Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 667 Making Things Clear

Chapter 667 Making Things Clear

Davis took a deep breath before he spoke!

"So what if I have some feelings for you, Isabella? You don’t seem to reciprocate it, saying that it is not appropriate..."

"You know what? I feel that it is not appropriate as well, having a relationship with you but does one’s heart listen to one’s mind, or does it even care about logic?"

"You seem to care about what other people think? You care about your dignity?"

"You know what? I’m precisely taking my wife for a fool and frolicking with you all. It’s a miracle that she still hasn’t left me yet! You think she doesn’t care about her dignity and right!?

"You think she doesn’t care about her own image!?"

"Even then, she sacrifices her entire self for me! I would give her my entire love rather than to like someone who seems haughty and full of herself!"

Davis heaved a solemn breath when he released all that he had in mind.

Indeed, he liked Princess Isabella and wanted to make her his but if she insisted otherwise, what can he do? Force her which wasn’t his way and clearly didn’t like?

Now, she was blaming him that he didn’t try his best! To such a woman who was full of herself, and only looked at her own skin, he didn’t want to give his time any longer.

Princess Isabella had a dumbfounded expression on her face. However, without her even knowing, tears were inadvertently cascading down her cheeks from his harsh words.

Her legs went limp and almost hit the ground as she keeled over. Her eyes were trembling and her lips were quivering as if she had lost something dear...

She clenched her fists and closed her eyes as her arms trembled, "It’s your fault for making me feel like this! I shouldn’t have even traveled with you! If I knew this would happen, I never would have invited you at that time!"

"Is that so? You are making it look like I made you cry? This isn’t something the Isabella I know would do..." Davis harrumphed, no longer feeling like berating her foolishness.

Princess Isabella didn’t seem to listen. The tears that she was trying to stop by wiping with her sleeves were still cascading down her cheeks as she became unable to stop it.

She couldn’t believe what was happening. For the first time in her life, she had broken down while crying for a man. However, another thought dominated her mind.

"E-Even now... You don’t feel like c-consoling me, do you?" She mumbled as her sight became blurry because of her tears. Even the cultivation path that she could clearly see before momentarily became blurry.

Davis turned away his head, feeling both exasperated and misgivings.

"You are not even his woman... How can he even console you?" Evelynn scoffed and jested, "If you want to be consoled, then why don’t you fly into my husband’s arms?"


It was as if a cool breeze spread around the area.

Before Davis could even react, Princess Isabella instantly threw herself to him as she tightly embraced him.

"You!" Davis became taken aback as he took a step back but her embrace was too powerful for him to even take another step back.

He blinked as he felt her warmth and her unique fragrance that invoked a sense of affection for this woman again. He narrowed his eyes in response.

"What are you thinking exactly Isabella? Didn’t you make it clear that my feelings would be never reciprocated by you? Why is the meaning of this then?"

"Isn’t it clear, husband? She wants to be ’consoled’ even though she was the one who had hurt herself by not accepting her own feelings..." Evelynn scoffed but she didn’t stop.

"Princess Isabella, you know that you like my husband yet you cannot express it because you feel that he is married and has me... What you do not know is that I already gave in to his request of having you!"

"Do you know how many days my husband and I mulled over this decision? But you on the other had made it seem like you were the only one who cared about propriety!"

Evelynn couldn’t help but angrily exclaim.

However, Princess Isabella seemed to tighten her hold on him even more as she let out tears, making it seem like she were in immense pain.

Davis looked at his wife take out her anger on Princess Isabella. He didn’t know what to say anymore as he felt that things had become a mess.

A few seconds ago, he definitely was not feeling well because of Princess Isabella’s rejection towards him but now she was here, embracing as if she wouldn’t let him go.

Where did all the caution for her future go? Did she throw it all to the wind?

He calmed down and recollected all these thoughts while still feeling her wet cheek beside his... feeling that he was harsh on her...

Perhaps all things weren’t lost?

"I didn’t think you were extremely selfish too, Isabella. Unfortunately for you, I’m already taken and you can’t have me all to yourself, hence, it’s best if you back away while you can, Isabella."

"Nevertheless, my feelings towards you still haven’t changed."

"I’ll give you ten seconds to decide your future. Move away if you want to end things between us right now or stay like this if you think otherwise."

Davis no longer said anything as he closed his eyes and blocked all senses. For these ten seconds, he felt that he should not influence her thoughts or be influenced by his own stray thoughts.

Evelynn looked at her husband take a final stance towards Princess Isabella. She knew that she was the one who made Princess Isabella fly into her husband’s arms as she couldn’t bear to look at her husband’s depressed expression.

She couldn’t even bear to look at them fight for something that was already set in stone. As far as she knew, they had liked each other but couldn’t get past their egos.

She felt that these two were so awkward that even she felt embarrassed and angry about standing in the middle of them.

A second passed...

Three... Six...


She could see that in the end, they both couldn’t let go of their adulterous feelings.

’In any case, he already formed a relationship with another woman, Natalya. A third woman wouldn’t make much of a difference.’

It made her feel a little uncomfortable seeing them together but if this made Davis satisfied, then she felt that it might be worth it.

She couldn’t help but smile wryly, ’What a foolish woman I am...’

Davis opened his eyes at the tenth second, released his senses as he saw that Princess Isabella was still embracing him in silence but it looks like she had already stopped crying.

And it seemed that she had made her decision as well.

Davis lifted his arm and embraced her back, feeling her softness on his arms as well as her breasts press against him. He moved his head and whispered to her ears that were just beside his lips. josei

"Do you love me, Isabella?"

"... I don’t know..." Princess Isabella finally spoke with a tearful voice, "All I feel is like that I don’t want to lose you..."

Davis wryly smiled. A temporary thought of not wanting to lose someone’s presence...

As far as he knew, such a feeling is a precursor to the beginning of a love affair.

"Unfortunately, your time is up. You can no longer extricate yourself from me, Isabella."

He slightly inclined his head and bit her soft ear lobe.


Princess Isabella felt a jolt in her body as she moved her head back in disbelief at his actions but then her eyes further widened in shock!

Davis pushed her lithe frame against him and took her soft red lips while taking advantage of her momentary lapse of realization.

His kiss was just a peck that led them both to know the sense and touch of their lips.

Princess Isabella’s eyes became half-open, just to make sure this wasn’t her imagination before she closed her eyes.

It was as if time itself had stopped for them as they stuck glued to each other.

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