Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2782 Overlapping?

Chapter 2782 Overlapping?

Receiving a menacing look, Davis was slightly stumped to hear the Starlight Jade Wolf King's words that he was at a loss for words, not knowing how to reply to be compared to himself.

But still, he never knew he was held in such high regard by the Starlight Jade Wolf King, always thinking that something was up like a distrustful person.

"Well, if you want to enter the Aurora Cloud Gate, I won't stop you."josei

The Starlight Jade Wolf King turned to look away and continued, seeming not to pursue the answer to the previous question.

"With that kind of a good choice remaining than all these people or me, the only way I thought I could bind you is to offer a benefit that might make you consider. With your prowess, I know you can easily become a true disciple there, but I'll have you know that there are around a thousand true disciples who are at Immortal Stage there, making it so that they're the number one power whose younger generation is practically invincible, all because all the other major powers also send their youths to the Aurora Cloud Gate."

"Why don't you send your younger generation to the Aurora Cloud Gate, then...?"

Davis expected to see the Starlight Jade Wolf King's disciples there, but he never saw any, leaving him confused, but he didn't bother much until now.

"This King... uhmm... in search of his ultimate fantasy, got kicked out of the Aurora Cloud Gate multiple times... before he got completely banned, also causing his clan's disciples to be suspended for a period of ten thousand years..."


How embarrassed was he to be explaining it like that? Nonetheless, Davis couldn't help but look away and slightly chuckle.

Everyone was after Saintess Lunaria, but this one dude was after her immortal beast companion. He wanted to almost roll his eyes at this information but then became slightly somber as he also sensed a bit of tragic future inbound for him and the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan.

If the Starlight Jade Wolf King saw the Nine Lives Gracious Fox as something like one of his many goals to attain, then what are the chances that he would leave Everlight alone? His desire so went as far as to choose someone from another race as a King, so what if he came to know that Everlight was a Nine Lives Gracious Fox that mutated from a Light Sky Wolf? Wouldn't that be disastrous because he would be unable to let go?

Davis had no idea, nor did he want to have pessimistic thoughts about this matter.

'Wait a minute... Saintess Lunaria's Nine Lives Gracious Fox is a fox... how come she was willing to help the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan in the past...?'

Davis blinked before he felt intensely curious, turning to look at the Starlight Jade Wolf King.

"Is there a Nine Lives Gracious Fox Clan still out there, or was there in the past?"

"How can it be? There was no clan. There were only three mutated foxes that became Nine Lives Gracious Foxes, and that fox who deigned to save us was definitely the first, as far as I know. The other two were, unfortunately, killed for the important ingredients they hold in their bodies for creating avatars."

Davis raised his brows in shock, "No way. Aren't they supposed to be divine beings in our eyes?"

"Unfortunately, there are people out there who are ultimately vile. They wouldn't agree with you. Besides, it's also unknown if those Nine Lives Gracious Foxes were male or female, but the world came to a consensus that they were not females since they were not violated but killed quickly for resources."


Davis turned to look away, sighing gently as he suppressed his flooding anger. After being with Everlight, he knew how innocent of a species the Nine Lives Gracious Fox were, so for someone to harm them, he imagined those people must be quite evil, causing him to be incensed beyond compare.

However, he got his answer. Saintess Lunaria's fox had definitely mutated from a wolf like Everlight did. Otherwise, he could only imagine something else had happened between them for the Nine Lives Gracious Fox to have helped them.

But if it was really the case, he was slightly shaken inwardly as he felt that some past fates were overlapping again and again, like it was with Evelynn and the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid Empress, Hexena Xylusc.

The Starlight Jade Wolf King saw his reaction and lightly smiled. It was unknown what he was thinking. Nonetheless, he returned his gaze to the stage and saw Panqa and Lanqua get challenged by another power.

Davis also returned his gaze, appearing unmoved.

However, he saw that power was another power that owned a Province, not too strong, not too weak either to join this alliance.

'Are they exhausting them using numbers...? In that case, aren't they giving free wins for the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan?'

Davis couldn't help but wonder.

It has been made clear that the twins were more powerful than they looked and were actually conserving energy to even out the battles they would engage in, giving them more opportunities to win.

That's why they took a bit more time to defeat the Moon Purging Sect's disciples than necessary.

Indeed, within five minutes, the twins' figures flashed, and they steamrolled the opposing party's disciples, giving them two wins in total.

Just as he expected the Cyan Soul Rat Clan would challenge them next, no, it was another Immortal Emperor Grade power that owned a sole Province, causing Davis to become suspicious.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the twins obtained the third win and even the fourth win!

At this point, they were slightly exhausted. They could be seen gasping for breath, but another lesser power still sent two disciples, causing the twins to win again!

Five wins!


Davis didn't know what the fuck was going on as the powers seemed to have gone crazy to be sending weak opponents to exhaust them.

The Starlight Jade Wolf King also seemed a bit excited as his golden eyes shimmered, unable to believe that his power would get this many wins.

After all, there were only twenty-seven members in this alliance, and most of them were lesser powers that owned a Province, so calculating how many wins the others could possibly gain, the Starlight Jade Wolf Clan's odds of winning this segment were clearly high!

"Ah, these two beauties are too strong. Let us take the helm now."

Davis and the Starlight Jade Wolf King's flickered as they finally saw a major power challenge them, and it was none other than the Bloodcloud Family.

"Mo Tian, the Bloodcloud Family will offer you an Early Immortal Emperor Grade Armor and Gloves and two Mid Immortal King virgins if you would like to join us completely, or only the armaments if you would like to battle on the stage for us in this segment. What do you say?"


Davis was stunned while the Starlight Jade Wolf King glanced at the other powers standing up, appearing unwilling to let this opportunity go by.

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