Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food

Chapter 20 - Strawberry Flavored Scholar Gong (20)

Chapter 20 - Strawberry Flavored Scholar Gong (20): Happy 18th birthday, mission progress rate: 70%!

Translator: SilverRain

Editors: Amaris, Grump

*Just a wee bit of smut

The script that Zhan Yongzhe had prepared was stuck in his throat.

He just wanted forgiveness, but he had never considered the ugly consequences of his actions, that actions done in the midst of anger could damage a situation beyond repair. He felt cold all over as he listened to Gou Liang dispassionately describing how lonely and helpless he felt during his near-death experience. He only realized now that the forgiveness he wanted and the reparations he was prepared to offer were not what Gou Liang needed. It was comical. In the end, he was just trying to absolve himself of responsibility like a coward…

Of course, Gou Liang wouldn’t forgive him.

Zhan Yongzhe’s mistakes didn’t just harm the original host’s feelings.

They took away the original host’s life.

“When I struggled to crawl out from there, I swore to myself that I couldn’t be like this anymore.” Gou Liang said.

“I’ve lived for 17 years with no real family or friends. My life has been worse than that of a bug!”

“Ever since I was young, whenever I was better than Ye Hui at something, he used my mom to deal with me. She would sometimes burst into tears and say that her position in the household was as fragile as ice; sometimes she would even hit me, scold me and forbid me from doing anything at all! So I listened. I never fought with Ye Hui. But look how that turned out?”

“Half the meaning in Ye Hui’s life seems to lie on putting me down. As I let him have his way more and more, he took it all for granted. Just because I saw him cheat on that test, I had to endure his threats and help him cover it up. I kept my silence, but that wasn’t enough for him! He paid people to beat me up and make my life difficult. He isolated me at home and turned my only two blood relatives against me… Finally, he found you. The perfect accomplice.”

“I had no way to survive on my own for the past 12 years. Everything I owned came from the Ye house. It was like I was ungrateful if I showed even the slightest hint of resistance. But… that’s not necessarily true, is it?”

Gou Liang’s gaze became sharp, his tone was curt.

“What gives Ye Hui the right to treat me like that? What gives you, Zhan Yongzhe, the right to treat me like that?”

“Why does my life only serve to exist as a backdrop for you guys? Is my purpose just to be a highlight for your accomplishments?! Am I dumber than you guys or not as good looking? Do I owe someone a debt because my dad died early on and my mom remarried?!” Gou Liang said, “When I revived, I told myself that since you guys like sitting on your high horses, I’m going to show you all that you mean nothing to me!”

Shi Yu’s heart hurt for him. He placed a hand on Gou Liang’s back to give him a bit of support and warmth.

He couldn’t understand how Gou Liang was able to withstand that kind of situation. His strength was like a suit of armour that had been tempered by the humiliation, pain, and near-death experience he had endured… Shi Yu wasn’t a part of those experiences. He couldn’t change them or help take on the burden.

Shi Yu’s heart felt like it was being cut by knives as he thought about that.

He made himself a promise at this moment. As long as he was alive, he would stay at this person’s side to keep him safe from illness and all the pain in the world.

【Ding, the target’s favourability value has been updated. Current favourability value: +95!】

Gou Liang took in a deep breath and scoffed coldly: “Zhan Yongzhe, do you know why I likedor in other words, admired you?”

After saying that, he paused and turned to look at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu tightly held his hand and nodded. Gou Liang only continued after that: “It was because my life had no meaning… I wanted to become someone like youpopular, confident, accepted and praised by everyone… It didn’t really matter if that person was you or not.”

“It was only when I woke up from wanting to live for the approval of others that I realized the person who had ruined me wasn’t you guys, but myself.”

“My attempts to act in a way which pleased you guys wasn’t showing my humility, but my stupidity.” Gou Liang restrained the blame and anger in his eyes. He continued lightly: “The Ye house is not worth me sacrificing my life, and neither are you.”

“There is nothing else to say between us. I can only hope that we can peacefully be regular classmates for three years. My life has no parts for you to play, nor does it need your input. Do you understand?”

After that, he pulled on Shi Yu’s hand as they strode away with big steps.

“Qi Cheng!”josei

Zhan Yonghe who had remained silent until now suddenly spoke up. Seeing that Gou Liang didn’t stop, he stepped forward and choked out in a loud voice: “I’m sorry! Qi Cheng, I’m really sorry!”

He regretted his actions. All of them.

If he could go back in time, he would definitely not do this again.

But, other than the original host, who cared?

&#k3010;System: Master, has the original host’s negative spiritual energy not been purified?&#k3011;

&#k3010;Gou Liang: It’s not that. I just earned 2 million spirit coins. The original host’s negative spiritual energy has been wiped clean by me.&#k3011;

&#k3010;System: Then why is Master unhappy?&#k3011;

【Gou Liang: What is there to be happy about? These developments were expected.】

【System: Hehe.】

【Gou Liang: Okay, I got too into my role earlier. Wuwu, I’m in awe of my own acting abilities. They can move me to tears. What am I supposed to do about that? T^T.】

The System fled: Keep crying if you want!


Other than the gym teacher whose brain and limbs were developed, no one cared about He Lin’s continued absence from school.

Two days later, the YuLe City Basketball Tournament proceeded as planned.

Although the Year Two Class Three team members had practiced religiously and were talented, they were eliminated in the first matchIt wasn’t because Zhan Yongzhe wasn’t on top of his game. It was Top Student Shi’s fault.

From the very beginning, it was like the ball grew eyes as it left his hands. Every time he threw it, it flew through the air in a perfect trajectorystraight into their opponent’s jaw! Everyone on the other team had bloodied faces. Even the back-up players were not spared.

There was even one guy who had two teeth knocked out!

He did this because these people were making fun of Gou Liang before the match. They mocked everything about him and even brought up that picture. One individual in particular with a dirty mouth (the one who lost two teeth) said that since Gou Liang was interested in men, he might just let them sleep with him for free. He might even be better than a woman… Scholar Shi expressed that he was just teaching them how to be a person.

Gou Liang stood on the sidelines cheering him on.

The school didn’t dare to accuse Shi Yu of anything, but they couldn’t let him go for harming others like this. Therefore, Class Three and their bloodied opponents were both disqualified from the Basketball Tournament.

Although the students of Class Three were somewhat disappointed by this outcome, they quickly cheered up as Gou Liang invited them all to have a meal together.

It was originally decided to go to Shi Yu’s house the first Monday after the YuLe City Cup, but since it ended early, Shi Yu couldn’t wait and took Gou Liang home on Saturday. On the way, he repeatedly stated that his family would definitely like Gou Liang and that he should relax. Towards his grandmother especially, Gou Liang only needed to smile and show off his dimples to win over her heart.

Gou Liang ‘en’ed a few times. When Shi Yu discovered that the person who was nervous turned out to be him, he asked with some unwillingness: “Little Fool, are you not even a little excited?”

“Of course I’m excited, ah.” Gou Liang was eating a butter popsicle. When he saw the wronged expression on Shi Yu’s face, he couldn’t help but peck his lips and leave behind a ring of butter. Gou Liang was smiling as he said: “But I have you to worry for me. As the man of the household, I have to appear calm and reliable. Otherwise, how can your parents relax and entrust you to me?”

Shi Yu lost it laughing.

Gou Liang licked the butter off his lips. He was entranced by the rich fragrance of soul force. He immediately threw the popsicle away and passionately kissed Shi Yu.

【Gou Liang: Ao, ao, ao! This taste is just divine!!!】

【System: _(口`」 ∠)_】

Gou Liang had already seen Shi Yu’s family members through the System’s remote viewing. He knew that they were all easy to get along with.

To welcome him, the four adults had dressed up for the occasion.

The parents were in a suit and a long dress respectively as expected. But even Grandfather Shi put on his beloved Chinese Tang suit with all the buttons done up. Grandmother Shi who thought he looked too formal and might scare the baby wore a qipao. Her hair was done up neatly in a bun and she even wore the jewelry she usually stored carefully in a box…

The meeting with Gou Liang and his elders went even more smoothly than Shi Yu had imagined.

Especially Grandmother Shi, whose heart just about melted upon seeing Gou Liang shyly blinking his big eyes and smiling. Her eyes were filled with him alone.

She was reluctant to let him go even when it grew late. She held Gou Liang’s hand while saying that they were all one family from now on, and which family didn’t live together? Gou Liang was both shy and happy. He was coy and obedient the whole time. Finally, it was Shi Yu who coughed out of embarrassment and stole Gou Liang back into his arms. The matter was only settled after Shi Yu promised to take Gou Liang home often.

Gou Liang said: “Grandma is so cute.”

Shi Yu: “She… her philosophy in life is to take a person at face value.”

Whether it was her determination to marry his grandpa, or her insistence to live with his dad who was her second son instead of his brothers, the reasoning behind it all was very simple.

Gou Liang began laughing out of delight. When they left, he even reminded him with malicious intentions that Shi Yu had to make good on their promise tomorrow. The soul-stealing look he cast him gave scholar Shi many dreams that night. He couldn’t even relieve himself because of their promise. The next day, Shi Yu impatiently stepped on the morning dew to come over.

The sultry Gou Liang was both exhausted and satisfiedThe strawberry soul force that was stored for several days had a flavor that was both rich and sweet!

He watched as Shi Yu continued to tirelessly plant hickeys on his chest. He twisted Shi Yu’s ears and generously praised: “My dear boyfriend, you’re so great! You have to be good from now on as well. Don’t feed anyone but me, not even the five young ladies, understand?’

He nudged that part of Shi Yu naughtily with his knee as he spoke.

Shi Yu’s breathing became labored. Like a thirsty dog, he embraced Gou Liang while licking and kissing him. He could not bear to let go.

【Ding!! The mission progress bar has increased. Current completion: 30%!!!】


The weather gradually became cold.

Shi Yu was a winter baby, so he celebrated his 18th birthday over the winter break of Year Two.

His grandfather and dad let him drink on that day. Shi Yu drank the fermented alcohol that his grandma had made the year that he was born.

The rich aroma of the alcohol was enough to make one drunk before even taking a sip. Gou Liang looked on with pitiful eyes from the side. If Shi Yu didn’t feel bad for him and let him have some, the adults wouldn’t have given him any. It was only after Gou Liang had been sent off that Grandfather Shi reminded Shi Yu that the main difference between adults and children was that adults had to accept responsibility for their actions. He ended up asking about when Gou Liang’s birthday was and found out that he was a summer baby whose birthday was six months later. Grandfather Shi said with a hidden meaning: “Men need to learn how to wait for the right opportunity. My dear grandson, have some patience.”

Then he gave him a glance filled with hidden meanings.

Gou Liang couldn’t see the expression of his huge blindspot Shi Yu, but he was already laughing at Grandfather Shi’s serious but also amused look.

Gou Liang was counting the minutes and Shi Yu was waiting for the time to pass as well. Summer had finally come. They were about to face the third year of high school which was mainly preparation for exams. At the same time, Gou Liang’s highly anticipated birthday invitations were sent out.

On that day, Ye Chao took the initiative to contact Gou Liang to say that he was going to bring Cheng Li and Ye Hui over to celebrate with him.

Gou Liang refused. After Ye Chao heard that he had already made plans with Shi Yu’s elders, he didn’t say much more.

During this period of time, Ye Chao could sense that Gou Liang was becoming more and more distant with the Ye family. The child seemed to have hardened his wings and even attached himself to the Shi family. Although Ye Chao had unpleasant words in his heart, he couldn’t do anything to Gou Liang.

And Gou Liang, who completely overturned the script the original host was supposed to follow, expressed: Bow if you want. Dadis just this cruel.

The Shi family elders could understand that the two children were eager to go off into their own world, so the birthday celebration happened around noon. Mother Shi and Grandmother Shi prepared the meal themselves without any help from their family chef. They busied themselves in the kitchen for half the day to produce a feast. When they brought it out, Grandmother Shi even said: “It’s definitely not as good as Xiao Cheng’s, but it’s the thought that counts. It’s best to eat homemade longevity noodles and lucky eggson birthdays.”

They urged Gou Liang to eat more, and he agreed with a smile. As he ate, tears suddenly fell from his eyes into his longevity noodles, giving everyone a fright.

Shi Yu hurried to wipe away his rapidly increasing tears. He quickly asked Gou Liang what was wrong.

Gou Liang breathed in through his nose and let out a comfortable smile. He said: “Nothing. It’s just that this bowl of noodles is too delicious.”

Shi Yu’s heart hurt hearing his answer. Grandmother Shi and the others all knew about Gou Liang’s circumstances. This child might have never been able to eat longevity noodles made by his mother growing up. It was also possible that no one cared about his birthday until now.

Thinking about this, they immediately pretended not to see the moved and treasuring expression in his eyes. They tried to carry out conversations as usual to prevent making this child sadder.

It was true that Gou Liang had never eaten homemade longevity noodles until now. He didn’t even know which day he was born. In the world he lived in, everyone worked themselves to the bone just to survive. No one knew if they would even be alive tomorrow, so who had the energy to care about birthdays?

The reason that he was moved was because he once came into contact with the soul of a child from a D-ranked world. The most intense memory in his soul mirror was the bowl of longevity noodles his equally destitute mother made for him. He deemed it to be the most delicious thing he had eaten in his entire life. Gou Liang was moved when he saw that, and the first thing he did upon gathering enough soul coins was to go make a bowl for himself. However, the taste was only so-so.

It was only now that he realized where the true charisma of this food was.

Because the Shi family didn’t eat cake on their birthdays, Shi Yu was worried that the birthday meal wouldn’t meet Gou Liang’s expectations. He ordered a cake that they could share when they celebrated later at night with just the two of them. He saw the way that Gou Liang stuck to grandmother’s side as he praised the longevity noodles along with all the other dishes. Grandmother was so tickled by this that she almost couldn’t wait another year and wanted to make another bowl for him right now. Shi Yu’s heart felt like it had been burned.

When they returned to the apartment, Gou Liang couldn’t resist hugging him and saying: “Shi Yu, thank you for letting me have such good family members.”

Shi Yu’s eyes were filled with gentleness: “Thank you as well for coming to my side.”

Gou Liang ate delicious strawberry soul force for a few minutes. Satisfied, he released Shi Yu and went to enthusiastically take out the cake.

Shi Yu had long since been aware of his black hole of a stomach, but it had barely been two hours since they had lunch. He reluctantly told Gou Liang to slow down.

Gou Liang: “I can’t. It won’t be as fresh later.”

Shi Yu: “It will be the same if you eat it at night.”

Gou Liang looked up at him with surprise: “When will we have the time to eat tonight?”

He was very much looking forward to Shi Yu’s performance tonight! Although the favourability value was still stuck at +95, Shi Yu’s soul was completely bared to him. Gou Liang could feel his desire to become more intimate reflected in the other person. Besides, ever since the mission progress bar went up to 50% two months ago, it hadn’t moved. This was proof of his innermost thoughtsThis guy might always act restrained and hide his intentions, but the soul doesn’t lie!

Thinking about that, Gou Liang raised his hand to pat Shi Yu’s broad chest. He was smiling wickedly while saying: “Darling, I can see right through you~”

Shi Yu: “…”

Even though they had been together for almost a year, this kind of shameless talk still made his heart pound and face blush.

Although he wasn’t a match in terms of wordplay, Shi Yu’s body told Gou Liang that he wouldn’t be disappointed.


When he climaxed, Gou Liang’s soul almost escaped the host body! The rich and passionate soul force engulfed his own soul. Joy, affection, excitement, happiness… all those words were still insufficient to describe this strong soul force. It was enough to make him dizzy! The sweet taste of strawberries flooded his mind. Even if it didn’t go through the filter of taste buds, it still allowed him to ‘eat’ the best delicacy in the entire space-time continuumIt was enough to be addictive.

And then.

He heard Shi Yu say from beside his ear: “Little Fool, I love you. I will be good to you… forever and always.”


【Ding! The target’s favourability value has been updated. Current favourability value: +99!】

【Ding!! The mission progress bar has increased. Current completion: 70%!!!】

Gou Liang slept deeply tonight. Even the incessant notifications from the System in his mind were not enough to wake him up.

In the end, it was the wronged protests of his empty stomach that made him say goodbye to his dreamland.


Gou Liang frowned in discomfort. Before he needed to move, a pair of hands moved faster than him to press on his back and massage away the aches and pains. Gou Liang opened his eyes to see Shi Yu who was carefully embracing him. He moaned: “You bastard. Hurry up and check if my limbs are still there. I can’t feel them anymore QAQ.”

After Shi Yu heard that, his originally tight face relaxed. He pressed his cheek against that face and kissed his dimples. He couldn’t help but ask: “Little Fool, are you hungry?”

Gou Liang immediately remembered what was more important. He chased Shi Yu off to make some food while he braced his back and dragged his noodle-like legs to the bathroom.

【System: Ding. Master, the host body’s health is currently four stars. It is exhausted both mentally and physically. Kindly recommending a blood replenishing artifact. The price to try it is only 11 points—】

【Gou Liang cut it off: You don’t understand. This is called sweet suffering. [Embarrassed] 】

【System: …Something strange got mixed in.】

Gou Liang wanted to share more about how happy he was when he heard the System’s page-clearing announcement ↓

【Ding. Congratulations to the Host for reaching 70% mission progress bar completion! The Main System has sent out a reward notice! For breaking past 60% completion, you will receive one draw chance from the shop! May the Host continue to work hard. There will be more prizes waiting for you!】

Gou Liang who was brushing his teeth in a daze immediately perked up. But he declined the System’s offer to start the draw now.

The System was confused.

That night, it got an answer to its questionThe Host who thought like a dog had memorized all the numbers of the items in the shop! The System’s expression at that moment was a blank ⊙﹏⊙.

The completely unprepared lottery was still obliviously spinning the numbers of the shop items. Gou Liang had the eyes of a god as his hand reached out as quick as lightning

【System: Ding! Congratulations Master for receiving a deep sea snow fish! This fish originates from an A-rank world and is very useful for detoxifying poison and restoring vitality. It is worth 100 points!】

【The System who had been schemed against:…It’s all because it was still too young ( _ _)ノ|】

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