Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food

Chapter 16 - Strawberry Flavored Scholar Gong (16)

Chapter 16 - Strawberry Flavored Scholar Gong (16): Shameful deeds, mission progress rate: 20%

Translator: KunLin

Editors: Amaris, Grump

NSFW Content

Gou Liang was pondering whether to use a mirror image extracting prop to gauge the worth of exploiting He Lin to further his cause, but when Shi Yu took the initiative to step forward to prove himself innocent, Gou Liang dispelled this thought.

【System: Don’t think I don’t know, you’re just unwilling to spend those 9 points. →-→】

【Gou Liang: We are supposed to support each other, not tear each other down. ^v^】

【System: Ying.】

It turned out, He Lin’s mother was Mother Shi’s bosom buddy.

Both of them entered the military’s (on-)base housing after marriage and had gotten pregnant at around the same time, only a month apart, resulting in them becoming even closer.

From when he was young, Shi Yu never got along with people his age and dislike interacting with themalthough professionals said that this was due to his extremely high intelligence, Mother Shi and the rest of the Shi Family were still worried that he might have autism. Mother Shi tried to stimulate Shi Yu’s interest in many areas so he wouldn’t be so quiet, simultaneously working hard to create opportunities for Shi Yu to interact with other children his age.

He Lin was the ideal candidate to Mother Shi.

He Lin also had a younger twin sister called He Jin. When the twins were still in the womb, He Jin was unable to receive enough nutrients. So unlike He Lin who was born healthy, He Jin was born sick—she had congenital heart disease.

However, the consciousness of Lord God in this world was fair. Although He Jin had a weak body, her intelligence was far higher than her twin sister’s. Because of this, compared to other children, she was a bit closer to Shi Yu. She could be considered the only person who had a common conversational interest with Shi Yu. However… during the graduation trip in middle school, in order to save He Lin from drowning, she had died.

Shi Yu had exhausted all his efforts to save her at that time but was still unable to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Although he didn’t overly blame himself, as long as your heart and blood weren’t made of ice, it was hard to remain indifferent towards the death of a friend with whom you had grown up.

The reason Shi Yu chose to take a leave instead of attending high school was because of her.

He Jin had been very interested in hacking and had been Shi Yu’s first teacher in communication skills. Before her death, she was planning to enter an international hacking competition. Prior to the graduation trip, she even swore to Shi Yu that she would leave school for a year for closed door preparation and to snatch first place in the competition. Foreign hackers had a low opinion of Chinese hackers and she wanted to prove them wrong. Even if she wouldn’t live past twenty, she was determined to accomplish this in this lifetime.

This was her last wish and Shi Yu wanted to help her fulfill it.

In this world, there was nothing he couldn’t do if he had the heart to. The System also found out during its research, in the international hacking competition that ended half a month ago, the No. 1 【Hacker HJ】was Shi Yu.

When Gou Liang first met Shi Yu, during the System’s scan, they found out that although Shi Yu had a very high degree of soul interconnection with his family members, it was very faint with everyone else. There were very few people in this world he cared about. Obviously, He Jin was considered one of them. Gou Liang originally thought that Shi Yu hated He Lin because she had caused He Jin’s death, but unexpectedly, the answer completely surprised him.

Shi Yu said: “Originally, He Jin’s condition wasn’t that serious. But when she was five-year-old, she came down with an illness that worsened her heart condition. The doctor said that her heart was unable to recover and she might not live past twenty.”

And this unfair sentencing was all because of He Lin.

The two sisters’ physical conditions were the complete opposite of each other’s, much like their personalities.

From young, the healthy He Lin was asked to look after her constitutionally weak sister. Perhaps at that time she had already understood that in a house where her sister was favored and loved more because of her heart condition, the only way for her to receive the adults’ acknowledgment and attention was by being obedient and considerate. As a result, her personality was lovable and docile; as for her fragile sister He Jin, her nature was bright and cheerful.

When the twins were five years old, the two sisters slept in the same bed. Due to a severe cold, they both developed pneumonia.

He Lin soon recovered but she had caused He Jin to lose her chances of being healthy.

“He Lin kicked away their blankets on purpose because she didn’t want her parents to send her away by herself for winter break.”

As for why Shi Yu knew these details, it was because He Jin had told him. It could be seen that the two sisters’ relationship was more complicated than it seemed on the surface.

As Shi Yu said, his memory was very good. Even though afterward He Lin had very conscientiously used all sorts of methods to take good care of He Jin in order to make it up to her, it was already impossible for Shi Yu to view her in a good light again. But the real reason that caused Shi Yu to completely loathe this person was the cause of why He Jin had lost her lifeHe Lin falling into the mountain stream wasn’t necessarily an accident.

“I regret it a lot.”

Shi Yu said this.

“I knew that she pretended to trip because she wanted my attention; she wanted me to stand behind and catch her. However, I didn’t. But she was too engrossed in acting and actually fell into the stream.”

“He Jin was the first to react, jumping into the water to save He Lin. I was indifferent and did nothing but He Jin went to her rescue without the slightest hesitation. Soon after, the other people who came with us also got into the water to help, but the stream was deeper and stronger than we thought. Only He Jin who jumped in first managed to grab onto her sister. He Lin was very intense in her struggle, causing He Jin to be hurt. Later when I was pulling He Lin to shore, she clutched onto me with both hands and shook off the He Jin’s hand that had been holding onto her… I tried to reach for her but it was too late. I could only watch with my own eyes as she…”

“She was washed away by the current. By the time we found her, she was already dead.”

He could never forget the sight of He Jin’s corpse. It had already stiffened and her lips were a ghastly shade of black and purple. It didn’t matter that the expression on her face before dying was extremely peaceful, as if she didn’t fear the approach of death at all.

“He Lin cried, fainted, fell sick, went mad, and mourned. Using these methods she obtained everyone’s forgiveness.” Shi Yu mockingly said in a cold voice, “But she wasn’t worthy of forgiveness.”

Gou Liang understood.

Jealousy could cause a person to commit the worst evil in the world.

He Lin liked Shi Yu but Shi Yu only liked to interact with her twin sisterHeh, according to Gou Liang’s understanding of Shi Yu, he could imagine that even if He Lin had the same face as He Jin, Shi Yu would only treat her politely and distantly with a smile.jpg.

As for whether He Lin really had the intention to kill He Jin, it might not necessarily be so.

He could only say, this woman was dangerous when she was jealous and was cunningly deceptive. It would be best for him to keep his distance from her, so as to avoid being met with misfortune.

As for why Shi Yu felt such strong aversion towards her, it might also be because he somewhat blamed himself for the incident.

Although He Lin liking him was not something that he could control, He Jin’s death was more or less because of her, making it impossible for him to accept her.

Gou Liang said to him comfortingly: “Everyone has their own path in life and when they leave, they will go to the places that they should go. Maybe many years later, she would have a healthy body and live a happy life. You don’t have to be responsible for her life, alright?”

Shi Yu smiled. “You believe in destiny?”

“I believe, ah, why wouldn’t I?” Gou Liang leaned in and kissed Shi Yu’s lips. As he smiled, he revealed two intoxicating dimples. He said softly: “I also believe it was destiny that let me meet you.”

The way he said it was extremely solemn. It seemed to have bewitching power. Shi Yu was unable to control his rapidly beating heart. He hugged Gou Liang, trapping him in his arms.

Their lips and tongues intertwined. There was an absence of delicious sweetness from positive soul force. Instead, there was a bitter taste unique to negative soul forces. Gou Liang instinctively pulled back but it only aroused a more fervent response from Shi Yu. Gou Liang meekly returned his kiss before Shi Yu was satisfied and released his hold.

Gou Liang didn’t conceal his disdain as he said: “Bitter. Your mood isn’t good but you still kissed me.”

Shi Yu laughed quietly.

Gou Liang kissed him again and as expected the negativity had already dispersed. The delicious flavor of positive soul force made the corner of his eyes creased in a smile.

#He Lin may replace Li LinLing as the new school flower.#

This was currently the hottest topic in YuLe High.

Class Three already dominated the entirety of Year Two with their array of good looking and smart people, but now they received yet another candidate who fit such descriptions. This attracted a lot of interest from the simple teenage youths, causing them to make curious visits to Class Three.

It was unknown who first started this conversationLi LinLing’s beauty was striking like a vibrant red rose and her personality was also cheerful and warm, much like a female hero traveling the JiangHu. Although she got along very well with male students, it could not match up to the allure of He Lin who was soft and lovable. After all, males had a strong desire to protect the fairer sex, making them subconsciously considerate of He Lin.

Through the heated discussion of the possible birth of a new school flower, Class Three’s practice session for the basketball competition came again with the following Sunday.

This time, other than Li LinLing and Zhang Xiao who first volunteered to be the team’s logistics, there was an addition of He Lin who had shown up uninvited.

A group made of handsome men and beautiful girls would be well-received no matter where they went. As a matter of fact, the Class Three group was late by a few minutes and was unable to get a spot on the packed practice court. However, with the use of a honey trap, Li LinLing successfully cleared a spot for them on the court.

Guys who played basketball had a special charm. The pheromones of a handsome guy playing basketball could conquer all the stars in the galaxy!

Looking at their flying steps, their heroic dispositions brimming with hot-blooded youthfulness. Even the most reserved He Lin couldn’t help but let out a small cheer whenever someone successfully shot for a basket. Even if that person wasn’t Shi Yu, she would still shyly cheer them on.

They played for two hours straight before they took a break.

He Lin reacted even faster than the agile Li LinLing. She carried a towel and a bottle of water while nervously approaching Shi Yu. Shi Yu passed the basketball in his hand to Chen LiBai and turned around. On his face was a trace of a smile that had yet to disperse as he walked towards her. He Lin’s heart immediately began to race, her face flushed red and she could barely contain herself.

Shi Yu walked closer and closer until he was only a step away!

He Lin resisted her bashfulness and wanted to go greet him

But Shi Yu didn’t stop, instead walking past her. He walked towards his own sports bag and took out a towel and a bottle of water.

He turned and walked back to Gou Liang’s side.

Shi Yu unscrewed the bottle of water and handed it to Gou Liang. He also unfolded the towel and gave it to Gou Liang for him to wipe the sweat on his neck and face. Shi Yu smiled while saying: “You’ve improved since the last time we practiced.”

Gou Liang was lovably arrogant as he proudly raised his head. “Of course, after all it’s me we’re talking about.”

“En.” Shi Yu suppressed his laughter. He nodded his head to agree with him. “ I know, a good teacher will naturally teach an excellent student.”

“Haha, since when did you change your surname to ‘Wang.”

Gou Liang returned the bottle of water to him.

Shi Yu took a sip of water. He saw that Gou Liang had made his skin red from his careless rubbing and told him to be more careful. However, Gou Liang never paid much attention to trivial details like this. He simply wiped him himself a few times before throwing the towel back. Shi Yu stuffed the bottle of water into Gou Liang’s hand before taking the towel and wiping off his own sweat.

He Lin widened her eyes in astonishmentshe knew better than anyone the extent of Shi Yu’s mysophobia. Even if it was her sister, Shi Yu had once given her the cold shoulders for an entire week because she had accidentally drank water out of his cup. But now… he actually drank water that someone had drunk and used a towel that someone had already wiped their sweat with, how could this be possible!

“He Lin, are you alright?”

He Lin heard Li LinLing’s inquiry beside her and snapped out of her daze

When faced with Li LinLing’s face, which she had disliked at first sight, she was often reminded of He Jin who was also beautiful and unabashed. She then thought of how the other was Shi Yu’s front deskmate and received better treatment than her. Immediately, anger raged in her heart. Unable to control herself, she glared at Li LinLing with reddened eyes and ran off with the water and towel that she was unable to give out.

Li LinLing was left baffled.

【System: Master, this girl’s rejection of you is extremely strong. If converted to favorability value, it would be -60. You are really good at pulling aggro, ah.】

【Gou Liang smiled: When you have a lover, not only must you love the house and its crows, you must hate the house for attracting crows.】

【System: ???】

Gou Liang didn’t enlighten the System. Drinking the last of the water, he smiled and said: “Yo, she’s crying? Say dear deskmate, she’s running so slowly, is she sightseeing or is she waiting for someone to chase after her, ya?”

Shi Yu said indifferently: “That’s other people’s business, no need to pay attention to it.”

He Lin immediately began to run faster.

Li LinLing rolled her eyes at Gou Liang with an expression that said ‘can’t you all just get along nicely’. She took Zhang Xiao and went after He Lin.

Although she didn’t really like this new girl who kept trying to tear her CP apart, Li LinLing was unable to throw stones at a person who was down or just ignore the situation.

When the two of them left, the Sports Committee member couldn’t help but say: “Scholar Shi, even if you don’t like the other, is there a need to be like this?”

The Sports Committee member was currently He Lin’s deskmatethe empty seat originally belonged to Wu Yongand he had long moved He Lin into his heart as his goddess.

Zhan Yongzhe also wrinkled his brows and said: “Qi Cheng, He Lin is a girl, aren’t you too insensitive to her?”

Gou Liang stopped Shi Yu who wanted to retort back. He tossed the empty bottle in his hand up and down the air, the corner of his mouth carried a trace of a smile: “Is Scholar Zhan teaching me how to be a good person? It turns out that you were actually this kind-hearted, oh. Could it be that your type is the white lotus who likes to put on pretentious airs?”

Zhan Yongzhe: “Qi Cheng, I don’t have any other meaning. It’s just that you shouldn’t make a girl cry

Gou Liang suddenly launched the empty bottle in his hand.

He used a lot of strength behind his throw and his eyes were sharp like knives. Zhan Yongzhe was startled by his abrupt action and subconsciously dodged to the sidehowever, the bottle wasn’t headed towards him at all, it flew through the air and in the next instant, it accurately fell into the trash bin diagonally across them with a loud thud.

“Nice shot!”

Gou Liang clapped his hands and exposed a brilliant smile. “I don’t care what you meant. You just have to remember, Shi Yu doesn’t like her and neither do I. As for the rest, don’t make a habit of butting into other people’s business, okay?”

Zhan Yongzhe tightly pursed his lips, although he didn’t say anything back, it could be seen that he was angered.

Chen LiBai saw the atmosphere was turning stiff and hurriedly said: “Hey hey, break time is about to be over, let’s continue playing ah, come on.”

Gou Liang’s entire person was smug as he bumped against Shi Yu’s shoulder as if wanting to be praised for something.

Shi Yu smiled.

For the remainder of the practice, Li LinLing and the others never came back. Gou Liang and Shi Yu didn’t pay much mind to it. After the practice session ended, the Sports Committee member said that he was worried and proposed they go look for them. The others seconded the idea. Gou Liang shrugged his shoulders and said: “Okay then, Shi Yu and I will put the basketballs back into the equipment room. We won’t be tagging along to cause you more trouble.”

Chen LiBai joked teasingly, “You still know that you caused trouble.”

Gou Liang smiled and said: “I can’t help it, I have no patience for people who are both uglier and more fake than I am.”

He Lin whom Li LinLing and Zhang Xiao persuaded back after much difficulty: “…”

Everyone else: “…”

Shi Yu finished putting the basketballs back into their basket. He picked up his sports bag and said: “Qi Cheng, let’s go.”

Gou Liang, as if nothing had happened, happily said farewell to everyone. Shi Yu held his hand and squeezed it, trying to stifle his laughter: This guy, he definitely said that because he had heard the footsteps of the three of them.

In the gym, inside the equipment room.

The room had very little ventilation, the air was filled with the smell of rubber.

Gou Liang asked Shi Yu: “Say, do you think she’s still waiting for you outside?”

Shi Yu: “That has nothing to do with us.”

Gou Liang leaned his chest against the door and said: “But I feel annoyed whenever I look at her ‘baby has been wronged, quickly come and comfort me’ face.”

Shi Yu set down the sports bag he had just picked up and walked towards him saying: “Then I’ll have her transfer school?”

Gou Liang’s smile became several times bigger but then immediately fell right after. With a malicious aura and a malicious tone, he said: “That look on her face is like she is your rightful girlfriend. If I don’t rip off that ‘I’m-the-legal-wife.jpg’ look, would that make me the thousand-year mistress?”

Shi Yu smiled: “En, you’re right. We have to let her know the legal wife is you.”

Gou Liang supported his face, he had on an ‘as it should be’ expression. He looked at Shi Yu’s eyes that were full of smiles and couldn’t help but smile himself. He asked him: “Say, do you think the monitor in this room is on?”

Shi Yu raised his head to take a look, he casually grabbed the black tape from the shelf and, using his absolute height advantage, he easily wrapped the tape around the camera’s lens a few times before saying with a righteous face: “It seems to have malfunctioned.”

Gou Liang couldn’t stop laughing, he threw himself against Shi Yu and kissed him, saying: “I think so too.”

Shi Yu smiled at him indulgently.

Gou Liang leaned against the door, the figure hidden underneath the loose sportswear was slim and graceful.

Shi Yu’s hands were wrapped around his waist, further accentuating the delicate bone structure of a teenagerclearly this was the sort of frail-looking body that he hated the most, but at this moment it held a deadly allure to him, making him unable to stop as he caressed his body, going over every expanse of skin and bone that he had touched countless times in his mind every day, wanting to check it they felt the same as he had imagined.

Gou Liang’s waist somewhat ached from Shi Yu’s grip but it only served to stimulate him more. He earnestly wrapped his arms around Shi Yu’s neck and exchanged kisses with him.

When he finally had a chance to breathe, as Shi Yu rained kisses onto his cheeks, Gou Liang panted while smiling and whispering into Shi Yu’s ear: “Shi Yu, answer me truthfully, have you dreamt of me at night?”


“Oh? Did you peek at some naughty films?”


“Then…” He teasingly bit Shi Yu’s ear. “What am I like in your dreams?”

The hands holding Gou Liang’s waist clamped down even tighter. Gou Liang let out a startled sound and unhappily bit Shi Yu’s ear. “Hurts.”

He only said a single fleeting word but it was said in a nasal voice like a child coquettishly throwing a tantrum, full of enticement. Shi Yu subconsciously loosened his hold. Unable to control himself, he took a step forward. Using his body, he firmly trapped Gou Liang between himself and the wall, blocking off all routes of escape.

Gou Liang smiled arrogantly and said to him: “You still haven’t answered me, ne.”

Shi Yu held Gou Liang’s face in his hands. His thumb softly rubbed those lips that were sinfully attractive. He lowered his head and said in a low voice: “Then what about me? What am I like in your mind?”

“I asked first,” Gou Liang mumbled, but a thread of something inexplicable flashed through his eyes. In an instant, his face became thoroughly red, even his pair of dimples seemed to have been stained with intoxicating red wine.

Faced with this kind of conversation, even if Gou Liang had reenacted even spicier dialogue in his head, when he actually said them out loud, his throat and mouth would dry up and his heartbeat couldn’t help but accelerateIf it weren’t for the 10% mission progress bar that had remained stagnant for two weeks which revealed Shi Yu’s dissatisfaction with just kissing, he wouldn’t have thrown all caution into the wind to seduce him. If he had to say, in the end, it was all the fault of the target who acted all upright but was actually just a scaredy cat.

Thinking like this, he became even bolder. He pinched Shi Yu’s face and said: “So what if I think of you? If you have the ability, then act like how you are in my mind… bully me, ah.”

“How did I bully you, ne?”

Nothing happened but Shi Yu’s breathing quickened.

Gou Liang’s ears were thoroughly red as he bit his own lips. He seemed to think that if he didn’t answer, it would be conceding defeat, so he stubbornly pretended to be unaffected as he said: “Like… you used your mouth to… it went on my face… and…”

Gou Liang felt overwhelmed with shame, he turned his head around and for the first time he didn’t dare to meet Shi Yu’s eyes.

Shi Yu planted a kiss on his ear. Gou Liang shrank back and trembled, letting out a weak sound and turning his head back around.

Shi Yu directly captured his lips without saying anything, his other hand that had been restrained against the door now unhesitatingly grasped Gou Liang, exploring the smooth skin on his back. The sensation on his fingertips was comparable to touching the finest silk. Gou Liang’s skin was warm and sensitive. Wherever Shi Yu touched, it would warrant a slight tremble from Gou Liang. Gou Liang was dumbfounded by his own reactions. His face went red with embarrassment. He reached out to stop Shi Yu’s hands, wanting to go back on his words.

Shi Yu took the initiative to kiss him deeply, as Gou Liang enjoyed his kisses the most. As expected, Gou Liang soon conceded defeat. He wrapped his arms around Shi Yu as he demanded for more.

Shi Yu boldly fondled his back. Those places he had tasted countless times in his dreams were even more intoxicating than he thought, making him want to linger endlessly.josei

He became distracted, all his attention focused on his hands that were searching for treasure. Gou Liang also didn’t pay any mind to him; Shi Yu’s mood right now was unprecedented, so the taste of his positive soul force right now was so wonderful it almost made Gou Liang faint.

But very soon, he was fed the bitter fruit of greed.

That outrageous pair of hands, it was unknown when but they had moved from his back and joined force in the front. They first caressed his stomach before brushing over his ribs, slowly making their way upward. The slender fingers, as if hesitating, stopped for a moment, but in the end were still unable to restrain themselves as the two tender red beans on Gou Liang’s chest were seized.

Gou Liang let out a startled cry, his hazy eyes becoming wide. In a panic he pulled back, only to realize there was nowhere to retreat.

Shi Yu’s breathing became even rougher. For the first time, he unleashed the tyranny that had laid dormant in his gentle demeanor. He blocked off all of Gou Liang’s escape routes. While urgently administering a deep kiss, he began to rub the two treasures in his fingers harder, like a treasure hunter with insatiable greed.


Gou Liang was kissed until his head was muddled.

He subconsciously pushed away Shi Yu’s arms. The unfamiliar sensation left him at a loss for what to do. There was a numbing and ticklish electric current jolting through his body, causing his throat to swallow uncontrollably as he let out short gasps. When his mouth was sealed off, this strange electric current would travel down towards his abdomen…

He let out a low cry, the inexplicable sense of pleasure making his body respond in the most direct way. Embarrassed, he closed up his legs wanting to hide it.

“Ah Cheng… Little Fool…”

As Shi Yu absentmindedly called out, his thumbsmuch like ‘kidnapping the lord to enslave his vassals’slyly pressed against the two sensitive points, gently kneading and pinching them.

【Ding!! The mission progress bar has increased. Current completion rate: 11%!!! 】

“Wuwuwu…Shi Yu, I-I can’t breathe.”

The System’s notification helped Gou Liang regain a trace of sobriety from his haze, but he was still unable to retaliate since it was his physiological reactions that left him in this hapless state.

Shi Yu released his lips. His scalding tongue began to wander downward at an unbearably slow pace. Often he would stop at one place and brand Gou Liang’s skin with fervent kisses while using the tip of his tongue to lick him.


Now that his mouth was freed, Gou Liang was unable to hold back his own voice. He futilely bit down on his lips while breathing roughly.

“Little Fool…”

Panting lightly, Shi Yu kissed Gou Liang’s ears, his eyes filled with an even deeper desire. He kneaded the two protruding points, tormenting Gou Liang until his entire body was on fire, but he still wanted more.

Gou Liang’s gaze collided with Shi Yu’s. In that moment where their visions were entangled, they faintly saw each other’s embarrassment, excitement, restraint as well as passion.

Gou Lian was very familiar with this expression. He was still trying to control himself.

“Shi Yu…” Gou Liang raised his arms with the intention to hug him but with Shi Yu’s hands placed awkwardly on his chest, even a simple hug seemed to carry a sensual eroticism. Gou Liang hid his hands behind his back, pressing them against the door. Panting lightly, he closed his eyes and decided to throw all cautions into the wind as he said: “It feels good… Shi Yu, I like you like this.”

He spoke in a frank way to encourage him, stimulate him, and entice him…

Shi Yu was not Gou Liang’s opponent at all. His eyes immediately darkened. He abruptly lifted up Gou Liang’s loose-fitting clothes and ravenously planted a kiss on his chest where his heart was. Following after, like he had fervently imagined in his mind before, he kissed Gou Liang’s sensitive red bead, replacing his fingers with the tip of his tongue.



Gou Liang bared his neck, the sudden bout of stimulation bringing moisture to the corners of his eyes.

He felt as if he had lost all his dignity. He cursed inside his heart: ‘Why does the host have such a flirtatious and seductive body? I feel so blue and comfortable, I want release! Ying, this must all be because of the soul recalling grass!’ At the moment he wanted to holler regret in capital letters. He used too much soul recalling grass, causing his skin to become extremely sensitive and smooth. Right now, not to mention capturing the initiative, it was difficult just to keep his head clear.

…It felt too good.

Shi Yu kissed Gou Liang’s chest with an unappeasable hunger. He didn’t know if Gou Liang was trying to escape or if he was simply powerless to support himself any longer, but he hugged Gou Liang’s waist tightly all the same. His other hand trailed along Gou Liang’s thigh, which he had long coveted. He kneaded the flesh on the inner part before reaching into his pants, arriving at the area between the legs.

“Ah! S-Shi Yu!”

The hands behind Gou Liang’s back couldn’t help but shoot out. He grabbed onto Shi Yu’s wrist, trying to remove his hand that was only separated from his pilliar by a mere layer of underwear.

Shi Yu raised his head and said with a tight voice: “Little Fool, like in your dreams, I will use my mouth, okay?”

Gou Liang was stroked by him until his waist and legs curled up trembling, the stimulus too intense for him to even speak.

He had lived for a thousand and twenty nine years, and this was the first time someone other than himself was touching his vital area.

Shi Yu kissed his vibrantly scarlet and moist lips. He then knelt on one knee, pulling down Gou Liang’s pants.

Gou Liang was stimulated by both the cold and hot sensation, causing him to moan even louder. Embarrassed, he wanted to cover himself but Shi Yu blocked his hands, his eyes transfixed on the place that was standing up rigidly.

Shi Yu would never have thought that the male part that he had gotten tired of looking at for 17 years would one day captivate him this much.

Without any hesitation, he took Gou Liang’s pillar into his mouth. Using the moist and warm sensation of the inside of his mouth, he brought Gou Liang to the pinnacle of pleasure.

“Ah…!” Gou Liang’s legs went soft. Unable to support himself, he began to fall but was locked in place by Shi Yu. He endured it and barely managed to remain standing. He lowered his head and looked at Shi Yu. He saw that on Shi Yu’s face there wasn’t the slightest hint of reluctance. Although Shi Yu’s technique was bad, he sincerely serviced Gou Liang, only wanting to use his everything to make Gou Liang feel good.

Shi Yu used his tongue, his lips, and the inside of his mouth. He even tried to accept him even deeper.

【Ding!! The mission progress bar had increased. Current completion rate: 15%!!! 】

Gou Liang was drenched in layer after layer of sweat. It was as if all the water in his body was evaporating, causing his throat and mouth to dry up. His vision was hazy and his entire body was pulled taut.

He felt himself being set down by Shi Yu. The hand that wasn’t wrapped around Shi Yu’s shoulder was pulled and placed at a scalding place.

“Wu… Shi Yu.”

It was Shi Yu’s erection.

It was heavy. One hand alone wasn’t enough to wrap around its entire length, causing Gou Liang’s abdomen to heat up.

“Touch me, Little Fool, a little harder.” Shi Yu’s voice suddenly became urgent, muddled, he tried to coax Gou Liang.

Gou Liang was possessed by the pleasure, his mind was completely blank. The wave after wave of hot pleasure being sent to his head made it hard for him to control himself. Vaguely he heard the sound of Shi Yu talking and his own gasps. His hand gripped the meat rod that didn’t belong to him and began to stroke messily, his vision completely hazy. Waves after wave of pleasure soon made him arrived at the highest peak of pleasure

He let out a long cry. Flitting his eyes closed, he curled his body up as he lingered on the aftertaste. Shi Yu pulled him tightly into his embrace.

When he regained his composure from the pleasure of his first ejaculation, he found that Shi Yu was hugging him while raining kisses onto his forehead and cheeks. His other hand was wrapped with his, stuffed inside Shi Yu’s pants, moving up and down in rough strokes.

“Shi Yu… yours… so big.”

Gou Liang’s face was a ripe red.

When he heard this, Shi Yu who was also a first timer wanted to surrender to him.

“Little Fool…”

Gou Liang didn’t hear what he said, his nose twitcheda dense sweet fragrance in the air enveloped his senses. Gou Liang looked at Shi Yu who was still aroused and pulled back his hand.

Shi Yu saw that his hand was covered in a milky white liquid and his face became even redder. He reached for his bag wanting to get something to wipe Gou Liang’s hand but unexpectedly—

Gou Liang licked his finger, following after, his entire face lit up.

“Little Foolah!”

Gou Liang lowered himself between Shi Yu’s legs and greedily licked up the overflowing liquids, completely unable to stop himself. Shi Yu felt like he might go crazy. Under the teary gaze of Gou Liang as he begged, he still ended up fulfilling his wish, feeding it into his mouth…

【Ding!! The mission progress rate has increased. Current completion rate: 20%!!! 】

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