Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1603 – A Life Anew

Chapter 1603 – A Life Anew

Chapter 1603 – A Life Anew

However, Young Davis had already exhausted his strength by the end of the massacre, struggling through the forces, formations, Emperor Ruth, and even Isabella.

"Both of you.... stop!"

Isabella cried out with guilt encasing her soul for the ninth time as she stood in front of her father. Her eyes were full of tears as she didn’t expect such a thing to happen at all, much less Young Davis going berserk, almost killing her father in the process as he cut off his arm when he virtually targeted his head.

Only then did she take action to stop him, but it was already too late. Her imperial father was alive, but most of her half-siblings were dead, their corpses cut into many pieces on the hallways of the Imperial Palace.


Young Davis coldly uttered as he pointed his spear at her. His pupils were trembling from pointing his weapon at Isabella. One could see that he didn’t want to do such a thing just by the reaction of his trembling arms and pupils, but rage seethed in his heart, and his thoughts were clouded by hatred.

He needed to kill the people responsible no matter what.


Young Davis launched himself against Isabella. His spear rushed at Isabella when she did the same, swinging her sword against him.


Young Davis was sent flying from her attack while the spear in his hand was also struck away, but it was a given, considering that his current cultivation didn’t reach her level. It didn’t matter if he had energy left or not, but he would lose to Isabella. However, due to lacking energy with all three cultivation systems at this moment, he was surrounded, ready to be killed.


Tina Roxley came to his side as she lifted him up. She was fairly strong but not stronger than Davis. There was no way she could withstand the onslaught of the Ruth Empire.


"No one touches him!"

Isabella defended Davis as she stood before Young Davis and Tina Roxley.

Young Davis looked at her back as her figure superimposed with the big sister who first protected him from being bullied. Tears ran down his eyes while he no longer knew what to do.

"Leave! You’re no longer a part of my Ruth Empire! You’re exiled from now on! Don’t ever show up! Otherwise, I’ll kill you!"

Emperor Mark Ruth bellowed as he held his severed arm in his hand. His eyes appeared full of resentment as if he couldn’t believe that the child whom he protected and fed despite offending the Guardian Alliance went ahead and killed more than half of his family.

"Father, don’t be has-"

Isabella didn’t know what to do as she tried to placate both parties when a voice suddenly interrupted.

"I understand."

Davis stood up, lifted by Tina Roxley as he looked at them with cold eyes.

"Davis, what are you saying? Wai-"

"You’re no longer my big sister, Isabella."

Isabella’s body froze, her expression appearing pale, even aghast, as if she couldn’t believe what he said.

"I won’t pursue this matter anymore, but the next time we meet, we will be enemies."

Isabella turned to look back at Young Davis, but the moment her eyes laid on his serious yet indifferent expression that looked at her with hatred, her expression became deadpan.

"Let’s go..."

Young Davis unhesitatingly uttered. Tina Roxley couldn’t say anything. She just clasped him onto her and took him away.

Looking at Young Davis leave, Isabella’s deadpan expression didn’t change. Her sword was pointed downwards in defeat while there seemed to be no energy dwelling in her body to reply either. Her eyes appeared dull, her heart feeling broken.

The Young Davis’s words left her scarred for life.

Davis witnessed this spectacle in his blurry lens but really couldn’t find fault with Young Davis at this moment.

Young Davis’s mind was completely chaotic, clouded by hatred that he even came to see Isabella as the enemy since she sided with them. It didn’t matter to him if she was protecting her father at this moment because Mark Ruth failed to protect Clara from his perspective. They were all equally at fault, and since Isabella dared to protect such a being who was responsible for Clara’s death, he viewed her with enmity.

However, from the Ruth Empire’s side, it could be said that they ironically gave birth to their own calamity since Young Davis grew with their resources.

Even though Davis himself was enraged by these events, there was nothing he could do. He learned that pain when he sensed his father and mother die because there was nothing he could do other than watch through Young Davis’s eyes.

Fast forward a few days, Young Davis and Tina Roxley hid in an isolated place. As broken people who lost their little sisters, they consoled each other, both mentally and physically, growing in their relationship to the point that they became life pillars to each other.

Their bond as lovers became extremely strong.

However, one day, Young Davis was suddenly attacked by assassins. He managed to capture them, torture them to his heart’s content to vent the frustrations in his heart like a twisted psychopath and learned that they were from the Dark Earth Organization that the Raven Empire and Tritor Empire secretly operated.

"Those two bastards..."

Young Davis uttered with hatred. He hadn’t forgotten to take revenge for his father and mother, but it was unexpected that they would come to him.

"Taking this moment of weakness to finish me off, is it?"

Young Davis sneered. Unfortunately for them, he became quickly healed, and they underestimated his cultivation at the Martial Ascendance Stage.

A day later, Young Davis appeared in the skies of the Raven Empire before he made his way to its Imperial Palace.

Davis became shocked as he saw Ellia on Raven Emperor’s bed. Judging by her clothes, it seemed that she was a maid in this Imperial Palace?

Nevertheless, she appeared to have died while Emperor Raven looked visibly confused, wondering how this virgin woman would die when he had just begun to strip her naked.

Was he that ugly to her that she couldn’t bear and died?

Emperor Raven’s expression twisted into one of rage.

Young Davis didn’t care about that. He merely raised his hand from the rooftop of the palace and struck out with his fist. The entire room and the two naked people inside were blasted to death by his Earth Dragon’s Destructive Fist.

While Davis was in disbelief as he saw a grown-up, half-naked Ellia for the first time in his life, Young Davis moved on and went to the Tritor Empire and publically executed Emperor Tritor with a dragon’s grip to the head, crushing his head as it exploded into a bloody mess.

His name shook the hearts of the people with these two feats, but it became even more infamous when he spent the subsequent months slaughtering the remnants of the two empires, rooting out their existences from the Grand Sea Continent.

At the same time, the Ruth Empire began their world domination as they conquered the Grand Sea Continent. The other empires conceded and agreed to become kingdoms under their rule, but the Ashton Empire was adamant to the end, losing their Emperor and their lovely Shirley Ashton in a fair battle against the Ruth Empire’s Tyrant Empress.

That’s right. Isabella killed Shirley and her father in this supposed original fate, unifying the entire Grand Sea Continent. But she didn’t touch the fallen Loret Empire’s Capital that Young Davis reclaimed and made it his sole territory after clearing the dregs present.

Davis and Tina Roxley lived together in this territory before leaving for the Fifty-Two Territories.

At this point, the images abruptly turned extremely vague. Davis could no longer discern or even contrast, but Davis felt like he knew why. Because Young Davis already reached his current age, it was no longer the past but the future.

’So I can’t see past this...?’

Davis wondered with sorrow and melancholy prevalent in his emotions. He wanted to know his original fate’s ending while he mused that it wasn’t far off, considering the power scale of the Fifty-Two Territories. It was unlikely that both Young Davis and Tina Roxley would survive without Isabella protecting them.

Even then, the risk was enormous because he himself, a fate changer with Fallen Heaven, died to the whims of fate.

Nevertheless, everything suddenly turned black in his vision, making him aware that he was no longer observing his original fate.

’What kind of miserable life was that? Everyone just dies or commits suicides...’

Davis couldn’t help but scoff.

No, he felt that the cultivation world was just that extreme, full of violence and tragedy.

Committing suicide was just a way for women to defend their honor and virtue from being humiliated by deviants. As extreme as it was, it seemed to be a common denominator that appears in the minds of honorable women due to their faith in reincarnation.

Men were no different, thinking they were righteous and increasing their honor as they carried out slaughter and died for it on the battlefield.

’Is it like pressing the restart button to restart a game...?’ Davis wondered.

However, it’s not like they do it on their own. Fate decided for them to die that way as it more or less had a significant influence on their ends. josei

Otherwise, would he be able to see lifespans if their fates weren’t preordained?

Were the heavens just cruel? Was it the natural way of things?

Even now, Davis presumed that he died and was just being corrected by the reincarnation cycle showing his original life’ memories to send him off to the next life. That was just one of many assumptions.

If that was the case...

’Fuck! Release me already! I must grow up as soon as I can and retrieve what I lost... I must get Evelynn and the others back...!’

Davis hoped that they were still alive and escaped with the extra time he had given by eliminating most of the trouble that would come to haunt them after his death. Surely, retreating to the Grand Sea Continent in that time frame was easily achievable.

With this, even if he was reincarnated, he could make his way back. Now, he was a proper reincarnated cultivator who could cultivate tremendously faster with his knowledge as Davis Loret.

While Davis was thinking this without any form or feel, he suddenly felt a sharp feeling of chill outlining his non-existent body in the hollow space. The next second, the feeling of warmth encased his lower body.

’What...!? This... this feeling...’

Davis didn’t have a face at this moment, but if he had, it would appear as if his face was contorted in pleasure. Soon, that feeling of warmth overloaded, making him feel as though as if he was going to erupt, and he did, feeling his soul leave his non-existent body.

However, the feeling of warmth suddenly began to seep through his entire body, making him feel relaxed, his thoughts becoming blank as he let himself be embraced in that comfort.

It was unknown how much time passed.



Davis sucked in a deep amount of cold air as he sat up, taking in long and deep breaths as though his life depended on it. At the same time, his tightly closed eyes widened, an endless amount of white light filling his eyes before the other colors in the chromatic spectrum became discernible to him.

Davis could feel his senses return to him, the feeling of having a body, moving his hands and legs, breathing, and everything. It was all there, making him feel incredulous as he subconsciously raised his weak arms and looked at his pale palms, becoming redder by the second as his heart began to pump blood into every part of his body, including his lower body, as though he was experiencing morning wood.


Suddenly, two arms wrapped around his neck from the side, causing him to freeze. When he turned to look around, his expression quivered, momentarily unable to differentiate between reality and a long dream.

"Clara, you’re alive..."

He embraced her back as he wrapped his arms around her waist, tightly holding her as if he would never let her down in this life.

"That’s my line, dumb brother!~"

Clara shed tears of joy as she held her brother’s head over her bosoms, sniffling for a while before she separated from him, turning to look at the others who appeared dumbfounded by Davis’s recovery, unable to believe this sight as their eyes were full of incredulity.

Davis regained his emotions from flooding him, but when he turned to look at the others: Natalya, Isabella, and another person he didn’t expect to be here, his expression couldn’t help but tremble as a wave of disbelief washed over him.

He quickly turned to look at Clara. His lips couldn’t help but quiver as though he is in a frozen atmosphere. The chill he felt at that moment before being embraced by warmth was truly indescribable that he felt fear as to who it might’ve been.

"Clara, did you help me recover...?"

Clara’s smiling expression froze. Her cheeks adopted a crimson shade of embarrassment that she quickly raised her hand and pointed her finger towards the person Davis didn’t expect to be here.

Davis gulped, turning to look at the other side of the garden hall before he saw Shirley standing, looking at him with glazed eyes that were full of relief and joy, as similar as the others present.

Nevertheless, he sprang up from the bed and jolted towards Shirley, appearing in front of her as he took hold of her hands, abruptly sensing a response that was insignificant but easily distinguishable to his senses. His gaze moved between her belly and her beaming face before his mouth finally moved amidst the silence.

"Is... Is it our...?"

Shirley’s smile became even more of a shy one as she nodded her head and pounced on him, embracing him as tears flooded her eyes.

"It’s our child."

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