Undoubtedly, Yongno was Seokwoo and Miran’s youngest child, but the apparent sense of alienation that his parents felt towards him made it difficult for even them to get close to him.

In addition, Yongno didn’t limit or hold himself back. Of course, he didn’t advertise or openly talk about his genius qualities, but he also didn’t feel the need to hide the things he could [obviously and easily] do.

It was around this time that Yongno intervened when a cute little girl, Eunhye, was being sexually assaulted and beaten by her stepfather. It was Yongno who saved her.

Although Seokwoo was a high-ranking military general, he couldn’t entirely hide Yongno or his actions. No, to be frank, he found it impossible to control Yongno.

Yongno respected and listened to his parents, Seokwoo and Miran, to some extent, but he was never a child who dutifully obeyed their every word.

“In addition, state officials approached Father and Mother, saying that you were special and needed to be managed by the state. If we knew you’d become a living test subject for some twisted, inhumane experiment, our parents would have rejected their advances.”

However, it was too late when his parents realized something was wrong. The [Institute] had an extraordinary interest in Yongno’s genius, and an order came from [above]. Even with his high rank, Seokwoo couldn’t do anything to stop them from taking his son away. He was forced to stand down and relent.

‘He seems to be telling the truth.’

Though he didn’t want to understand, Yongno knew Taewoong wasn’t lying.

No, to be more precise, it didn’t matter anymore for Yongno.

His father, Seokwoo, his mother, Miran, and his older brother, Taewoong… Yongno knew, since long ago, that none of them were innately evil.



“So, you’re saying it wasn’t intentional? None of you could do anything, right? So what? Now that everything has worked out, no matter what I experienced, should we conveniently forget about the past and only look forward to the future?”

Even if Yongno had overcome that traumatic experience, he couldn’t easily put aside the painful memories that destroyed his ego and the ten years of living in fear and ignoring reality.


Murderous intent ran rampant, and a sharp aura and momentum began to emanate from Yongno as if a bundled-up ball of thread was finally unraveled.

Red light emitted from his left eye, and gold light from his right eye.

“I’m sorry.”

Taewoong was completely overwhelmed by the oppressive aura and energy, but he continued to face Yongno without lowering his head. Yongno’s gaze sharpened at this.

“If you’re truly sorry, then die.”

Yongno’s hand slowly descended toward Taewoong. The attack was slow, but the force behind the blow was tremendous. Taewoong felt the oncoming aura and energy of the strike… but he didn’t attempt to defend or run away.

“No, Yongno, don’t!”

Boram screamed. Yet, Yongno’s oppressive aura immobilized and restrained her entire body. And thus…


Without even the chance to scream, Taewoong collapsed to the floor.


Boram ran to Taewoong before letting out a sigh of relief shortly after. Even though her older brother’s face was swollen, she knew that was the full extent, a superficial injury.

Once Yongno saw this, he spoke to his sister.

“I’m sorry you had to see this, sis. You had nothing to do with it.”

“No, no. I’m sorry, too. I should have paid more attention and cared more. Even though I knew something was wrong, I didn’t act.”

As he saw the tears welling up in his sister’s eyes, Yongno smiled bitterly.

Yongno had no regrets about verbalizing what he’d gone through, but he did feel a bit regretful that his kind, blameless sister would now carry a sense of guilt.

“Tell him when he wakes up… that he’s been forgiven.”

“Oh, then-”


Yongno cut off his sister and stated, “There are things in the world that cannot be erased.”


Seeing how Boram was lost for words, Yongno continued.

“Tell them that they have no need to worry. I have no intention of interfering or meddling in any of their affairs, and I will not seek revenge. Let’s just keep our distance like we’ve been doing up to now.”

“… Sure. If that’s what you want and what you’re comfortable with.”

Boram nodded with a sad expression. And after that, her figure, along with Taewoong’s, disappeared. Yongno had teleported them out of his home.


Yongno let out a deep sigh as he looked at the empty spot where his siblings had been just a moment ago.

This issue had to be resolved at some point… but still, that didn’t make it any easier. Perhaps this was why Yongno had delayed seeing his family, even though he recently had some spare time.

The gap between him and his family was too wide and deep. Though they were family, there were things in this world that couldn’t be covered up and forgotten.


Suddenly, Yongno felt someone hugging him from behind. It was a sudden and unexpected action, but Yongno didn’t bother looking back.josei

“Good job.”

Yongno sighed after hearing Eunhye’s whisper in his ear.

“Good job? I just acted hysterically and so unadult-like.”

“Good job.”

“No, I don’t think-”

“Good job.”

“… Yeah.”

Yongno sighed as Eunhye continued to hug him tightly. And then, there was silence.

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