Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 648 Crisis in the Air

Chapter 648 Crisis in the Air

Chapter 648 Crisis in the Air

"Is it really that urgent?" Shen Bing looked puzzled.

"We have to be fast and decisive; leaving quickly is better," Wang Chao nodded.

From boarding the plane to arriving in White Eagle Country, and all the incidents that occurred at Massachusetts General Hospital, he had a bad feeling. He felt like something very dangerous was about to happen.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of danger.

What he was afraid of was the safety of Shen Bing, Shen Feng, and Liu Yifei!

If it were just him, he wouldn't be afraid; he had nothing to fear from any enemies with his abilities. But with these three facing real experts, one careless mistake could lead to injuries or even death.

So, he wanted to be fast and decisive, reach his peak condition, completely eliminate the parasites in Shen Feng's brain, and then leave this place.

Shen Bing and Liu Yifei exchanged glances and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They had never seen Wang Chao so anxious. This meant there was a hidden danger in this mountain villa that even Wang Chao was wary of.

"What should we do then?" Shen Bing asked.

Liu Yifei looked over as well, her expression serious.

Wang Chao remained calm and explained, "You don't have to worry about anything. Just stay here and don't go anywhere, stay close to me."

"Uncle Long, when it's time, order some takeout, and before eating, be sure to check for poison."

"Remember, this place is definitely not safe; you must guard the door."

"I need to concentrate and gather energy right now. Unless it's an emergency, don't disturb me."

After saying this, he closed all the curtains, sat down in a corner, crossed his legs, entered a meditative state, and began absorbing the spiritual energy from the surroundings to strengthen himself.

Zhang Long, Shen Bing, and Liu Yifei exchanged glances and then sat down in different spots, silently watching Wang Chao.

"Did you find out? Who is that assassin?"

Inside a highly secure secret room within the villa, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes sat behind a large desk, his eyes cold and stern.

This man was the owner of the villa, Mike Kay.

Standing in front of Mike Kay was one of his subordinates, a burly man with a bald head, dressed in a black suit.

He looked at Mike Kay with a grave expression and reported, "We've identified the deceased's identity; he was an assassin from God's Left Hand."

"God's Left Hand?" Mike Kay's eyes grew colder.

"That's right, God's Left Hand. They're a professional assassination organization. Dark Demon is a powerful force in Florida. It's clear that God's Left Hand accepted a contract from someone and was willing to provoke us, even if it meant offending Dark Demon, to eliminate the second-in-command of Dark Demon."

"Right now, Dark Demon's second-in-command is dead here. Once Dark Demon's leader finds out about this, they will definitely retaliate against us."

"Boss, what should we do now?"

The subordinate looked at Mike Kay, his expression worried.

Dark Demon was the second-largest underground force in White Eagle Country, involved in a wide range of activities, including drug trafficking, arms dealing, and even organ trade.

This organization was vast, with its influence extending throughout White Eagle Country and reaching into many corners.

If Dark Demon retaliated against their villa, they could be in for a real battle.

"Dark Demon might not be easy to deal with, but neither are we. If they dare come, we'll make sure they regret it!" Mike Kay's eyes were icy, and he showed no fear.

His subordinate frowned and continued, "Boss, this time our villa is likely to face a significant challenge. Many important figures from various hostile forces have moved in."

"The Crimson Flame Corps and the Eastern Expedition Corps are living here, just a floor apart."

"The Distant Sky Corps and the Lucifer Mercenaries are separated only by a wall."

"Hell and Abyss are here as well."

"These forces are all hostile to each other, and they're so entangled in their hatred that they want to annihilate each other. They have all moved into our villa, making it an uncontrollable situation."

"But why have they all chosen to move in at this time?"

Mike Kay was quick to catch the main point.

These mercenary forces are all international powers, and many of the mercenaries have significant battlefield experience abroad. They have a lot of resources, and they can be considered as independent powers.

Now, their leaders have come here for treatment and recuperation. Moreover, each of them has brought with them many powerful experts, including quite a few Great King-level masters. The convergence of so many factions is unusual!

Mike Kay's subordinate shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"But I noticed something strange. Before these important figures came here for treatment, there was a mysterious person who arrived."

"A mysterious person? Who?" josei

"This person came for treatment alone, registered under the name 'Phantom,' and was completely shrouded in a fiery red cloak. They also wore a mask, and no one knows if they are male or female or what they look like; they're incredibly mysterious."

"When nurses and doctors examined them, they found that this person's body is extraordinarily strange. Their temperature is frighteningly low, but their heartbeat is strong, and their blood pressure is normal."

Upon hearing this, Mike Kay frowned.

A low body temperature, a strong heartbeat, and normal blood pressure are entirely abnormal, defying common sense.

His subordinate, being perceptive, immediately handed over the surveillance videos and the information on this mysterious person to Mike Kay.

Mike Kay looked at the data and the videos, and his expression grew increasingly grim.

This mysterious person moved in, and one by one, top-tier bosses from various foreign battlefields arrived, choosing to stay at this villa.

"Identify the locations where these people are staying for me and make marks; I want to see." Mike Kay said in a low voice.

His subordinate nodded and quickly picked up a tablet. They marked out the locations where all the bosses were staying and the location of the mysterious person. They then sent the information to Mike Kay.

Mike Kay looked at the marks and seemed to discover something. His expression changed, and he also opened his own computer, enlarging the floor plan on a 3D projection in mid-air.

He manipulated the 3D projection with his hands in the air, bringing all the locations of these leaders together into one point. At this moment, these locations appeared as red dots, connected by a series of ethereal lines, forming a mysterious pattern.

It looked like the Big Dipper!

But it wasn't the Big Dipper!

Mike Kay stared at this pattern, then pointed to the one unlit point in the pattern and asked, "Whose room is this?"

His subordinate thought for a moment and said in a low voice, "It's a room booked by an Easterner named Zhang Long, where a patient named Shen Feng is staying."

Mike Kay looked at the completely unlit point on the pattern and furrowed his brows slightly. "Zhang Long?"

"Yes, Young Master, he's your friend from the East."

Mike Kay's pupils contracted slightly, his expression changing.

In the pattern formed by all the rooms, the room where Zhang Long was located represented the Dead Gate, meaning that Zhang Long's group had been forced into a dead end!

Mike Kay remembered something and immediately turned to his subordinate, "When my friend Zhang Long moved in, who arranged for them to stay there?"

"It's Elizabeth, the General Manager."



Upon hearing this, Mike Kay's eyes turned as sharp as a blade.

Zhang Long was his friend. Their relationship wasn't very deep, but they were friends nonetheless. Elizabeth couldn't be unaware of this situation.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth had placed Shen Feng, Zhang Long, and the others in this deadly situation. It was clear that she had malicious intentions!

"Is there an issue with Elizabeth's arrangement?" his subordinate asked.

"Nothing is wrong with it. Where is she now?"

"She went on a business trip to another location an hour ago."

Mike Kay looked at the point representing Zhang Long on the floor plan, picked up his phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally put the phone down.

Even though he was a big boss and a young master of a prominent family, known for being loyal and upright, he couldn't ignore Zhang Long's situation.

But right now, with so many major forces converging here, and various factions revolving around that mysterious person, the complexities of these forces made them impossible to predict.

Moreover, he didn't even know the background of that mysterious person. With this mysterious person and a large group of faction leaders watching Zhang Long, Wang Chao, and the others, informing them recklessly meant opposing the mysterious person and these leaders.

Even if he and his family were not afraid, it could lead to unnecessary conflicts and damage to the interests of his villa and the entire family.

He sat down, brewed a pot of coffee, poured a cup for himself, and sipped it slowly, his eyes reflecting mixed emotions.

At the center of the mysterious pattern with Wang Chao's room as its core, all the leaders sitting on the marked points maintained an attentive and wary posture, their gazes sharp as knives.

In each room, the leaders were positioned in the same way.

They seemed to be conducting some bizarre ceremony, mysterious and eerie.

"What is our boss doing?"

"I don't know. This situation is very complicated, and I also don't know what our bosses are doing. In any case, we, as underlings, just need to follow orders."

"Keep a close watch and wait for orders; don't gossip."

Many subordinates in the various rooms furrowed their brows, looking at their leaders with confusion. They couldn't understand why their bosses were adopting this posture, but they stood ready, full of doubts.

Atli stood guard beside Chi Long, a perplexed expression on his face.

At the same time, he gazed toward Wang Chao's room, thinking, "Big Brother Wang Chao, I hope you and your team survive this catastrophe."

Although he was responsible for Chi Long's safety, serving as Chi Long's bodyguard, he was not an ordinary bodyguard. He could be considered a mid-level high-ranking member of the Red Flame Brigade.

He had his sources of information and knew that certain events might unfold soon. There could be a difficult and dangerous situation, which would put many lives at risk.

Wang Chao was recovering in his room. In the event of a real conflict, it could potentially endanger Wang Chao and his group.

As for Wang Chao's real name, he had just revealed it through special means.

He was deeply grateful for Wang Chao's honesty in disclosing his true name.

"Wang Chao, if I can make it back from Thunder Island alive, I'll definitely visit you in the Dragon Kingdom," Atli said.

In the room where the second-in-command of the Dark Demon Brigade resided, a man with deeply wrinkled skin was seated in a peculiar posture, completely motionless.

This man was Wu Dongyong, the second-in-command of the powerful Dark Demon organization, which had long been active in White Eagle Country. He appeared to be at least eighty years old, with wrinkles on his face resembling deep ravines. His skin was aged, lacked elasticity, and displayed numerous age spots.

Those wrinkles could probably crush mosquitoes to death.

He maintained the strange posture, resembling an old monk in meditation, with his eyes closed, radiating an aura of holiness that one dared not profane.

Standing by his side were two superpowered experts, their gazes sharp and a terrifying aura surrounding them. Astonishingly, they were both Great Kings!

Though they restrained their presence, not showing any signs of killing intent or ferocity, just their presence was enough to create immense pressure.

"Boss, still no news?" one of the Great Kings, a bit anxious, asked as he observed Wu Dongyong maintaining his unusual posture.

"What's the rush? That lord who serves the Evil God hasn't sent any word yet," the old man replied calmly.

The two Great Kings exchanged glances, both wearing puzzled expressions.

Finally, the other Great King couldn't contain his curiosity and asked, "Boss, if you don't mind me asking, why did we travel all the way here to rendezvous with those people just to kill a woman?"

"It's just a businessperson from the Dragon Kingdom. Is it worth mustering such forces for?"

They were Great King-level experts, and also Wu Dongyong's right-hand men. They naturally understood the purpose of Wu Dongyong's visit this time.

What they could not comprehend was why, given their status and strength, they had to kill an unarmed woman, Shen Bing.

Wu Dongyong opened his eyes and said, "Who told you I desire to kill Shen Bing?"

"Huh?" Both Great Kings were taken aback.

Not kill Shen Bing?

Wu Dongyong stared at the room where Wang Chao, Shen Bing, and the others were located, his gaze ice-cold. He slowly said, "What we'll do later is work together with other forces to eliminate anyone who can move within that room."

Both Great Kings were puzzled again.

Wu Dongyong's words seemed to hold a deeper meaning. One of the Great Kings with a quick mind comprehended it and asked, "Boss, are you saying that everyone except Shen Feng must die?"

"Yes!" Wu Dongyong nodded icily.

The two Great Kings exchanged looks again, their eyes reflecting their astonishment and incomprehension.

All these people, all these forces gathered together for the purpose of Shen Feng? What's more puzzling is that they desire to kill everyone around Shen Feng and leave him unharmed?

What's really going on here?

They're filled with countless questions, struggling to understand the situation.

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