Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3456 Little Davis And Little Evelynn

Chapter 3456 Little Davis And Little Evelynn

Davis rushed to see Evelynn. He couldn't wait to take a look at his son and daughter again, wondering if they had named them already.

He knew his son would most likely be named by Isabella, and as for his daughter, Evelynn should name her if anyone didn't have better names. He could think of many names, but whatever he thought, he imagined that they could think of it as well, especially Mingzhi since she could be familiar with the old world.

Nonetheless, he didn't care if they all thought the same or different. For all he cared, he could put the names on a waiting list and give them to the tons of children he was going to have.

He made it to the first wife's chamber and saw that it was a bit crowded.

This made him smile as he wished for them all to be always united.

Stepping into the chamber that was already open, Davis heard plenty of laughter.

He saw Isabella, Shirley, Mingzhi, Fiora, Niera, Lea, Nadia, Zestria, Shea, and Everlight present. They all had their undulations suppressed to the utmost level they possibly could, barely giving off any aura, but as soon as he stepped inside, he could sense their auras fluctuating with delight.

"My Emperor, you're back~"

Isabella instantly moved towards him, holding his arm, "Listen to this. We all had fun deciding little Evelynn's name, but we just can't seem to decide on it. Will you help us choose?"

"Oh? Does that mean my son's name is decided?"

"I did~" Isabella smirked ever so lightly before she pouted, "But Evelynn is pretty adamant on saying that she doesn't want the names to sound like it is related to poison or hex, but that is all we managed to come up with. I mean, as Evelynn's babies, they should carry her legacy, right?"

lightsΝοvel "Rejected."

Evelynn's voice resounded, causing Davis to turn and look at the lady behind the curtains on the bed.

She appeared to be still resting while leaning on the bed's headrest.

Davis blinked before he took a step forward and appeared before the curtains. He walked in on her, breastfeeding the two babies, each one suckling softly on both of her milky bosoms. At the same time, Evelynn didn't have her hair tied up and let it flow loosely, making his heart skip a beat at her natural beauty.

She smiled at him lovingly. Combined with her motherly figure, it simply made him want to protect her.

He was surprised that he didn't go crazy by seeing her bosoms, causing him to shake his head and sit by her side, thinking that perhaps the others were there.

Nonetheless, he caressed the one on the left and the nearest. It was little Evelynn who made him feel like she deserved the world because he first wished for a daughter when he married Evelynn so he could see their love bloom into something bigger and sweeter.

'Oops… I should not have a favorite child…'

Davis reminded himself whilst recalling Eterna and Celestia. They would be mad at little Evelynn if he placed her on a pedestal.

He pulled himself back and smiled at Evelynn.

"Were you so busy these last few days that you didn't bother to visit me?"

"Ugh…" Davis blinked as he heard Evelynn complain.

His smile turned awkward as he realized her pregnancy postpartum period could screw with her thoughts a lot, "Sorry, I wasn't that busy, but complications arose as I had to go help Stella again and save a few damsels in distress from impending danger."


Evelynn glared at him, but slowly but surely, her expression produced a sexy smile.

"You always like capturing the hearts of women, don't you?"

Davis remained silent as though he had no comment, but currently, he was awestruck by her smile. In his eyes, Evelynn was already mature, but right now, she looked as though she was the goddess of fertility, making him want to leap at her.

"Well, I obtained the main ingredient that would allow me to create the Chaotic Genesis Physique, so saving beauties doesn't matter, right?"


Evelynn's gaze flickered before her expression turned into one of delight, "Then you should go save some more beauties."


"I really mean it."


"No, I really mean it."

Davis tried to placate Evelynn, but she interrupted him quickly, her gaze stubborn.

"I would almost do anything if it means you can protect our children, and new women isn't anything new to me."josei

Davis raised his palm and clasped her cheek, caressing her softly.

"No, you're influenced by your after-pregnancy emotions right now, so calm down."


Evelynn touched the back of his hand and smilingly shook her head, "I get influenced by murderous thoughts every now and then because of my fey blood, so I'm used to it. Besides, I am your first wife, so I know I should keep a level head at all times, and it's the same this time. I am not necessarily recommending you to anyone, but I'm saying if it helps you become stronger by a large margin, then you should take it. You have a big family to protect now."


Davis could only smile at her change of mind.

While all the others were planning to lock him down with family laws, she stated something else. He didn't need to turn around to see many jaws dropping to the floor.

Nonetheless, he shook his head and leaned to kiss her lips.

Evelynn also leaned forward, sharing a light kiss with him. There was no sensuality in it, just pure affection and hopes for their future.

"If only you had the same energy for my child…"lights

Isabella was beside them, her voice sounding quite let down.

"Aha~ I'm sorry, third sister, but it seems like I care about my children more than I care about anyone else that I suddenly find myself vulnerable… wanting to have a safe space for these two and then… everyone else."

Evelynn caressed the head of her two babies softly, appearing fonder than ever.

"That's the way it should be." Isabella smirked, "It's time you became selfish, big sister Evelynn. Otherwise, we would feel bad for taking advantage of your kindness."

"I still love Celestia though. Perhaps we can send each other's kids to live in each other's unit as a form of training as we teach everything we know to them."

"I would love that~" Isabella smiled.

They promised each other when suddenly Isabella abruptly continued., "Now for the name-"


"Seriously, Hexander sounds so good. You're a master in Hex Laws, and Xander stands for defender of humanity, otherwise, family. He would be like his father, and using your Hex Laws, he would grow to be super strong and protect the family."

"No, you cannot name him with something that manifests a bad omen or appears inauspicious. No hex!"

"Evelynn, you dare not receive the name I thought of so long ago!?"

Isabella raised her chin and pointed at Evelynn, causing Evelynn to bite her lower lip.

"I'll settle for Exander."

"Isn't that the same? Hex-ander sounds cool."

Sparks flew between Evelynn and Isabella as they stared at each other.

"More importantly," Mingzhi suddenly intervened as she pushed open the curtain and smirked, "Don't you two think Styx Davis sounds cool for little Davis?"

"Again, no names related to ominous entities."

Evelynn retorted and raised her hand, causing Davis to hold her down and not make it uncomfortable for the babies.

"The River of Styx or Yellow River is said to be in the reincarnation cycle, cleansing the soul of numerous evil. Come on, big sister~"

Mingzhi pleaded, "Styx would be the best since she is your and Davis's child. She is literally the essence flowing from your hex and his reincarnation energy."


Evelynn's gaze shook.

She agreed that it sounded cool, but she really didn't want anything ominous for her children, making it difficult for her to agree. Suddenly, she couldn't help but look at Davis.

"You- what names do you have for our children?"


Davis wryly smiled, "I only thought of a few names for little Evelynn since Isabella was supposed to name our boy."

"Fine, tell me…"

Evelynn urged, causing Davis to nod after a pause.

"Well, I imagined that we could name her Viridia, lush and refreshing as a forest, resembling your green hair when I first met you while also signifying my naive love at first sight…"


"… or Luxeria, luxurious and full of luck, although I think that it would raise a flag instead."

Davis uttered before looking away from Evelynn's dreamy gaze.

He appeared to be slightly guilty, but no one managed to garner it and thought he was embarrassed instead.

In truth, both these names were derivations from some Immortal Emperor Grade Poison-Attributed Ores he knew, but they also coincidentally matched with nature, so he placed the name Viridia and Luxeria before Evelynn. Both sounded acceptable, and he imagined that he could call little Evelynn either Dia or Lux affectionately.

Actually, he could already imagine it.

Isabella, Mingzhi, and the others were momentarily taken aback. Although these names didn't imbue some intimidation within them, they sounded pleasant.

Compared to what they threw out, these names didn't seem to hold an ominous tone, so they made expressions that said they were quite agreeable.

"Don't think of it too much. If I couldn't name little Evelynn with these names, I would name yet-to-be-born daughters when they come into this world as I plan to have many."

Davis said in a self-righteous tone, causing everyone to almost roll their eyes, but what he said next warmed their hearts.

What's important is if the mother is satisfied with the name, so choose to your liking, my Hex Demoness."


Evelynn blushed.

Hex Demoness was extremely ominous, yet she didn't dislike it at all- no, grew to be highly fond of it, which caused her to reconsider her thoughts.

Only one chapter today. Meet you with 3 tomorrow.


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