Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1484 - Nadias Changes

Chapter 1484 - Nadias Changes

Chapter 1484 - Nadia's Changes

Davis looked at Ancestor Xanbas Goldsky, now his obedient slave who will follow his words to the end.

"I went out of my way to come here with my main body to deal with you, wanting to test my body tempering cultivation’s might if the chances favored me but was blessed with this kind of evidence instead?"

He looked amused.

"Nadia, do you think I am extremely lucky?"

"Lucky? I don’t know, but I know that Master has become extremely powerful."

Davis looked at Nadia with a bit of amus.e.m.e.nt. She was back to calling him Master while he noticed that she called him that whenever he showcased his power or abilities. Perhaps, it was her instinct at work, her instinct as a magical beast to yield to her man.

He returned his gaze to his new slave as it became colder by the second.

Ancestor Xanbas Goldsky and Ancestor Elizar Yantra.

He could no longer hear the crap coming out of the two of their mouths, but he somehow managed to calm himself and rested on Nadia’s l.a.p. However, once Ancestor Elizar Yantra left, he changed his mind and decided to make Ancestor Xanbas Goldsky his mindless slave instead of just silently leaving the way he came after obtaining a piece of evidence such as this.

With the Imagery Stone in his hand, he believed that he could play Ancestor Elizar Yantra to death at this point.

Nadia still had her gaze on Davis, her breathing turning a bit hard. Her cheeks held a crimson blush while her eyes also seemed to have gone a bit glazed.

While being with him, she could feel the pressure. He had become way stronger after spending all those nights with Isabella. As a result, he had become way more powerful than her but still, this scene where the enemy became instantly docile, helpless to do anything despite being in a higher stage than them...

What was power? In her eyes, this was it!

Nadia squirmed while being seated in her seiza position, feeling strange.

’I... I am going into heat...?’

She bit her lips, trying to control herself. She knew that this phenomenon would occur to her every once a decade after she m.a.t.u.r.ed as a Sunset Mountain Wolf. Each time she suppressed it with the help of her own will to find a better mate as she was the strongest in the entire region, but after meeting Davis, mutating two times and becoming a Dark-Winged Twilight Wolf, she didn’t know when she would experience it next.

And whether for good or bad, she went into heat while admiring Davis, the mate she d.e.s.i.r.ed even though he was a human.

Different from before, there was a character that she wanted to mate with, and it made her highly influenced, making her feel as if she could no longer control herself, her toes twitching, wanting to move towards him. However, she lowered her head, wanting to still suppress her overflowing d.e.s.i.r.es as she knew Davis wouldn’t wish for it at this moment.


Davis noticed that she was breathing heavily for no reason. Not getting a reply to his call, he became worried and walked towards her, placing a hand on her forehead.

"What the... You’re burning up. Are you fine, Nadia?"

Davis didn’t know what was happening with her and was about to use his soul sense to scour her body and soul for any abnormalities when it happened.



Davis became taken aback, his pupils becoming dumbfounded when he saw Nadia l.i.c.k.i.n.g him with her pink tongue. She was enthusiastic, and her golden eyes possessed this strange gleam that instantly told him the answer.

’She... She’s in heat!’

Davis panicked since he didn’t know what to do. He could just yank his arm away from her, but looking at the beauty l.i.c.k.i.n.g his fingers and taking it into her mouth, he became indecisive as his eyes also began to turn passionate.


Nadia licked and s.u.c.k.e.d, leaving her juicy saliva all over him. She looked like she didn’t have anything on her mind but these five fingers of his before her movements abruptly stopped.

Davis, who had his other arm slowly grasp her waist to lift her up and take her somewhere else, somewhere discreet while just thinking of commanding the mindless slave to seal his senses, also stopped when he sensed the sudden change.

Nadia let go of his arm and stared at him, blinking her limpid golden eyes.

"I... I managed to control it so easily..."

However, at this point, she should’ve been at the peak of her ecstasy, wanting to mate with Davis, but she had been easily able to come out of her heat?

Of course, at a certain point, she could no longer hold it and began to lick him without care, but wasn’t this too soon to be out of her heat?

From experience, she needed at least twenty minutes to regain herself from that muddled state, but now, before even a minute could pass, she came out of it as if she had never gone into heat.



The answer abruptly welled up in her mind as she spoke out.

Davis blinked before he understood.

"Of course, your King-Tier Bloodline saved you... Otherwise, the Queens would go into heat and possibly mate with the unintended or undeserved mate, which is detrimental to the species as it would net weak offspring."

Davis recalled the fact that female magical beasts do go into heat, differing in terms of the time period for each species. However, he didn’t know the exact time period as he wasn’t an expert in magical beast species, but till this moment, he also didn’t know that King-Tier female magical beasts have a short timespan of going into heat before they regain themselves. josei

"You got me there, Nadia..."

He ruefully shook his head, took his drenched hand away, and wiped it off with his sleeves to the embarrassment of Nadia.

"I apologize, Davis. I didn’t think-"

"It’s fine, Nadia." Davis interrupted with a smile, "Looking at a beauty such as you l.i.c.k.i.n.g my fingers was a sight for my sore eyes. Fortunately for you, I am already more than satisfied these past three months, or otherwise, I might’ve gone into heat instead. Hehe..."

Davis wryly chuckled, causing Nadia to shyly smile, her blush still relevant and becoming more prominent by the second before she almost appeared like an apple. She couldn’t believe what she just did, l.i.c.k.i.n.g his fingers to seduce him like that, leaving her drool all over his fingers and palm.

She didn’t say anything, and Davis thought she didn’t want to do it either because she was still understanding this strange feeling of love towards a human, so the room quickly became silent.



They both turned to look at each other again when Nadia bit her lips and spoke.

"I think I’m delusional."

"What do you mean?" Davis became confused.

"If I said that my bloodline is craving your strange energy from your soul sea, would you believe me?"

"You told me that before. I believe you, Nadia." He became solemn, "What happened?"

"I... I can feel my bloodline quality improving when constantly showered with that energy... Although the improvement is shallow, I can feel that my bloodline that stayed stagnant is heading towards someplace, to a substantial mutation..."

Davis’s eyes lit up as he heard Nadia’s low and unsure voice.

This was the news he wanted to hear!

Nadia was inside his soul sea all this time, and he let her stay that way so that she could receive some benefits from that tiny bit of energy that is reveling in the magical beast shelter. She said that she felt good from his energy and her bloodline liked it, so he was waiting for some kind of change to be shown or known, and there it was...!

Nadia finally said that his death energy was doing something to her bloodline, most likely making her head towards her next mutation.

However, he understood that the improvement was so slow that it might take years or decades for her to mutate. He couldn’t make her wait that long.

He began pondering over what he should do to rapidly increase her bloodline.

Nadia didn’t truly know if her bloodline was improving or her bloodline was craving this energy and submitting to him. Her haughty King-Tier bloodline that previously made her remain prideful wasn’t prideful anymore in front of him as it craved his strange energy. Perhaps, it was both, but she just couldn’t understand and wanted his input.

If there was a possibility for a third mutation, which she felt was impossible, then she wanted to see it through even if it meant death lying in wait at the end! She wanted to stay with him. Just one more increase of a rank in her bloodline status, and she could continue her journey with him.

"Alright, Nadia." Davis finally opened his mouth, "I’ll try to increase the threshold of the energy you’re receiving after we return. We can check that for starters, and if it works, we don’t need to necessarily worry about your mutation anymore as it would just be a matter of time."

Nadia nodded her head, a heartened smile filling up her expression.

Davis returned the nod.

He thought really hard but wasn’t able to come up with a solution to this problem other than increasing the threshold of the death energy the Transitory Beast Taming Pact was passively absorbing from his soul to nurture Nadia.

However, he also knew that there was a slight problem with it, or he would’ve done it long ago. He turned to look at the enslaved Ancestor, thinking if he could garner more information that he may have failed to find or look at from another angle that would be jeopardizing them.

"What is the matter that you want to hide the most from others?"

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